The Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Economic Development and Growth-MEDEG is a full-time masters programme organized by a consortium including three top-class European Universities:
Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain (coordinating institution)
University of Warwick – United Kingdom
University of Lund – Sweden
MEDEG lasts two academic years, includes 120 ECTS (60 ECTS/year), and consists of 14 or 16 course modules (depending on the two different mobility schemes available) delivered through a combination of lectures, classes, tutorials and essay writing with individual supervisors. Another key component of the programme are a 8.000-word research dissertations to be written at the end of the first year and a 15.000-word dissertation to be written at the of the second year, on subjects chosen by students in consultation with supervisors.
Students are mandatorily required to study in two different universities of the consortium. In each university, they have to remain for one year and complete 60 ECTS. More specifically, the possible combinations are:
(A) Warwick (1st year) – Lund (2nd year)
(B) Carlos III Madrid (1st year) – Lund (2nd year)
MEDEG students can choose to spend their first year either at the University of Warwick (Option A) or at Universidad Carlos III Madrid (Option B). Warwick targets English-speaking students oriented towards research on economic development and growth at academic level. Carlos III Madrid targets Spanish-speaking students wanting either to pursue a professional career as development economists at governmental agencies and international organizations or to carry out research in development economics and economic history at academic level.
The first term is common at both universities and provides basic courses in Macro- and Micro-economics, International Economics, Statistics and Econometrics at intermediate level. In the second term, advanced courses are taught in order to allow students to specialize in the field of Economic Development according to the expertise offered by the two Universities. Students at Warwick develop advanced skills in econometric analysis, and focus mainly on advanced research topics in economic history, macro- and micro-topics in development and transition. Students at Carlos III focus on the analysis of different facets of economic development with a special emphasis on demography, inequality and poverty, and privilege Latin America as their main field of analysis. In both Universities the 3rd term of the first year is devoted to preparing an 8.000-word final dissertation. First year courses end up with a general workshop of one week in which MEDEG students from both options receive advanced training on specific topics by specialist from consortium universities and external experts. Students with the highest-quality first-year dissertations will also present the results of their research and discuss them with experts.
In the second year MEDEG students move to the Lund University to receive education and training in a series of advanced courses on different aspects of long-run economic development and growth. Thanks to the wide scope of expertise available at Lund and mobility schemes which allow instructors from both Warwick and Carlos III Madrid to move to Lund for one term, students can choose among a high number of courses on topics as varied and diverse as comparative patterns of economic change, technological change and innovation, inequality and living standards, economic demography, energy and sustainability, globalization and growth. In addition methodological courses are also offered on advanced quantitative and research methods. Some of these courses will be offered by experts from Warwick and Carlos III Madrid, thus enhancing the intra-consortium mobility of scholars (see below) and further expanding the range of specialized topics offered to students. At the end of the second year students are required to write a second 15.000-word dissertation with a high-level component of innovative research.
Application forms
Reference form
CV Form
Students applying both for admission to the Master AND for Erasmus Mundus scholarships:
First deadline: 30th of November 2010 for students from Third Countries
Second deadline: 15 of January 2011 for students from European countries
Students who apply only for admission to the Master and do not want to apply to Erasmus Mundus scholarships, can apply at any time before 30th of June, 2011
Submissions should be sent to the following address:
Enquiries and information:
MEDEG-Erasmus Mundus Master in Economic Development and Growth
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarship in Economic Development and Growth (MEDEG) 2011
The Royal Veterinary College Undergraduate Veterinary Scholarship for International Students, UK
The Royal Veterinary College, London, has three scholarships available for international students studying for a degree in veterinary medicine. The scholarships are to the value of one full year of fees and are distributed over the duration of the degree. Scholarships awarded are based on overall performance during the admissions process. Please see website for full details.
Contact Person:
Nina Davies,
Head of Undergraduate Student Recruitment
Contact Address:
The Royal Veterinary College
Royal College Street
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) PhD Scholarship 2011
PhD students apply for and enter a specific degree program. A faculty advisor is either immediately designated (in the case of a student being recruited by a specific faculty member) or temporarily assigned (in the case of KAUST fellowship students); in the latter case, the student is expected to identify a research advisor by (at the latest) the end of the first year. There are two phases and associated milestones for PhD students: (i) a qualification phase with a candidacy milestone and (ii) a dissertation phase with a final defense milestone.
Qualification and advancement to candidacy are contingent upon: (i) successfully passing PhD coursework, (ii) designating a research advisor, and (iii) preparing a written, and orally defending, a research proposal. Individual degree programs may, at their discretion, also require a subject-comprehensive examination (probing coursework and knowledge of other relevant subject areas); possible outcomes include pass, failure with complete retake, failures with partial retake, and failure with no retake. The maximum time for advancement to candidacy for a student entering with an MS degree is two years, three years for the BSc-degree entry option.
A minimum of 6 credit hours of actual PhD coursework (300 or 400 level) is required (not including directed research) beyond the MS degree. For students who enter with a BSc degree, 30 additional credit hours are required, equivalent to MS degree coursework and can include a thesis. However, individual degree programs may, at their discretion, require a higher number of credit hours (including directed research). Some degree programs may implement a diagnostic entrance exam as a basis for admission, and students may be required to complete additional coursework depending on their degree-granting institution. In the case of the MS degree being from another major/degree program, there may be additional deficiency courses required specified by the advisor. Courses designated should be relevant to the dissertation topic, if defined, and/or proposed general area of research. A minimum GPA of 3.0 must be achieved on all doctoral coursework.
Besides actual coursework (6 or more credit hours), 60 credit hours of dissertation research (397) credit must be earned during the first (proposal preparation and defense) and second phases. A full-time workload for PhD students is considered to be 12 credit hours per semester (course and 397) and 6 credit hours in summer (397). There is a minimum residency requirement (enrollment period at KAUST) of 2.5 years for students entering with an MS degree, 3.5 years for students entering with a BSc degree. The maximum enrollment period is 5.0 years, extendable upon approval of both the faculty research advisor and division dean.
Achieving candidacy is contingent upon successfully passing both parts of a two-part qualification examination consisting of acceptance by the research advisor of a written research proposal and successfully passing an oral examination thereof. The proposal examination committee shall consist of a minimum of three KAUST faculty members, one of whom must be external to the degree program. There are four possible outcomes: pass, conditional pass, failure with retake permitted, and failure. Passing the qualification phase is achieved by acceptance of all committee members of the written proposal and a positive vote of all but, at most, one member of the oral exam. If more than one member casts a negative vote, one retake of the oral defense is permitted if the entire committee agrees. A conditional pass involves conditions (e.g., another course in a perceived area of weakness) imposed by the committee, with the conditional status removed when the conditions have been met. Once constituted, the composition of the qualification phase committee can only be changed upon approval by both the faculty research advisor and the division dean.
The final (dissertation) phase involves acceptance of the written dissertation and an oral defense thereof. The final examination committee shall consist of a minimum of four members, one of whom should be a KAUST faculty member external to the degree program and one of whom should be external to KAUST (holding a faculty position or equivalent position at another institution, with approval by both the faculty research advisor and division dean). The only requirement for commonality with the proposal examination committee is the research advisor, although it is expected that other members will carry forward to the dissertation committee. Passing the dissertation phase is achieved by acceptance of all committee members of the written dissertation, with a minimum of a positive vote of all but, at most, one member of the oral defense. If more than one member casts a negative vote, one retake of the oral defense is permitted if the entire committee agrees. A fifth non-voting KAUST faculty member, appointed by the division dean, shall serve as a faculty monitor to ensure that the established protocol is followed, and the required forms are completed.
Note: Students transferring from other PhD programs may receive some dissertation research and coursework credit, on a case by case basis, for related work performed at their original institution. However, such students still must satisfy the written and oral requirements for a research proposal (if this phase was passed at the osriginal institute, the proposal may be the same). The minimum residency requirement for enrollment of such students at KAUST is 2.0 years.
Application Deadline
The preferred application deadline is October 15, 2010 for Ph.D. programs starting in January 2011. Thereafter, students are welcome to apply and be considered on a rolling admission basis.
The application deadline is January 15, 2011 for MS and Ph.D. programs starting in September 2011. Thereafter, students are welcome to apply and be considered on a rolling admission basis.
It should be noted that most programs have no formal closing date, however some programs will fill quickly and you are advised to apply and complete your application before April 2011. This is to ensure facilitation of the visa application and relocation process.
Submit an official university transcript from every institution previously attended. A scan of the unofficial transcript should be uploaded into the online application form. also an official transcript must be sent directly from the university in a university sealed envelope to:
Contact the Office of Admission
KSA Office: +966 (2) 808 3428
Graduate Affairs,
Engineering Building (Building 9), Suite 4328
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
More information :
UC International Student Undergraduate Scholarship 2011, New Zealand
These scholarships were established in 2010 to recognise and support top achieving international students who have gained University Entrance in New Zealand and who will commence an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Canterbury. The first awards will be made in 2011.
The scholarships shall be awarded to international students who intend to begin their first year of an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Canterbury, who have completed or are completing a university entrance qualification, and who attended school in the year of application or nomination.
Students with New Zealand or Australian citizenship, or New Zealand Permanent Residency, are not eligible for these scholarships.
Amount up to $5,000 towards the payment of first-year tuition fees
Tenure 1 year
Closing Dates 01 Oct 2010
Please note that applications forms are only available from approximately 8 weeks ahead of the closing date. For external scholarships, please refer to details on the External Web Site below.
Regulations uc_intl_student__ug (pdf, 8.5KB)
Application Form uc_intl_student_ug_appl.doc (doc, 112.0KB)
Keywords Application = Application required only
College = General (any College)
Level = Prospective Students
Level = Undergraduate
Specifically for = International Students
Application Deadline : 1 October 2010
Master/PhD Gates Cambridge Scholarships 2011 For Outside UK Students
Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students from outside the UK to study at the University of Cambridge. The programme aims to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others.
Applications for 2011 are now open!
Application material for Gates Cambridge Scholarships and graduate admission to the University of Cambridge for 2011-12 entry is now available from the University’s Graduate Studies Prospectus.
Most applicants will apply simultaneously for graduate admission to the University of Cambridge and for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship using one application form (GRADSAF). As well as the GRADSAF form, applicants must also submit supporting documentation (e.g. three references, transcripts and any other material required by the University). Full details are available from the Graduate Studies Prospectus.
Applicants for the MBA and MFin programmes run by the Judge Business School should see these websites for information about how to apply for admission and a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
Before submitting an application all applicants are strongly encouraged to read through the entire ‘apply’ section of this website.
Please note:
* The Trust no longer offers scholarships for a second undergraduate degree.
* The Trust does not admit or place scholars.
Who is Eligible
Candidates for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship:
may be citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.
may apply to study any subject available at the University of Cambridge.
may apply to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study:
PhD (three year research-only degree)
One year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
MSc or MLitt (two year research-only degree)
MBBChir Clinical Studies (four year postgraduate degree)
must be admitted to one of the degrees above at Cambridge through the University’s normal admission procedures. The Trust does not admit students.
must be well prepared for the Cambridge course for which they are applying and must meet all of the conditions for admission specified by the University (e.g. academic, English language proficiency, if required, and any other conditions set).
must be able to show evidence of high academic achievement, leadership potential, social commitment and a good fit with Cambridge.
who are already studying at Cambridge are only eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if they are applying for a new course of study (e.g. a one year ‘MPhil only’ student may apply for funding to continue on to the PhD). Candidates already studying at Cambridge who are not applying for a new course of study (e.g. have already started their PhD) are not eligible to be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
The Ideal Candidate
There is no one template for a Gates Scholar: each scholar is different and brings something unique to the programme.
However, when selecting Gates Scholars, the Trust looks for students with enthusiasm, robustness of intellect, a willingness to engage and an appropriate humility that comes from an awareness that nothing is ever really simple.
In particular, Gates Scholars will be driven by the values of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which include a commitment to reducing inequities and improving lives around the world. The Foundation’s mission is to increase opportunity and equity for those most in need, particularly in the areas of health and education, often through the use of science and technology.
The Trust expects a good match to be made between the applicant’s qualifications and aspirations and what Cambridge has to offer. Successful applicants will have the ability to make a significant contribution to their discipline while in Cambridge, with a strong aptitude for research, analysis and a creative approach to defining and solving problems.
A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge, namely:
the University Composition Fee and College fees at the appropriate rate*
a maintenance allowance for a single student (£12, 500 for 12 months at the 2009-10 rate; pro rata for courses shorter then 12 months)
one economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course
A discretionary contribution towards the costs of supporting dependants at Cambridge (upon application).
Once in residence, Gates Scholars may apply for financial help with the costs of attending conferences, undertaking fieldwork and other activities.
*The University Composition Fee varies for different types of students and applicants should see the Graduate Studies Prospectus for full details about precise amounts. Where a student from the European Union has been successful in gaining a fees award from public authorities, the Trust will not pay these fees.
Application Timetable
There are two application cycles: one for US citizens and one for non-US citizens.
What stage? USA Non USA
Application deadline 15 October 2010 1 December 2010
Departmental ranking November February
Trust shortlisting Mid-December Early March
Shortlisted candidates invited to interview Mid-December Early March
Interviews Early February Late March
Scholarships offered Early February Late March
NB: US citizens who are already at studying at the University of Cambridge may apply the later deadline of 1 December.
For further details and application go to:
Saxion University Bachelor Scholarships, Netherlands
Saxion University of Applied Sciences offer their own bachelor scholarships for talented (non-European) students.
Saxion Talent Scholarship (STS)
For talented students a partial scholarship is available that will give a substantial reduction on the tuition fee.
Am I eligible?
You must have admission to one of Saxion’s International Bachelor programmes as a new student in the bachelor programme,
You must be a student with a nationality from outside the EU/EEA,
Scholarships are only awarded for programmes of at least 6-month duration
Scholarships are awarded for one academic year.
Saxion Top Talent Scholarship (STTS)
This scholarship is for excellent and very talented (non-European) students and covers the tuition fee, with exception of the governmental registration fee which is approximately € 1,672.- (for 2010/2011).
Am I eligible?
You must have outstanding study results, with an average mark of 75% or higher,
You must have an IELTS score of 6.5 or higher,
You must be in or starting the admission procedure to one of Saxion’s International Bachelor Programmes as a new student in the bachelor programme,
You must be a student with a nationality from outside the EU/EEA,
Scholarships are only awarded for programmes of at least 6-month duration,
Scholarships are awarded for one academic year.
Can I apply for a scholarship?
Saxion Talent Scholarship
The application for your Bachelor course, will also count as application for the Saxion Talent Scholarship. If you meet the entry requirements, the scholarship will automatically be granted to you on a first come, first served basis. You don’t have to fill in another application form for just the scholarship. The total number of available scholarships is limited.
Saxion Top Talent Scholarship
To apply for the Top Talent Scholarship you have to fill in the application form, you can download this form here:
MS Word document, 108KB
PDF document, 92KB
Please fill in the form and send it to us, preferably with your application form. You can find our contact details here:
Please note
Saxion Talent Scholarships are never paid in cash or transferred to a bank account. The scholarships are always deducted from the package fee. Allocation of scholarships is only possible after official enrolment or re-enrolment in each academic year.
[Thailand] Siam Cement Group Foundation Scholarship Program for ASEAN Nationals 2011
Friday, 24 September 2010 (For SIIT)
Friday, 15 October 2010 (For AIT and ABAC)
Siam Cement Group (SCG) Foundation provides scholarships for the government staff and general public in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Indonesia to pursue their studies in the Bachelor, Master or Doctoral level at the leading educational institutions in Thailand.
SCG Foundation was established to carry out activities dedicated to social contribution, human resources development especially of children and youth, creating sustainable benefits for all the communities and countries where SCG operates.
SCG Foundation is committed to expanding educational opportunities to the Southeast Asian countries in the hope of helping to develop their human resources so they can contribute to the development of their own countries.
For this year,SCG Foundation also continue offering scholarships opportunities to talent students of ASEAN countries to come study in Thailand
Numbers and Fields of Scholarships
(Degree - Field of Study - University)
Master - Chemical Engineering - Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology
Master - Business Administration - Assumption University of Thailand
Master - Mechanical Engineering - Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology
Master - Business Administration - ssumption University of Thailand
Master - Engineering(Industrial Engineering/Energy) - Asian Institute of Technology
The Philippines
Master - Engineering (Pulp and Paper) - Asian Institute of Technology
Eligibility Qualifications:
For Master Degree
Last year university student OR recent graduates with work experience 0 – 2 years
GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 scale (7.00/10.00 scale for Vietnam)
GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 scale for Cambodia
GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 scale for Indonesia
GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 scale (or equal GWA 2.00-1.00 for The Philippines)
How to Apply:
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Step 1: Type 1-page essay and e-mail to
Topic: "My Intention to Contribute to Society, if I am granted the Scholarship"
Step 2: All candidates MUST apply directly at
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT)
Step 1: Type 1-page essay and e-mail to
Topic: "My Intention to Contribute to Society, if I am granted the Scholarship"
Step 2: Click here for download SIIT application (PDF) and e-mail to together with Transcript, Letter of Recommendation
Assumption University of Thailand (ABAC)
Step 1: Type 1-page essay and e-mail to
Topic: "My Intention to Contribute to Society, if I am granted the Scholarship"
Step 2: Click here for download ABAC application (PDF) and e-mail to together with Transcript, Letter of Recommendation
Application Deadline:
Friday, 24 September 2010 (For SIIT)
Friday, 15 October 2010 (For AIT and ABAC)
Semester Begins:
Asian Institute of Technology: January 2011
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology: November 2010
Assumption University of Thailand: January 2011
Click here to read more information about Siam Cement Group Foundation Scholarship Program for ASEAN Nationals 2011
Erasmus Mundus Grant for South East Asian for Lotus Project
Deadline: September 30, 2010
Lotus is an Erasmus Mundus Action Two Partnership (EMA2) of European and South-East Asian Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Associations aiming at fostering mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and South-East Asia (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand), through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level and to co-operate in the following program activities:
Mobility of undergraduate and graduate students
Mobility of PhD students
Post-doc mobility
Academic and administrative staff mobility
The types of mobility to be funded are:
For students: undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate mobility opportunities
For academic staff: exchanges for the purposes of teaching, practical training and research
This project is to give South-East Asian students and staff the possibility to go to a European University to improve, enrich, learn, experience, .... their own knowledge and skills.
Please bear in mind that the scholarships are only granted to South-East Asian students and staff coming to Europe.
The grant covers:
monthly subsistence allowance
travel ticket
tuition fee
To enable students to benefit in a linguistic, cultural and educational way from the experience of pursuing academic studies in another country, all students should have a thorough command of English.
Click here for more information about Erasmus Mundus Grant for South East Asian for Lotus Project
Click here to access Online Application
[Italy] PhD Scholarship in Mechanical Design of Compliant Robots, IIT RBCS Genoa
Deadline: September 24, 2010
The Department of Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa is opening a PhD position in the area of mechanical design of compliant robots.
University of Westminster Full Scholarships 2011 for Master Degree
These generous awards are aimed at fully funding you if you are from a developing country and will study a full-time Masters degree at the University. Particular preference will be given to you if you can demonstrate how the knowledge you acquire from your studies will aid the development of your own country.
Amount: Full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
Eligibility: You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree.
Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
The deadline for scholarship applications for January 2011 is 1 November 2010 unless otherwise specified.
Further information:
Application Form:
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis (AFEPA) 2011-2012
The European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis aims at providing a high quality education in designing and assessing public policies targeted to the agricultural and food sector as well as the rural environment. This European Master responds to the increasing need to better understand and anticipate the various and often complex socio-economic and environmental effects of these policies either in a functioning market economy as in the European Union or in economies in a development or transition phase. The European Master offers a two-year academic curriculum with integrated and advanced theoretical, methodological and empirical courses in economics and quantitative methods as well as in agricultural, food and environmental sciences, agricultural and trade policy, environmental and natural resource policy, rural development policy and agribusiness management and market analysis. To connect theory and methodology to practice, a problem solving project is developed and presented as a master thesis at the end of the two-year curriculum.
The European Master is jointly organised by five leading European educational and research institutions:
the Corvinius University of Budapest (CUB) in Hungary,
the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Sweden,
the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn (UBonn) in Germany,
the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium and
the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Spain.
These five partner universities are recognised worldwide for the quality of their educational programme and scientific achievements in agricultural, environmental and economic sciences. The required 120 ECTS credit points are structured into three blocks: a minimum of two semesters of studies (55 ECTS) at a first partner university, as well as two semesters of studies (60 ECTS) at a second partner university, and two joint summer schools (5 ECTS) at partner universities. The language of instruction and examination is English for most of the courses in three partner universities while it is either French at UCL or Spanish at UPC for most of the courses. The Master degree is awarded as a double degree from the two home and host universities.
This European Master is accessible to candidates holding a bachelor degree or a recognized equivalent academic degree with a minimum of 180 ECTS or 3 years university study from an accredited institution, with sufficient undergraduate training in economics and agricultural or environmental sciences, with an excellent scholastic average, and with fluency in English but also French or Spanish if attending either UCL or UPC respectively.
Recipients of this European Master are qualified to understand the fundamentals of public policies oriented to the agricultural and food sector, rural areas and natural resources, develop and use quantitative methods to perform rigorous socio-economic and environmental assessment of these public policies, and provide sound and relevant policy recommendations for a more sustainable development of this sector and rural areas. They are qualified to take responsibilities in international, national and regional agencies, non-governmental organisations, consultancy firms, professional organisations and private companies.
Main area: Social sciences (including economics), cultural sciences
Second area: Agricultural and forestry sciences
Third area: Geography, earth and environmental studies
At the end of the course, graduated students will be awarded a double degree.
Applications for admission to the AFEPA programme and for Erasmus Mundus schlolarships for the 2010-11 academic year are now closed. European and non-European students can apply again for admission and Erasmus Mundus (EM) scholarships for the 2011-12 academic year from September 1, 2010 to January 10, 2011. For students that do not want to apply for a EM scholarship, the deadlines are March 31, 2011 for non-European applicants and June 30, 2011 for European applicants.
Fees, scholarships and insurance
Tuiton fees
The AFEPA consortium charges European students and non-European students a flat and common tuition fee of 3,000 Euro and 6,000 Euro per year respectively to cover the costs of selection, registration, university tuition, summer schools, course exams, thesis examination, local language support, library access, insurances, and administrative expenditures for the four-semester period. This flat rate is the same whatever the itinerary of the Master student. It does not include travel and accommodation costs and all other costs related to application documents, visas and residence permits.
Admitted European and non-European students pay an advance payment of 200 Euro in deduction to the tuition fee to secure their enrolment in the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis as soon as they have received the official email of admission from the AFEPA Management Board. For students that are not recipients of an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, enrolment in the AFEPA European Master is only official after the payment of the balance of the annual tuition fee during the first two weeks of the first semester of the academic programme. Tuition fees are centrally paid to a unique bank account open for the coordinating institution.
Student scholarships
* Erasmus Mundus scholarships for non-European students (Category A)
The Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union awards a limited number of individual scholarships to non-European applicants to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis. When non-European candidates apply for admission to the AFEPA European Master, they can also apply for this scholarship programme using the same application form by the same deadline. If non-European candidates applying for this scholarship programme are admitted to the AFEPA European Master but are not offered an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, then admitted candidates cover the tuition fees and all other expenses with funding from an alternative scholarship programme or private sources.
For a non-European applicant, the scholarship amounts to:
a total contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs € 8,000
a contribution to cover the tuiton fees of the European Master € 3,000 per semester
a monthly allowance € 1,000 per month
Following the 2009-13 Erasmus Mundus programme guide, without prejudice to high academic standards, no more than two of the applicants selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship should have the same nationality to ensure geographical diversity scholarship holders.
* Erasmus Mundus scholarships for European students (Category B)
The Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union awards a limited number of individual sholarships to European applicants to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis. When European candidates apply for admission to the AFEPA European Master, they can also apply for this scholarship programme using the same application form by the same deadline. If European candidates applying for this scholarship programme are admitted to the AFEPA European Master but are not offered an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, then admitted candidates cover the tuition fees and all other expenses with funding from an alternative scholarship programme or private sources.
For a European applicant, the scholarship amounts to:
a contribution to the tuiton fees of the European Master € 1,500 per semester
a monthly allowance € 500 per month
There is no contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs.
Following the 2009-13 Erasmus Mundus programme guide, without prejudice to high academic standards, no more than two of the applicants selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship should have the same nationality to ensure geographical diversity scholarship holders.
Note that Erasmus Mundus considers as European students:
students who are nationals from the 27 EU Member States (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, UK, Sweden, Bulgaria, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania);
students who are nationals from one of the EEA-EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway);
students who have resided or carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than 12 months over the past five years (preceding the start of the academic year) in any of the above countries
Erasmus Mundus considers all other students as non-European students.
Students who hold an Erasmus Mundus scholarship or have paid their tuition fees benefit from an health insurance coverage for the entire two-year period of the AFEPA Master programme.
The coverage concerns:
Accidental death
Permanent invalidity due to an accident
Costs of treatments following an accident / sickness
Costs of urgent dental care
Assistance to persons
Civil liability
For specifics on the coverage go to
The tuition fees cover such insurance scheme.
On-line application and downloadable forms
The candidates fill out their on-line application form, lock their application form once their form is completely filled and ready to be submitted, and print their pdf application form. Pay attention that once the application form is locked, the candidates can not return to their application form for subsequent modifications. Adapt your navigator to the English language to fill in the on-line application form.
To apply, click here to fill out the application form
The two academic referees fill out the downloadable reference form in English, sign it, save it under the file name ‘RF_CandidateLastName_RefereeLastName.doc’ or ‘RF_CandidateLastName_RefereeLastName.pdf’ and send it to
Reference form in the AFEPA preformatted version
The candidates sign the pdf application form and post it with the following requested documents:
their two reference forms in the AFEPA preformatted version from their university from which they received their Bachelor or, eventually, Master degree
a certified copy of their passport or identification card
the officially certified copies of their following academic certificates:
school-leaving certificate giving the right of entry to higher education in the candidate’s home country (with individual grades)
all university end-of-year exam certificates (with individual grades)
University diploma or degree certificate indicating the final grade(s) and ranking if available
NB: All certificates must be accompanied by an explanation of the grading system in English. Copies of certificates must be officially certified and submitted preferably on DIN A4 or A5 paper. Copies of documents may be certified as true copies of the originals with a stamp and signature by one of the following authorities: Embassy, Consulate, or the university which conferred the degree. Original certificates will not be needed until registration at the universities.
language certificates as evidence of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, First certificate of English or equivalent, or letter from the university stating that the language of instruction is English)
language certificates as evidence of French (e.g., DELF) and Spanish (e.g., DELE) knowledge for candidates who choose to study at UCL and UPC, respectively, when French and Spanish are neither their mother tongue nor the language of their past study
a recent photo attached to the paper version of their application form
proofs of work, training or research experience, if related to the AFEPA domain.
To be accepted, the application form and the reference forms have to be written in English in the AFEPA preformatted version. Any incomplete application file will be rejected. Any official document in language different from English, French or Spanish has to be accompanied by a translated version in one of these three languages certified by an official authority.
The candidates send the signed paper version of their application form with all required documents before the specific deadline to the postal address of the consortium office located at the coordinating institution:
AFEPA European Master Programme
Unité d’économie rurale
Université catholique de Louvain
Place de la Croix du Sud, 2/15
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium
Nottingham Business School MBA Scholarships 2011-2012, UK
For the 2011/12 programme, the School is offering a number of scholarships for the Nottingham MBA. The School will only consider you eligible for a scholarship once you have been offered a place on the programme and have accepted your place by paying the course deposit.
Nottingham MBA Leadership Scholarships
The Nottingham MBA has a number of competitive scholarships available to all self-funding applicants. We award scholarships to exceptional candidates on individual merit, considering the following criteria:
Academic achievement to date
Career experience and progression to date
The quality of your application
Your potential to contribute to the learning experience of the programme
If you are awarded a scholarship, the Business School may ask you to become an Ambassador to support and promote the Nottingham MBA.
Nottingham MBA International Scholarships
The Business School provides several half fee scholarships for nationals from particular countries who want to student for the full-time MBA.
If you are awarded a scholarship, the Business School may ask you to become an Ambassador to support and promote the Nottingham MBA.
International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR) Scholarships
The ICCSR will be providing scholarships and bursaries for exceptional candidates.
Other Scholarships
The JJ Salmon Scholarship.
£500 bursaries may be offered to Home/EU candidates with a background in science.
The Sir John Anstey Scholarship.
Several bursaries (up to £500 each) are available towards travel costs within Europe that are associated with the management project.
Applying and deadlines
The deadline for all scholarship applications is Friday May 27th, 2011.
No decisions can be made until after the closing date.
If you have queries in respect of any of the above scholarships, please contact the MBA Office:
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 5500, Email:
450 Scholarships for Students of 10+/ITI, Engineering, MBBS and MBA Courses, India
Indian Oil Academic Scholarships-Indian Oil Corporation Limited – India’s largest commercial enterprise and the No.1 Indian Company in Fortune ‘Global 500′ listing – awards 450 Scholarships for meritorious students all over India, under the IndianOil Scholarships Scheme for each academic year.
As part of IndianOil’s social responsibility programme, the scheme provides for attractive scholarships to bright students selected on ‘merit-cum-means’ basis. For each academic year, 450 scholarships covering the first year students of 10+ / ITI, Engineering, MBBS and MBA, have been formally announced through newspaper advertisements inviting applications under the IndianOil Scholarships Scheme.
As part of the scheme, special encouragement is being given to girl students, physically challenged students, and students from J & K as well as the Northeast States.
Eligibility : Students pursuing full time courses in these streams & studying in Schools/Colleges/Institutions/Universities recognised by MCI/AICTE/State Education Boards/State Govt./ICSC/CBSE/Central Govt./Association of Indian Universities,shall be eligible to apply. The student should have bonafide admission in the first year of School/College/Institute/University in the academic year 2010-11. Students of two year full time post graduate courses in Business Administration/Management recognised by Central/State Govt. Association of Indian universities and which are equivalent to MBA, are eligible for management stream Scholarship. Students having confirmed admission in the first year of full time engineering degree course. MBBS, MBA and also 11th standard as well as those inthe 1st year of 2 yer ITI course are eligible to apply. In case of graduates, the average percentage of marks of all the academic years shall be treated as eligibility marks . Minimum eligibility percentage of marks for various categories will be as indicated above. Gross Joint income of the family of the candidate from all sources(during financial year 2009-2010)should not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only). Income certificates should be issued by Competent Revenue Authorities only. he marks obtained in the examination making the students eligible to sek admission in the respective first year of these courses will be considered for selection. Criterion for selection will be merit and family’s income. Wards of employees of IOCL, its joint Venture and Subsidiary companies & ABC Assessment Services are not eligible to apply.
Age limit : Minimum 15 years and maximum 30 years as on 01.09.2010. Persons born between 01.09.1980 and 01.09.1995 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply.
Last date : Completed application form in respect of candidates who are unable to submit the application online, on A4 size application format, without any mark sheet/certificates/document should be sent so as to reach by 30 September 2010 by ordinary post, to the administrator of the Scheme:
ACE Consultants,
Post Box No. 9248,
Krishna Nagar Head Post Office,
New Delhi – 110051
Further scholarship details and application:
Gates Cambridge MBA Scholarships 2011 For Outside UK Students
Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students from outside the UK to study at the University of Cambridge. The programme aims to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others.
Applications for 2011 are now open!
Application material for Gates Cambridge Scholarships and graduate admission to the University of Cambridge for 2011-12 entry is now available from the University’s Graduate Studies Prospectus.
Most applicants will apply simultaneously for graduate admission to the University of Cambridge and for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship using one application form (GRADSAF). As well as the GRADSAF form, applicants must also submit supporting documentation (e.g. three references, transcripts and any other material required by the University). Full details are available from the Graduate Studies Prospectus.
Applicants for the MBA and MFin programmes run by the Judge Business School should see these websites for information about how to apply for admission and a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
Before submitting an application all applicants are strongly encouraged to read through the entire ‘apply’ section of this website.
Please note:
* The Trust no longer offers scholarships for a second undergraduate degree.
* The Trust does not admit or place scholars.
Who is Eligible
Candidates for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship:
may be citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.
may apply to study any subject available at the University of Cambridge.
may apply to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study:
PhD (three year research-only degree)
One year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
MSc or MLitt (two year research-only degree)
MBBChir Clinical Studies (four year postgraduate degree)
must be admitted to one of the degrees above at Cambridge through the University’s normal admission procedures. The Trust does not admit students.
must be well prepared for the Cambridge course for which they are applying and must meet all of the conditions for admission specified by the University (e.g. academic, English language proficiency, if required, and any other conditions set).
must be able to show evidence of high academic achievement, leadership potential, social commitment and a good fit with Cambridge.
who are already studying at Cambridge are only eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if they are applying for a new course of study (e.g. a one year ‘MPhil only’ student may apply for funding to continue on to the PhD). Candidates already studying at Cambridge who are not applying for a new course of study (e.g. have already started their PhD) are not eligible to be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
The Ideal Candidate
There is no one template for a Gates Scholar: each scholar is different and brings something unique to the programme.
However, when selecting Gates Scholars, the Trust looks for students with enthusiasm, robustness of intellect, a willingness to engage and an appropriate humility that comes from an awareness that nothing is ever really simple.
In particular, Gates Scholars will be driven by the values of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which include a commitment to reducing inequities and improving lives around the world. The Foundation’s mission is to increase opportunity and equity for those most in need, particularly in the areas of health and education, often through the use of science and technology.
The Trust expects a good match to be made between the applicant’s qualifications and aspirations and what Cambridge has to offer. Successful applicants will have the ability to make a significant contribution to their discipline while in Cambridge, with a strong aptitude for research, analysis and a creative approach to defining and solving problems.
A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge, namely:
the University Composition Fee and College fees at the appropriate rate*
a maintenance allowance for a single student (£12, 500 for 12 months at the 2009-10 rate; pro rata for courses shorter then 12 months)
one economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course
A discretionary contribution towards the costs of supporting dependants at Cambridge (upon application).
Once in residence, Gates Scholars may apply for financial help with the costs of attending conferences, undertaking fieldwork and other activities.
*The University Composition Fee varies for different types of students and applicants should see the Graduate Studies Prospectus for full details about precise amounts. Where a student from the European Union has been successful in gaining a fees award from public authorities, the Trust will not pay these fees.
Application Timetable
There are two application cycles: one for US citizens and one for non-US citizens.
What stage? USA Non USA
Application deadline 15 October 2010 1 December 2010
Departmental ranking November February
Trust shortlisting Mid-December Early March
Shortlisted candidates invited to interview Mid-December Early March
Interviews Early February Late March
Scholarships offered Early February Late March
NB: US citizens who are already at studying at the University of Cambridge may apply the later deadline of 1 December.
For further details and application go to:
MBA Scholarships
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