The VLIR-UOS offers The Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation Training Programme to Graduate Students for the 2010 at Ghent University in Belgium
This four-month intensive training course addresses all aspects involved in developing beekeeping into a powerful factor of rural development. Students learn the crucial tricks of the art of beekeeping and the production of high quality bee products. They are also taught how to diversify market products, approach the local population and engage them in beekeeping. Other topics include ensuring the provision of sufficient sources of nectar and pollen; linking beekeeping with farming and nature conservation; good contacts with policymakers and authorities; and channels for attracting finance. An interdisciplinary attitude is a key feature of the programme.
1.Holders of a bachelor’s degree with experience in beekeeping that wish to implement beekeeping for rural development purposes. Good written and spoken command in English. Candidates meeting any of the following profiles are preferred:
2.Researchers connected to local universities or research institutes, preferably with a clear link to extension;
3.Staff members of extension centers, NGOs or other institutions actively involved in rural development and with some (applied) research facilities;
4.People who have recently completed their studies and have a firm intention to commit themselves to rural development.
Application Procedure:
1.For applying for this Scholarship please visit
2.If you apply through the above link (you have to fill in all fields), VLIR-UOS will prescreen your file. When the evaluation is negative you will receive an e-mail with the reason why. When the evaluation is positive you will receive an e-mail with a link to the application form from the host university where the programme is organised. More detailed information and some documents are asked through this form for the second evaluation. YOU WILL RECEIVE THE E-MAIL WITHIN TWO WEEKS AFTER YOU FILLED IN THIS PRE-SCREENING FORM. Notice that YOU CAN APPLY FOR ONLY ONE Training OR ONE Master Programme FOR THE COMING ACADEMIC YEAR, so choose carefully!
Program Details:
Period: 4 months (April 2010 – July 2010)
Language: English
Number of VLIR-UOS Scholarships: 16
Promoter: Prof. F. Jacobs.
Application Deadline:
1st Februaury, 2010
For further information contact:
Mrs I. Roman
Laboratory of Zoophysiology
Ghent University
T +32 (0)9 264 49 28
F +32 (0)2 264 49 38
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation Training Programme 2010-Graduate Students-Ghent University-Belgium
Libellés : Belgium, Non degree, Postgraduate
Master of Human Settlements Scholarships 2010/11-Graduate Students-Katholieke Universiteit Leuven-Belgium
The VLIR-UOS offers The Master of Human Settlements Scholarships to Graduate Students for the 2010/11 session at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium
This intensive programme of advanced education is a two-semester degree, starting in September. It leads to the degree of Master of Human Settlements. This intensive programme focuses on issues of housing, building and spatial planning in a context of development under scarce resources and pressing social and environmental constraints.
Master programme: applicants must hold a degree of Bachelor or Master of Architecture or Architectural Engineering (with a minimum of five years academic study). Other applicants must have a proven interest and experience in the field of Human Settlements. Job experience is preferred. Among other selection criteria, an excellent academic record is essential, as well as fluent English and a letter of motivation
Application Procedure:
1.For applying for this Scholarship please visit
2.If you apply through the above link (you have to fill in all fields), VLIR-UOS will prescreen your file. When the evaluation is negative you will receive an e-mail with the reason why. When the evaluation is positive you will receive an e-mail with a link to the application form from the host university where the programme is organised. More detailed information and some documents are asked through this form for the second evaluation. YOU WILL RECEIVE THE E-MAIL WITHIN TWO WEEKS AFTER YOU FILLED IN THIS PRE-SCREENING FORM. Notice that YOU CAN APPLY FOR ONLY ONE Training OR ONE Master Programme FOR THE COMING ACADEMIC YEAR, so choose carefully!
Application Deadline:
1st Februaury, 2010
For further information contact:
Mrs M. Slootmaekers
Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
T +32 (0)16 32 13 91
F +32 (0)16 32 19 84
Libellés : Belgium, Master, Postgraduate
Master of Globalisation and Development Scholarships 2010/11-Graduate Students-Antwerp University-Belgium
The VLIR-UOS offers The Master of Globalisation and Development Scholarships to Graduate Students for the 2010/11 session at Antwerp University in Belgium
The Master’s in Globalisation and Development (GD) approaches the phenomenon of globalisation from an eclectic perspective, considering both the opportunities it creates and threats it poses to development and poverty alleviation in low and middle-income countries, both at the national and the local level.
Most of our students are engaged (or aspire to becoming engaged) in development policy work, professionally and/or as researchers. The objective of the Master’s is to provide them with a solid understanding of the globalisation phenomenon in its multiple dimensions (worldwide markets for goods and services, capital and labour/migration, the planetary challenge of the environment and sustainable development). It also offers them insights and tools to analyse and affect how globalisation impacts on local development and poverty alleviation in low and middle-income countries, taking due account of the complexity of local-global interactions in the multifaceted arenas of globalisation. Successful students shall be able to recognise the opportunities presented by globalisation, and to assess and remedy the risks and threats entailed. Moreover, they shall be able to identify and evaluate policy and programme interventions to exploit opportunities for more effective local and national development in the evolving global context, as well as development interventions aimed at remedying the adverse effects of globalisation on development in general and on the poorer and weaker groups in society in particular, thereby strengthening the agency of the latter.
The following candidates are eligible to apply for the Master’s programmes:
1.Applicants from the South must hold a university degree (Bachelor or Master) of at least four years of study in Social Sciences (Economics, Political Science, Sociology, International Relations, or related disciplines). Applicants from the South who hold a Bachelor’s degree of only three years of study must demonstrate very strong and relevant professional experience and/or have successfully completed additional training. Applicants from the North must hold a Master’s degree in Social Sciences Only applicants with excellent academic records will be accepted.
2.Our ideal participant has at least two years of professional experience in a sector relevant to the programme. Applicants from the North should have relevant field experience in the South. Applicants must be proficient in English. Those who have received a university education in English must provide an official certificate confirming this. Other applicants must submit one of the following test results:
•TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): minimum score of 550 for paper-based test or 79 for Internet-based test. Information about this test is available at
•IELTS (International English Language Testing System): minimum score of 6.0. Information about this test is available at
•Special facilities are offered for students from other language backgrounds (in particular for French-speaking students). Students with paper-based TOEFL scores between 500 and 550 (or TOEFL Internet-based between 61 and 79) or IELTS scores between 5.0 and 6.0 may also be admitted provided they successfully complete a two-month intensive language course organised by the University of Antwerp before the start of the Master’s programme. For students selected for a VLIR-UOS scholarship, the cost of this language course is borne by the Institute (see below for details).
•Motivation and Matching: see description of student profile per Master and Trajectory.
Application Procedure:
1.For applying for this Scholarship please visit
2.If you apply through the above link (you have to fill in all fields), VLIR-UOS will prescreen your file. When the evaluation is negative you will receive an e-mail with the reason why. When the evaluation is positive you will receive an e-mail with a link to the application form from the host university where the programme is organised. More detailed information and some documents are asked through this form for the second evaluation. YOU WILL RECEIVE THE E-MAIL WITHIN TWO WEEKS AFTER YOU FILLED IN THIS PRE-SCREENING FORM. Notice that YOU CAN APPLY FOR ONLY ONE Training OR ONE Master Programme FOR THE COMING ACADEMIC YEAR, so choose carefully!
Application Deadline:
1st Februaury, 2010
For further information contact:
Mrs G. Annaert
Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB)
University of Antwerp
T +32 (0)3 265 57 70
F +32 (0)3 265 57 71
Libellés : Belgium, Master, Postgraduate
[Korea] KT&G Foundation Scholarships 2010 for Master Degree
Yonsei University. KT&G Fellowship at GSIS, for Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Kazakhstani, Indonesian, Yonsei 2010
The KT&G Foundation offers scholarships to the Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Kazakhstani, Indonesian students who seek a master’s degree at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) of Yonsei University:
Terms of Fellowship
The scholarship covers a maximum of 24 months (2 years), from March 2010 to February 2012. Students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0/ 4.3 every semester to maintain fellowship eligibility.
Scholarship Details
Tuition fee: The KT&G Foundation will provide tuition fee for Spring 2010 through Fall 2011 (up to 4 semesters).
Stipend: The KT&G Foundation will provide a monthly stipend of KRW 1,000,000(= USD 892) for up to 24 months.
Participation in a field trip, a roundtable conference prepared by the Foundation
Participation in events and activities upon request from the school or the foundation
Submission of a report on your life in Korea two months prior to your graduation and a copy of your Master’s thesis
KT&G Fellowship recipients must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.3 scale in order to retain their scholarship. If they fail in this requirement at any time, their scholarship will be cancelled and they will be ineligible to receive it again in further semesters.
If a KT&G Fellowship recipient decides to withdraw from their program of study they must pay the KT&G Foundation the full amount of the scholarship received up to the time of withdrawal.
Required Documents
For all documents concerning admission, please refer to the GSIS website:
KT&G Fellowship at Yonsei GSIS Application Form (attached)
A Letter of Recommendation from the Dean or an equivalent official at the student’s institution with an approved signature of the Rector/President of the Home Institution (attached)
Eligibility and Conditions
Degree: A Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent degree.
Age : No limit
Health: Applicants must be in both sound physical and mental health.
English Language Proficiency: Applicants must possess strong English language proficiency (Recommended score of TOEFL CBT 237 (IBT 93/PBT 580), IELTS 6.5 or above).
Arrival in Korea: Scholarship recipients must arrive in Korea by February 23, 2010 and must attend the new student orientation program on February 24, 2010 at Yonsei GSIS.
Application Period: All necessary documents must be submitted to the Yonsei GSIS office between September 1, 2009 ~ November 30, 2009. All original documents should arrive at the GSIS office by this date.
Application address:
Yun Jeong Choi
Graduate School of International Studies
Yonsei University
New Millennium Hall 510
134 Sinchon-dong Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749
Republic of Korea
Libellés : Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Master, Postgraduate, Russia, South Korea, Turkey
[France] Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2010: AtoSiM Master Course
AtoSim is a one year Physics or Chemistry Masters degree focused on computer modelling of physical, chemical and biomolecular systems. This one-year degree provides a high-level qualification in the rapidly expanding field of computer modeling in physical, chemical and bio-molecular sciences.
Students obtain a double degree from the two institutions in which they are enrolled. Admission into the master degree is decided on the basis of academic excellence by a selection committee composed of representatives from each partner institution. Applicants should have at least four years of prior studies majoring in physics, chemistry, engineering, applied mathematics or bio-informatics. Proof of English proficiency is also required.
The European Commission will finance 15 Erasmus Mundus stipends for applicants coming from any third country. Additional funds coming from the Community's external relations budget allow paying for Erasmus Mundus scholarships to additional students coming from specific countries.
The European Commission also imposes the following additional selection criteria, which aims at ensuring a geographical balance across the sponsored third-country students:
•no more than 25% of the selected third-country students should come from the same country
•no more than 10% of the selected third-country students should come from the same institution.
Scholar opportunities
The European Commission will provide 3 grants for scholars coming from any third country. Without prejudice to the respect of high academic standards, in order to ensure a geographical balance across third-country scholars, each selected third-country scholar should come from a different country (but they can come from the same countries as students). The amount of the scholarship is 4000 € per month + an fixed amount of 1000 €.
The duration of the visit of the scholar is maximum 3 months. Scholars invited in one institution will be expected to visit informally the two other institutions during their stay in Europe.
Invitation of third country scholars will be made upon proposition of researchers from the three institutions of the ATOSIM consortium. We will be very pleased to receive unsolicited applications, too.
Interested applicants may send us via email
•an extensive Curriculum Vitae
•a letter of intent describing their plan of activities for their stay at the ATOSIM consortium.
All applications will be evaluated by the ATOSIM steering committee, and the applicants will be informed of the preliminary assessment outcome. The applicants will be contacted once again after the final confirmation and approval of the European Commission.
How To Apply
To apply to the AtoSiM MSc course, you must:
1.Download and fill the online application form
2.Send an electronic version of the filled form to atosim[at]
3.Send by post a signed version of the filled form and the required documents (see list) to:
Erasmus Mundus AtoSiM Program
Office for International relations
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, allée d'Italie
69007 LYON
The application deadline for the Erasmus Mundus Master is:
•December 30th for non-EEA citizens applying for Erasmus-Mundus funding
•June 1st for EEA citizens or students not applying for Erasmus-Mundus funding.
Libellés : Erasmus Mundus, France, Master, Postgraduate
[France] Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarship 2010 in Media Engineering for Education
In the course of the program: the students participate in the design and conception of large scale projects and acquire professional experience through an internship in a company.
•the students will be able to manage projects in design, conduct and evaluation of computer mediated environments. They will have the opportunity to carry on these functions in the current contect of the massive deployment of distance education.
•the students can continue their studies by a doctorate.
The Euromime Consortium
The Euromime master is run by a consortium of
•3 European universities recognized for their experience in teaching and research in the field of Educational Technology
◦University of Poitiers – Fance
◦National University of Distance Education of Madrid – Spain
◦Faculty of Human Motoricity of Lisbon – Portugal
•Latin American Universities
•University of Los Lagos, Osorno
•Catholic University of Peru – Lima
•National University of Brasilia – Brazil
For international students
•A 21000 Euro scholarship per year for international students
For european students
•A 3100 Euro scholarship for study perion in Latin America
•An Erasmus grant for the second year
International candidates can apply on line until January 15;
European candidates can apply on line until June 15
For further information:
Libellés : Brazil, Erasmus Mundus, France, Latin America, Master, Peru, Portugal, Postgraduate, Spain
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oct. 23
- Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation Training Progra...
- Master of Human Settlements Scholarships 2010/11-G...
- Master of Globalisation and Development Scholarshi...
- [Korea] KT&G Foundation Scholarships 2010 for Mast...
- [France] Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2010: AtoSiM M...
- [France] Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarship 2010 in...
oct. 23