19 PhD positions in Agricultural Sciences, INRA, France
Research training positions
Approximately 1800 PhD students are hosted in INRA's research units.
Doctoral students are a vital part of the scientific production of the Institute. The research units which host them carry out their role of training in and through research.
Each year, more than 500 doctoral students join INRA, all remunerated on contracts and in most cases associated with various private and public partners.
INRA is proposing special contracts in 2010
These contracts offer doctoral students particularly attractive conditions in terms of the duration of the contract and remuneration:
Recruitment of Associate Scientists on Contract
Associate Scientists on Contract (ASC) are recruited to carry out a thesis at INRA on subjects combining modelling and agronomic issues.
Young Scientist Contracts
The Young Scientist Contract aims at students who wish to carry out a PhD at INRA and begin a career in research. Its specificity lies in that it involves a partnership between INRA and a graduate sch
http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index_en.cfm?l1=1&l2=1&l3=1&idjob=33448777&CFID=1278642& CFTOKEN=c87368ec896c8198-A71E254D-A78A-5689-864B045F3A150BA0
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
19 PhD positions in Agricultural Sciences, INRA, France
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, France, Phd, Postgraduate
PhD student working on Behavioral Service Substitution (BOSS)
PhD student working on Behavioral Service Substitution (BOSS)
The position is for 4 years and funded by NWO.
Service-orientation aims at composing complex systems from simpler systems, called services. One fundamental problem is to decide when a service can be substituted by another service. In this project, we approach this problem by combining theoretical research and applicability in industrial settings. To this end, we investigate a theoretical foundation of service substitution at the level of service models. Among others, we develop algorithms to decide service substitution and to construct substitutable services. We implement and integrate the theoretical results into service technology tools available at http://service-technology.org/tools and embed it in other tools such as ProM and BPM/SOA platforms.
The project will be conducted in the AIS group under the supervision of prof.dr. Wil van der Aalst and dr. Christian Stahl. The AIS group is part of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The department provides undergraduate and MSc programs in Industrial and Applied Mathematics and in Computer Science. The Department has research collaborations with other Departments at the Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven as well as with a large number of other universities and companies, both at home and abroad. The Department has approximately 350 employees and more than 700 students.
The AIS group is doing research in the area of process modeling and analysis. The group is rated as one of the leading computer science groups in the Netherlands and TU/e often seen as the epicenter of BPM research. The group uses formal methods such as Petri nets to design, analyze, and implement dynamic systems. The group is well-versed in workflow management, process mining, and process verification. See www.workflowpatterns.com, www.workflowcourse.com, www.processmining.org,
www.yawl-system.com, www.win.tue.nl/ais/, www.wvdaalst.com, and
www.tue.nl for more information.
In the project we collaborate with Humboldt-Universitä t zu Berlin and Universität Rostock in the context of the B.E.S.T. (Berlin-Rostock- Eindhoven Service Technology) Program (https://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/top/best/).
We are looking for a candidate who meets the following requirements:
- a solid background in Computer Science and interested in systems for process support (demonstrated by a relevant Master);
- knowledge of process modeling and of formal methods (i.e., at least one of the fields automata theory, process algebra, formal verification, or Petri nets);
- programming skills in C/C++/Java
- candidates from non-Dutch or non-English speaking countries should be prepared to prove their English language skills;
- good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing.
We are looking for candidates who really want to make a difference and like to do theoretical research, on the one hand, and to implement these results such that they can be applied to industrial services, on the other hand.
Appointment and salary:
See http://w3.tue.nl/en/services/dpo/conditions_of_employment/formal_conditions_of_employment/ for more information on working at TU/e, salary, etc.
Interested candidates are requested to send an application by e-mail to Ine van der Ligt (e-mail: wsinfsys@tue. nl) with the subject field "BOSS Vacancy AIS".
The application should consist of the following parts:
- motivational letter;
- a curriculum vitae;
- copies of diplomas;
- proof of English language skills (if applicable).
Applications should be received by April 15th.
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Netherland, Phd, Postgraduate
67 PhD positions at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
67 PhD positions at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Academic Year 2010/2011
Deadline: 1st April, 2010
SISSA offers opportunities for carrying out Ph.D studies in:
· Applied Mathematics
· Astrophysics
· Astroparticle Physics
· Functional and Structural Genomics
· Geometry
· Mathematical Analysis
· Mathematical Physics
· Neuroscience (Neurobiology / Cognitive Neuroscience)
· Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems
· Statistical Physics
· Theory of Elementary Particles
· Theory and Numerical Simulation of Condensed Matter
The Ph.D. courses in Astroparticle Physics, Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Theory of Elementary Particles start in October; all other courses start in November of each year. They last 3 years and may be extended for a fourth year, subject to approval by the School authorities.
Students who are not citizens of European Union member states have two possibilities to be admitted to SISSA as a Ph.D student:
1) to pass the regular entrance examination (written and oral) held in Trieste.
Details can be found at the web page: http://www.sissa.it/main/?p=COURSES_PHD_C2
2) to pass a Spring preselection based on academic and scientific qualifications as well as on letters of reference. Students selected in this way will therefore enter the School without taking the regular entrance examination, but will be expected to pass a qualifying examination within the first year of study.
Applicants interested in participating in this pre-selection must have a University degree which qualifies them for a Ph.D programme.
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Subject Test is required for applicants in Theory of Elementary Particles but is also recommended for applicants to the other courses. Any further information which the candidate may consider useful will be welcome.
An online application must be filled and sent using the procedure available at the page http://www.sissa.it/applications by the deadlines shown in the schedule of each Ph.D course.
Candidates should upload the following documents in pdf format:
- curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- a certificate of University examinations taken (with marks) in Italian, English, French, German or Spanish;
- a final degree certificate in Italian, English, French, German or Spanish;
- If, at the time of application, candidates should not be yet in possession of a degree certificate, they can submit it at the time of the examination.
European Union candidates can submit a personal declaration instead of the aforementioned certificates.
- a copy of the diploma thesis (if any).
Candidates will have to indicate the names and email addresses of two professors that will be asked to send a recommendation letter through the same online procedure.
A confirmation message will be sent to the candidate when he/she will complete the application process.
The candidate will then have to print out the admission request form, sign it and send it, together with a copy o fan ID document (i.e. passport) by fax or post to the address printed on the form itself.
The request form must reach SISSA by 8th April, 2010. Late arrival of the application, for whatever reason, will not be accepted.
All necessary information about the online procedure can be found at the page http://www.sissa.it/applications
For further information see http://wiki.sissa.it/students/ or contact the Students' Secretariat:
The Director
(Prof. S. Fantoni)
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Italy, Phd, Postgraduate
20 PhD Studentships in Informatics, SICSA, Scotland, UK
20 PhD Studentships in Informatics, SICSA, Scotland, UK
International prize studentships for PhD research 2010
Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance
The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (http://www.sicsa.ac.uk) is a collaboration of leading Scottish Universities whose aim is to work together to consolidate and extend Scotland's position as an international research leader in computer science and informatics. As part of this, the Scottish Graduate Academy in Informatics and Computer Science offers up to 20 international prize studentships per year to outstanding candidates who wish to study for a PhD in Scotland.
These studentships are open to excellent students from any country. There are no residency or citizenship requirements. We will consider applicants in any area of computer science and informatics but may give preference to students who are working in SICSA theme areas (http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/themes)
Next-generation Internet
Multi-modal interaction
Modelling and abstraction
Complex systems engineering
SICSA prize studentships are worth around £18, 000 per year for 3 years. They include support for living expenses of at least £12, 940, research expenses and a contribution towards postgraduate fees at the UK standard Home/EU rate (currently £3400). Students who are not UK/EU residents must pay the higher overseas student fee of around £11,500 per year. However, if you are awarded a SICSA studentship, you may apply to the admitting university for additional support to cover the difference in fees. The award of a SICSA studentship does not guarantee such support.
Students must have or must expect to be awarded a 1st class honours degree, an MSc with Distinction or equivalent GPA scores. Your degree must be in a discipline that is relevant to your proposed field of research.
For more details of how to apply for a SICSA prize studentship, see the SICSA web pages (http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/graduate-academy/prizestudentships/applying-for-a-sicsa-prize-studentship).
Applicants for international prize studentships MUST complete an application for postgraduate admission to their preferred university as well as a SICSA studentship application. If you don't complete both a university application and an online SICSA application then your studentship application will not be considered.
Applications must be received by 30th April 2010. We will tell you as soon as possible after this date if you have been awarded a studentship. Our aim is to make all offers by early Mid June 2010.
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Phd, Postgraduate, Scotland, UK
19 PhD positions in MULTIMOD project
19 PhD positions in MULTIMOD project
Position applications
The network will provide unique cross- and multi-disciplinary training opportunities. Researchers applying for a position are requested to email their CV accompanied by a letter of motivation and two letters of recommendation at the contact person of the host institution.
All applicants shall also be requested to provide proof that, at the time of recruitment, are eligible for initial training and that they fulfill the conditions of nationality and mobility as specified in page 13 of the 'Guide for Applicants' for Marie Curie ITNs. Researchers will be allowed to apply for no more than two different positions, either at the same or different organizations of the network.
The deadline for applications is the 20th of April 2010.
Selected fellows will be notified at least one month before the job starting date. It is expected that appointed reserachers will be hired from February 2010. Appointments in the MULTIMOD network will last for 36 months. In order to receive complementary training on their respective topics, appointed researchers may be required to spend a secondment period of 3-6 months to one or more institutions as described in the following schedule.
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Phd, Postgraduate
ITALY: 34 Scholarships: Istituto Europeo di Design
ITALY: 34 Scholarships: Istituto Europeo di Design
34 Scholarships: Istituto Europeo di Design
Istituto Europeo di Design -- IED international network: IED Rome, IED Milan, IED Turin, IED Cagliari, IED Barcelona, IED Madrid offers 34 scholarships for attendance of three-year courses for the academic year 2010-2011.
Scholarships are to be distributed among the four IED schools:
* Communication
* Visual Arts
* Design
* Fashion
The programme is open to:
* International students, i.e. students not residing in Italy or Spain (Italian and Spanish students residing abroad are considered international and allowed to participate) ;
* only for beginners, students willing to be admitted at the first year of our three year courses;
* students with a high-school degree or who shall achieve that degree in the current school year;
* students with University Bachelor can be admitted only in case their previous Bachelor has nothing to do with the first year course they want to attend.
*9 full* scholarships covering total tuition fee of the first school year (adding up from 6200 to 7000 euros).
*25 partial* scholarships covering 50% of the tuition fee in the first school year (adding up from 3100 to 3500 euros).
*Project themes*
The selection theme is /"My CULT": IED/ calls young creatives to develop ideas and projects describing 'your cult': everything that became an idol, a dream, an icon in your imagination. A person, an object, a location, a historical period: all these things can represent your cult or can be described as such in your project; you can be inspired by an already existing element, or create a completely new one, and identify it with 'your cult'.
Applicants must develop the theme relating to the three-year course area they wish to apply for the scholarship; the choice of the element to design or describe depends on the course you chose.
For more specific info about courses in each IED school click here
*Application procedure*
All interested applicants need to fill the online application form http://creativediary.net/entry-card-form/ plus submit by email following documents:
- project title
- targeted course title
- description of the project (30 lines maximum will be used for website)
- at least 4 pictures, photos, video frames or drawings which display your idea in JPG, JPEG format, 1000 pixels minimum width, height of images on as your project require (72dpi in file size up to 1Mb)
*optional audio or video file 60 seconds max length
The documents should be submitted by *12th April 2010* to: scholarships@ied.edu
Libellés : Italy, Undergraduate
PhD positions in Business, Stockholm University, Sweden
PhD positions in Business, Stockholm University, Sweden
Doctoral Researcher and PhD-student positions in Business Administration
Reference number SU 617-0454-10. Deadline for applications: April 30, 2010.
Stockholm University School of Business welcomes applications to the Doctoral Programme in Business Administration and for full-time positions as Doctoral Researcher in Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing beginning September 1, 2010.
Admission requirements
Applicants must either have completed a master's degree, or completed at least 240 ECTS (incl. at least 60 ECTS at master's level), or acquired the equivalent knowledge through academic studies in Sweden or abroad. Applicants must also have completed at least 90 ECTS in business administration, incl. a master's dissertation of at least 15 ECTS.
Selection criteria
Selection is made on the basis of
(i) documented knowledge in a relevant subject area,
(ii) English language skills (written and spoken), and
(iii) analytical, critical and creative thinking skills. We pay particular attention to the quality of your research proposal, your academic merits, and your academic references. Short-listed candidates are called to an interview.
Your application should include the following documents:
1. a completed application form (pdf), please find link below,
2. a letter of intent,
3. copies of degree certificates, grades and reference letters,
4. your CV,
5. your research proposal (approx. 2,000 words),
6. a sample of your previous academic work (preferably your master's dissertation; alternatively, a long essay completed within the remit of your master's degree) and
7. two academic reference letters (these should be sent directly to the Registrar's Office).
Application form for English speaking applicants:
Please note that electronic applications are not accepted. All documents should be sent by regular post.
Terms of employment
The Doctoral Programme and employment as Doctoral Researcher comprises of 48 months full-time, beginning September 1, 2010.
For further information contact Director of Graduate Studies, Dr Torkild Thanem, e-mail tt@fek.su.se.
Trade union representatives are Bo Ekengren (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg (Fackförbundet ST), telephone +46-(0)8-16 2000 (switch board), and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO), telephone +46-(0)70-316 43 41, and PhD student representative, e-mail do@sus.su.se.
Applications labelled with reference number SU 617-0454-10
are accepted after April 1, 2010, and should arrive
no later than April 30, 2010, by regular post to:
Stockholm University
http://www.su. se/english/ about/vacancies/ phd-studies/ doctoral- researcher- and-phd-student- positions- in-business- administration- 1.2089
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Phd, Postgraduate, Sweden
MBA Scholarships
Donate To Scholarship position
avr. 02
- 19 PhD positions in Agricultural Sciences, INRA, F...
- PhD student working on Behavioral Service Substitu...
- 67 PhD positions at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- 20 PhD Studentships in Informatics, SICSA, Scotlan...
- 19 PhD positions in MULTIMOD project
- ITALY: 34 Scholarships: Istituto Europeo di Design
- PhD positions in Business, Stockholm University, S...
avr. 02