

[USA] Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF)

The Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF) Program provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in areas of interest to stewardship science, such as high-energy-density physics, low-energy nuclear science, or properties of materials under extreme conditions. Fellows also participate in research at a DOE laboratory.
  • Yearly stipend of $32,400
  • Payment of all tuition and fees
  • $1,000 yearly academic allowance
This program is open only to U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens studying at a U.S. university who are exceptional senior undergraduates or are in their first or second year of graduate study.
The application for 2010-2011 will be available November 2009.
Click here for further scholarship information and application

[USA] Boren Scholarships and Fellowships

Boren Scholarships and Fellowships Awards provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to become more proficient in the cultures and languages of world regions critical to the future security of our nation, such as in Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Boren Scholarships, for undergraduate students, provide up to $20,000 for an academic year's study abroad.
Deadline: February 10, 2010
Boren Fellowships, for graduate students, provide up to $30,000 for language study and international research.
Deadline: January 28, 2010
Click here for further scholarship information and application

[Mongolia] Global UGRAD Scholarship 2010-2011

The UGRAD Scholarship program provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders with a substantive exchange experience at an American college or university. Students both from rural and urban areas are encouraged to apply.
The Global UGRAD Program offers one-semester and one-academic year scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students for non-degree study at accredited American institutions.
To qualify, the students must:
  1. Be a second or third year student of a university in Mongolia
  2. Have a GPA of no less than 3.0. Please attach your academic transcript in English
  3. Provide a valid IBT score of 61 or Institutional TOEFL of 520 (If you don’t have the TOEFL score yet, please contact Educational Advising and Resource Center at 319016 immediately, to register for ITP. Registration deadline is September 30th and please note that seats are limited.)
  4. Three reference letters
  5. Be 24 years old or younger at the time of application
  6. Be motivated, have a record of leadership through academic work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities.
Global UGRAD Participants must return to their home country upon completion of the program and may not stay on for degree study in the U.S.
Please note that majors such as Medicine, Law, TESL and Pharmaceutical Studies are typically offered as graduate level degrees at U.S. Universities. At the undergraduate level, TESL is usually offered as a minor within the Education Major, Medicine is Pre-Medicine and Law is Pre-Law.
The GLOBAL UGRAD application must be received before COB November 6, 2009.
Download Application forms (DOC).
Click here for further scholarship information and application

[England] PhD Scholarship in the Institute of Lifelong Learning

PhD Scholarship for full or part time study, and will cover tuition fees for the duration of study and a contribution of up to £10,000 over the course of study for research expenses. This Scholarship is only available to candidates who are eligible to pay the Home/EU tuition fee, i.e. permanently resident in the UK or another EU country.
Applications are invited for a PhD Scholarship for a study in one of the following areas:
  • Risk, Crisis, Disaster Management; Emergency Planning Management
    Professor John Benyon, Dr Simon Bennett, Dr Jim Broderick
  • Popular Culture and Spirituality
    Dr Clive Marsh
  • Counselling and Psychotherapy: Clinical Supervision
    Professor Sue Wheeler
Applicants should have already completed a Masters Degree in a relevant subject.
Closing date for application: 1st November 2009.
Applications should be submitted as soon as possible using the Postgraduate Application Form (PDF). Completed forms should be submitted to the Admissions Office, together with a detailed research proposal.
Click here for further information on staff research interests or click here for further scholarship information and application

Postdoctoral Position in Retinal Physiology, University of Oldenburg, Germany

A postdoc position in Neuroscience is available in the lab of Prof. Reto Weiler for the investigation of signal processing in the mouse retina (for details see We employ anatomical, optical, and electrophysiological techniques to investigate the functional properties of retinal neurons and their networks.
We are an interdisciplinary team working (for details see also on diverse aspects of retinal processing and offer well equipped research labs. If you are highly motivated and have a sound background in electrophysiology (e.g., patch-clamp recordings), you are encouraged to apply. Basic programming skills (e.g., Matlab) and/or experience with modern light microscopy techniques (confocal or two-photon microscopy) would be an asset.
Funding of the position is available for at least three years within the DFG Research Unit “Dynamics and stability of retinal processing” (FOR 701,, which also provides opportunities to meet with other retinal neuroscientists.
Applications are accepted until the position is filled.
Please apply with CV, copies of certificates, list of methods, letters of reference, and list of publications, preferentially via email to Karin Dedek (

Dr. Karin Dedek
University of Oldenburg
Fak. V, IBU, Neurobiology

CNIO-Caja Navarra International Postdoctoral Programme 2009 call, Spain

CNIO-Caja Navarra International Postdoctoral Programme 2009 call
Description : We offer from three to six positions to scientists from all nationalities holding a PhD or MD degree.
- Applicants must hold a PhD or MD degree before the start of the fellowship but
not necessarily when applying. Candidates may also apply if they will obtain their
degree before May 2010.
- The date when the degree was awarded must be no more than 3 years prior to
the deadline of this call.
- Applicants must have a proven record of research accomplishments and at least
one original first author publication (including joint authorship), either published or
accepted, in an international peer-reviewed journal with a high impact factor at the
time of application.
- The upper age limit for eligibility is 35 years.
Postdoctoral scientists hired under the CNIO-Caja Navarra International Postdoctoral
Programme will receive a gross annual salary of 32,000 to 36,000 Euros (depending on
marital status, children, etc., this salary corresponds to a net income of approximately
2,000 – 2,250 Euros per month). The starting salary will depend on the applicant’s
experience at the time of the application.
Application is only possible online. A link to the online application form can be found at
Applications are considered at regular monthly or bi-monthly intervals. Yet, no application
will be considered after December 31st, 2009, the closing date of this call.
Homepage :
Category : CNIO-Caja Navarra International Postdoctoral Programme
Contact address : Training Office
Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)
C\ Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3
28029 Madrid

Ph.D. Position Opening, TERI, India

Ph.D. position opening
Description : The Centre for Energy and Environment at TERI University offers doctoral degree in the Faculty of Applied Sciences. TERI University is the outcome of the research, consultancy and out reach activities of TERI (The Energy & Resources Institute) in the areas of energy, environment and sustainable development. The University was established and constituted on 19th August, 1998 and has been granted “Deemed-to-be University status” by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Our centre has a PhD position available in the area of catalysis. This is partly funded by UKIERI (UK-India Education and Research Initiative) and the research will be carried out in collaboration with Department of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, UK.
• The candidate should have an M. Tech degree in Chemistry / Materials Science / Chemical Engineering / Environmental Sciences.
• The candidate should have an outstanding academic record, team working skills and good communication skills in English.
• Candidates with Junior Research Fellowship in Engineering & Technology or those who have cleared the UGC / CSIR NET examinations for award of Junior Research Fellowship will be preferred.
Outstanding candidates will be supported for one year as per DST / CSIR / UGC norm
Homepage : TERI
Contact address : Dr. Vidya S Batra
Fellow, TERI and Adjunct Faculty, TERI University
India Habitat Centre
Lodi Road
Tel: 24682100 ext 2607

Scholarships for Developing Countries in Italy

ICTP/IAEA Sandwich Training Educational Programme

  • General Description and Goals

  • The Sandwich Training Educational Programme (STEP) aims at offering IAEA fellowship opportunities to Ph.D. students from developing countries in the fields of physics and mathematics.
    The goal of STEP is to strengthen the scientific capability of young scientists and researchers from developing countries to better contribute and serve the scientific, technical, and economic development of their home countries.
    The ICTP, with the support and close collaboration of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme, offers fellowships to candidates from the IAEA member States in the following fields of training:

    – atomic, nuclear physics
    - nuclear, isotope and laser techniques applied to:
    human health; agriculture; biotechnology and biophotonics; water resources and environmental studies
    - synchrotron radiation and applications

    - biophotonics
    - medical radiation physics

    Fellowship are also provided by the ICTP, within its scientific and technical competence, to candidates from developing countries in the fields listed below:
    - condensed matter and statistical physics
    - high energy physics
    - mathematics
    - earth system physics
    - applied physics
    The programme benefits also from the financial assistance of the CEI (Central European Initiative) which supports candidates from CEI countries, and of the UNESCO-ICTP Mori Fellowship Scheme which supports candidates from Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Location of Training

  • Training and/or research work will take place in one of the following institutions located in the Trieste geographical area: the ICTP, Elettra Synchrotron Light Facility, Trieste Laser Laboratory, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), International Centre for Science and High Technology (ICS-UNIDO), University of Trieste,National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics-OGSINFNJozef Stefan International Postgraduate School in Ljubljana, Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the hospitals of Udine and Trieste.
    Training and/or research can also take place at the IAEA laboratories of Seibersdorf, Vienna and the IAEA Marine Laboratory in Monaco.
  • Structure of the Scheme

  • Applications are expected from students in developing countries who are enrolled in a PhD course at their home university. PhD students who are supervised by an ICTP Associate are encouraged to apply.
    The programme aims at an equitable participation of fellows, and therefore especially welcomes applications from woman scientists.
    Awards are assigned by the merit of the thesis proposed by the home country advisor, as decided by the STEP selection committee. Once a STEP fellow is selected, the ICTP will assign the fellow to the appropriate host institute with a designated co-advisor. The advisors from both the home and the host institutes will jointly supervise the fellow’s research. The two advisors are expected to coordinate the research and training work of the fellow, which is concluded when the fellow student obtains the PhD at his home institute.
    The fellowships are awarded for a period of at least three months to be spent by the fellows at host institutes during the first year. Pending the approval of the host institute and the two supervisors, the fellowship is renewable for up to two additional successive years.
  • Financial Support

  • The STEP fellowship includes a stipend of ¤ 1,400 per month during each stay at the host institute as well as the costs of travel and medical insurance.
    It is understood that, during all other periods not covered by the STEP fellowship, i.e. when at the home institute, all support needed for continuing and finishing the fellow’s research work is provided by other funding sources.
  • Application Procedure

  • The STEP fellowship application forms are available at the ICTP or can be downloaded herebelow. Applications should be submitted to the ICTP Office of External Activities (OEA).
    Deadlines to submit applications are
    15 Februrary 15 August
    of each year
  • Application form (Word)

  • Application form (pdf)

  • For further information and application forms please contact:
    ICTP/IAEA Sandwich Training Educational Programme
    c/o Office of External Activities
    Fermi Bldg., Via Beirut, 6
    34014 Trieste
    Telephone no. +39 040 22 40 322
    Telefax no. +39 040 22 40 443
    Further Scholarship Information and Application

    18 Positions for Doctoral Candidates from Developing Countries in Belgium

    Positions for Doctoral Candidates
    Description : The Doctoral School Humanities and Social Sciences at the Catholic University Leuven, currently has 18 research projects available for doctoral candidates (project leading to a PhD) from developing countries.
    The Doctoral School for the Humanities and Social Sciences offers a high-quality PhD Programme in all research areas of Humanities, including Philosophy, Psychology, Theology, Educational Sciences, Law, Arts, Economics and Business Economics, and Social Sciences.  Doctoral students play an active role in the programme and are required to complete a number of courses and seminars and participate in conferences, etc. related to their chosen area of academic research.

    Homepage : Doctoral School Humanities and Social Sciences

    Category : PhD scholarship

    Contact address : K.U.Leuven
    Doctoral School Humanities and Social Sciences
    Blijde-Inkomststraat 5
    B-3000 Leuven

    Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships