Applied Mechanics Department Advertisement for the Post of JRF- Application Deadline: before 28th August 2009. Applications on plain paper with complete bio-data alongwith self-attested photocopies of candidate’s professional certificates are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Junior Research Fellow to work in research project entitled “Investigation of chemical gas sensors based on low cost thin films of metal-oxide semiconductors” sanction order no. SR/S2/CMP-41/2008 dated 27.01.2009 sponsored by Department of Science & Technology. The application completed in all respects should reach to: Dean (R&C), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad-211004 on orbefore 28th August 2009.The envelope should be superscribed as “Application for the post of Junior Research Fellow in the Project: Investigation of chemical gas sensors based on low cost thin films of metal-oxide semiconductors”. A soft copy of the application should also be sent to the email address of the Principal Investigator ppsahay @ m n n it . a c . in . / Applications received late or incomplete may not be considered. The position is purely temporary and will be governed by the Administrative rules/service conditions of Research & Consultancy Cell, MNNIT. Qualifications : 1st class M.Sc in Physics or equivalent. NET/GATE passed candidates will be preferred. Fellowship : Rs.12,000 (Consolidated) + 15% HRA per month. Other Benefits : Accommodation may be available as per the availability and Institutes norms. Eligible candidate may be entitled to register for PhD/M.Tech. Program of the Institute. Facility of yearly leave, carryover leave, medical benefits etc. may be available as per the applicable rules for project staff. Age Limit : 28 years. Project Duration : About 3 years Name of Principal investigator: Dr. P.P.Sahay
Note: (i) No TA/DA will be paid for their appearing in the interview.
(ii) Candidates will be informed by e-mail about the interview date. So, candidate must provide valid e-mail IDs in their applications.
(iii) Mere, possessing the prescribed qualification does not ensure that the candidate would be called for interview.
(iv) The Institute reserves the right to accept application at any time, and consider candidates of exceptional credentials without applications. Qualification and experience may be relaxed by the Institute at any point of time for otherwise exceptional candidates.
(v) The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information, other documents and photographs submitted.
Designation: Professor & Head
Department: Department of Physics
Allahabad – 211 004
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Junior Research Fellow Position, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, India
Libellés : India, Phd, Postgraduate
PhD Position, Prehistoric archaeology: Spatial Analysis of Late Neolithic settlements, The Netherlands
Prehistoric archaeology: Spatial Analysis of Late Neolithic settlements Spatial analysis of Late Neolithic settlements in the province of Noord-Holland (The Netherlands) and interregional comparison Available from October 1st, 2009, closing date for applications: September 1st, 2009. Subject Spatial analysis of Late Neolithic settlements in the province of Noord-Holland (The Netherlands) and interregional comparison. This PhD position is part of the project Unlocking Noord-Holland’s Late Neolithic Treasure Chest. This project is co financed by the the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and administered by the State Service for Cultural Heritage (RCE). The project comprises five studies. Two PhD’s are based at the Groningen University (spatial analysis, ceramics), one PhD at Leiden University (flint). The studies on archaeobotany and archaeozoology are carried out by researchers from the state service and private firms. Introduction In the second half of the past century, and the 1970-1990’s in particular, excavations were conducted at a series of Late Neolithic settlements belonging to the Single Grave Culture (SGC) (c. 2900-2500 cal BC) in the province of Noord-Holland (Kop van Noord-Holland, De Gouw). These excavations have demonstrated the exceptional quality of the sites, especially thanks to the good preservation of organic materials. In significant contrast to the generally poor and heavily biased archaeological record of the SGC elsewhere in the Netherlands, the rich body of excavation data potentially permits the development of models about settlement variability, the use and role of material culture, as well as landscape use. So far, the excavation data from the various sites have never been analysed integrally. Hence, any ‘models’ of cultural dynamics in the SGC are based on very incomplete data. This project aims to unlock and integrate cultural/ecological information and research data in order to provide a sound basis for cultural modeling and development of heritage management strategies. We will thereby obtain a better understanding of site variability in relation to landscape use, subsistence strategies and the material world of the inhabitants. It provides an opportunity to study a micro-region within the wider SGC culture, so far largely known from its burial context. Its place in relation to the communities in the central and eastern parts of the Netherlands can be assessed and possible long-distance contacts with related Corded Ware groups elsewhere can be studied, addressing the debate on the apparent uniformity of the Corded Ware complex. Research topics The study of settlement variability focuses on the identification of functional differences between sites. For this it is necessary to characterise the sites in terms of settlement size, intra-site spatial organisation and functional variability, as well as the duration of occupation (permanent versus seasonal). Insight into these aspects will be obtained through the analysis of cultural and palaeoecological remains. Also, efforts will be made to draw inferences on group composition of settlement inhabitants (sex, age) from material remains and physical anthropological data. For the interpretation of spatial patterns in terms of behaviourally meaningful processes, data will be analysed in an interdisciplinary fashion, in relation to the spatially referenced excavation recordings of objects, features and lithological layers. Spatial analysis will play a pivotal role throughout the project. The work will start with the digitising of excavation plans and linking of find numbers in order to provide for a spatially referenced environment for further analyses. The availability of such an environment is also of importance for the sampling of materials in other research modules. The analysis of spatial data will next focus on research at various levels: identification and characterisation of structures (e.g. house plans, barns, fences, pits, and wells), characterisation of spatial patterns in find distributions, and development of spatial models of site formation dynamics. This multi-level approach contributes to the evaluation and interpretation of research results in the other modules and provides a sound basis for syntheses at site level. It will also contribute to the compilation of models for site formation that are not restricted to the SGC sites in Noord-Holland, but extend to other Neolithic wetland sites in the Netherlands. The candidate needs affinity with computer-based modelling, spatial analysis and site formation processes More information More information on the GIA and its research are to be found at The full project proposal may be acquired from the project supervisors. Informal enquiries may be made to: The closing date for applications is September 1st 2009. Letters of application should be sent to D.C.M. Raemaekers, University of Groningen, Groningen Institute of Archaeology, Poststraat 6, 9712 ER Groningen, the Netherlands. Letters should include a short curriculum vitae and 1-2 A4 research proposal. This PhD is a four year full time position. The gross monthly salary increases from c. € 2042 (first year) to c. € 2612 (last year).
Libellés : Netherland, Phd, Postgraduate
Cambridge University 800th Anniversary Scholarship for Pakistan students
he University of Cambridge 800thAnniversary Scholarship Programme has been created with funding from Cambridge Assessment, the parent organisation of University of Cambridge International Examinations, the awarding body that offers Cambridge O Levels and International A Levels. The scholarships provide full funding, covering fees and means-tested maintenance, for undergraduate study at the University of Cambridge. As the programme develops there are expected to be up to fifteen undergraduate scholars from Pakistan studying at the University at any one time. School-leavers from Pakistan who meet the usual examination qualifications for admission to Cambridge may apply for the scholarships. Applications for the 2010 academic year must be received by20 September 2009. Applicants for the scholarships will be interviewed in Pakistan in October/November 2009. Watch avideoof the launch
Libellés : Master, Pakistan, Phd, Postgraduate, UK
South Africa - Master and Doctoral Scholarships in Health science
MASTER AND DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS IN SOUTH AFRICA The MRC offers Masters and Doctoral scholarships for full-time study in the health sciences annually to students who have already obtained an honours degree and who wish to obtain postgraduate training in health research. POST-GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS: These scholarships are made available to students who are in possession of at least an honours degree, and wish to obtain a masters or doctoral degree in the health sciences. Preference will be given to candidates who will undertake their research under supervision of MRC-funded researchers Prospective applicants must be South African citizens or in possession of a permanent residence permit issued by the government department concerned. Application forms and further information may be obtainable from the university administrative office or Research Administration Division at the MRC. The closing date for applications is 30 September. The closing date of individual institutions will be considerably earlier than this date. Applicants are therefore advised to ascertain the applicable closing date from their respective institution. Applications must be submitted through the university where the studies will be undertaken, and not directly to the MRC. Closing Date: Applications must be returned to the Postgraduate Funding Office by no later than the 31st August 2009 for onward forwarding to the MRC.
Libellés : Master, Phd, Postgraduate, South Africa
IMPRS-ESM PhD Program, Germany
Zeitraum Funding will be available starting March 2010 PhD position Emphasizing the physical system, the School also comprises institutions and scientists from the broader field of Earth sciences, including economics and social sciences. The IMPRS-ESM strives to attract a diversity of talented men and women from all nationalities to research in the Earth system sciences.
Doctoral students receive financial support for a period of 3 years
Application deadline is September 15, 2009.Arbeitsbereich Earth System Modelling
Projektbeschreibung The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM), located in Hamburg, Germany, offers fellowships to outstanding students interested in interdisciplinary climate research.
Tätigkeitsbeschreibung Our doctoral students contribute to the understanding of the Earth system through the application, evaluation and development of a spectrum of Earth system models at different levels of complexity and spatial and temporal scales.
Anforderungen The PhD program is open to applicants holding a German Diplom degree or the equivalent (e.g., Masters degree with written thesis) in physics, geophysical sciences (incl. meteorology and oceanography), chemistry, ecology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, economics, or political science.
Vergütung PhD Contract or Stipend
Bewerbung To apply please register online (
application.html) and then submit all of the requested application documents. Online registration closes September 8, 2009. Application deadline is September 15, 2009. The selection procedure includes an interview.Please refer to our website: (
application.html)The IMPRS-ESM strives to attract a diversity of talented men and women from all nationalities to research in the Earth system sciences.
Dr. Antje Weitz Bundesstr. 53 20146 Hamburg
Weitere Informationen Webseite zum Stellenangebot des Instituts
Libellés : Germany, Phd, Postgraduate
2010 Canon Collins Trust Scholarship
Post graduate scholarship for 2010 Canon Collins Trust provides scholarships to students fromSouth Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Angola and Mozambiquewho wish to pursue a postgraduate degree (mainly Master’s degrees of one or two years) in either the United Kingdom or South Africa. The key aim of the Scholarships Programme is to help build the human resources necessary for economic, social and cultural development in the southern African region and to develop an educated and skilled workforce that can benefit the wider community. Canon Collins Trust scholarship holders are thus expected to use the knowledge, training and skills acquired through their studies to contribute positively to the development of their home country. The main application process for scholarships in South Africa opens in April and closes in August, for study the following year. A panel of academics and others consider the applications. To qualify, you must have completed either a university degree or a three year post-matric diploma at a recognised training college or a B.Tech at a former Technikon. We fund both full-time and part-time study. For further information about the scholarship, visit our website Canon Collins Trust Scholarship
Libellés : Master, Phd, Postgraduate, South Africa, UK