

Master Bursaries, School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester, UK

IDPM is pleased to announce that they will be offering 7 International Development Bursaries for students from selected developing countries to study on an IDPM Masters programme commencing September 2010 entry.

The awards cover a 50% waiver of the 2010 overseas tuition fee and are open to applicants who receive an offer for one of the following IDPM programmes:
MSc in Globalisation and Development
MA in International Development: Public Policy and Management
MSc in Industry,Trade and Development
MSc in ICTs for Development
MSc in Organisational Change and Development
MSc in Management and Implementation of Development Projects
MA in International Development: Politics and Governance

Eligibility for the award is as follows:
Applicants must be a national of and resident in a developing country of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America or Oceania. Please contact the School`s admissions office if you are unsure if you are eligible to apply for this award.
Applicants must not have previously studied in a developed country (short/language courses excluded).
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to cover the remaining tuition fee and living costs for the duration of the programme.
Applicants must hold or achieve a UK second class honours, upper division or above, or its International equivalent, in their Bachelor`s degree.

Application process

Applicants should submit the following documents by email to
Paul Arrowsmith,
Recruitment and Admissions Administrator,
School of Environment and Development;
CV detailing academic and professional experience (no more than two sides of A4)
500 word personal statement outlining any professional or personal experience relevant to the programme of study
Details of how the remaining tuition fee and living expenses will be covered for the duration of the programme. Applicants who are unable to provide this with their bursary application will not be considered for the award.

Selection criteria
Applicants will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
Academic achievement
English Language ability
Professional Development related work experience
Personal experience relating to Development
Future career aspirations and progression

The deadline for applications for Master`s Bursaries is Friday 28th May 2010.

Successful applicants will be contacted in July 2010.

Applications for the Master`s programmes can be submitted online!

General enquiries prior to a formal application can be made to:
Paul Arrowsmith
Recruitment and Admissions Administrator

PhD Position, Institute of Developmental Biology and Cancer, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

Thesis supervisor: Dr Olivier Soriani
Our project will focus on the regulation of ion channels involved in cancer cell behaviour (apoptosis resistance, extra cellular matrix adhesion and degradation, motility, proliferation). Recently, we have demonstrated that a unique tumour biomarker, the sigma-1 receptor (Sig1R), was functionally associated to Cl- and K+ channels in lung cancer and leukaemia cells. We have shown that the over-expression of Sig1R in cancer cells enhances cell apoptotic resistance through a decrease of volume-regulated Cl- channels activation kinetics (Renaudo et al., 2007; Le Guennec et al., 2008). Moreover, exogenous sigma ligands inhibit cell cycle through a K+ channel / p27kip1-dependent pathway (Renaudo et al. 2004).
The project will deal on the molecular mechanisms associating the Sig1R to ion channels aberrantly expressed in leukaemia and breast cancer cells, in relation to their aggressiveness state. Finally, in vivo significance of the described mechanisms will be explored in a mouse metastatic model.
Main technical approaches:
Molecular cell biology, genetics, microscopy imagery and electrophysiology (patch-clamp).
We are seeking highly talented and self-motivated candidates. A background in the field of electrophysiology and cell physiology will be appreciated. The position will be available on September 2010.
Candidates are invited to obtain application forms from soriani[at] or borgese[at]
Application deadline: Friday 30 April.
Provisional date for auditions of short listed candidates: Monday 17 May
  • Martial,S., Giorgelli,J. L., Renaudo,A., Derijard,B., and Soriani,O. (2008). SP600125 inhibits Kv channels through a JNK-independent pathway in cancer cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 366, 944-950
  • Renaudo,A., L`Hoste,S., Guizouarn,H. , Borgese,F., and Soriani,O. (2007). Cancer cell cycle modulated by a functional coupling between sigma receptors and Cl- channels. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 2259-2267.
  • Le Guennec,J.Y. , Ouadid-Ahidouch, H., Soriani,O., Besson,P., Ahidouch,A., and Vandier,C. (2007). Voltage-gated ion channels, new targets in anti-cancer research. Recent Patents Anticancer Drug Discov. 2, 189-202.
  • Renaudo,A., Watry,V., Chassot,A.A. , Ponzio,G., Ehrenfeld,J. , and Soriani,O. (2004). Inhibition of tumor cell proliferation by sigma ligands is associated with K+ Channel inhibition and p27kip1 accumulation. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 311, 1105-1114.

70 PhD Positions, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy

The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science  (DISI) at the  University of Trento has 70 open PhD positions in the ICT area, almost all of them covered by scholarship.
Details on the DISI Department and on the PhD School as well as a link to the online application are provided at the bottom of this information.
The deadline for applications is April 20, 2010, before 12 noon, local time.
The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science is one of the leading and faster-growing research institutions, characterized by a young and international faculty and by a large, international student population. Indicators for scientific production put the department among the very top in Europe.

The successful candidate will therefore have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and exciting environment.

Trento is a vibrant city with a beautifully preserved historic center, consistently ranked at the top for quality of life in Italy. It offers a variety of cultural and sports opportunities all year around, as well as excellent food and wine.
Links related to the programme:
  1. DISI web site: 
  2. Research at DISI: 
  3. PhD School: 
  4. Online application for PhD Positions:
ICT International Doctoral School,
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Trento
Phone: +39 0461 883989
Fax: +39 0461 883964
e-mail: infoict[at]

15 Scholarships 2010/11-Vienna PhD School of Informatics-Austria

The Vienna PhD School of Informatics offers 15 Scholarships to national and international students for the year 2010/11 in Austria

The Vienna PhD School of Informatics is an international PhD School, funded by the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna), the City of Vienna and private sponsors. PhD students for this full-time programme are recruited world-wide, all courses are held in English.  The PhD School is located at TU Vienna and admits Austrian as well as international students annually. TU Vienna invites applications for a maximum of 15 PhD scholarships per year. The first study year of the PhD School started in October 2009. No tuition fees have to be paid by these holders of scholarships.
  1. The PhD School is open for national and international students (not limited to the European Union), with an objective of a 50% share of international students. The Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology invites applicants from all countries to its “Vienna PhD School of Informatics”. Furthermore, a women’s quota of at least 40% is intended (averaged over 3 years).
  2. Qualified female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given when equally qualified.
  3. Applicants should have obtained a master’s degree with distinction.
Application Process:
  1. All information provided in the application form must be accurate and complete. In case of any subsequent corrections please contact the Administration of the PhD School and DO NOT submit the form a second time. If we receive two or more application forms from the same person, we will not consider any of them.
  2. All correspondence will be made via e-mail using the e-mail address you have specified in the online application form. Please check your e-mails regularly and keep your mailbox ready to receive.
  3. All application documents, except the hard-copy of your application form, have to be handed in electronically, via e-mail.
Application Form:
Please visit

Scholarship Deadline:
7th May 2010


McDonough District Hospital Scholarhips/Loans 2010/11-USA

The McDonough District Hospital and the Auxiliary to MDH offer The McDonough District Hospital Scholarhips/Loans to students enrolled in a curriculum leading to a career in a health-related field or to McDonough District Hospital employees for the year 2010/11 in USA

McDonough District Hospital and the Auxiliary to MDH have established funds for students to help financially fulfill their academic goal in a healthcare field. The Auxiliary Scholarship Fund offers assistance to students enrolled in a curriculum leading to a career in a health-related field or to McDonough District Hospital employees who wish to expand their skills through additional course work, job-related seminars, or professional certification programs.
For students enrolled in a curriculum leading to a career in a health-related field or to McDonough District Hospital employees who wish to expand their skills through additional course work, job-related seminars, or professional certification programs.

Application Process:
  1. Interested persons may also apply for additional funding through the MDH and Auxiliary loan program. Upon completion of the education, loan recipients may repay their loan in full or if employed by MDH, may apply a portion of their salary or hourly wage (typically $1 per hour worked) toward repayment of the loan.
  2. Each spring, applicants complete an application for health career loans and/or scholarships for the following school year. The deadline is typically June 1; determinations are usually made by August 1 of each year.

Application Form:
To apply visit

Scholarship Deadline:
June 1, 2010

Further Information:
For more information, call (309) 836-1577, or stop by the Human Resources Department on the lower level of the hospital.

Visiting Research Fellowship Program 2010-JIRCAS-Japan

The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences offers The Visiting Research Fellowship Program for the year 2010 in Japan

The JIRCAS Visiting Research Fellowship Program aims at the promotion of international collaborative research to address various problems confronting the countries in developing regions on a global scale, including the critical situation of food production, the progression of desertification and the gradual disappearance of genetic resources.

Fellowship Details:
This fellowship program has two components: (1) Tsukuba-Okinawa (2) Project Site. Under the Project Site Fellowship Program, JIRCAS invites qualified researchers, who are citizens of the countries where collaborative research projects are being carried out, to work with the JIRCAS researcher dispatched to the project site.
  1. Be a national of the country where the research theme for which the applicant is applying will be implemented.
  2. Be currently engaged in research relating to agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a research organization or university.
  3. Hold at least a Master’s degree in a field relating to socio-economics, and natural sciences and technology.
  4. Should enjoy a good health.
  5. Have an adequate command of the English language.
  6. Should be endorsed by the authority of the institution where the applicant is employed or affiliated.
  7. Should be able to work exclusively on the collaborative research project.
Application Form:

How to apply:
Followshing documents must be submitted:
  1. Application form
  2. Copy of publications (three most relevant only)
  3. Curriculum vitae (maximum of four pages; do not attach any certificate(s) /diploma(s))
Mailing Address:
Head, International Relations Section
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
1-1, Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686, JAPAN

Fellowship Deadline:
April 26, 2010.


Open Positions 2010/11-Grid/and Cloud Computing-Sweden

The Umeå University offers The Open Positions in Grid and Cloud Computing for the year 2010/11 in Sweden

Umeå University, Department of Computing Science, is seeking outstanding candidates for 2 post-doc researcher stipends. The researchers are aimed to strengthen and broaden the current research group for Grid and Cloud Computing. For extending and broadening of the research in Grid and Cloud computing, there is an opening for the following new positions:
  • 1 Post doctoral position
  • 3 PhD Student positions
  • 2 Systems developer positions

Position Details:
The group’s research is focused on the design and analysis of methods, algorithms and software for service-oriented grid and cloud infrastructures. Current and planned research topics include systems architecture design, resource brokering, scheduling, cloud infrastructure elasticity, distributed monitoring and accounting, job and workflow management, efficient use of virtualization techniques, cloud storage, as well as grid and cloud application development, e.g., in eScience application areas. See for an overview of ongoing projects. The stipends are part of an effort aimed to strengthen the group’s research in these areas and to broaden the research scope, e.g., by addressing new relevant topics.

Who may apply:
Successful candidates should have earned a PhD in Computer Science or a related field relevant for our research, preferably not more than three years old. Research topics of interest span from distributed systems fundamentals to Grid and Cloud Computing infrastructures, virtualization technology, and their academic and industrial applications, including, e.g., eScience applications. New research directions of relevance to our current research are of interest. Industrial experience is also considered highly valuable. Excellent communication skills in written and spoken English are required.

How to apply:
A complete application should include:
  1. Introductory letter with a statement of research interest.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  3. Copy of completed PhD thesis.
  4. Copies of exam certificates, including documentation of completed academic courses and their grades.
  5. Copies of original research publications.
  6. Description of software development experience.
  7. Contact information for three persons willing to act as references.
  8. Any other information relevant for the position.

Further Information:
  1. All material should be submitted electronically or in a single printed copy. Electronically submitted material should be in MSWord or PDF format.
  2. For further information, please contact Professor and Head of Department Erik Elmroth, email:, phone: +46 90 786 69 86.
  3. Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO civil, +46-(0)90-786 52 96, and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.
  4. Your complete application, marked with the appropriate reference number, should be sent to or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive April 30, 2010 at the latest.

Application Deadline:
April 30, 2010

International Ph.D. Program 2010/11-German Cancer Research Center-Germany

The Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research offers a International Ph.D. Program for the year 2010/11 in Germany

The DKFZ is Germany’s largest biomedical research institute and is a member of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers. More than 2,000 staff members, including 850 scientists, are engaged in researching the mechanisms of cancer and are working to identify risk factors. Their valuable work is the cornerstone for developing novel approaches in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research provides 90% of the Center’s basic funding; the remainder or 10% comes from the German state of Baden-Württemberg.

For detailed Eligibility requirements visit

How to apply:
  1. Apply online at
  2. The application form asks for information about your background, including your educational qualifications, honors, skills and interests. A statement of motivation is also required and letters of recommendation from two referees. When filling in the online form, remember to have electronic copies (JPEG or PDF files of not more than 3MB) of your academic certificates, English language certificate (if applicable) and evidence of other honors and skills to upload with your application.

Selection Process:
  1. Applications will be evaluated within 4 weeks of the deadline. We will inform applicants immediately and invite successful candidates for interview. Interviews take place in Heidelberg about 6-8 weeks after the application deadline and last 3 days. About three times more candidates are invited than the number we eventually accept.
  2. During the interviews, aspects such as intellectual brightness, creativity, perseverance, independent thinking and the ability to work in a team will be evaluated. In addition, candidates are required to give a short oral presentation of their own practical work.

Application Deadline:
  • 2010/2011 Winter selection: 5th January 2011
  • 2011 Summer selection: 31st May 2011


Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships