

Citi Foundation Scholarship Fund at the European Business School

The Citi Foundation Scholarship Fund

The Citi Foundation Scholarship Fund at the European Business School is presented by EBS Alumni and aimed at the advancement and support of socially disadvantaged, gifted potential students. The Citi Foundation’s funding will be used to alleviate the financial burden stemming from tuition fees. The scholarships will cover 50% of Bachelors or Masters tuition fees for one year.

EBS Alumni Citi Foundation Scholarship 2009

The scholarship program targets young people from disadvantaged low-income families who usually have only limited access to education and training or minorities who often experience discrimination. We therefore intend to improve their chances via this advancement program and see this as a contribution to integration, as well as a valuable support of EBS’ scholarly aims to promote intercultural competence in its educational concept.

The Citi Foundation’s funding will be used to alleviate the financial burden stemming from tuition fees. The scholarships will cover 50% of Bachelors or Masters tuition fees for one year.

All prospective and current students who fit the target group are invited to apply, the scholarships will be awarded based on academic excellence, need and an interview.

Important Information about the Application Procedure

Who may apply?
Your application will be considered if some or all of the following points apply to you:

  • You come from a low-income family.
  • You are a member of a minority.
  • You have a migrant background.

We also strive for a balanced number of low income students as well as an increase in the number female students and wish to create an elite of responsibility in Germany.

What do I have to hand in?
Please apply with all documents listed in the PDF in the right column.

Important information concerning eXebs fellows who already receive financial support through the eXebs Bildungsfonds: You don’t have to hand in all the financial documents, you just have to hand in a signed explanation that your financial situation has remained the same.

Important information concerning students who plan to apply for the eXebs Bildungsfonds: The documents you have to hand in for the Citi Scholarship are the same you have to hand in when applying for the eXebs Bildungsfonds. So it probably would make sense to apply for both scholarships at the same time.

Where do I have to send my application?
Please send it directly to the following adress (Einwurfeinschreiben is possible, but no Einschreiben mit Rückschein!):

Postfach 4004
55030 Mainz

When and where do the interviews take place?
Depending on whether you apply only for the Citi Scholarship or for both the Citi Scholarship and the eXebs Fellowship including the Bildungsfonds your interview will take place on the following dates:

  • applicants who also have interviews for the Fellowship (Bildungsfonds) Scholarship: 4.7.2009, Oestrich-Winkel, Burg Campus
  • applicants who only apply for the Citi Scholarship: 5.7.2009, Oestrich-Winkel, Schloss Campus

You will be informed (per email) in time whether you will be invited or not.

Application deadline (Posteingang!): 19.06.2009

PhD grant : Intracellular signaling cascades involved in the integration of neuromodulatory signals in the striatum / nucleus

PhD grant from CNRS:

Title: Intracellular signaling cascades involved in the integration of neuromodulatory signals in the striatum / nucleus accumbens

As a majority of neuropsychiatric diseases affect neuromodulatory systems, it becomes
increasingly important to gain a better understanding of the cellular processes involved in signal integration. For example, dopamine plays a key role in controlling the output of basal ganglia such as complex motor sequences (dorsal
striatum) or behavioral orientation ("motivation", ventral striatum). Imbalances in the dopaminergic system indeed result in debilitating conditions such as Parkinson disease, addiction, psychosis...

In the striatum, medium spiny neurons (MSN) express either dopamine D1 or D2 receptors which are coupled in an opposite way to the cAMP/ PKA cascade. These neurons also express proteins isoforms involved in the cAMP/PKA cascade which are rare or absent in any other brain region, such as DARPP-32, Gαolf, type V adenylyl
cyclase, type 10 phosphodiesterase... This signaling cascade is therefore expected to perform differently in the striatum than in other region of the brain.

The very recent development of FRET biosensors now allow a direct assessment of the cAMP/ PKA cascade in living neurons. There are indicators for various steps of the cascade (cAMP concentration, PKA activity and CREB phosphorylation level) and we routinely record D1 responses in medium spiny neurons in specific cellular domains (cytosol, nucleus, dendrites). In addition, we are developing a unique method to record this signal in the striatum at the cellular level in the living animal. Our preliminary results demonstrated a more complex regulation of the PKA signal in MSN as compared to our former results obtained in the cortex, which must now be explained at the molecular level. Our project is to study the cAMP/PKA signalisation in different cellular domains in physiological and pathological situations in animal models of Parkinson disease and drug addiction.

We thus use very innovative methodologies to combine mechanistic studies performed ex vivo with cellular recordings performed in vivo, in an attempt to bridge the gap between cellular and integrated physiology.

Gervasi, Hepp, Tricoire, Zhang, Lambolez, Paupardin-Tritsch and Vincent, 2007, "Dynamics of PKA Signaling at the Membrane, in the Cytosol and in the Nucleus of Neurons in Mouse Brain Slices" J. Neurosci. 27 p2744-50.

Vincent, Maskos, Charvet, Bourgeais, Stoppini, Leresche, Changeux, Lambert, Meda and
Paupardin-Tritsch, 2006, "Live imaging of neural structure and function by fibred fluorescence microscopy." EMBO Rep. 7 p1154-61.

Vincent, Gervasi and Zhang, 2008, "Real-time monitoring of cyclic nucleotide signaling in neurons using genetically encoded FRET probes." Brain Cell Biol 36

Pierre VINCENT; Equipe Intégration Cellulaire des Signaux Neuromodulateurs Neurobiologie des Processus Adaptatifs UMR7102 CNRS UPMC, Paris, France.
phone: 33 (0)1 44 27 25 88; e-mail: pierre.vincent@

Human Rights Short Course, University of Nottingham - UK

The Human Rights Law Centre of the School of Law of the University of Nottingham offers human rights short courses for graduate students and others wishing to a career in human rights at the international or national levels. We offer a one term course twice a year (September/October to December, and January to March) which provides in-depth knowledge and understanding of UN and regional human rights systems by faculty and visiting lecturers who have experience of the systems in practice.

We also offer a two term course beginning in September/October in which the second term is spent in a human rights internship in an IGO or an NGO. Many former course students now work in such organisations, and the Centre has extensive contacts with them.

There are still places available for the autumn course which commences on
Monday 28 September 2009. Please see the attached brochure. There is also
further information on our website

Please feel free to contact kobie.neita@ nottingham. for any further
information or queries regarding the course.

Miss Kobie Neita
Human Rights Law Centre
School of Law
Law & Social Sciences Building
University Park

Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 66309
Fax: +44 (0)115 84 66579

15 PhD or Post Doctoral positions on Offshore Wind Technology

15 PhD Fellowships or Post Doctoral positions on Offshore Wind Technology

The Norwegian government has established eight national research centers on climate friendly energy generation, one of which is the Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology (NOWITECH).

NTNU, SINTEF and IFE are research partners and leading national and international companies are industrial partners (i.e. StatoilHydro, Statkraft, Vestas, Dong Energy and several more). Recognized international research organizations are collaborating with the Centre (i.e. MIT, DTU/Risø, NREL).

We are collaborating with relevant centers at NTNU, such as the Center for Ships and Ocean Structures and the Center for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry.
Already more than 30 professors and researchers are engaged in this fi eld together with a signifi cant number of PhD and postdocs. With the establishment of NOWITECH, the research in offshore wind in Norway is significantly increased.

The industrial benefits of this enhanced research are anticipated to contribute to stronger market position for Norwegian suppliers both in international as well as
national markets.. The results of this focused research effort are also expected to more large scale use of offshore wind technology and thus reduce CO2 emissions and the climate change.

NOWITECH is planning to engage at least 25 PhDs and postdocs, and is announcing 15 positions for the first period of the research program.

PhD stipend in Organizational context of traffic modelling

Job description:
Organizational context of traffic modelling

The PhD stipend is available within the general study programme "Planning and Development".

The PhD project is a part of a larger research project entitled "Uncertainties in Transport Project Evaluation" carried out by Aalborg University and Denmark\´s Technical University in cooperation with few universities and research institutes in other countries. The political goals within the transport sector often conflict with the general trend development, e.g. the increasing transport demand and volumes that lead to increasing congestion and CO2 emissions. The users\´ responses to policy initiatives and the derived impacts can be difficult to forecast due to complex causal relationships. Traffic forecast models and socio-economic cost-benefit analyses have been increasingly applied as tools for decision support, and they are often used to justify new transport infrastructure projects.

However, experience from a number of large-scale investment projects has shown that the traffic forecasts on which decisions to implement the projects were based, have often been insufficient and sometimes misleading.

The purpose of the PhD project is to investigate the role of traffic models in some selected strategic-level planning and policy formation processes within a Danish and other Scandinavian context. The study is expected to illuminate how the results of traffic modelling are being interpreted by planners, politicians and the media during the period up to decision-making on proposed transport infrastructure projects, the use of different types of models in national and regional decision-making processes, the use of model results in EIAs and cost-benefit analyses, the scope of the need analyses in which traffic model forecasting is used, and the response of constructors and users of traffic models to the criticism posed by researchers against the inherent assumptions of the models.

Organizational affiliation:
The PhD fellow position is organizationally anchored in the Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, where some teaching will occur and the research project to which the PhD stipend is connected will be carried out. The PhD fellow will be a member of the Research Group for Urban Planning and Mobility Studies.

Qualification requirements:
PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 18 of January 14, 2008 on the PhD Programme at the Universities. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.

The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine will make a decision for allocating the stipend.

Appointment and salary acc. to the Ministry of Finance Circular of January 11, 2006 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance Circular of June 13, 2007 on the employment structure at Danish Universities.

For further information about stipends and salary contact Ms. Tine Lützhøft, The Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, email:, phone: +45 9940 7380.

The PhD application form can be downloaded from the following address:

The faculty has a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine: and a Network for all PhD students:

You may obtain further information from Professor Petter Næss, Department of Development and Planning, phone: +45 9940 8373, email: petter@plan. concerning the technical aspects of the stipend.
Application marked with the PhD stipend No. 562/06-20-29125, should include in four copies: the PhD application form, the Masters diploma including grades, publications, Curriculum Vitae, proposal for a PhD study plan and any other material, as well as a list of submitted material. Due to legal constraints electronic applications will not be accepted. The application must arrive at Aalborg University with the morning post by the 1.7.2009.

Application is to be forwarded to :
Aalborg Universitet
De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabel ige Fakulteter
Niels Jernes Vej 10
DK-9220 Aalborg Øst

MPhil/PhD bursaries at Department of History, Goldsmiths College, University of London

MPhil/PhD bursaries at Department of History, Goldsmiths College,
University of London

Goldsmiths Department of History is offering fees-only bursaries, on a competitive basis, to home/EU students wishing to undertake doctoral research in one of the following areas:

-History of the Early Modern Mediterranean
-Intellectual and cultural history of South Asia c.1800 - present
-Early modern Western European ideas, religion, politics or popular culture
-Nineteeth-century British proletarian social and cultural history
-Social and cultural history of southern Africa
-Culture and society in Second World War Britain
-Modern and contemporary history of former Yugoslavia

The bursaries are tenable for up to three years, renewable annually subject to satisfactory progress. Application forms will be available to applicants who have accepted an offer to study at Goldsmiths by 5th May 2009. Interviews for short-listed candidates will be held on Wednesday 3rd June 2009. For information about the Department and its staff please see For information about applying to study for an MPhil/PhD at Goldsmiths contact s.alexander@ For further information about the bursaries contact v.richmond@gold.

The Future of Statebuilding

Call for Papers: "The Future of Statebuilding: Ethics, Power and Responsibility in International Relations"

The Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, in conjunction with the BISA working group `Sovereignty And its Discontents' and the Taylor & Francis Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, are hosting a conference on " The Future of Statebuilding; Ethics, Power and Responsibility in International
Relations" on the 9 11 October 2009.


In the post-Cold War era intra-state issues, from ethnic cleansing and underdevelopment to terrorism and civil war, have dominated the international security agenda. The integration of the domestic and the international has led to calls for more direct and invasive international involvement in the internal affairs of states. This has been manifest in the marked increase in both UN-sanctioned and
unilateral interventions and numerous statebuilding operations. This conference seeks to interrogate the contemporary currency of intervention and statebuilding and highlight the key questions and challenges raised by recent practice.

Keynote speakers

Professor Alex Bellamy, University of Queensland
Professor Simon Chesterman, New York University School of Law
Professor Roland Paris, University of Ottawa
Professor Oliver Richmond, University of St. Andrews


In particular we seek papers that broadly address the following issues;

* "Aspiration and Practice": How do we understand/explain the gap between the aims and achievements of statebuilding?

* "Failed States: Rhetoric and Reality": What is the true nature of the influence of failed states on contemporary international security?

* "The Responsibility to Protect": How has "R2P" changed the norms governing the use of force? Is this a progressive development?

* "The Peacebuilding Commission": What role can/should the UN play in intervention and statebuilding?

* "The Future of Statebuilding After Iraq": What will the legacy of the invasion and occupation of Iraq be?

Submission instructions

If you wish to present a paper, please email a 300 word proposal and a short biographical note to a.hehir@wmin. by May 21st 2009.


Professor David Chandler, University of Westminster
Dr Philip Cunliffe, King's College London
Dr Aidan Hehir, University of Westminster

Conference website:

LSE/OSI Visiting Fellowship Program 2009-2010

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), with the funding from the Open Society Institute (OSI) offers four individual grants in one academic year for 2-month study visits at the London School of Economics and Political Science for middle level faculty with outstanding academic qualifications from Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. Awards, which provide a stipend for living expenses sufficient for a single Fellow, return economy airfare and health insurance, are for academic staff employed by the universities and higher educational institutions in the aforementioned countries specialising in social sciences. They are intended to enable prospective candidates to upgrade their teaching and research skills. The candidate must demonstrate potential for excellence in research and an interest in developing high impact policy outputs.

Prospective candidates:
a. are nationals of and normally resident in one of the aforementioned countries at the time of applying for the award
b. have held a teaching position at a university or higher educational institution in the country of residence for more than 2 years
c. have a PhD
d. have good record of academic publications

The deadline for the applications is 30 April 2009. The short-listed candidates will be notified within two weeks of the deadline and should be ready to attend the interview shortly afterwards. For an application form please visit CSGG web site

The application material should be sent to:

The costs of attending the interview and visa where applicable will be covered by the grant awarding body.

Centre for the Study of Global Governance
London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton St.
London WC2 2AE
United Kingdom

CfA: Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe

This program was launched some years ago by the University of Bologna, Italy; it is taught entirely in English (120 ECTS) and provides a joint diploma of the Universities of Bologna , Ljubljana , Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas , Corvinus University of Budapest and, from the next Academic Year 2009-2010, the State University of St Petersburg .

MIREES students will spend the first year in Forlì (one of the five campuses of the University of Bologna), while in the second year a minimum of 5 months will be spent at Partner Universities and, in particular cases, at MIREES Associated Universities in the Balkans. A mobility grant is offered to all enrolled students.

More detailed information on the teaching plan and the Faculty, together with the application form, can be found at our web site: http://www.mirees. . The next deadline for applications is May 15th, 2009.

The program is especially recommended for prospective PhD students. Our best alumni are currently attending doctorate programs at the Universities of Oxford, Kent, the New School in New York and other prestigious international academic institutions. Moreover, the program is designed to forge analysts, area experts, consultants and mediators, to meet the needs of research institutes, the European Commission,
international agencies, voluntary organizations and NGO's, public administration, managers, corporations and banks located in East-Central Europe and the Balkans or promoting investments in these regions. Most of our alumni have found employment precisely in these fields.

The MIREES program offers specialized, in-depth knowledge of the post-socialist countries in transition, the new EU member states, and the new East-European neighbour countries to students with a BA in Economics, Politics, International Relations, History, Languages (and Slavic languages in particular), agricultural studies and cultural studies generally.

The program aims at developing language skills. MIREES offers courses in Bosnian-Croatian- Serbian, Bulgarian, basic and advanced Russian, and Slovak (Hungarian and Lithuanian are also available in the 2nd year), as well as Italian for foreigners as an additional option. The curriculum stresses interdisciplinary studies in the economics of transition; politics and international relations; media studies; and history and cultural studies focused on Central, Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Thirdly, the international dimension of the programme is enhanced through student mobility, by an international faculty composed of prominent scholars of international repute, and a genuinely international student body. (In the previous five cycles we enrolled students from 21 countries including the US, Mexico, Russia, Georgia, Estonia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Albania, Poland, Armenia, Norway, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and, of course, Italy.)

Therefore, we would be extremely grateful if you could encourage your BA students to consider applying to this two year program and, at the same time, if you could forward this message to your colleagues interested in this part of the world. With this in mind we are sending you as an attachment our promotional flyer in a pdf file. It briefly covers all the general aspects of the program, as well as the mission and the profile of our Master of Arts.

Should you need further information, please feel free to contact the
Tutor of the course at facscpol-fo. tutormirees@ or the Faculty Student Office (info.spfo@unibo. it , phone +39.0543.374145) .

Master’s Degree (MSc) Programme on Integrated Dry lands Management

Master’s Degree (MSc) Programme on Integrated Dry lands Management

The Joint Master’s Degree (MSc) Programme on Integrated Dry lands Management brings together different expertise and scientific resources of the partner institutes to build advanced human capital, generate and adapt global knowledge for local solutions in dry lands. The programme provides young professionals and scientists an international perspective on integrated resources management approaches in dry lands and allows them to gain practical experience in different dry land countries. Throughout the programme, a strong emphasis will be placed on multidisciplinary approaches.

The MSc Programme will offer two components:

1) a short intensive course

2) field research leading to the development of a Master’s thesis.

Tuition Fee and Scholarship

Tuition fee for the MS Programme is US $5,000 including costs of course delivery, supervision and examination. The tuition fee will be waived for those students who are recipients of a fellowship. A limited number of Fellowships will be provided to qualified candidates from developing countries on a competitive basis. These fellowships will cover the travel costs between the country of origin and IRA, CAREERI, ICARDA and TU, as needed.

How to apply

An application form must be completed and submitted by email or fax. Application forms are available online, and can be downloaded at http://www.inweh. drylands/ MS.htm or can be requested via email at contact@inweh.

The following supporting documents must be submitted together with the application form:

* Certified copies of academic transcripts

* Detailed MS research proposal

* Two letters of reference

* Evidence of English proficiency (eg. TOEFL score or certificate)

NB: For those documents not originally in English, they must be accompanied by an official English translation. Deadline for submission is 31 July, 2009. Please send your fully completed application form and supporting materials to:

MS Programme Committee

United Nations University - International Network on Water, Environment
and Health

175 Longwood Rd. South, suite 204

Hamiliton, Ontario L8P 0A1 Canada

Fax: +1 905 667 5510

Email: contact@inweh.

Italy : PhD Positions at University of Rome-Tor Vergata

Admissions Announcement

The Announcement for Foreign Student Applications will be published on April 3rd, 2009 . The application process will be activated at that time.

Pre-selection Announcement for Foreign Students

Pre-selection has begun for foreign students applying for a position in a Doctoral Program for the academic year 2009/10.

The number of positions funded by the University will be established by the Graduate School.

Foreign students wishing to apply for admission to a Doctoral Program for the academic year 2009/10 must submit an application via the online form available at the following website which will be active on April 3rd 2009 and deadline is May 25th, 2009:

http://delphi. uniroma2. it/totem/ jsp/Concorsi/ ConcorsoOTest. jsp?language= en

Some doctoral courses have specific conditions of admissions. Those will be advertised on the following web page:

http://dottorati. uniroma2. it/index. php?option= com_content& view=article& id=913&catid= 275&Itemid= 259?= it_IT.utf8% 2C+it_IT. UT

Foreign students will be evaluated by submitting an online application. At the conclusion of the online application process, applicants must attach in electronic format a “zip” file with a maximum size of 15 MB containing:

1. A Curriculum Vitae with details of achieved degree(s), relevant examination results and/or results of degree requirements with assessment and/or grade (i.e., transcript details), and the date of degree achievement.
2. A research proposal (maximum size of 1 page on A4 paper)
3. List of Publications

Foreign students are required to provide a recommendation form to two university professors in Italy or abroad. The two completed recommendation forms must be returned to the Graduate School Office. The recommendation form will be found on the web:

http://dottorati. uniroma2. it/index. php?option= com_artforms& formid=3& lang=it_IT. utf8%2C+it_ IT.UT

Foreign candidates whose application has passed preliminary screening will be invited to take part in a Skype interview with a professor from their desired program of study.

The Doctoral School will publish the list of candidates granted a Skype interview and the timetable of those interviews. The information can be found at the following webpage:

http://dottorati. uniroma2. it/

Candidates whose two letters of recommendation are not received will be excluded from selection.

Candidates will also be excluded from the selection process if they fail to disclose in their Curriculum Vitae relevant examination results and/or results of degree requirements with assessment and/or grade (i.e., transcript details), and the date of degree achievement.

Candidates will also be excluded if they hold a degree which the Coordinator does not consider equivalent to an Italian degree or equivalent to the Program’s requirements.

Candidates possessing degree(s) not achieved in Italy will have to submit to the Administration of the Doctoral School a Declaration of Relative Value (or “dichiarazione di valore relativa al titolo”) within three months of registration. The Declaration is obtainable from the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the country where the degree was completed.

Students who fail to present proof of value within three months of registration will be excluded from the program

Pre-selection applications will be evaluated by the Coordinator or by a committee appointed by the Coordinator of the PhD Program and they will admit candidates deemed suitable.

NORWAY; The International Ibsen Scholarships

The International Ibsen Scholarships were initiated in 2007 by the Norwegian government. In total, scholarship funds amount to 1,000,000 NOK (approx. 125.000 Euro/150.000 US Dollars) in 2009, and will be awarded to Ibsen-related projects worldwide.

* The international scholarships for Ibsen-related projects were established by the Norwegian parliament in relation to the central government budget for the fiscal year of 2007.
* Scholarships are awarded to individuals, organizations or institutions within the artistic and cultural community. The scholarships are meant to act as incentives for critical discourse in
regards to existential and society-related subject matters concerning Henrik Ibsen.
* In cooperation with the Skien municipality, the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs appoints a review panel responsible for awarding the scholarships. The review panel is to consist of three members, namely one female, one male and one person with non-Norwegian citizenship. Any
member of the review panel must be fully competent and qualified within the cultural and artistic fields of study. Members are appointed for three years, with the possibility of another three year extension to the tenure.
* Administrative support functions for the review panel and the scholarships is the responsibility of the Skien municipality.
* Presentation of the scholarships is an integral part of the Skien International Ibsen Conference, the latter being an annual event in relation to the presentation of the International Ibsen Award.
* Scholarships are awarded based on a written application, which should arrive no later than the predetermined deadline, and which must abide by the rules set for the application procedure.
* The scholarships are accounted for by the Skien municipality, in line with generally accepted accounting principles and subject to instructions from the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.
* The manner in which public funds are used, is annually reported to Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.
DEADLINE May 1st, 2009

Systematic Biases in transport models - Phd Stipend Aalborg Univ.

Phd in Systematic Biases in transport models

The PhD stipend is available within the general study programme “Planning and Development”.

The PhD project is a part of a larger research project entitled “Uncertainties in Transport Project Evaluation” carried out by Aalborg University and Denmark’s Technical University in cooperation with few universities and research institutes in other countries. The political goals within the transport sector often conflict with the general trend development, e.g. the increasing transport demand and volumes that lead to increasing congestion and CO2 emissions. The users’ responses to policy initiatives and the derived impacts can be difficult to forecast due to complex causal relationships. Traffic forecast models and socio-economic cost-benefit analyses have been increasingly applied as tools for decision support, and they are often used to justify new transport infrastructure projects.

However, experience from a number of large-scale investment projects has shown that the traffic forecasts on which decisions to implement the projects were based, have often been insufficient and sometimes misleading.

The purpose of the PhD project is to investigate why traffic forecasts are wrong, and how they can become significantly more accurate. To understand this, forecasted versus actual traffic are studied: How do traffic volumes after project opening compare to the forecasts? Is there any systematic pattern in deviations between forecasted and actual traffic volumes? How is this explained? What are the consequences? The aim is to show whether decisions to build are well-informed or not. Therefore the forecasts available to decision makers at the time of making the decision to build are compared to actual outturn traffic.

Organizational affiliation:
The PhD fellow position is organizationally anchored in the Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, where some teaching will occur and the research project to which the PhD stipend is connected will be carried out. The PhD fellow will be a member of the Research Group for Urban Planning and Mobility Studies.

Qualification requirements:
PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 18 of January 14, 2008 on the PhD Programme at the Universities. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.

The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine will make a decision for allocating the stipend.

Appointment and salary acc. to the Ministry of Finance Circular of January 11, 2006 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance Circular of June 13, 2007 on the employment structure at Danish Universities.

For further information about stipends and salary contact Ms. Tine Lützhøft, The Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, email:, phone: +45 9940 7380.

The PhD application form can be downloaded from the following address: get-a-phd/ 3591832

The faculty has a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine: and a Network for all PhD students: http://pau.aau. dk

You may obtain further information from Professor Petter Næss, Department of Development and Planning, phone: +45 9940 8373, email: petter@plan. concerning the technical aspects of the stipend.
Application marked with the PhD stipend No. 562/06-20-29124, should include in four copies: the PhD application form, the Masters diploma including grades, publications, Curriculum Vitae, proposal for a PhD study plan and any other material, as well as a list of submitted material. Due to legal constraints electronic applications will not be accepted. The application must arrive at Aalborg University with the morning post by the 1.7.2009.

Application is to be forwarded to :
Aalborg Universitet
De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabel ige Fakulteter
Niels Jernes Vej 10
DK-9220 Aalborg Øst

CfA: Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe

This program was launched some years ago by the University of Bologna, Italy; it is taught entirely in English (120 ECTS) and provides a joint diploma of the Universities of Bologna , Ljubljana , Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas , Corvinus University of Budapest and, from the next Academic Year 2009-2010, the State University of St Petersburg .

MIREES students will spend the first year in Forlì (one of the five campuses of the University of Bologna), while in the second year a minimum of 5 months will be spent at Partner Universities and, in particular cases, at MIREES Associated Universities in the Balkans. A mobility grant is offered to all enrolled students.

More detailed information on the teaching plan and the Faculty, together with the application form, can be found at our web site: http://www.mirees. . The next deadline for applications is May 15th, 2009.

The program is especially recommended for prospective PhD students. Our best alumni are currently attending doctorate programs at the Universities of Oxford, Kent, the New School in New York and other prestigious international academic institutions. Moreover, the program is designed to forge analysts, area experts, consultants and mediators, to meet the needs of research institutes, the European Commission,
international agencies, voluntary organizations and NGO's, public administration, managers, corporations and banks located in East-Central Europe and the Balkans or promoting investments in these regions. Most of our alumni have found employment precisely in these fields.

The MIREES program offers specialized, in-depth knowledge of the post-socialist countries in transition, the new EU member states, and the new East-European neighbour countries to students with a BA in Economics, Politics, International Relations, History, Languages (and Slavic languages in particular), agricultural studies and cultural studies generally.

The program aims at developing language skills. MIREES offers courses in Bosnian-Croatian- Serbian, Bulgarian, basic and advanced Russian, and Slovak (Hungarian and Lithuanian are also available in the 2nd year), as well as Italian for foreigners as an additional option. The curriculum stresses interdisciplinary studies in the economics of transition; politics and international relations; media studies; and history and cultural studies focused on Central, Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Thirdly, the international dimension of the programme is enhanced through student mobility, by an international faculty composed of prominent scholars of international repute, and a genuinely international student body. (In the previous five cycles we enrolled students from 21 countries including the US, Mexico, Russia, Georgia, Estonia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Albania, Poland, Armenia, Norway, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and, of course, Italy.)

Therefore, we would be extremely grateful if you could encourage your BA students to consider applying to this two year program and, at the same time, if you could forward this message to your colleagues interested in this part of the world. With this in mind we are sending you as an attachment our promotional flyer in a pdf file. It briefly covers all the general aspects of the program, as well as the mission and the profile of our Master of Arts.

Should you need further information, please feel free to contact the
Tutor of the course at facscpol-fo. tutormirees@ or the Faculty Student Office (info.spfo@unibo. it , phone +39.0543.374145) .

Thank you very much for your kind attention and cooperation.

Best regards,

Prof. Giliberto Capano
Dean of the Faculty of Political Science "R. Ruffilli"

Prof. Stefano Bianchini
Director, Master of Arts MIREES

Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships