

National Research Foundation Freestanding Scholarships 2010 in South Africa

National Research Foundation Freestanding Scholarships 2010 in South Africa

About NRF:
The National Research Foundation Freestanding scholarships previously called Prestigious and Equity (P&E) scholarships were introduced as a means of contributing towards human resource development by providing bursaries and scholarships to postgraduate students, based on merit and potential.

The scholarships are intended to support students studying towards research based degrees in all areas of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) and in Social Sciences and Humanities.

1. Applicants with non-binding contractual obligations are eligible to apply for the scholarship/fellowship with the exception of the PDP programme where successful candidates will have to sign a contract with the host institution.
2. Applicants who are in salaried employment or working more than 12 hours per week are not eligible to apply for the scholarship/fellowship.
3. Applicants with qualifications obtained in a language other than English should attach a certified English transcript of the qualification.

Selection Criteria
Eligible candidates are South African citizens who obtained an aggregate of at least 60% for the subject(s) with which they wish to pursue their postgraduate studies. Preference will be given to applicants who obtained their degree in the minimum prescribed period. In instances where the student took an additional year to obtain the previous degree, a strong motivation from the supervisor will be required.

Scholarship values
Honours: Rs. 20,000/- 1 year
Masters: Rs. 40,000/- 2 Years
Doctoral: Rs. 60,000/- 3 Years
Scholarship-holders may access a once-off travel grant of R 5 000 during the duration of Honours, Masters and Doctoral studies.

Application Deadline: 10 of August

Box 2600
South Africa
Phone numbers: +27 (0)12 481-4000
Fax number: +27 (0)12 349-1179
email address:


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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships