Inspiring people
phd studentship opportunitIES
UWS is committed to developing its research student community.
Over 80 studentships are currently available for an October 2010 start.
Unless otherwise specified, the University studentships involve the following benefits for home/EU students:
£6000 stipend per year for three years
Exemption from payment of fees (current value - £3400)
International students will be considered but will only be admitted on a self-funding basis. Applications should be submitted by 31st May 2010 (with an earlier deadline for some Creative and Cultural Industries projects).
For more information about the projects available click on the relevant School:
Should you require further information please contact the University Innovation and Research Office
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
100 PhD Studentships, Univ of the West of Scotland, UK
2 Postdoc positions available at UTS, Sydney, Australia
The first is through the National Centre For Groundwater Research and Training. This is a 3 y position to look at the ecophysiology and ecohydrology of groundwater dependent ecosystems.
Go to:
for details.
The second is to use remote sensing and ecohysiological field work to look at the distribution and functioning of groundwater dependent ecosystems. This will go live on the UTS webpage next week, but you can contact me now if you want details. The position will be supervised by Professor Alfredo Huete and myself. It is a 4 y position.
Feel free to
distribute this widely to anyone that may be interested. I am happy to chat with anyone about either of these positions.
Derek Eamus
Professor, Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, Broadway
NSW 2007
ph 02 9514 4154
From: Dario Papale []
Sent: Friday, 9 April 2010 12:33 AM
Cc:;; Bob Cook; Thomas A. Boden
Subject: REMINDER: New LaThuile dataset version - data submission open
This is a remainder about the new FLUXNET initiative (see below).
We are receiving new data from many of you, thanks. Please if you wish
to participate let us now soon since we need to start to organize the
Master Scholarships in Renewable Energy Science at RES, Iceland
RES – the School for Renewable Energy Science in Iceland is now accepting applications for its one year (90 ECTS credits) international M.Sc. Degree Program in Renewable Energy Science, for the academic year 2011-2012.
The RES Program will in February 2011 complete its third year of operation when 49 masters degree students from twelve different countries will graduate. The students this year are specializing in four different fields, namely Geothermal Energy, Hydropower, Fuel Cell Systems & Hydrogen, and Energy Systems & Policies. RES also offers a specialization in Biofuels & Bioenergy. In the near future the school will as well offer specializations in Wind & Wave Power and in Solar Energy in cooperation with foreign partner universities.
RES is a private institution of higher learning, a graduate school, affiliated with the University of Iceland in Reykjavik and the University of Akureyri in North-Iceland.
RES is seeking limited number of highly qualified students to enroll in the M.Sc. Degree Program. A number of Scholarship Awards are also available for outstanding students, including e8 Scholarships and RES tuition fee waiver.
We would appreciate if you could kindly discuss our M.Sc. Degree Program details and scholarship opportunities with some of your top students interested in pursuing a degree in renewable energy in Iceland. Currently 81% of primary energy in Iceland comes from renewable energy sources, highest of any nation. Essentially 100% of electricity generation in Iceland is already from renewable energy sources and over 99% of space heating. Therefore Iceland is a good example for other nations to follow on their route to a more sustainable energy future.
RES is also looking to further expand co-operation with leading international universities, as academic and research partners for the M.Sc. Degree Program, but equally so for the RES Summer School, RES Executive School, and as new partners for our RESnet Network (for more information visit: ). If your university is interested in establishing such a partnership with us (e.g., initially with a MOU) we would like to hear from you.
For more details about RES and the M.Sc. Degree Program please see my attached letter with this email.
Please feel free to contact the Rectors Office at for further information, or visit our RES homepage at
Web Link
Scholarships in Civil Engineering at the Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine, Denmark
At the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, Department of Civil Engineering a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Civil Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from January 1, 2011.
Job description
â€Wave-to-Wire modelling of Wave Energy Devicesâ€
The Structural Design of Wave Energy Devices project (SDWED) is an international research alliance which over a five-year period aims to harness the energy potential in wave energy at competitive costs. The perspective of the project is to develop design tools and a common design basis for wave energy devices in order to make them more reliable as well as economically competitive. The main innovation of the project is an objective of developing a wave-to-wire model which will be able to generate structural design specifications based on parameters related to hydrodynamics, power take-off and moorings. This has the potential of drastically lowering the cost of energy produced while at the same time increasing the reliability of wave energy devices.
This PhD stipend is one of four funded through the SDWED research project (two are placed with Aalborg University and the others are placed with the Technical University of Denmark and University of Bologna). The focus of the here posted stipend is on the development of wave-to-wire modeling of wave energy devices.
Qualification requirements:
The PhD stipend is allocated to an individual who holds a Masters degree, preferably within civil or mechanical Engineering. or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering. Strong skills in scientific computing, applied mathematics and programming in one or more major programming tools such as C/C++/Matlab are preferred and a keen interest in wave energy utilization is a requirement. As the main focus in the study will be integration of hydrodynamic, power-take-off and mooring model components into a wave-to-wire model, it is an advantage to have a multidisciplinary background.
You may obtain further information from Associate Professor Jens Peter Kofoed, Department of Civil Engineering, Wave Energy Research Group, phone: +45 9940 8474 concerning the technical aspects of the stipend.
PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 18 of January 14, 2008 on the PhD Programme at the Universities. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.
The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine will make a decision for allocating the stipend.
For further information about stipends and salary contact Ms. Heidi Cramer, The Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, phone: +45 9940 7582.
The faculties have a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine: and a Network for all PhD students:
Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of January 11, 2006 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance Circular of June 13, 2007 on the employment structure at Danish Universities.
Application Deadline : 10 November 201
Master in Advanced European and International Studies at Institut Europ? des Hautes ?udes Internationales (IEHEI)
Master in Advanced European and International Studies 2010-2011 Studying in Nice – Berlin – istanbul – Rome
The Institut Européen des Hautes Études Internationales (IEHEI) offers a one-year Master programme in European Studies and International Relations. The interdisciplinary trilingual programme (English, French, German) is realised in cooperation with the Institut für Europäische Politik in Berlin, the University La Sapienza in Rome, and the University of Rostock. After successfully completing, participants are awarded the M.A. in European andInternational Studies.
With internationally renowned staff from both the Institute and cooperating institutions teaching on four different modules (International Relations, European Integration, Economy and Globalisation, Federalism and Governance), this programme offers a unique and enriching learning atmosphere. Participants will study in Nice, Berlin, Rostock, and Rome in a group of around 30 fellow students from all over Europe. The MA programme is characterised by challenging discussions, high quality lectures, interactive classes, and simulations.
A study trip to the European and International organisations in Geneva, Brussels and Strasbourg conveys the participants insights into the everyday business of practitioners. The Institute may also help students finding internships in European and international institutions.
Parallely the IEHEI offers a purely Anglophone M.A. in Advanced European and International Studies in cooperation with the Istanbul Bilgi University in Istanbul. Courses take place in Istanbul, Nice, Berlin and Opole (Poland).
Deadline for applications: 30 June 2010.
For further information, please visit our website at or contact
[Australia] GESA Postgraduate Medical Research Scholarship
Deadline: August 31, 2010
This scholarship is to support a medical graduate, wishing to gain full-time training in methodology pertinent to any aspect of research related to gastroenterology or hepatology disorders, while enrolled for an MD or PhD.
Career Stage The award is designed for candidates at an early stage in their careers, for example (but not confined to) advanced trainees who have completed core clinical training at the time of taking up the scholarship.
The major conditions and the stipends for this scholarship are identical to those of the NHMRC Research Scholarships.
The applicant is required to:
Read, understand and agree to all the requirements listed in the 2010 instruction booklet;
Be a current financial member of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia, defined as 'confirmed as a financial member of the society prior to applying for the award';
Attend the next Australian Gastroenterology Week (AGW) following notification of the award and in each year of tenure;
Correctly complete the application form and lodge it with attachments prior to the closing date.
The proposed supervisor is required to be a current financial member of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia at the time of submission of the application. It is preferred that applicants intend pursing a career in gastroenterology or hepatology. However, the research committee reserves the right to evaluate each application on a case-by-case basis.
Scholarship recipients must provide the Society with a concise summary of their progress by 31 October in each year of the scholarship tenure. Report forms are available on the Society website Late or non-submission of these reports will result in stipend payments being withheld by the Society. The Council of the Society shall have the right to publish, or use in such a manner as they see fit, any such report, in whole or in part, providing due acknowledgement of the source is made.
Click here for more information about the scholarships:
[USA] Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students at Clarion University
Deadline: December 15,2010
International students representing 40 countries are currently enrolled at Clarion University, and it is our hope that this representation would be significantly increased in the near future. The international family of students at Clarion experiences a serene and welcoming environment with one-on-one relationships with professors and staff.
Clarion offers fully accredited, high quality academic programs, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in Arts & Sciences, Business Administration, and Education & Human Services. Admission requirements include completed application and fee; satisfactory TOEFL/SAT results; official transcripts; and evidence of sufficient financial support. Additional graduate student requirements include official proof of undergraduate degree; satisfactory GRE/GMAT results; evaluation/recommendation forms; and specific departmental requirements.
Application deadlines are July 15,2010 for the fall semester and December 15,2010 for the spring semester.
Click here for more information about Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students at Clarion University:
[USA] AISES Intel Scholarship for American Indian/Alaska Native
The AISES Intel Scholarship will fund scholarship awards to American Indian/Alaska Native AISES members pursuing degrees in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. This scholarship was developed by AISES and Intel to support the advancement of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students with technical and leadership accomplishments, as well as a commitment to and passion for the computer science field. The AISES Intel Scholarship is a one-time, non-renewable scholarship.
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
Must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA).
Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited four year college/university, or a full-time student at a two year college enrolled in a program leading to an academic degree.
Majoring in one of the following college disciplines:
Computer Science, Computer Engineering ,Electrical Engineering
students majoring in Chemical Engineering and Material Science will also be considered.
Must be a member of an American Indian tribe or otherwise considered to be an American Indian by the tribe with which affiliation is claimed; or is at least 1/4 American Indian blood; or is at least 1/4 Alaskan Native; or considered to be an Alaskan. Native by an Alaskan Native group to which affiliation is claimed.
Must be a current member of AISES.
Notification of award is made in October and fall disbursements are made no later than November 1. Spring disbursement of the award will be given out dependent upon maintenance of a 3.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) and verification of a full-time course load.
$5,000 for undergraduates per academic year
$10,000 for graduate students per academic year
Click here for more information about AISES Intel Scholarship for American Indian/Alaska Native:
PhD Studentship in Architecture at Hasselt University, Belgium
Vacature 090/32/038-6/ARCH
In the frame of the Association University-University Colleges Limburg, Hasselt University announces in collaboration with the Department of Arts & Architecture of the PHL University College the following position (m/f):
PhD Studentship (2×2 years) for a ‘PhD in Architecture’
(mandaat 090/32/038)
Job description
PhD research in the domain of Re-destination, on: ‘Robustness of energy saving measures in dwellings’. Objective of the doctoral research is an in depth analysis of the robustness of energy saving measures in dwellings by means of in situ measurements and dynamic building simulations. Robustness can be defined as the ability to remain efficient under changing conditions.
Clear interest in the domain of energy, technical, social and practical aspects of sustainable buildings and building simulations;
Able to generate independently research questions with the appropriate methodology;
Intrinsically motivated and able to think analytically and creatively and to work in an organised and focused manner;
A good knowledge of spoken and written English is required;
Able to work in and build up an international academic research network and to work in team.
Master in architecture, master in industrial sciences: construction, master in civil engineering, master in engineering: architecture or an equivalent degree;
Proven relevant experience in scientific research is a plus.
Master students in their final year are also encouraged to apply.
Further information
Content job responsibilities: prof. dr. ir. arch Griet Verbeeck, +32 11 24 92 00,
Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
Applicants must use the official application forms
which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan – building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 – 11 – 26 80 10
or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, June 30th 2010. Selection interviews are planned for the beginning of July 2010.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:
Nottingham University Business School: MSc Corporate Social Responsibility Scholarships and Bursaries 2010
The International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility is offering six full tuition fee scholarships for the full-time MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (Home/EU/Overseas).
Who is eligible to apply?
To be eligible you must have:
Been offered a place on the full-time MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility programme
Paid the £500 deposit
Applied for the scholarship by 25th June 2010
We hope you still want to study for a Nottingham MSc even if your scholarship application is unsuccessful.
How to apply?
To apply, please complete the Scholarship Application Form.
Any queries, please contact the Postgraduate Office:
Tel: +44 (0)115 8466603
PhD Research Scholar in Experimental Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway
The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) is pleased to announce the availability of a PhD Research Scholarship in experimental economics at the department of economics.
The scholarship is for a period of four years and combines taking a PhD programme at NHH with working as a research scholar. Research scholars are required to work as a teaching and/or research assistant for the department they are admitted to on enrolling in the PhD programme. The work requirement corresponds to 25% of a full position a year, with the remaining 75% being dedicated to the successful completion of a PhD.
The candidate will be a part of the research group on experiments and social choice at NHH. This research group, which includes assistant professor Ingvild Almås, professor Alexander W. Cappelen, associate professor Erik Ø. Sørensen and professor Bertil Tungodden, has pursued three distinct avenues of research. First, using economic experiments, it studies how individual choices are affected by normative considerations. In particular, the research group has looked at issues of fairness and responsibility, conducting experiments with various subject groups and international experiments where the subjects interact via the internet. An important part of this research program has been to structurally estimate random utility models that can explain the observed behaviour. Second, the research group also considers how different theories of justice can be justified through axiomatic analysis, and how these theories relate to inequality and poverty measurement. Third, the research group studies important policy issues related to distributive justice, including global income inequality, redistributive tax policies and health care.
The group collaborates with many international researchers, including researchers at the World Bank, Harvard University, Yale University, University of Berkeley, Loyola Marymount University, University of Copenhagen, University of Gent, University of Oslo, and Statistics Norway. The research output of the group is very good and the members of this group have published in top economic journals, including American Economic Review, Science, Journal of Political Economy, Economic Journal, and Economic Theory; in top philosophy journals, including Journal of Philosophy and Economics and Philosophy; and in many excellent field journals.
The annual salary for the PhD Research Scholarships is set according to the Norwegian State Salary Scale for PhD research scholars: State salary scale 45, which is currently 355,400 NOK gross (approximately 44,300 euro or about 55,000 US dollars). The scholarships are subject to Norwegian taxes and benefits, including health care provision and membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
Applicants must fulfil the admission requirements of the PhD programme. Qualified applicants with research proposals that fit best with the research interests of the research group will be prioritized. In the event of equivalent qualifications, female applicants will be given preference. The deadline for the applications is 1 July 2010.
For further information about the available research group, please contact or
PhD Studentship in Social Psychology at the Computer and Cyberpsychology Research Group, University of Bolton
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship to investigate internet-based group work and the implications for e-learning. The project will adopt a quantitative approach (using both experimental and field studies) and will involve design and investigation of theory-led interventions to support group processes in online environments.
The project will be jointly supervised by Dr. Paul Rogers and Dr. John Charlton, and the student will join the Computer and Cyberpsychology Research Group based at the University of Bolton (see
This full-time, three-year studentship will cover the cost of PhD fees at the Home/European rate of £3,460 (subject to confirmation) and a tax-free bursary of £13,590 starting in October 2010. International students are welcome to apply but must fund the difference between EU/UK fees and international fees.
Applicants should possess a minimum of a 2:i BSc (Hons) degree or a Masters degree in Psychology (or equivalents). Well developed skills in statistical analysis and interests in social psychology and experimental psychology are desirable.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr. Paul Rogers (
Application forms can be downloaded here:
Application form (.pdf format)
Application form (.doc format)
and should be returned to:
Angela Douglas (Research Student Administrator), School of Health and Social Sciences, University of Bolton, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB.
Within the application form, students should also provide a brief overview of one aspect of online groups that may differ from face-to-face groups and outline a pilot study to investigate this topic (max two A4 pages).
PhD Position in Drug Discovery for Alzheimer?s Disease at the School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney
The Dept. of Pharmacology at the School of Medicine at the University of Western Sydney (Australia) offers Ph.D. projects in the area of drug discovery for Alzheimer’s disease. Students are invited to apply for an Endeavour Europe Award which provides tuition fees and a scholarship for up to 3.5 years (1 year from the Australian Government and up to 2.5 years from UWS). The Endeavour Europe Award program is restricted to citizens of participating countries in Europe.
The following projects are available: Discovery of novel drug targets for protection against oxidative stress, Determination of oxidative stress markers in plasma of patients with dementia, Evaluation of plant based anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective drugs in cell culture and animal models.
For further information about the SOM and the University of Western Sydney, please visit our website
Admission to the program is based on a competitive selection procedure. Applicants require a degree in biology, pharmacy, biochemistry or a related degree (Honours, Masters by coursework, Diploma). Research experience and/or publications in peer-reviewed journals are an advantage. Applicants should initially pre-apply with a curriculum vitae, summary of past research and contact details of referees reports to Gerald Münch ( as soon as possible but no later than June 22th.
The final deadline for application to the Australian Government is July 31st for start in 2011. Please note that this fellowship is only available to European citizens and that English proficiency (except for students from the UK and Ireland) has to be documented with a TOEFL or IELTS.
Application Deadline : 22 June 2010
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juin 13
- 100 PhD Studentships, Univ of the West of Scotland...
- 2 Postdoc positions available at UTS, Sydney, Aust...
- Master Scholarships in Renewable Energy Science at...
- Scholarships in Civil Engineering at the Doctoral ...
- Master in Advanced European and International Stud...
- [Australia] GESA Postgraduate Medical Research Sch...
- [USA] Undergraduate Scholarships for International...
- [USA] AISES Intel Scholarship for American Indian/...
- PhD Studentship in Architecture at Hasselt Univers...
- Nottingham University Business School: MSc Corpora...
- PhD Research Scholar in Experimental Economics, No...
- PhD Studentship in Social Psychology at the Comput...
- PhD Position in Drug Discovery for Alzheimer?s Dis...
juin 13