

175 PhD Scholarships at University of Turin, Italy

175 PhD Scholarships at University of Turin, Italy

The XXVI cycle of Research Doctorate courses is hereby instituted, with administrative headquarters at the Università degli Studi di Torino, starting date January 1st 2011.

The competitive public competition, by examination, is hereby announced for the purpose of admission to the Research Doctorate courses listed below.

Information on Research Doctorates can be consulted on the websites: and

All available study grants are entitled as follow:
1) study grants funded by the University of Torino ( in the following called UNITO);
2) study grants funded by the "Compagnia di San Paolo" Foundation;
3) study grants funded by the "CRT" Foundation – type A. They are co-funded by CRT and the University of Torino for students with foreign citizenship earning their degree abroad and aiming at developing specific research project;
4) study grants funded by the "CRT" Foundation – type B: they are co-funded by CRT and other Institutions aiming at developing specific research project. A compulsory internship in charge of the Funding Institutions of at least 6 months is foreseen in the last year of the PhD programme for students granting this kind of fellowship;
5) study grants entitled "Progetto Giovani", financed by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) as part of the "Fondo per il sostegno dei giovani e per favorire la mobilità degli studenti" (fund for the support of young people and for encouraging student mobility). Such
grants are linked to specific research projects.
6) study grants entitled "Progetto Lagrange", financed by CRT Foundation and aiming at developing specific research projects.
7) Study grants funded by Public and/or Private Institutions: if linked to specific research projects, it will be mentioned on the "Additional information" on the internet web site.
Further information about these and other study grants, as well as about available research projects will be published on the websites: and information will be continuously updated until the date of the examination, so we recommend a constant attention.

Call for application:

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