Research Doctorate – 25th cycle
Scholarship position Undergraduate Scholarship Postgraduate Scholarship Master Scholarship Phd Scholarship Studentship Fellowship Postdoctoral Financial Aid Graduate
Albanian | Arabic | Bulgarian | Catalan | Chinese | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian | Filipino | Finnish | French | Galician | German | Greek | Hebrew | Hindi | Hungarian | Indonesian | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latvian | Lithuanian | Maltese | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovak | Slovenian | Spanish | Swedish | Thai | Turkish | Ukrainian | Vietnamese
Libellés : Italy, Phd, Postgraduate
Libellés : Germany, Phd, Postgraduate
Libellés : Italy, Phd, Postgraduate
Libellés : Master, Phd, Postgraduate, UK
The Graduatu Institute Geneva award several scholarships to Master and PhD students based on academic merit and financial need.
There are three categories of scholarship:
Libellés : Master, Phd, Postdoctoral, Switzerland
Studentships funded by The Institute of Cancer Research will be supported for four years. The non-taxable stipend, for 2010/11 is £19,300 (inner London – Chester Beatty Laboratories, Fulham Road) or £18,000 (outer London – Sutton Campus). Higher stipends are available for students on the Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Mechanism-based Drug Discovery.
Applications are invited for PhD studentships beginning October 2010. For more information, visit our How to Apply page.
The deadline for applications is Tuesday 1st December 2009. Available studentships are listed below. Any enquiries should be directed To see projects suitable for applicants with backgrounds in the relevant subject areas click on the tiles below.
Find below a complete list of Institute studentships:
Intermediate phenotypes and mapping causal variants; IGFBP-2, IGFBP-5 and breast cancer risk
Professor Alan Ashworth
The development of viral vectors for use in Gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (GDEPT)
Professor Caroline Springer
Structural and chemical biology in the design of selective kinase inhibitors
Professor Julian Blagg and Dr Richard Bayliss
Identification and characterisation of novel therapeutic targets in breast cancer metastasis
Professor Clare Isake
Prostate MR Spectroscopy in vivo
Dr Geoffrey Payne and Professor Nandita DeSouza
Synthesis of targeted fragment libraries by iterative scaffold elaboration
Professor Julian Blagg
Development of specific RNase inhibitors for the treatment of haematological cancers
Drs Faith Davies and Ian Collins
Ubiquitin-mediated signalling in apoptosis and cancer
Professor Pascal Meier
Impact of p53 function on metabolic activation of environmental carcinogens
Professor David Phillips
A systems genetics analysis of Rho-family GTPase signalling
Dr Chris Bakal
A mechanism based classification of human prostate cancer
Professor Colin Cooper
Quantification of pre-clinical PET and SPECT imaging
Dr Glenn Flux
Inheritance and brain tumour risk
Professor Richard Houlston
Inheritance and leukaemia risk
Professor Richard Houlston
Pre-clinical evaluation of imaging biomarkers of neuroblastoma
Drs Louis Chesler and Simon Robinson
Determining modifiers of cdk inhibitor sensitivity
Professors Sibylle Mittnacht and Paul Workman
Exploring the mechanism of CCT using small molecule inhibitors
Professors Keith Jones and Keith Willison
Non-invasive molecular profiling of breast cancer with optoacoustic imaging
Dr Jeff Bamber, Professor Nandita deSouza and Dr Simon Robinson
Investigating the relationship between PI3K/AKT signalling and cell cycle checkpoints for cancer drug development
Dr Michelle Garrett
Identification and validation of target genes in cancer using the synthetic lethality approach
Dr Spiros Linardopoulos
How to apply
Please note that the deadline for applications is 1st December 2009.
You can:
Apply online
Re-log in to an application
Before applying please read these instructions carefully
(You can print out this page using the browser print menu)
You must register before you can access the application form. You will need a valid email address to register – the system will use this email address as your username, so please ensure it is correct.
You will be able to save your application at any stage and then come back to it later.
The recommended browsers to use are Internet Explorer version 6, or FireFox version 3 or above.
The form has seven parts:
Part 1 – Contact Information
You must provide at least your home contact details. You can edit this information after your application is submitted.
Part 2 – Secondary Information
Enter the full details of your secondary (pre-university) education in this section. International students should list the highest/most relevant qualifications gained prior to university.
Part 3 – Higher Education
Record your higher education (university education) here, you must also upload a research project summary.
Part 4 – Additional Information
Provide details of any work experience, other interests, English language qualifications (if applicable), and how you heard about us.
Part 5 – Referees
You will need to provide details of two referees, one of whom must be able to comment on your research abilities. Your referees will be contacted immediately by email so you must ensure that the email addresses you enter are correct. You will receive an email once they have completed the referee form. If you do not receive these emails you should contact your referees; it is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your references.
Part 6 – Research Interests
Select up to three projects you are most interested in, and tell us why you want to study at the ICR.
Part 7 – Equal Opportunities
The information you provide is for statistical purposes only.
When you submit your application you will receive a PDF copy by email as acknowledgement. You can log in to change your contact details at any time. Any updates made to your application after submission will also be acknowledged by email.
If you have any queries about the application process please contact the Registry (
View PhD Terms & Conditions
Admission Policy
Policy Statement
1.1 The Institute of Cancer Research is committed to providing high quality research training, and, in line with its equal opportunities statement, The ICR welcomes applications from suitably qualified candidates, irrespective of their background, of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religion, political belief or affiliation, socio-economic group, family responsibility, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
1.2 Decisions about offering a place are made on the basis of:
Existing or predicted qualifications and grades (individual projects may require a qualification in a specific subject area)
Academic references
The candidates application form and in particular the personal statement
For research degrees, the projects available
1.3 The ICR considers each application on its individual merit and disabled applicants are considered using the same admissions criteria as all other applicants. The ICR is keen to address the issues which, whether real or perceived, may deter a disabled applicant from applying for a place on the taught postgraduate course or research studentship in a laboratory-based environment and, to this end, The ICR has appointed a Disability and Diversity Advisor, who provides support service for prospective and existing students.
1.4 The ICR’s Academic Regulations set out the general criteria for admission to the ICR as follows:
“… In order to be admitted to The Institute of Cancer Research a student must normally:
be at least 17 years of age, subject to waiver in exceptional circumstances;
Satisfy the general entrance requirements of the University of London;
Satisfy any additional programme-specific entry requirements, for example registration with the General Medical Council
Demonstrate a standard of proficiency in an approved English Language test as specified in the Programme Regulations for each programme;
Comply with the enrolment procedures laid down by the ICR.
Decisions on admission are taken in good faith by the ICR on the basis that the information given by the applicant is accurate and correct. If it is subsequently discovered that information given is untrue or inaccurate the ICR may refuse admission or, if the student has enrolled, terminate the student’s registration…”
1.5 Any applicant wishing to make a complaint about the admissions procedure or process may do so in writing to the Registrar of the ICR.
2. Admissions Procedure: Full-time PhD Students
2.1 The recruitment process will normally commence in September/October and should include, where possible, all studentships funded by sources other than the ICR/Royal Marsden.
2.2 Potential projects must be vetted according to the ICR’s procedure for approval of studentships and which will cover review of academic, financial and supervisory arrangements for the duration of the project.
2.3 Studentships will be advertised in October as part of the ICR’s annual recruitment process. The advert must be approved by the Academic Dean or his/her Representative. Studentships are normally advertised in the scientific press, relevant websites, the ICR’s website and via to university departments with high RAE rankings, running relevant undergraduate/masters degree courses. Studentships in very specialised areas may also be advertised via relevant subject-specific email list.
2.4 All applications must be submitted using the on-line application by the advertised deadline. Complete applications will be initially screened against the criteria, as outlined in 1.2/3.1, to ensure applicants meet or are likely to be able to meet the required minimum standards. All the applications are then made available via a web-interface to the Dean’s Team and supervisors of the projects who will rank the applications.
2.5 Successful applicants will be invited to a recruitment event in January/February. The Registry will normally pay reasonable travel expenditure but not first class travel.
2.6 All interviewees will undergo assessment, and be scored by a panel which will comprise a minimum of three staff acting on behalf of the ICR. Those meeting the minimum requirement on the assessment will then be interviewed by the prospective supervisors.
2.7 Before any offer is made, the supervisors and Dean’s Team will meet to agree all offers. Successful candidates will be contacted by email from the Registry and informally offered a place.
2.8 When a candidate has confirmed their acceptance of the informal offer, a formal written offer will be issued. The offer letter will state the terms and conditions that need to be met. All offers will be subject to medical clearance and, where appropriate, the award of degree with the required classification.
2.9 Should a candidate decline the offer, the supervisors of the project may offer to a reserve candidate. If there is no reserve candidate, the supervisors of the project may re-advertise the project with the approval of the Academic Dean’s Team. Any candidates invited for interview are required to be interviewed by a minimum of the project supervisor and a member of the Dean’s Team. The interview should follow the format of the recruitment event as closely as possible.
2.10 In exceptional circumstances (including 2.9 above) supervisors may be allowed to advertise outside of the event as long as they are able to justify this to the Academic Dean’s Team. The supervisor will be required to submit a short written case. This could be where a studentship has not been filled as part of the recruitment event or if a Section receives funding for a studentship which they did not have at the time of the initial advertising round. Studentships can only be advertised outside of the main ICR recruitment event if approved by the Academic Dean’s Team. The studentship must be advertised externally and as a minimum on the ICR’s website. All interviews must follow the format of the recruitment event as closely as possible.
3. Qualifications for Entry: Full-time PhD Students
3.1 Applicants should normally possess or expect to obtain EITHER:
a degree in a relevant subject at upper second class honours or above OR:
a Masters degree in a relevant subject OR:
an overseas qualification of equivalent standard to the above.
4. Overseas Candidates
4.1 Candidates whose first language is not English must be able to demonstrate a proficiency in English to the equivalent of:
TOEFL score of 650 (written paper) or 280 (computer based) or 114, (Internet based) or an IELTS score of 7.0.
The ICR offers training to candidates for whom English is not a first language. It may be possible to make a conditional offer to candidates whose TOEFL / IELTS score is less than the minimum, subject to further study and re-examination.
4.2 Overseas candidates may not be eligible to be considered for projects funded by Research Councils, due to restrictions placed by the Research Councils. However, all ICR-funded studentships are open to candidates irrespective of nationality, subject to meeting the minimum entrance criteria.
5. Admissions Procedure: Part-time PhD Students (non-clinical)
5.1 Candidates should be employees of The Institute of Cancer Research or the Royal Marsden NHS Trust and should have been in post for a minimum of one calendar year. Registration will not be backdated.
5.2 Candidates must recognise that the work for which they are primarily employed takes precedence over their studies for MPhil or PhD. It is likely that some of this work will provide material for the thesis, but it must be accepted that there may be a change of direction of research within a Section, or even redeployment to another Section.
5.3 Candidates should submit a 300 word summary of the project, together with a completed Supervisor Form to the Deputy Dean (Biomedical Sciences). They should also include a letter of support from the Section Chair that confirms the candidate’s suitability for a research degree, that the facilities required are available and that the proposed study will not compromise the work of the Section or Team. The Section Chair must also guarantee a specified amount of study time for the candidate, agreed with the Deputy Dean [Biomedical Sciences]. Before registration is approved, the prospective supervisor and student must agree a work timetable. For research students, a minimum of 40% of normal work time must be available to contribute to the thesis for the plan to be deemed viable. This assumes that the student will contribute an additional effort equivalent to 10% FTE in their own time.
6. Qualifications for Entry: Part-time PhD Students
6.1 Candidates should normally possess a degree in a relevant discipline at second class honours or above, or equivalent.
6.2 Where the candidate possesses an award at lower second class honours, the candidate will be required to produce an extended Year 2 report of Master’s degree standard.
7. Admissions Procedure : MD(Res) Students
7.1 Candidates are required to complete the ICR’s Application Form and a protocol outline which should then be discussed with their supervisor. The supervisor must complete the Supervisors form. The proposed project must be authorised by the relevant ICR Section Chair, who is confirming the feasibility of the proposal and that adequate resources will be available for the duration of the project. Once all forms are complete and signed the candidate should make an appointment to discuss their proposed research project with the Deputy Dean (Clinical Studies) or Senior Tutor.
7.2 Before registration is approved, the prospective supervisor and student must agree a work timetable. For MD(Res) students, the ICR Code of Practice stipulates “the normal expectation is that the maximum time which may be spent on routine clinical service work during normal working hours is one session per week (this excludes sessions where the majority of the student’s time is spent in recruiting or monitoring research subjects). It is expected that Students will contribute a minimum additional effort equivalent to 10% FTE in their own time. These students will be subject to the same monitoring as full-time students.
In exceptional circumstances this can be negotiated with the Deputy Dean (Clinical) and Senior Tutor. However a minimum of 4 sessions must be protected for research. Where this is the case it is expected that Students will contribute a minimum additional effort equivalent to 10% FTE in their own time.
Students required to provide clinical service cover during normal working hours may do so for a maximum of two weeks per annum for full-time students and the pro rata equivalent for part-time students.
8. Qualifications for Entry: MD(Res) Students
All are registered as part-time students.
8.1 To be eligible for registration for the MD(Res) degree, a candidate must either:
(a) have obtained the MB BS degrees of the University of London or some other registerable primary qualification in Medicine and be eligible for full registration or hold limited registration with the General Medical Council; or
(b) have obtained the BDS degree of the University of London and/or be eligible for registration with the General Dental Council.
9. Admissions Procedure: Clinical Fellows (Clinical PhD Students)
9.1 Candidates are required to complete the ICR’s Registration Form and a protocol outline which should then be discussed with their supervisor. The supervisor must complete the Supervisors form. Once all forms are complete and signed they should be returned to the Registry with confirmation of three years’ funding and written confirmation from their Section Chair that their project is feasible. The Deputy Dean (Biomedical Sciences) will check and approve applications.
9.2 All students are registered initially for MPhil, with transfer of registration to PhD following a successful progress report and internal transfer viva. All are registered as part-time students.
9.3 Before registration is approved, the prospective supervisor and student must agree a work timetable. For Clinical Training Fellows, the ICR Code of Practice stipulates that: “the maximum time which may be spent on routine clinical service work during normal working hours is one session per week (this excludes sessions where the majority of the student’s time is spent in recruiting or monitoring research subjects.)”
10. Qualifications for Entry: Clinical Fellows (Clinical PhD Students)
10.1 To be eligible for registration for the degree of MPhil candidates should normally possess or expect to possess either the MB BS degrees of the University of London or some other registerable primary qualification in Medicine and be eligible for full registration or hold limited registration with the General Medical Council;
Taught Postgraduate Programmes
11. Admissions Criteria
11.1. The specific qualifications for entry, in addition to the general criteria set out in the ICR’s Academic Regulations, are set out in the programme regulations for each course.
12. Admissions Procedures
12.1 Applications must be made on the ICR’s Application Form. Applications may be made at any time, however there will be a date notified in the prospectus, and to enquirers, by which time no further applications will be considered for entry at the next given intake. An application fee may be charged.
12.2 All applications will be considered in the first instance by the Course Director(s) concerned and at least one other member of academic staff involved in the teaching and delivery of the course in question.
12.3 All applications that the Course Director(s) and other member of academic staff wish to progress will be offered a place, subject to any appropriate conditions. Candidates may be invited to attend an interview prior to a decision being made.
12.4 Any applicant in receipt of an offer of admission who wishes to withdraw before enrolment on the course must notify the Registry in writing of their intention to do so. The ICR reserves the right not to refund the application fee or any other charge paid up until the point of withdrawal.
Eligibility & Application Guidelines
Admissions Criteria
A first or upper second class honours degree in a relevant subject (either expected or obtained)
Overseas qualification to the equivalent level
Experience of laboratory or research work. One of your referees must be able to comment on your research experience
A TOEFL score of 650 (written paper) or 280 (computer based) or 114, (Internet based) or an IELTS score of 7.0. Students without TOEFL or IETLS score should have either education experience in English (min 1 year) or work experience (min 18 months)
Application Guidelines
All applications must be made via the online form.
A completed application consists of:
An online application form, where you have uploaded a summary of a research project and your degree transcript if you are from overseas
Two references (one of whom must be able to comment on your research abilities)
Your referees will be contacted immediately. They will be emailed a link to a form which they complete. You will receive an email when they have done this. If you do not receive this email, you should contact your referees: it is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your references
Successful applicants should be available for interview 1st – 3rd February 2010
The deadline for applications is 1st December 2009. The deadline for receiving two references is 7th December 2009.
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate, UK
Belgium : Vlir-Uos Master Scholarships 2010 in Biostatistics at Hasselt University
This two-year programme provides sound training in modern statistical methodology with a focus on the design and analysis of biomedical and epidemiological studies.
The following compulsory courses are taught as part of this international programme: Concepts of Probability and Statistics; Regression; Analysis of Variance; Nonparametric Methods; Correlated and Multivariate Methods; Principles of Statistical Inference; Foundations of Linear Models; Applied Data Modelling; Medical Biology; Multivariate Data Analysis; Longitudinal Data Analysis; Epidemiology; Genetic Epidemiology; Survival Data Analysis; Clinical Trials.
The following courses are also offered: Data Management; Data Mining, Survey Methods; Computer Intensive Methods; Topics In Biometry, Bayesian Data Analysis; Modelling of Infectious Diseases, Topics in Epidemiology; Bioinformatics; Disease Mapping; Microbial Risk Assessment.
The programme puts strong emphasis on project work and the development of scientific writing skills. Typical projects are: Learning from Data; Discovering Associations; Longitudinal Data Analysis and Advanced Modelling Techniques.
The final part of the programme is a summer project: each student takes part in the ongoing statistical activities at a company, institute, laboratory, etc. The project is assessed on the basis of a scientific report presented orally.
Admission requirements
All applicants should hold a university degree. Applications are primarily expected from candidates with a degree in a maths and/or statistics-oriented discipline.
Graduates from fields like medicine, biology, agriculture and bioengineering may also be admitted, provided they can show good skills in maths and statistics.
Period: September 2009 – September 2012
Language: English
Number of VLIR-UOS Scholarships: 16
Promoter: Prof. P. Janssen (UHasselt)
Mrs M. Machiels
Centre for Statistics
Hasselt University
T +32 (0)11 26 82 05
F +32 (0)11 26 82 99
Application for this scholarship is possible from 01/10/2009 until 01/02/2010
You can apply for this scholarship by clicking the following link:
Libellés : Belgium, Master, Postgraduate
Ireland :1 PhD Assistantship Nineteenth-century French Literature & Culture
Mary Immaculate College
The Department of French Studies at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick is pleased to announce that 3 assistantships are currently available: two for Masters by Research in French and one for a PhD in French. Successful candidates will have their fees (€4,315 per year) paid for the normal duration of their programme of studies (max. 2 years for a MA, 3 years for a PhD) and will be awarded, for each year, a sum of €6,900 in return for undergraduate teaching to a maximum of six tutorial hours per week in semesters 1 and 2 (maximum 130 hours in total).
To be considered for these assistantships, applicants may apply at any time during the course of the academic year 2009-2010, but a first review of the applications received will take place mid-December 2009. It is expected that successful candidates will be able to register no later than three months after the date when their fully completed application forms were received. However, successful candidates applying after mid-May will not be able to register before 1st September of the same calendar year.
This award is open to Irish, other EU Students and non-EU students alike.
MA students will work whether under the supervision of Mr Darach Sanfey (18th-century topics) or Dr Loïc Guyon (19th-century topics). The PhD student will work under the supervision of Dr Loïc Guyon.
Applicants should have:
a good primary degree (normally a first or 2.1) in a relevant subject area (for the MA) or a good MA in a relevant subject area (for the PhD)*;
a high level of linguistic competence in French;
two academic references
* or equivalent
How to Apply:
A detailed research proposal should be sent to:
Dr Loïc Guyon
Head of the Department of French Studies
Mary Immaculate College
University of Limerick
The research proposal must include the following headings:
Aims and objectives
Substantive outline of the project (with proper references)
Originality and relevance of the project (including location of the project within the current literature)
Methodology and/or hermeneutical perspective
Relevant bibliography
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Loïc Guyon:
Libellés : Ireland, Phd, Postgraduate
UK : DPhil (PhD) In Characterisation Of The Function Of The BRCA1 And 53BP1- Related Checkpoint Protein Crb2
niversity of Sussex - Genome Damage and Stability Centre
Crb2 is closely related to the mammalian DNA integrity checkpoint protein 53BP1 (p53-binding protein). It is also related to BRCA1, mutations in which are responsible for a high proportion of familial breast and ovarian cancers. Crb2, 53BP1 and BRCA1 all contain BRCT domains at their C-termini. Many of the cancer-causing mutations in BRCA1 map to the BRCT domains, testifying to their importance in maintainence in genetic integrity. In collaboration with a structural biology group we have initiated a structure/function analysis of the BRCT domains of Crb2 (Kilkenney et al., 2008). The aim of this studentship is to extend these studies to identify the extent of the interactions involving the BRCT domains of Crb2. It is anticipated that information gained on the function of these domains will have important implications for understanding the role of BRCT domains in medically important human proteins. Techniques involved in the proejct will include cloning, site-directed mutagenesis, DNA sequencing, genetics, analysis of DNA damage responses and analysis of protein-protein interactions
Our lab is located in the dynamic research environment of the Genome Damage and Stability Centre at Sussex. Students are exposed to a wide variety of research topics associated with DNA damage responses, cancer and other genetic disorders.
Kilkenney, M.L. Dore, A., Roe, S.M., Nestoras, K., Ho, J.C.Y., Watts, F.Z. and Pearl, L.H.
Structural and functional analysis of the Crb2-BRCT2 domain reveals distinct roles in checkpoint signalling and DNA damage repair. Genes and Dev. (2008) 22, 2034 47.
Applications should be submitted online at Apply for DPHIL BIOCHEMISTRY and include the project title and supervisor name with your Academic Interest Statement
Project enquiries should be sent to Dr Felicity Watts, project supervisor, by email to (include your CV)
Applications enquiries to
Karen White, Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator
Project is open to self funded applicants only.
Entry requirements
UK 2:1 honours degree or better in relevant subject or overseas equivalent.
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate, UK
Evaluation of novel metal complexes as catalytic antioxidants in the treatment of metabolic diseases
Robert Gordon University - Institute of Health & Welfare Research
PhD Studentships opportunities (Reference IHW)
Closing Date: 9th November 2009
Applications are invited from candidates who are interested in applying to study for a PhD in the Institute of Health & Welfare Research at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. The Institute brings together interdisciplinary research within biomedical science, allied health care professions and social sciences. The PhD studentships are aligned with the strategic research themes of the institute; Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease, Environmental & Occupational Health and Mental & Neurological Health. The following PhD project is available;
Evaluation of novel metal complexes as catalytic antioxidants in the treatment of metabolic diseases (REF IHW2)
The role of metal ions in biology and medicine is well recognised. In particular, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Iron and Copper ions have been implicated in many metabolic disease states. Recently Manganese, Zinc and Selenium metal complexes have been shown to exhibit good antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. In this project, novel metal complexes will be synthesised and their biological activity will be fully investigated. Due to the multidisciplinary feature of this project, the student will be exposed to organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, cell and molecular biology and biochemistry. Would suit candidate with background in Chemistry/Biochemistry/Pharmaceutical Science. For further details of the project please contact Dr Paul Kong (
Application process
Candidates for the studentship must have a First Class, or a 2.1 Honours Degree (or equivalent) or a Masters Qualification in a relevant discipline. Relevant professional experience will also be considered. Each studentship provides full university fees for UK/EU applicants and a tax-free maintenance allowance of £13,290 per annum for 3 years. Additional support may be available to students who are not UK/EU residents and who would normally be required to pay the full postgraduate fee. The studentship is available to start in January/February 2010. Interviews will be held in the week beginning 20thNovember 2009.
Applications including a completed application form (available from, a detailed CV, two academic references, plus other required documents should be either emailed to or posted to;
Research Degrees Office, Robert Gordon University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1FR
Please quote the relevant IHW reference code and project title in section 8 of the application form. Application forms, CVs and other relevant documentation to support the application should arrive no later than Monday 9th November 2009.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to potential supervisors identified in the supplementary project information, or to the IHW Graduate School Leader Dr Rachel M Knott on 01224 262524 or by email to
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate, UK
Germany : PhD Student Teaching Assistant Positions in Economics, University of Cologne
Posted: 24 Oct 2009 11:36 PM PDT
The Macro-, Labor- and Public Economics Group at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne is seeking to fill several PhD-Student Teaching Assistant positions (3/4 TVL-13). Participation in the Doctoral Program at the University of Cologne is expected and there will be close supervision of successful candidates’ dissertation work by members of the group (Prof. Dr. Martin Barbie, Prof. Dr. Peter Funk, Prof. David Jaeger, Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Alexander Ludwig).
Successful candidates hold a University degree (Master/Diplom) with an exceptional grade point average and have excellent analytical and mathematical skills. Profound knowledge in one of the aforementioned fields, a strong background in Economic Theory, Econometrics, or Mathematical Economics are advantageous, but not necessary.
The University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance with the German disability laws. Women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
For further information, please contact:
To apply, please send transcripts, CV, and a summary of your Master’s thesis (max. 5 pages), the thesis bibliography, and other supporting material to the email address as of now.
Libellés : Germany, Phd, Postgraduate
MAIPR 2010-11 Fees and Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Fees for MAIPR 2010-11 are in the process of being set.
The course fees will cover a sixteen-month course (beginning September 2010 to end December 2011). Included in the fee are all the tuition costs.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus (EM) Scholarships are funded by the European Commission (EC), under the management of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). EM scholarships are awarded to the strongest applicants to the MAIPR programme itself, in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the EACEA.
EM Scholarship Competition Eligibility: there have been important changes to how the EM scholarships are awarded. European Union citizens and citizens of an European Economic Area/European Free Trade Association (EEA/EFTA) country can now be entered into a separate EM scholarship competition, which has been designed to give them some financial help towards the cost of the MAIPR programme. More information on this change will be uploaded shortly.
EM scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. It is therefore important that your MAIPR application is as strong as possible as competition for the scholarships is very strong. You should also bear in mind that you may be accepted onto the MAIPR programme but not be awarded a scholarship.
EM Scholarship Competition Application: you do not apply separately for an EM scholarship. Recommendations are made by the MAIPR consortium and are based solely on the quality of the application to the MAIPR programme itself.
EM Scholarship Competition 2010-11: As mentioned above, important changes are being made to the EM scholarship competition. We anticipate that, from 2010-11, a limited number of full EM scholarships of 35,600 Euros will be awarded to selected third-country MAIPR students, together with a smaller number of EM scholarships at a smaller financial amount to selected EU/EEA/EFTA students.
It is important to bear in mind that an EM scholarship is aimed at helping towards the payment of all programme costs.
MAIPR 2010-11 How to Apply
Please read everything on this page carefully then adhere to all the instructions given
Application process
The best way to apply for the MAIPR programme is to fill in an online application form via the University of Warwick, the coordinating institution for the Consortium. Please click-on the following link on-line application form to access it.
To register your application and gain access to the form, all new applicants must enter a valid email and an easily remembered password. Make sure that you choose the correct course code, P-W4PA.
If you are unable to access the on-line form, you can send in a paper application. You need to request the documentation from the University of Warwick’s Student Recruitment department,
All students must apply for the programme through the University of Warwick; you are unable to apply through the University of Amsterdam or the University of Tampere. However, while the application form is geared towards University of Warwick applicants, you are applying to all three partner institutions when you submit the form.
The application for the programme itself must have been submitted on-line or been received by the Warwick Postgraduate Admssions Office by the following dates:
For Erasmus Mundus (EM) scholarship applicants: 4TH JANUARY 2010.
For non-Erasmus Mundus scholarship applicants: 20TH MARCH 2010.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Although you may apply for the MAIPR programme at any time from early autumn until the deadline, because of the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship competition, all applications have to be considered at the same time, which will not be until late January/early February 2010. Applicants will be informed of the outcome in regards to both the MAIPR prograamme itself and the EM Scholarship Competition in mid-March 2010. It is important to bear in mind that you can be offered a place on the MAIPR programme but not an EM scholarship.
Supporting documentation: what we need from you!
You need to back-up your application with supporting documentation (seeMAIPR Application Criteria: what we need from you!) This must be sent THROUGH THE MAIL to the following address:
The Postgraduate Admissions Team 2
University House
The University of Warwick
Supporting documentation must have been sent to our Postgraduate Admissions Office by the following deadlines:
For Erasmus Mundus scholarship applicants: 4TH JANUARY 2010.
For non-Erasmus Mundus scholarship applicants: 20TH MARCH 2010.
IN ADDITION: copies of ALL your supporting documentation must have been emailed to the MAIPR Programme Administrator at the University of Warwick on or before the above two deadlines. The email address you must use is:
IMPORTANT: All official documents, such as degree certificates, translations into English of transcripts, language test results, letters of recommendation, etc., must be originals or officially certified copies. Warwick’s Postgraduate Admissions Office will not accept photocopies of documents, scanned-in attachments to emails, or emailed references. If you do not comply with these requirements, you run the risk of having your application delayed or even rejected.
To guarantee that your documents arrive by the above dates, we strongly recommend that you send them by courier or a trackable postal service. AVOID USING ORDINARY AIRMAIL as your documents could get lost.
NB: The Erasmus Mundus scholarship deadlines are driven by the EACEA, which has its own deadline for receipt of our recommendations.
Academic interests and purpose of study (Statement of Intent)
As part of the application, you will be asked to provide an Academic interests and purpose of study (also known as a Statement of Intent). You can include it on the application form straight away or send it with the supporting documentation. You are asked to write a 500-word statement which explains why you are interested in being admitted to the programme, why you would be a suitable candidate to join the MAIPR, and to include any exceptional circumstances that will affect your participation in MAIPR. In addition you should include 1) the modality you would like to emphasize in your course of study (see Modalities) and 2) your preference, if you have one, for one partner institution and the reason for your preference.
Note: If selected, you will study at two of the three partner institutions and the consortium will make the assignments based on internal programmatic factors. Where possible, the partners will take your preference into consideration, but may not be able to honour it. All decisions on mobility assignments are final and are non-negotiable.
Assessment Criteria
An admissions committee made up of staff from the three partner institutions will consider your materials using the following criteria:
Academic Potential: 60%
Motivation: 20%
Recommendations: 15%
Language Skills: 5%
In addition, all Erasmus Mundus programmes are required to adhere to rulings concerning geographic distribution and gender equity. This is an EACEA directive and therefore out of the control of the University of Warwick.
For more information on general University of Warwick Admission Requirements, including language competency for the MAIPR programme, please click on the following link: Please note that these are generalised University of Warwick requirements, some of which may not apply to the MAIPR.
Application fee
Postgraduate Admissions levy a non-refundable application handling fee for all taught postgraduate courses, including the MAIPR. For an online application it is £20; for a paper application it is £30. YOU MUST PAY THIS FEE. If you do not, your application will not be forwarded to us and therefore it will be rejected. We therefore strongly advise that you pay the fee at the same time as your application, otherwise the Department of Theatre Studies will be unable to consider you for the course. This can be paid on-line by credit or debit card, or through the post by a Banker’s Draft made out to ‘The University of Warwick’.
Note: For Erasmus Mundus scholarship applicants – it is particularly important that you pay the application fee promptly. Any delay in payment could seriously affect your chance of being put forward for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Competition
See MAIPR Fees and Erasmus Mundus Scholarships and the relevant links on that page to determine your eligibility.
For further advice and/or information, contact Lindzey Mullard, the MAIPR Programme Administrator, via email:
For further details please click the following link:
Libellés : Erasmus Mundus, Europe, Master, Postdoctoral, UK