

The Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award 2010 in USA

The Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award 2010 in USA

About The Hertz:
The Foundation provides fellowships to exceptionally talented individuals studying in the applied physical, biological and engineering sciences. We are a tax exempt, not-for-profit organization which provides fellowships tenable at over 40 of the nation’s finest universities for graduate work leading to award of the Ph.D. degree in applications of the physical sciences.

The Graduate Fellowship Award is based on merit (not need) and consists of a cost-of-education allowance and a personal-support stipend. The cost-of-education allowance is accepted by all of the tenable schools in lieu of all fees and tuition. Hertz Fellows therefore have no liability for any ordinary educational costs, regardless of their choice among tenable schools.

Eligible applicants for Hertz Fellowships must be students of the applied physical, biological and engineering sciences who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States of America, and who are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in time of national emergency (see our Moral Commitment section). College seniors wishing to pursue the Ph.D. degree in any of the fields of particular interest to the Foundation, as well as graduate students already in the process of doing so, may apply. We screen Fellowship applicants for qualities the Foundation believes are essential ingredients of future professional accomplishment and/or reasonably reliable leading indicators of future professional success. These include:
• Exceptional Intelligence and Creativity with particular emphasis on those aspects pertinent to technical endeavors
• Excellent Technical Education evidenced not only by transcripts and reference reports from senior technical professionals, but also by the results of a personal, technical interview
• Orientation and Commitment to the applications of the physical sciences as is typical of most applicants
• Extraordinary Accomplishment in technical or related professional studies which may offset slightly lower academic records, or add luster to outstanding ones
• Features of Temperament and Character conducive to high attainment as a technical professional the assessment of which is difficult, albeit important to the Foundation
• Appropriate moral and ethical values of considerable interest to the Foundation in the furthering of our basic goals
• Leverage what difference the award of the Hertz Fellowship is likely to make in the kind, quality, and/or personal creativity of the student’s graduate research
We do not support students pursuing advanced professional degrees other than the Ph.D., such as enrollees in M.D., LLD or MBA programs, although we will support the Ph.D. portion of a joint M.D./Ph.D. study program. For a list of general fields of study in which Graduate Fellowships are offered by the Foundation, see Fields.

Application Process:
The annual competition for Graduate Fellowships begins with the application period which opens each year in August at which time a deadline consistent with those of NSF and other fellowship granting organizations will be posted. Only those applications which are complete, with all supporting materials and documents provided (including Reference Reports) by the posted deadline will be assured of full consideration by the Foundation. Untimely or incompletely-submitted applications will be entertained only at the Foundation’s discretion and convenience. Each year’s competition concludes at the end of the following March, at which time the Foundation’s Board of Directors determines the most highly qualified Fellowship applicants and the number of new Fellowships which available resources will be able to support. All Fellowship applicants are notified by mail of the Foundation’s action on their application on or before April 1 of each year. The Hertz Foundation Fellowship application will be available for the academic year 2011-2012 by August 16, 2010. You can create a log in and password to view last year’s application and access the new application when it becomes available, but please DO NOT enter any additional information on last year’s 2010-2011 application. It will not be ported over to the new application when it becomes available.

Deadline: Deadline for submission is October 29, 2010 – 11:59 pm, Pacific Time. Reference Reports must be received by the Foundation by Monday, November 1, 2010.

Fannie and John Hertz Foundation
2456 Research Drive
Livermore, CA 94550-3850
phone: 925-373-1642
fax: 925-373-6329
Office Hours:
September through April
8 AM to 3 PM (West Coast Time)
Monday through Friday


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