

Masters Degree Programmes Assistantships 2009-2010

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Graduate Research Assistantships (2009-’10)

Research Assistantships

Research Assistantships are available for Masters Degree Programmes in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the academic year 2009-’10. Assistantship per month is around 1500RM. On campus dormitory accommodation on nominal charges may be provided for students who are single. Tuition fees of about 700RM/month for the first six months and about 530RM/month for the subsequent months are to be borne by the student.

Field of Research

Propellants and Combustion

Who can apply?

Fresh Mechanical Engineering/Aerospace Engineering/Aeronautical Engineering
graduates with good academic standing (minimum CGPA of 3.00/4). Students who are to
graduate by May/June 2009 can also apply. Interest and strong knowledge in gas dynamics
and combustion are the basic requirements. The applicant should be conversant with computer programming. Relevant research experience will be an added qualification.
Strong knowledge in English is required (minimum score: TOEFL: 550; or IELTS: 6).

Whom to apply?

Professor S. Krishnan

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

How to apply?

Application should contain (1) A covering note duly signed, (2) A Statement of Purpose, (3) A detailed curriculum vitae (CV) with a self attested passport size photograph and certified photocopies of the grade/mark sheets attached [apart from other details CV must indicate courses taken with dates, grades obtained, final CGPA, computer programming proficiency, TOEFL/IELTS score, and contact address with e-mail and phone numbers]. Also, confidential reports about the applicant from three referees are required. The referees are requested to send their confidential reports (regarding the applicant’s strength and weakness, flare for independent research, capability to work in a team, etc.) in sealed envelopes directly to Professor S. Krishnan

Last Date

Assistantships will be offered to the selected students on screening the completed applications as and when received. However, the applications received after April 30th 2009 will not be considered.

Master’s Degree (MSc) Programme on Integrated Dry lands Management

Master’s Degree (MSc) Programme on Integrated Dry lands Management

The Joint Master’s Degree (MSc) Programme on Integrated Dry lands
Management brings together different expertise and scientific resources
of the partner institutes to build advanced human capital, generate and
adapt global knowledge for local solutions in dry lands. The programme
provides young professionals and scientists an international perspective
on integrated resources management approaches in dry lands and allows
them to gain practical experience in different dry land countries.
Throughout the programme, a strong emphasis will be placed on
multidisciplinary approaches.

The MSc Programme will offer two components:

1) a short intensive course

2) field research leading to the development of a Master’s thesis.

Tuition Fee and Scholarship

Tuition fee for the MS Programme is US $5,000 including costs of course
delivery, supervision and examination. The tuition fee will be waived
for those students who are recipients of a fellowship. A limited number
of Fellowships will be provided to qualified candidates from developing
countries on a competitive basis. These fellowships will cover the
travel costs between the country of origin and IRA, CAREERI, ICARDA and
TU, as needed.

How to apply

An application form must be completed and submitted by email or fax.
Application forms are available online, and can be downloaded at
http://www.inweh. drylands/ MS.htm or can be requested via
email at contact@inweh.

The following supporting documents must be submitted together with the
application form:

* Certified copies of academic transcripts

* Detailed MS research proposal

* Two letters of reference

* Evidence of English proficiency (eg. TOEFL score or

NB: For those documents not originally in English, they must be
accompanied by an official English translation. Deadline for submission
is 31 July, 2009. Please send your fully completed application form and
supporting materials to:

MS Programme Committee

United Nations University - International Network on Water, Environment
and Health

175 Longwood Rd. South, suite 204

Hamiliton, Ontario L8P 0A1 Canada

Fax: +1 905 667 5510

Email: contact@inweh.


Hellen A. Ochieng

Training Officer
———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— -
World Agroforestry Centre
———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— -
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry
United Nations Avenue
P.O. Box 30677-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: h.ochieng@cgiar. org
Tel: 254-20-7224218( Direct)
254-20-7224000 (Operator)
+1 650-833-6645 (USA line)
Fax: 254-20-7224023 (Direct) 7224001(Operator)
Fax: +1 650-833-6646 (USA line)
http:/www.worldagro forestrycentre. org
<http://www.worldagr oforestrycentre. org/>
Training unit: http://www.worldagr oforestrycentre. org/Training/
A Future Harvest Centre supported by the CGIAR

PhD Studentship in Architectures and Network Coding for Enterprise and Home Networks - University of Swansea

PhD Studentship
Architectures and Network Coding for Enterprise and Home Networks
School of Engineering

The Institute of Advanced Telecommunications within the School of Engineering at Swansea University wishes to invite applications for a prestigious PhD Studentship to work on the EPSRC/Mobile VCE Core-5 research programme entitled Green Radio.

This prestigious studentship in Architectures and Network Coding for Enterprise and Home Networks is available now to UK, EU and overseas applicants.

Introduction: Green Radio is one of three exciting and innovative research programmes sponsored by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ( uk) and the Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence in Mobile & Personal Communications (www.mobilevce. com) as part of its Core-5 research programme. Green Radio is an industry-led collaboration with the Universities of Edinburgh, Bristol, Kings College London and Swansea. Given the World wide growth in the number of mobile subscribers and the increasing contribution of information technology to the overall energy consumption of the world, there is an urgent environmental need to reduce the energy requirements of radio access networks. From an operator perspective, reduced energy consumption translates directly to lower Operating Expenditure (OPEX). These are the key drivers of the Green Radio programme. Both wide area public networks (traditionally “cellular”) and local area private networks (traditionally “wireless LAN”) will be considered, recognising that the structure of a Green Radio Network may differ from today’s radio networks.

Project Definition: In this project you would investigate architectures and network coding strategies for enterprise and home networks in order to minimise energy consumption while satisfying users’ QoS requirements. Your role would therefore be to consider how to integrate network coding with other signalling techniques that area used in current as well as future enterprise and home networks. The proposed network coding schemes will be implemented in the software protocol stack of the 802.11 standard in order to demonstrate the validity of theoretically predicted energy savings.

Eligibility: You should hold a 1st class Honours degree in Electrical/Electron ic Engineering or a closely related discipline. Preference will be given to applicants who hold a related master’s degree at distinction level. The studentship would also suit mature individuals with relevant industrial experience. For UK and EU applicants, the studentship will cover the full university tuition fees and provide a minimum starting stipend of £12,940 pa. In respect of overseas applicants, the studentship will cover the full university tuition fees including the overseas contribution and provide a minimum starting stipend of £12,940 pa. Minimum stipends are fixed annually by EPSRC. The scholarship is available now and must be taken up before 1st June 2009. For informal enquiries please contact Professor Tim O’Farrell (t.ofarrell@swansea.

Prospective applicants are invited to follow the University’s application procedures as detailed online at http://www.swan. te/apply/

Please mark your application form “EPSRC/MVCE Studentship Green Radio” in the space for funding organisation and highlight the project you wish to apply for, in order of preference, in the section additional supporting information. Applications submitted without an up to date CV and suitable referees will not be considered.

Application closing date: Friday 17 April 2009.

AUSTRALIA; Obstetrics & Gynaecology PhD Scholarship

Scholarship Description

The University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology is offering a PhD scholarship to conduct research on the pathophysiology of human preterm labour. This project will build upon the expertise gained over the past 7 years of investigation into the physiology of human labour conducted at this centre and funded by the NHMRC and other philanthropic organisations. Using a range of proteomic techniques, a number of biomarkers associated with preterm labour have been identified. This project involves investigation of the predictive and diagnostic utility of these putative markers with scope for further exploration of the pathways of preterm labour. Techniques to be utilised include Multiplex solution-array assays, Solid matrix-affinity protein profiling with MALDI-MS, LC-MS/MS, 2D electrophoresis, as well as ELISA, Western blotting, and enzyme assays. Refer to PDF below for more information.

Reference Number: 4227
Study Subject: Reproductive Biology, Clinical Biochemistry, Physiology, Endocrinology
Provided By: Dept of Obstetrics/Gynaecology, The University of Melbourne
To be undertaken at: The University of Melbourne.
Level: Post Graduate

This scholarship is offered once only to an unspecified number of people. Open for applications from April 1, 2009 until May 31, 2009.
Payment Information

The value of this scholarship is AUD20000 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years, reviewed annually.
Research Information

This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES.

This scholarship is for study in Australia for those who have achieved Honours 1 or equivalent, or Honours 2a or equivalent. Only citizens of Australia or New Zealand may apply.
Application Details

To apply for this scholarship you must apply directly to the scholarship provider. You can download a PDF with more information about the scholarship here. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Main Contact
Dr Harry Georgiou (The University of Melbourne)
Dept of Obstetrics/Gynaecology
Phone: 61 3 8458 4368
Fax: 61 3 8458 4380
Mercy Perinatal Research Centre
Mercy Hospital for Women
4th Floor, University Department
PO Box 5027
Vic, Australia

Germany : PhD Position In Regional Climate Modeling,Max Planck Inst for Meteorology

website link:
http://www.math- j.php?i=879

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), a multidisciplinary Center for Climate and Earth System research located in Hamburg, Germany, invites applications for
PhD (m/f) in the field of regional climate modelling

For further information, please contact Lorenzo Tomassini via Email

The Ph.D will be part of the FP7 EU project SafeLand in the department “The Atmosphere in the Earth System” and will focus on the investigation of extreme precipitation events. High-resolution simulations, both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic, will be performed with the regional climate model REMO over different regions in Europe in order to investigate characteristics of extreme rainfall events. Statistical methods of extreme value theory are supposed to be applied to establish links between local dynamical processes and large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns.

The applicant is expected to have an MSc or diploma in mathematics, physics, meteorology, oceanography, geosciences or a related field. A basic knowledge in programming and statistical data analysis is desired. The ability to work efficiently in a team is regarded as essential. There is the possibility to apply for the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling.

The position is offered for three years. Payment will be in accordance with German public service positions (TVoeD E13/2), including extensive social security plans. The conditions of employment follow the rules of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Sciences and those of the German civil service.

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology seeks to increase the number of female scientists and encourages them to apply. Handicapped persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.

All applications (including a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, copies of scientific degrees, and the names and contact information of three references), received before 4 May 2009 will receive full consideration. The position will remain open until filled.

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Administration (SAS2009-05)
Bundesstrasse 53
D-20146 Hamburg

or via E-Mail application- mpim@zmaw. de (pdf-attachments only)

Phd Positions At The Institute for Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, Univ. of Kent

University of Kent
PhD Scholarships
Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science

The Institute for Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
The Institute for Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial
Science will be offering two PhD Scholarships which will
cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance
grant at the same rate as the Research Councils
(£12,960 per annum in 2008-09).
Recipients will be expected to do some teaching as part of
the terms of the Scholarship.
The Scholarships will be offered for one year in the first instance, renewable for a maximum of three years subject to satisfactory academic performance.
Candidates must hold a good Honours degree (First or 2i) or a Master’s degree at merit or distinction in a relevant subject or equivalent.
The scholarship competition is open to all postgraduate research applicants. UK, EU and overseas fee paying students as well as full-time and part-time postgraduate research students are invited to apply.
Application Process
To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must make a formal application for postgraduate research study at the University of Kent. This can be done online at: http://records. external/ admissions/ pgapplication. php [10]
When candidates send their application paperwork to the University of Kent they should include a letter stating that they would like to be considered for this University
of Kent scholarship.
Candidates who are interested in applying for one of these scholarships should contact Dr R J Shank at the institute of mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Sciences via email
at R.J.Shank@kent. [11].
The deadline for receipt of applications is 17:00 on Friday 26 June 2009.



The Computational Physiology Laboratory (CPL) at Cornell University is
seeking a full-time postdoctoral research scholar interested in
theoretical models of sensory processing, with emphases on olfactory
systems, perceptual learning, and neuromodulation. The CPL is an
interdisciplinary environment in which theoretical models are
developed to integrate experimental approaches ranging from cellular
and in vivo electrophysiology to behavioral measurements of the top-
down regulation of perceptual processes.

The successful candidate will be an experienced experimental and/or
computational neuroscientist. Responsibilities will include NEURON
programming of biophysically constrained neuronal and network models
of the olfactory system, as well as opportunities to be trained in and
use a variety of computational and experimental techniques. The
ability to work across multiple levels of analysis is particularly

Please submit an application package including your complete CV, a
statement of research interests, reprints of (or links to) your most
important scientific publications with a brief statement explaining
the importance of each and your specific intellectual and practical
role in the work, and contact information for references. Please send
your application package electronically to both Thomas Cleland (tac29 [ à ]
) and Christiane Linster (CL243 [ à ] If electronic
transmission is not possible, please mail application to this address:
Thomas Cleland, Dept. Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
14853, USA. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Christiane Linster
Neurobiology and Behavior
Cornell University
Mudd Hall W245 607 2544331
Ithaca, NY 14853 cl243 [ à ]

UK : PhD Studentship - School of Life and Health Sciences - Aston University

PhD Studentships for home/EU/internation al overseas students with bursaries available against fees.

Projects are available in research groups allied to Biomedical Sciences, Biology, Pharmacy, Optometry and Psychology.

Applications are invited for three year Research Studentships to be undertaken in the School of Life and Health Sciences at Aston University to start in July or October 2009.

The School of Life and Health Sciences is equipped with state-of-the- art facilities to pursue cutting-edge research. In the 2008 RAE, 85% of the research in the School of Life and Health Sciences was ranked as being of international quality, and the School was ranked 3rd out of 61 UK University submissions to Allied Health Professions and Studies for quality and volume of research. The School currently has a research income of about £8m, with approximately 70 research students, (part time and full-time), who are registered in the School each year.

Project Details
Projects can be viewed by research topic and research supervisor at (http://www1. uk/lhs/research/pgresopportunities/projectsforhome-eu-intstudents/).

Financial Support
The projects are available to students meeting the University and School academic entry requirements and bursaries for international students will be awarded competitively on merit. The bursaries for international students will cover payment of £10,000 against the international fee and for home/EU students will cover payment of £3,000 against the home/EU student fee.

Application Requirements

• Applicants should have or expect a good honours degree (either first class or upper second class) or hold an MSc in a relevant discipline.

• If you are an EU/IOS Applicant, the English Language Requirements are a minimum score of 620 (250 minimum in computer test) in TOEFL OR IELTS with minimum marks of 6.0 in each section and an overall band of 6.5.

• The studentships are for 3 years, subject to a satisfactory progress review at the end of the first year, and are available for July 1st and October 1st 2009 registration.

• For an application form please visit: http://www1. lhs.aston. pgprojects/ application% 20form.pdf

• Closing Date: Monday, 13th May 2009 for July entry or August 12th for October entry

• For informal enquiries or to return completed applications forms, please contact the Research Office, Room MB560, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET; email j.a.taylor@aston. +44 (0)121 204 4019).

Reference: R090077

Switzerland : PhD Position in Evolution and Ecology, University of Zurich

PhD position in Evolution and Ecology

I am looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work on evolutionary theory. The focus of the project is very broad, and will touch on cooperation and conflict, virulence evolution, ecological-evolutio nary feedbacks and the levels-of-selection problem. While the main part of the project will focus on social evolution, with an emphasis on genetic conflicts in microbes, the candidate will be encouraged to develop other interesting projects in other areas of evolutionary ecology. The project will mostly involve evolutionary modelling, but will also involve close collaboration with empiricists. Students who wish to address the problem using experimental/ empirical approaches will be encouraged to do so.

Zurich is located less than one hour from the Alps, and is a small but vibrant city that is regarded to have one of the best standards of living in the world. There is a large international community and is well connected to all major European cities.

The successful applicant will be supervised by Dr Daniel Rankin, a theoretical evolutionary biologist interested in a wide range of topics, from social evolution to the link between evolution and ecology. The position will be based in the Wagner Lab in Zurich. The lab is very international and consists of a very diverse range of individuals who work on a wide range of interesting evolutionary topics. We also work closely with other ecology/evolutionar y groups in Zurich and abroad.

website link:

PhD Studentships In Chemical And Photochemical Dynamics, Molecular Spectroscopy And Aerosol Science

Applications are invited for up to six PhD positions for projects in Physical Chemistry in the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol. One of the projects is:

  • Photodissociation dynamics of molecules of biochemical relevance - two studentships with Professor M N R Ashfold

The studentships are 3-3.5 years in duration, and are available for starting dates up to October 2009. The research laboratories in the School of Chemistry are equipped to world-class standards and the department offers an outstanding environment for research and training. Applications are welcomed from students with, or expecting to gain, a first or upper second class honours degree (or equivalent).

Information packs and application forms can be obtained by contacting Mrs Rosemary Currer ( or via the website

AUSTRALIA; Young Water Scientist Award

Young Water Scientist Award
Scholarship Description

Opportunity to enter the 2009 Riversymposium Young Water Scientist Award is now open to any young scientist currently undertaking postgraduate research on water through any recognized institution within Australia. The award promotes excellence in the development of young scientists who are capable researchers, communicators and innovative thinkers. To recognise postgraduate water researchers, the International Riversymposium will present an award to the 2009 Young Water Scientist at the 12th International Riversymposium held in Brisbane from 21 -24 September 2009. The International Riversymposium manages this prestigious award, which was an initiative of the Water Forum CRCs. Postgraduate research students (PhD) who are either in the final stages of their projects or who have submitted their thesis since 1 March 2008 on research topics with a water focus are invited to apply.

Reference Number: 4229
Study Subject: Water
Provided By: International Riversymposium
Level: Post Graduate

This scholarship is offered once only to an unspecified number of people. Open for applications until April 30, 2009.
Payment Information

The value of this scholarship is unspecified (total may vary). This award is to be used for research. This scholarship is paid as a one off.
Research Information

ITALY; PhD studentships Design and Testing of Endovascular Medical Devices

PhD studentships
Design and Testing of Endovascular Medical Devices
Dept. of Structural Engineering

Laboratory of Biological Structure Mechanics (LaBS)

Applications are invited for two fully-funded, full-time PhD studentships to work in the area of ‘Design and testing of endovascular medical devices’ within MeDDiCA - Medical Devices Design in Cardiovascular Applications, a Marie Curie Initial Training Networks - ITN Project (Call: FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008). MeDDiCa partners are: University College London, University of Sheffield, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, University of Amsterdam, Politecnico di Milano, ANSYS UK Ltd, CNRS - Université de Technologie de Compiègne, University of Technology Eindhoven, Istituto Superiore di Sanità Roma, University of Oslo, Philips S&T, Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes hors Equilibre, Invatec S.r.l., Nobil Bio Ricerche S.r.l., Hemolab b.v.

PROJECT 1: Design and development of resorbable stents

This project will contribute to the development of novel biodegradable stents with porous surfaces suitable for the inclusion of a drug. The challenge is to ensure that in vivo degradation will occur at a suitably controlled rate. The effects of different technologies available for stent manufacture (e.g. laser cutting) and coating deposition will be investigated. The study will include: i) in vitro mechanical characterisation of stent materials and structure; ii) numerical simulation of confined stent expansions and iii) experimental assessment of the mechanical properties of stent coatings. The ideal candidate for Project 1 is expected to hold a sound background in computational solid mechanics. Previous experience with experimental material testing will be valued, too.

PROJECT 2: Design and development of drug eluting stents and delivery devices

This project aims to improve the design of innovative drug eluting stents as well as delivery devices and embolic protection systems by exploiting the industrial prototyping facilities at industrial Partners. This project will include: i) numerical simulation of mass drug transport in the coating/reservoir, in the vessel wall and in the bloodstream, ii) numerical simulations of fluid dynamics in the stenotic artery, either in the presence of the stent, or in the presence of a deployed embolic protection system and iii) in vitro testing of catheter and protection system prototypes to identify the mechanical and fluid dynamic parameters of the devices. The ideal candidate for Project 2 is expected to hold a sound background in computational fluid dynamics and mass transport. Previous experience with device in vitro experimental testing will be valued, too.

UK; PhD Studentship for Nanotechnology

PhD Studentship

London Centre for Nanotechnology

X-ray photoelectron microscopy of nanoscale metal oxide phases Nanostructures can have different properties to those of bulk materials. This can derive from quantum size effects or simply from a difference in structure adopted as the size of the cluster decreases. There are many possible applications of these phenomena; for metal oxide nanostructures these include advanced sensors, catalysts, high-density visual displays, memory storage devices and environmental control. There is a clear need to understand the structure/function relationship of nanostructures in support of these applications. In this
project a new instrument, the Nanoscience beamline at the Diamond Light Source (the UK’s third generation synchrotron radiation source) will be used for this purpose in conjunction with scanning probe instruments at UCL. The Nanoscience beamline contains instrumentation to carry out X-ray photoelectron microscopy, which can examine the chemical state
of a surface in an area down to 20 nm.

The student would employ model surfaces in the form of the O-polar termination of ZnO and the (110) termination of rutile TiO2. The student will be based at University College London where sample preparation will employ UHV scanning probe instruments.

Applicants should have at least a 2.1 MSci in physics, physical chemistry, or a related discipline.

USA; Multiple Post Doctoral/Research Associate positions at DUKE

Post Doctoral and/or Research associate positions in the DUKE Computational Materials Science Group/
Research Areas :
1) phase stability of nano-catalysts
2) alloy theory with high-throughput methods
3) materials for nuclear detection
4) quasicrystalline surface science
see relevant publications

DUKE Curtarolo`s Computational Materials Science Group is seeking for multiple post-doctoral positions in the aforementioned areas. Appointments will be decided in the next few months and the start dates will be within summer-fall 2009. The positions are made initially for one year, and renewable upon mutual consent on a yearly basis based on research quality and productivity of the employee.

Applicants are expected to have strong background in
A) thermodynamic of materials
B) solid state theory
C) computation: skill in UNIX/C/C++ are mandatory since the associates will be contribute to the “aflow” project.

Interested candidates should send now their curriculum vitae, list of
publications (including available preprints), and the list of 2-3 possible references. Please send only PDF documents.

Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships