Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme, Oxford University
In seeking to cultivate leaders of the future, the Programme selects students and young professional with clear leadership potential, and a demonstrated commitment to contributing to public life. It offers them the unique opportunity to:
* Pursue fully funded graduate studies at the University of Oxford with no restriction as to the chosen academic field; and
* Participate in a comprehensive leadership programme providing them with:
- The knowledge and skills needed to contribute to public life in, and play a transformational role in the development of, their countries and regions of origin;
- Lasting professional networks across cultures and continents to be drawn on throughout their post-university careers.
We are asking friends and colleagues around the world to circulate the attached information through relevant networks in order to increase awareness of the scheme and widen the pool of eligible candidates for the next academic year.
As with other scholarships, candidates need to apply through the official University of Oxford application process by mid January, 2010. Application documents for the 2010-11 academic year are available on the Oxford University website. Interested candidates must be accepted by Oxford before being considered for a Weidenfeld
Scholarship. Please note that applications to the Scholarship are submitted through the Oxford University application form. Additional information about the programme, the criteria for eligibility and the application process is attached. Further
information about the programme is available on the Institute for Strategic Dialogue website www.strategicdialogue.org.
Should you require any further information about the Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme, please do not hesitate to contact Victoria Fraser, the Weidenfeld Scholarships Programme Associate, at vfraser@strategicdi alogue.org or by telephone at +44 207 493 9333.
The professional relationships fostered at Oxford, combined with our leadership programme, is paving the way for the trans-cultural, trans-continental and thus sustainable networks of leaders of our future. We would be most grateful for your assistance in raising awareness of the Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme by circulating this information to relevant universities, networks of
students, educational advising centres in your country, and appropriate professional networks.