

Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme, Oxford University

Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme, Oxford University

The Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme is expected to support up to 40 Scholars in the 2010-2011 academic year. This Programme, launched in May 2007, offers outstanding postgraduate students and young professionals, primarily from Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, support for graduate studies at Oxford University complemented by a comprehensive leadership development programme.

In seeking to cultivate leaders of the future, the Programme selects students and young professional with clear leadership potential, and a demonstrated commitment to contributing to public life. It offers them the unique opportunity to:

* Pursue fully funded graduate studies at the University of Oxford with no restriction as to the chosen academic field; and

* Participate in a comprehensive leadership programme providing them with:
- The knowledge and skills needed to contribute to public life in, and play a transformational role in the development of, their countries and regions of origin;
- Lasting professional networks across cultures and continents to be drawn on throughout their post-university careers.

We are asking friends and colleagues around the world to circulate the attached information through relevant networks in order to increase awareness of the scheme and widen the pool of eligible candidates for the next academic year.

As with other scholarships, candidates need to apply through the official University of Oxford application process by mid January, 2010. Application documents for the 2010-11 academic year are available on the Oxford University website. Interested candidates must be accepted by Oxford before being considered for a Weidenfeld
Scholarship. Please note that applications to the Scholarship are submitted through the Oxford University application form. Additional information about the programme, the criteria for eligibility and the application process is attached. Further
information about the programme is available on the Institute for Strategic Dialogue website

Should you require any further information about the Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme, please do not hesitate to contact Victoria Fraser, the Weidenfeld Scholarships Programme Associate, at vfraser@strategicdi or by telephone at +44 207 493 9333.

The professional relationships fostered at Oxford, combined with our leadership programme, is paving the way for the trans-cultural, trans-continental and thus sustainable networks of leaders of our future. We would be most grateful for your assistance in raising awareness of the Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme by circulating this information to relevant universities, networks of
students, educational advising centres in your country, and appropriate professional networks.

International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010

International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010

The Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) is calling for applications to its international Doctoral Program starting in the fall of 2010. Outstanding academic records, methodological training, strong theoretical foundations, and a commitment to empirical research are expected. Applicants may submit their applications via the BGSS online platform at in the period from January 4 to February 15, 2010.

The BGSS promotes doctoral research in the social sciences at the Institute of Social Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It is part of a regional network of leading research institutions such as the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), the Centre Marc Bloch (CMB) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and part of European networks of graduate programs.

Research proposals should relate to the comparative analysis of:

Varieties of social inclusion (problems of class structure, social inequality and legitimacy; problems of migration and cultural diversity; social movements and social conflict).

Varieties of democracy (performance of mature and young democracies; transition to democracy and autocracy; the role of civil society in modern democracies; welfare states, political institutions and democracy; the democratization of supranational institutions).

Preference is given to proposals linking both research areas. Depending on the applicant’s methodological and theoretical knowledge, a place is offered either in the three year international Doctoral Program or the Introductory Year.

Doctoral researchers are awarded scholarships of 1200€/month for up to 36 months, contingent on the successful completion of each year. Pre-doctoral candidates may receive funding of 800€/month for the duration of the Introductory Year.

For further information please visit or contact the BGSS via

The BGSS is a Graduate School of the Excellence Initiative funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Korea: Postdoctoral Position in Supercomputing, KISTI

Postdoctoral Position in Supercomputing, KISTI, Korea

KISTI Supercomputing Center is one of the leading supercomputing centers in Korea ( Newly installed computer ranked at No. 14 on TOP500 in November, 2009. We are searching for a postdoctoral researcher to work on developing a highly scalable scientific code. Research interest includes:
Developing and implementing parallel algorithms
Performance optimization for distributed shared memory architectureand hybrid architecture
Performance modeling and prediction

Ph.D. is required in applied mathematics, computer science, computational science, or a closely related field. The successful candidate should be able to program in C++ and C, and in parallel programming using MPI and OPENMP on UNIX environment. The current focus of the computational algorithms is on molecular dynamics simulation. Computational fluid dynamics is also of interest.

Please send your curriculum vitae with list of publications and references to Dr. Kwang Jin Oh (koh[ at ]

Austria: Postdoc Position in Applied Mathematics, Graz University

Postdoc position in Applied Mathematics at Graz University, Austria

The START-Project “Interfaces and Free Boundaries” (directed by M. Hintermueller) hosted at the Karl Franzens University of Graz (Austria) invites applications for a POST-DOC Position in Applied Mathematics.

We are looking for a young scientist holding a PhD in Applied Mathematics or Scientific Computing with specialization in at least one of the following fields: large scale or PDE-constrained optimization, variational inequalities, shape or topology optimization, mathematical image processing.

The START-project is based on a scientific award by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research and is administered by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. Besides applied mathematics, the START-Project also has a strong component in computational science focusing on the numerical realization of algorithms in various applications. For a more detailed description see the web page. Also, the post-doc is invited to cooperate with the special research group on “Mathematical Optimization and Applications in Biomedical Sciences”. The initial appointment is for one year, but an extension is possible. The salary follows the rules of the FWF (

Please send your application by email to: michael.hintermueller[ at ]

Your email should contain a pdf-file as an attachment with the following information:
Curriculum Vitae (CV),
a short description of your qualifications and experience (publications, theses,…),
a letter describing concisely your scientific interests,
names and email-addresses of at least two scientists willing to provide references.

USA: Postdoctoral Research Opportunities, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Postdoctoral Research Opportunities, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
The US National Research Council (NRC) Associateship Program is accepting applications for two-year appointments for postdoctoral research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
in Gaithersburg, Maryland and Boulder, Colorado. Among the topic areas of interest are image analysis, dynamical systems, combinatorial and discrete algorithms, applied optimization & control, scientific data mining, immersive visualization, and parallel & distributed computing, as well as modeling and analysis in fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, materials science, computational biology, network science, and quantum information.

For details see:
Competition for postdoctoral awards across all NIST technical program areas is managed by the NRC. Applications must be submitted directly to the NRC; the deadline for applications is February 1. The NRC program at NIST is restricted to US citizens.
Closing date: February 1, 2010

Denmark: PostDoc and PhD Positions in Scientific GPU Computing, Technical University of Denmark

PostDoc and PhD Positions in Scientific GPU Computing, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

One Post Doc position (2 years) and two PhD positions (3 years) are available in the area of Scientific GPU Computing, starting April 1, 2010. All three positions are with DTU Informatics ( at the
Technical University of Denmark, and they are financed by a grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research.

The positions are part of the research project “Desktop Scientific Computing on Consumer Graphics Cards.” The aim of this project is to develop a framework for using GPUs and similar many-core hardware accelerators for desktop scientific computing, in collaboration with several international contacts and in such a way that the technology from an early stage of the project is useful in science and industry. The core activity of the project is the development, implementation, and testing of computational algorithms suited for GPU computing.

The Post Doc project involves the development of performance prediction models and a profiler environment, as well as computational modules for selected core computational tasks in scientific computing (in collaboration with the PhD projects). The Post Doc will also be responsible for collaboration and interaction with international research contacts, and for establishing and maintaining a national network between academia and industry.

The two PhD projects focus on computational methods for dynamical optimization and PDE solvers, respectively. The computational bottlenecks in these computations are the dense and sparse matrix
computations, and we aim to develop high-performance algorithms that overcome these bottlenecks using GPU-based computing. The algorithms have applications to other areas such as constrained optimization and computational tomography.

Candidates should have a background in CSE, applied mathematics, or scientific computing and, for the Post Doc position, a PhD degree (or equivalent). Preference will be given to candidates who can
document programming skills in high-performance and/or multi-core scientific computing, and in addition have a background in numerical methods for large-scale problems.

For more information about the positions and how to apply, follow the links on the university’s vacancy home page.

The Scientific Computing section is responsible for teaching in high-performance/scientific computing, and the research includes inverse problems, model-predictive control, high-order methods, appearance modelling, and HPC. We offer a cross-disciplinary research environment with activities in applied mathematics and scientific computing, with contacts to academia and industry.

Professor Per Christian Hansen (pch[ at ]
DTU Informatics, Technical University of Denmark

Europe: Open PhD Positions for Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Interactive and Cognitive Environments

Open PhD Positions for Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Interactive and Cognitive Environments, Europe
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Interactive and Cognitive Environments (EMJD ICE) opens 10 PhD positions for Master graduate students in the areas of assistive technologies, network embedded systems, people inspired technologies, designed intelligence and mulri-sensor surveillance.
(please visit

The ten grants will be covered by the European Commission funds and students will be enrolled under a three year employment contract leading to the acknowledgement of a joint or a double PhD title recognized by ICE partner universities which are: Università degli Studi di Genova – UNIGE, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven – TUE, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya – UPC, Universitaet Klagenfurt – UNIKLU, Queen Mary, University of London - QMUL.

The total gross amount of the grant is 43,300 € per year. For more information and for application please visit

8 PhD Scholarships 2010/11-Brain Aging/Neurodegeneration-Germany

The German Research Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Graduate Training Center of Neuroscience offer 8 PhD Scholarships in Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration at the University of Tübingen, Germany

The German Research Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Tübingen and the Graduate Training Center of Neuroscience at the University of Tübingen, Germany, invite applications for 8 PhD Scholarships in Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration


Highly qualified graduate students are invited to apply for this 2-years scholarship that can be extended to a third year.
Application process:
  1. The applicants are requested to apply to the Graduate Training Center for one or two of the proposed research projects, which are listed below. Independet research proposals by the applicants are also highly welcome. Please write a letter (max. 1 page for each
  2. project) stating why you have chosen this particular project and what qualifies you for the project. Furthermore, applications should include a completed application form, a CV, transcript, degree certificate, and at least one recommendation letter, preferably from a former supervisor. Please ask your supervisor to send the letter of recommendation directly to

Application Deadline:

February 05, 2010

Important Instructions:

  1. Applications should be sent electronically as a single pdf-file to In case you have further questions, please contact Dr. Tina Lampe. Incomplete applications will not be further processed.
  2. The invitations for the interviews will probably be annonced at the beginning of March and we are planning to have the interviews in the week from the 22nd -26th of March, 2010.

Application Form:

Please visit


MSc/PhD Fellowship Program 2010/11-Heidelberg University-Germany

The International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology and The Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research offer The MSc/PhD Fellowship Program for the year 2010/11 in Germany

HBIGS, the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research (HIGS), and the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der molekularbiologischen Forschung in Heidelberg e.V. (GFM) jointly offer competitive MSc/PhD fellowships to outstanding applicants from all over the world, enabling them to enroll in the MSc/PhD programs Molecular Biosciences or Molecular Biotechnology, respectively, at the Faculty of Biosciences.

Scholarship Benefits:

  1. Fellowships amounting to € 8,000 p.a., granted for up to 1.5 years (reviewed after 1 year), including a Service package offered by the Studentenwerk (upon request)
  2. One travel stipend to attend a scientific conference
  3. Opportunity to obtain an MSc degree within 1.5 years
  4. “Fast-track”-admittance to HBIGS or HIGS after successful completion of the MSc program.
  5. Associate member status at HBIGS or HIGS, respectively, during the time of your MSc program. This includes:
  6. Participation in an extracurricular literature and research seminar series
  7. Access to advanced PhD training courses offered by HBIGS or HIGS
  8. Access to extracurricular and extramural activities offered by HBIGS
  9. Free access to the HBIGS Career Service


All applicants who are eligible to apply to the respective MSc programs can apply for a fellowship.

Application Procedure:

All applicants for a fellowship are requested to provide the following information:
  1. Secondary school leaving certificate
  2. Academic records
  3. Statement of Purpose
  4. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  5. Proof of English language ability
  6. One reference letter
  7. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Scores (optional)

Selection Process:

Fellowship applications will be reviewed by a committee of scientists. Shortlisted candidates are invited for a written Subject Test and finally for interview to Heidelberg on 10/11 May 2010.

Fellowship Deadline:

31 Mar 2010


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