

Wharton University of Pennsylvania MBA Program Grants and Fellowships

Approximately 30% of first-year students receive a merit-based fellowship. Application for these funds are made through the admissions application. We strongly encourage fellowship applications from all students. Besides financial need and merit, criteria for selection of awards may also include personal background, academic and extracurricular achievement, leadership, community involvement, interpersonal skills, integrity, and honesty. All applications are reviewed by the Fellowship Committee to identify and select the best recipients.
Other fellowships and assistantships are available for second-year students who apply during their first year. These include Leadership Fellowships, Admissions Graduate Assistantships, and Omnicom Communications Fellowships. For additional information on scholarships from external funding sources, External Funding Resources.
Corporate Fellowships
Joseph Wharton Fellowship
Howard E. Mitchell Fellowships
Emerging Economy Fellowship
Forte Fellowship
Henry Ralph Ringe Fellowship
Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation Fellowship
Second-Year Fellowships/Assistantships

MSc Studentship Teaching Assistant in Sport and Exercise Science at University of Worcester,UK

The Institute of Sport & Exercise Science currently has a full time academic staff of 33. In addition 20 staff from partner institutions participate in course delivery through ‘partnership agreements’ on HND/FD courses. The Institute is responsible for the work of the Sports Centre which currently employs 7 staff and the Motion Performance Centre which employs a further 5 staff. The Institute is supported by a team of administrative staff and two sports & exercise science technicians. There are currently 4 full-time externally funded post graduate MPhil/PhD students.

The Institute has an impressive portfolio of courses including HNDs in Sports Studies, Sport Coaching and, Sports Performance and Coaching in partnership with Worcester College of Technology, Stourbridge College and Telford College of Art and Technology. The undergraduate programme includes: BSc Sports Studies, BSc Sports and Exercise Science, BSc Sports Coaching Science, BSc Physical Education (non-QTS), BSc Outdoor Adventure Leadership & Management BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Psychology; BSc(Hons) Sports Therapy. There is further course provision at post graduate level including PGCE in secondary Physical Education, MSc in Sports Coaching Science and MSc Sports Business Management, MSc European Basketball Coaching Science and, MSc Applied Sports Science.

There is a clear and distinct emphasis on the student experience and the institute is proud of its reputation for high quality teaching and learning. The Institute has a creative culture and is constantly seeking to strengthen its portfolio of courses particularly, the development of a taught Masters Degree involving international partners.

Reference number : SES1003

Closing Date : 25/05/2010

Salary : Band 5, £19,743 – £22,879 pa with opportunity to progress to £24,273 pa (pro rata for part time hours)

Department : Institute of Sport and Exercise Science

Hours0.7 FTE equivalent to 1350.5 hours per year, (37 hours per week for 36.5 weeks per year)

Start :1st September 2010

Duration:Appointment for 2 years

Responsible to:Head of Institute of Sport & Exercise Science

Responsible for : N/A

Interview date: 18 June 2010 pm

For further information:

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS), University of Adelaide, Australia

he International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) scheme is funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in higher education institutions to support Australia’s research effort. Approximately 15 scholarships may be available in 2011 for international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in areas of University research strengths.

The IPRS provides:

Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only); and
Health insurance cover for students.
All successful IPRS applicants will also receive an Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) place which provides an annual living allowance of approximately $22,250 (2010 value) for the normal duration of the program.
Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.

Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive. Generally IPRS recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.


IPRS Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and to applicants applying in areas of research strength. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
Candidates who have applied for Australian permanent resident status are ineligible to apply.
International applicants are not eligible for an IPRS if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an IPRS in the previous calendar year.
International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an IPRS.
Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
Scholarships are available for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory progress. For students enrolled in a PhD, extensions beyond three years and six months require the approval of the Graduate Scholarships Committee and would only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2011. No IPRS may be commenced after 30 September.
Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2012.
Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
We strongly recommend that all applicants submit their application and all required documents well before the closing date. Incomplete applications at the scholarship application deadline will not be considered for a scholarship.

Current status: Open (2011 Major International Scholarship round). Deadline: 31 August.

Postgraduate Research Application Form
he International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) scheme is funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in higher education institutions to support Australia’s research effort. Approximately 15 scholarships may be available in 2011 for international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in areas of University research strengths.

The IPRS provides:

Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only); and
Health insurance cover for students.
All successful IPRS applicants will also receive an Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) place which provides an annual living allowance of approximately $22,250 (2010 value) for the normal duration of the program.
Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.

Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive. Generally IPRS recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.


IPRS Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and to applicants applying in areas of research strength. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
Candidates who have applied for Australian permanent resident status are ineligible to apply.
International applicants are not eligible for an IPRS if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an IPRS in the previous calendar year.
International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an IPRS.
Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
Scholarships are available for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory progress. For students enrolled in a PhD, extensions beyond three years and six months require the approval of the Graduate Scholarships Committee and would only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2011. No IPRS may be commenced after 30 September.
Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2012.
Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
We strongly recommend that all applicants submit their application and all required documents well before the closing date. Incomplete applications at the scholarship application deadline will not be considered for a scholarship.

Current status: Open (2011 Major International Scholarship round). Deadline: 31 August.

MSc Scholarships in Finance, University of Stirling, UK

These Scholarships are funded by the Accounting and Finance Division and meet course fees up to the home/EU rate. This means that the successful candidates will pay no course fees in September 2010 if they are home/EU fee category students. Overseas fee paying students are also encouraged to apply and would pay the difference between home and overseas fees.

Who can apply: Applicants may be of any nationality and must hold or expect to obtain an offer of a place on the full time MSc in Finance for entry in September 2010. Applications may be submitted for the Scholarship along with the course application, but only those obtaining a place on the course will be entered into the Scholarship competition.

How to apply : Complete the MSc Finance application form ensuring that all sections are answered legibly.

Pay particular attention to the section which requires a handwritten statement of approximately 500 words on why a Scholarship would help you, and what your career or educational aims are for the five year period after you graduate from the Finance course.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 June 2010.
Please note that the Scholarships will be allocated in July and therefore if you are applying both for the Scholarships and the Finance course close to the 30 June deadline, you should ensure that your course application is complete.
Visit official website:

Denmark : Vestas Scholarships for MSc students at Department of Energy Technolog

MSc students starting their two year programme of Power Electronics and Drives (PED), Wind Power Systems (WPS) or Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering (EPSH), under the Energy Study Board in September 2010 may apply for:
Vestas scholarship worth dkk 40.000 p.a. for two years to support living expenses in Denmark during the active study period (Vestas-2010-01)
Vestas scholarship worth dkk 40.000 p.a. for two years to support living expenses in Denmark during the actice study period (Vestas-2010-02)
Vestas scholarship worth dkk 40.000 p.a. for two years to support living expenses in Denmark during the active study period (Vestas-2010-03)
Vestas scholarship worth dkk 40.000 p.a. for two years to support living expenses in Denmark during the active study period (Vestas-2010-04)
Vestas scholarship worth dkk 40.000 p.a. for two years to support living expenses in Denmark during the active study period (Vestas-2010-05)
M.Sc. students starting their 9th semester of Power Electronics and Drives (PED), Wind Power Systems (WPS) or Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering (EPSH), under the Energy Study Board in September 2010 may apply for:
Vestas scholarship worth dkk 40,000 for one year to support living expenses in Denmark during the active study period. The scholarship is granted from September-June. (Vestas-2010-06)
Vestas scholarship worth dkk 40,000 for one year to support living expenses in Denmark during the active study period. The scholarship is granted from September-June. (Vestas-2010-07)
It is a condition for payment of the scholarship that the student is registered and active on either Power Electronics and Drive (PED), Wind Power Systems (WPS) or Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage (EPSH), under the Energy Study Board, as a minimum carries out his final project in collaboration with Vestas.

The award of scholarships will be determined by representatives of Vestas and the Department of Energy Technology. Complaints or questions about the decision will not be adressed.

Before you send your application, please read the guide for application of scholarships.

Applications, with the single word 'scholarship' in the subject, should be sent by e-mail to Susanne K. Hansen, Applications schould contain a justification for the award of a sholarship, your Curriculum Vitae, copies of transcripts of your examination results and certificates from your home university, and if possible a copy of the letter of acceptance from Aalborg University.

The deadline for applications is 1st June 2010.

Germany : PhD Student (Computer Vision and Robotics)

With 4400 staff members Forschungszentrum Juelich is the largest interdisciplinary research centre in Germany focusing its research in the fields of health, environment and energy, and information technology.

The Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere – Phytosphere (ICG-3) investigates dynamic processes in plants and their interaction with dynamic environments.

The Quantitative Image Processing Group at ICG-3 seeks for a

-- PhD Student (Computer Vision and Robotics) --

to begin work on a three-year PhD project. The group develops algorithms and methods for image-based plant measurements. Algorithms to be developed generally analyze multidimensional signals, in particular multichannel or multi-camera image sequences. This includes e.g. 3d reconstruction of deformable objects for measurement of the surface expansion of plant leaves, stereoscopic robot vision, diffusion-like methods for noise reduction, or reconstruction of diffusion tensor MRI-data. Methods applied start with suitable physical modeling of the acquired data, e.g. by PDEs, optimized discretization, variational and other energy minimization methods, Bayesian inference or channel representations.

- Solving a challenging task in a highly motivated, multidisciplinary team
- Development, implementation, and validation of computer vision algorithms
- Setup of lab experiments for the acquisition of test data
- Presentation of results on international conferences and in scientific journals

- M.Sc. (or equivalent) in computer science, physics, mathematics, or a related discipline with a good final grade. Experience in pattern recognition, signal or image processing, automation and robotics is advantageous.
- Interest in numerical/theoretical problems as well as a solid mathematical background
- Good programming skills, especially in C/C++, CUDA, and Matlab are desirable
- Good command of written and spoken English, as well as excellent technical and organizational skills
- Willingness to communicate research results and to interact within an interdisciplinary and international research environment is expected.

For more information visit our website:
and/or contact: Dr. Hanno Scharr, e-mail:

Payment of the PhD fellow will be based on salary grade 13/2 Collective Agreement for the Civil Service (TVöD). Depending on the candidate‘s profile and the subject of his/her PhD thesis an additional allowance may be granted.

The implementation of equal opportunities is a cornerstone of our staff policy, for which we have received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. We also welcome applications from disabled persons.

Please send your application with the relevant documentation, quoting the reference code D039/2010, to:

Institut für Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphäre (ICG-TA)
Mr. K. Beumers
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich

Application Deadline : 30 June 2010

Germany : 8 Ph.D. grants available at Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI)

Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI) is a privately financed institute affiliated with the University of Potsdam. The Institute's founder and benefactor Professor Hasso Plattner, who is also co-founder and chairman of the supervisory board of SAP AG, has created an opportunity for students to experience a unique education in IT systems engineering in a professional research environment with a strong practice orientation.
In 2005, HPI initiated the research school in "Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" under the scientific supervision of Professors Jürgen Döllner, Holger Giese, Robert Hirschfeld, Christoph Meinel, Felix Naumann, Hasso Plattner, Andreas Polze, Mathias Weske, and Patrick Baudisch.
We are expanding our research school and are currently seeking
8 Ph.D. students (monthly stipends 1400/1500/1600 Euro)
and 2 Postdocs (monthly stipend 1800 Euro)
Positions will be available starting October 1, 2010.
The stipends are not subject to income tax.
The main research areas in the research school at HPI are:
Service-Oriented Geovisualization Systems (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner)
Modeling and Verification of Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems (Prof. Dr. Holger Giese)
Tools and Methods for Software Engineering in Service-Oriented Systems (Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld)
Security Engineering of Service-Based IT-Systems (Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel)
Service-Oriented Information Integration (Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann)
Evolutionary Transition of Enterprise Applications to Service-Orientation (Prof. Dr. h.c. Hasso Plattner)
Operating System Abstractions for Service-Oriented Computing (Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze)
Services Specification, Composition, and Enactment (Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske)
Quantitative Evaluation and Optimization of Service-Oriented Systems (Prof. Dr. Werner Zorn)

Prospective candidates are invited to apply with:
Curriculum vitae and copies of degree certificates/transcripts,
A short research proposal,
Writing samples/copies of relevant scientific papers (e.g. thesis, etc.),
Letters of recommendation.
Please submit your applications to the coordinator of the research school:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze
Universität Potsdam
Postfach 90 04 60
14440 Potsdam, Germany
Successful candidates will be notified by September 15, 2010 and are expected to enroll into the program on October 1, 2010.
For further information, do not hesitate to contact the office:
Telephone +49-331-5509-220
Telefax +49-331-5509-229
Email: office-polze(at)
Application Deadline : 30 June 2010

Germany : 1 Phd and 1 Postdoc Position at Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)

The Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) is a new interdisciplinary institute with the mission to carry out internationally outstanding research on the interactions of biodiversity and climate change. It has been founded by the Senckenberg Gesellschaft fuer Naturforschung, the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, and others partners. The Centre is funded by the Federal State of Hesse through its Initiative for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence (LOEWE). It provides a new, dynamic research environment that integrates a variety of disciplines from both natural and social sciences. The Project Area E “Data and Modelling Centre” invites applications for:-
1 PostDoc position (Ref. #E16)
1 PhD position (Ref. #E18)
“Modelling of the terrestrial biosphere”
Candidates are expected to further develop ecosystem and terrestrial biosphere models, with a particular focus upon interactions between climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. Envisioned key development areas include interactions between herbivores and ecosystems, climate impacts on forests, and an improved representation of functional diversity within Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs).

The applicant should hold a master/diploma or PhD degree in Biology, Geography, Geoecology, Physics, Forestry, Earth System Science, Environmental Science or similar. He/she needs to have expertise in numerical modelling and computer programming, and an interest to work in interdisciplinary teams. Expertise in Linux system administration, shell programming and C++ are an advantage. Very good written and oral English language skills are required. Applicants for the PostDoc positions should have published in international, peer-reviewed journals.

The Research Centre BiK-F advocates gender equality. Women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Equally qualified severely handicapped applicants will be given preference.
Salary and benefits are according to public service positions in Germany (TV-H E 13 for PostDoc positions and TV-H E 13 50% for PhD positions).

The contract shall start as soon as possible and will initially be restricted to three years. For the Postdoc Position an extension of an additional three years is possible being subject to personal performance and availability of funds. The duty station will be Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Please, send applications by mail or e-mail, mentioning the reference of this position (#E16 or #E18), and including a cover letter describing the applicant’s motivation to apply, a detailed CV, two references, a copy of your thesis and a list of publications, until June 20th, 2010 to
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. V. Mosbrugger, Scientific Coordinator Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. E-mail to Service and Finances: For scientific enquiries please write to Prof. Dr. T. Hickler (e-mail: Further information: (click “en” in upper right corner for English version)
Tentative Application Deadline : 20 June 2010

Norway : 3 PhD Fellowships in CREATIV Project

Connected to a larger competence research project “Reduced Energy use through Advanced Technology Innovations” – CREATIV, coordinated by the research institute SINTEF. The SINTEF project is running in the period from 2009 to the end of 2013. Start up is summer 2010.
PhD Fellowship within “Dynamic simulation of thermodynamic cycles”
PhD Fellowship within “Modeling of industrial refrigeration concepts”
PhD Fellowship within “Next generation oil free compressors”
Tentative Application Deadline : 4 June 2010

Italy : Ph.D. Programme in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability

The Ph.D. Programme in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability is a three-year residential programme characterized by an interdisciplinary approach to the subject and by the emphasis placed on current problems defining the protection and promotion of human rights.); it consists in the following curricula (Research Areas):
- Identity, rights and conflicts in the political theory;
- Conflict and political systems in international relations;
- International and European political economy;
- Institutions and mechanisms for protecting Human rights: outlines of International Law;
- Rights and social capital in the regional development policies;
- Agrarian Law, Environmental Law and Sustainable Development of the land.
Admission Requirements:
- Applicants must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree or equivalent title;
- they should not be older than 35 years on September 30, 2010; older than 35 may be exceptionally admitted by the Examination Committee;
- they must hold of an internationally acknowledged certificate specifying their intermediate level English knowledge (as per art. 2, par. 3).

Positions and grants:
- 3 positions with 3 fellowships (amounting to € 14.500 per year + free meals at school's canteen + Campus facilities).
- The School may also admit eligible candidates without grants up to a maximum number of 3 posts

- Candidates are requested to apply online at: by September 30, 2010 by 12.00 pm GMT. In case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD Administration Office (tel. +39.050. 883.220/383, e-mail:
- An hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach by October 11, 2010:
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy
“Application PhD in Politics, human rights and sustainability” must be written on the envelopment.

Application and attachments
Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
a) a copy of the candidate's passport;
b) two copies of their Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum. Please, use the EU model;
c) photocopy of Candidate’s University Master Degree (to be translated in Italian or in English except those written in French, German, Spanish);
d) two copies of the abstract of thir Master Degree thesis and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable
e) detailed list of academic courses taken (written either in English or in Italian, French, German, Spanish). This list should contain information regarding credits, units (or equivalent) received, the grades received for each class taken, and the date when the final (or semester) examination was taken;
f) the certificates of knowledge of English language (as per art. 2, par. 3) and any certificate related to this Call that they deem suitable;
g) two copies of a detailed Research Project, of no more than 3,000 words, which will describe the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project will include:
- a title;
- the scientific premises and the relevant bibliography;
- the aim and expectations of the research;
- the experimental methods and data analysis methods which will be used, where required;
h) at least two Reference Letters written by Faculty Members who have supervised the applicant's work during his/her university studies;
i) a numbered list of documents attached

Selection of applicants
- Assessment of the Titles: assessment of all the submitted documents and publications e submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.

Beginning of the PhD Programme
The PhD Programme will start on January 20, 2011

tel.: +39.050.883.250/383

Application Deadline : 30 September 2010

Italy : PhD Programme in Innovative Strategies in Biomedical Research

The PhD Programme in Innovative Strategies in Biomedical Research is characterized by a significant multisciplinary connotation, where the experimental approach focusing on cellular and subcellular mechanisms combines with the physiological and physiopathological analysis of the organism as a whole, and is also relevant to medical issues. A special emphasis will be placed on molecular biology both in its basic approach and in its clinical application approach.

The Programme consists in the following curricula:
- System Physiology. Experimental and Clinical
- Physiological Genomics and Molecular Medicine

Admission Requirements
- possession of a Master of Science (MSc) degree (or equivalent);
- to be under 35 years of age on September 30, 2010.

Positions and grants
- 2 positions with 2 fellowships (amounting to € 14.500 per year + free meals at school’s canteen + Campus facilities) );
- the School may also admit eligible candidates without grants up to a maximum number of 2 posts. They will take part in the Programme at their own expenses but they will not have to pay any tuition fee.

- applications must be submitted online by September 30, 2010 ;
- hardcopy of the application and the must reach (regardless the forwarding date) the “Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca, Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 – 56127 Pisa” by October 11, 2010 (please, write the notice “Application PhD in Innovative Strategies in Biomedical research on the envelope).

Application and attachments
Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
the copy of the candidate's Passport,
two copies of Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum (please use the EU model);
the academic record with the full list of courses and grades (in English, in French, in German, in Spanish or in Italian);
the certificates of knowledge of English language
one copy of their Master degree thesis and one copy of any document and/or publication that the candidate deems suitable;
two copies of a Research Project, of no more than 3,000 words, which will describe the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project should include: 1) a title; 2) the scientific premises and the relevant bibliography; 3) the aim and expectations of the research; 4) the experimental methods and data analysis methods which will be used, where required;
- at least two Reference Letters written by scholars who have supervised the applicant’s work during his/her university studies;
- a numbered list of documents attached.
Selection of applicants
Assessment of the titles: the submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.

Beginning of the PhD Programme:
The PhD Programme will start on January 20, 2011

tel.: +39.050.883.250/383

Application Deadline : 30 September 2010

USA : Fall 2010 Jefferson Fellowships

The Jefferson Fellowships program was launched in 1967 to enhance public understanding through the news media of cultures, issues and trends in the Asia Pacific region, broadly defined as Asia, the Pacific Islands and the United States. The Fellowships provide U.S. and Asia Pacific journalists with an opportunity to broaden their understanding of Asia Pacific issues and build a professional network through one week of dialogue with professional colleagues and experts at the East-West Center, followed by a two-week study tour to cities in Asia or the U.S.
Fall 2010 Jefferson Fellowships
Theme: The Road to Energy Security: Paved with Efficiencies, Renewable Technologies and Investment
Energy security is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, especially in light of its inextricable link to economic well-being and the environment. However, the uneven distribution of energy supplies among countries has led to significant vulnerabilities. Threats to energy security include the political instability of several energy producing countries, the manipulation of energy supplies, the competition over energy sources, attacks on supply infrastructure, as well as accidents and natural disasters. For these reasons, governments in nearly all the large consuming nations are now considering various domestic and foreign policy measures to increase energy efficiencies develop renewable technologies to scale and create a positive investment climate for industry.
Against this backdrop, the Fall 2010 Jefferson Fellowships program will look specifically at two of the largest users of energy, the U.S. and China, and their efforts in addressing energy security. The program will take special care to look at the challenges and opportunities involved in improving energy efficiency and in developing renewable technologies. In addition, the Fall 2010 program will examine the two countries’ efforts to facilitate joint research and development. Finally, the program will examine how each country seeks to promote public and private investment in the supplies of today’s fossil fuel sources as well as the clean technologies that will transform the energy system for the future.
Program Dates: October 23 - November 13, 2010
Study Tour Destinations: Palo Alto, California; Sacramento, California; Beijing, China; Shenyang, China
Who Can Apply: Working print, broadcast, and online journalists in the United States, the Pacific Islands, and Asia with a minimum of five years of professional experience. Applicants must have the ability to communicate in English in a professional, multi-cultural environment.
Application Deadline: Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Funding: The Jefferson Fellowships are supported from a grant from The Freeman Foundation. The grant funds economy class, roundtrip airfare to and from Honolulu, Hawaii as well as program-related air and ground transportation, lodging, and meals for participating journalists. A modest per diem is also provided. Participants are responsible for all applicable visa fees and any additional visa-related expenses.
News organizations are also asked to support their employees' participation by cost-sharing whenever possible. An "Employers Statement of Support" is a required part of the application. While financial assistance from the employer is not required, employers are encouraged to provide support to their Jefferson Fellows as a demonstration of their commitment to the program.
Applicants must submit the Jefferson Fellowships application form and
A maximum three-page letter outlining your issues of interest, a brief description of your news organization, what you expect to accomplish if an award is granted and topics you propose to address in your paper and presentation at the East-West Center. It should be a topic that represents a perspective from your country/community related to the program theme.
A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from your supervisor describing your suitability for the Fellowship and the benefit the organization hopes to derive from your participation in the program.
Names, addresses, phone/fax numbers and e-mail of three people who may be contacted by the Center as references. Two of these references should be people outside your news organization.
The “Employer’s Statement of Support” form completed by your employer (form is included in the 3-page application).
NOTE: Samples of your work are not required. If you wish to include samples, please do so via web links to articles.

Program and Application Downloads:
Application Instructions (1 page)
Fillable Adobe PDF version of application form (3 pages)
Fillable MS Word version of application form (3 pages)
Application deadline is Wednesday, June 16, 2010. Incomplete or late applicants will not be considered.
Applications may be sent by e-mail, fax or post as follows:
Fax: 1-808-944-7600 (ATTN: Jefferson Fellowships)
Jefferson Fellowships Program
East-West Seminars
East-West Center
1601 East-West Road
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96848-1601, U.S.A.
If you have questions about the application process, please contact us at: or 1-808-944-7682
Ann Hartman
Seminar Specialist, Seminars
East-West Center
1601 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96848-1601
Phone: (808) 944-7619
Fax: (808) 944-7600

Italy : 1 position with 1 fellowship for PhD in Management

The PhD in Management deals with management topics which characterise current research activities in strategy, organization, innovation and international business. It is strongly oriented towards a deeper understanding of links between innovative services and competitiveness. Particular emphasis is given to:
- the management of innovation processes and the international competitiveness of firms, institutions, as well as local, regional and national systems
- the management of innovative services, such as environmental, insurance, health, technological and industrial policy services.

Admission Requirements

- possession of Master of Science (M.Sc.), or a Master of Arts (M.A.), or equivalent title and possession of an internationally acknowledged certificate specifying their level of English knowledge (as per art. 2, par. 3).
- Applicants should not be older than 35 years by June 14, 2010. Candidates older than 35 may be exceptionally admitted considering the experience gained.

Positions and grants

- 1 position with 1 fellowship (amounting to € 14.500 per year + free meals at school’s canteen + Campus facilities).
The School may also admit eligible candidates without grants up to a maximum number of 1 post. They will take part in the Programme at their own expenses but they will not have to pay any tuition fee.

- applications must be submitted on line by June 14, 2010, 12 pm GMT at ;
- a hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach by June 21, 2010:

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy

“Application PhD in Management” must be written on the envelope.

Application and attachments
Candidates must attach to the hard copy of the application:
the copy of their Passport,
two copies of their Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum (please use the EU model);
the academic record with the full list of courses and grades (in English, in French, in German, in Spanish or in Italian);
copy of candidate Master Degree or equivalent;
two copies of the abstract of their Master Degree thesis (when applicable) in English, and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable;
the certificate of knowledge of the English language (as per art. 2, par. 3);
two copies of a Research Project, of no more than 2,500 words, which will describe the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project should include: 1) title; 2) description of the main research question and discussion of previous research in the field; 3) description of research hypotheses, with brief discussion of key variables; 4) description of the research method that will be used and expected results; 5) possible policy implications;
at least two Reference Letters written by scholars who have supervised the applicant’s work during his/her university studies;
a numbered list of documents attached.
Selection of applicants
- Assessment of the titles: the submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.

Beginning of the PhD Programme
The PhD Programme will start on October 1, 2010


Application Deadline : 14 June 2010

Italy : Call for Applications to 20 PhD Fellowships and admission of Foreign Nationals Educated Abroad

The University of Rome La Sapienza offers twenty three year full-time postgraduate PhD positions with fellowship for attaining the degree of Dottore di Ricerca (PhD) in the Doctoral Schools listed in appendix.
Each fellowship amounts to € 19.800,00 per year; this amount includes national insurance contributions (INPS) that fellowship recipients are required to pay (8,91% for 2010).

The fellowship doesn’t cover the annual entrance fee.
The PhD Programme lasts three years and may be extended to a fourth year (without grant), subject to approval by the School authorities. At the end of the first and second year of attendance, students have to be evaluated as proficient according to the rules of the Schools.
Details of School with related disciplines is available at here.

2. Admission requirements
Applications are opened to candidates who:
-are not Italian citizens;
-are not residents of Italy;
-have obtained an academic qualification abroad by a non-Italian institution which satisfies the entrance requirements for admission to the Doctoral Programme, i.e., a degree equivalent to the Italian diploma di laurea/laurea specialistica/laurea magistrale, or expect to obtain it before 31 July 2010. The equivalence of each qualification to the relevant Italian degree will be ascertained (for the sole purpose of this competition) by the Academic Board of the Schools.
3. Selection and admissions
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the documents listed in 5.2. Successful applicants will be assigned to a Doctoral School. Each Doctoral School will decide in which Programme (within those belonging to each School, see enclosure) to enrol the candidate on the basis of both his/her preferences and interests.

4. Attainment of PhD
Students must attend the courses and the seminars offered by their Programme, pass the related examinations, and prepare a PhD dissertation, which must have original results. The PhD title is obtained at the end of the third year after the candidate dissertation and its
positive evaluation made by an independent Jury appointed by the Rector. The discussion may be delayed with the approval of the School authorities, but not for more than one year.
5. Applications and deadline
To submit the application candidates should e-mail to the address of the School of their choice (see Schools Directors e-mail list, enclosed):
5.1 a completed and signed application form available on the website page:
5.2 the following supporting documents:
a photocopy of their identity card or passport;
Curriculum vitae et studiorum in English;
a copy of degree certificate and list of exams with marks;
a declaration of advanced knowledge of English language;
a report on any research carried out by the candidate (if any);
a list of publications (if any);
any further qualification and information the candidate wishes to be taken into account;
a brief statement explaining his/her Doctoral School choice;
a description of the candidate’s scientific interests;
an outline of their short research project (if any).
two letters of reference by university professors or eminent researchers/experts of equivalent status; such letters must be sent directly to the Directors of the Schools (see e-mail addresses, enclosed).

The deadline for submission of the application and supporting documents above listed is 31 May 2010. The University may exclude at any time candidates lacking admission requirements.
6. General rules
Doctorate fellowships are incompatible with any other one granted by Italian or International subjects. Fellowships cannot be awarded to candidates who have already (either entirely or partially) benefited from a similar grant to attend a PhD Course provided by an Italian University or by an International Institution.
7. Operational indications
The list of winners, and of those who may be considered as eligible if places become free, will be published on the official web-site:
within 30 June 2010.

Successful applicants will find the indication of the deadline for accepting the fellowship on the above mentioned short list. Further instructions to complete the enrolment in the academic year 2010/2011 will be e-mailed only to the winners successively. Formal certificates of the declared academic qualifications and transcripts of the academic curriculum should be sent upon awarding of the fellowships no later than 10 September 2010.

Italy : 8 positions with 8 fellowships for Ph.D. in Innovative Technologies of Information & Communication Engineering and Robotics

The Ph.D. in Innovative Technologies of Information and Communication Engineering and Robotics is a three-year residential program with highly interdisciplinary connotation, where students can specialize in one of the following curricula:
- Embedded Systems, with emphasis on real-time systems and resource management.
- Telecommunications, especially referring to networks and photonic technologies.
- Biorobotics, including micro-engineering, biomedical engineering, biomimetic robotics, rehabilitation technologies and computer assisted surgery.
- Perceptual Robotics, with emphasis on telerobotics, cognitive robotics and virtual environments.
Admission Requirements
Applicants, with no restriction on nationality, must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) or equivalent title.
Applicants should not be older than 35 years on May 27, 2010; older than 35 may be exceptionally admitted by the Examination Committee.
the candidates whose native language is not English should hold an internationally acknowledged certificate specifying their intermediate-level of English knowledge.

Positions and grants:
8 positions with 8 fellowships (amounting to € 14.500 per year + free meals at school’s canteen + Campus facilities):
- 1 positions for curriculum Embedded Systems
- 3 positions for curriculum Telecommunications
- 3 positions for Biorobotics
- 1 position for Perceptual Robotics
- The School reserves the possibility of accepting up to a maximum of 8 further students without grant or other forms of financial support.
2 positions announced in this Call are dedicated to candidates with Research Projects in the field of Micro-Biorobotics, since the scholarships assigned are supported within the Agreement that Scuola Sant’Anna subscribed with Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) of Genova with the aim of promoting fundamental and applied research and creating a Research Center in Micro-BioRobotics at Scuola Sant’Anna.

Candidates are requested to apply online at: by May 27, 2010, 12.00 pm GMT. In case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD Admin. Office (tel. +39 050 88.33.36/83, e-mail:
An hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach by June 3, 2010, regardless of forwarding date:
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy
“Application PhD in Innovative Technologies” must be written on the envelope.

Application and attachments
- Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
the copy of their passport;
two copies of their complete Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum covering scientific training, professional experiences, publications and all other information that might help in the evaluation of the candidate; please use the UE model. ;
photocopy of Candidate’s University Master Degree (to be translated in Italian or in English except those written in French, German, Spanish)
the detailed list of academic courses taken. This list should contain information regarding credits, units (or equivalent) received, the grades received for each class taken, and the date when the final (or semester) examination was taken;
one a copy of their degree thesis (or two abstracts in English) and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable;
the certificates of knowledge of the English language;
two copies of a Research Project, of no more than 3.000 words which describes the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project will include:
- a title;
- the scientific premises and the relevant bibliography;
- the aim and expectations of the research;
- the experimental methods and data analysis methods which will be used, where required;suitable;
at least two recommendation letters written by Faculty Members or other academics who have assessed and/or supervised the applicant’s work during his/her university studies, offering a comparative evaluation of the learning achievements, research potential, maturity, and professional inclinations of the candidate;
a numbered list of the documents attached.

Selection of applicants
Assessment of the Titles: assessment of all the submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.
Beginning of the PhD Programme
The PhD Programme will start on November 3, 2010

tel. +39 050 88.33.36, +39 050 88.33.83

Application Deadline : 27 May 2010

Adelaide Fee Postgraduate Scholarships International (AFSI) for Students from Any Country

Up to 15 scholarships may be available in 2011 to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline. Benefits are payment of full tuition fees for the normal duration of the program. The sole selection criteria for the Adelaide Fee Scholarships International (AFSI) will be academic merit. Unlike the IPRS, the AFSI applicants do not need to be applying to an area of research strength in the University. The Research Priority Areas of the University will be taken into consideration when awarding these scholarships.
Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in internationally refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.
Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive. Generally AFSI recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.
Conditions AFSI Scholarships
AFSI Scholarships will be awarded strictly on academic merit. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
International applicants are not eligible for an AFSI if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an AFSI in the previous calendar year.
International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an AFSI.
International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
Scholarships are available for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory progress. For students enrolled in a PhD, extensions beyond three years and six months require the approval of the Graduate Scholarships Committee and would only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2011. No AFSI may be commenced after 30 September.
Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2012.
Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
There is no separate application process for Adelaide Fee Scholarships International (AFSI). An application for admission to the University in 2011 will constitute an application for a scholarship in this instance.
We strongly recommend that all applicants submit their application and all required documents well before the closing date. Incomplete applications at the scholarship application deadline will not be considered for a scholarship.
Current status: Open for 2011 intake.
Postgraduate Research Application Form:
2011 major round (for students commencing in semester 1 or 2 2011): 31st August

The York Management School Scholarship: PhD Research Opportunities, 2010

The York Management School invites applications for admission to full time research study leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the following subjects: Accounting, Business History, Human Resource Management, International Business, Management Systems, Organisation Theory, and Public Sector Management.
The York Management School is offering two scholarships which will be on the basis of a fixed term stipend for three and a half years to the value of £13,290 per annum, with all tuition fees paid at the UK/ EU rate (currently £3,390). The York Management School will increase these scholarships in line with University fees and stipends. Successful applicants will be appointed as Graduate Assistants within the relevant Research Group, providing suitable teaching support.
Further particulars about the School and its research are available from:
Details on how to apply, and application forms, are available from:
Deadline for applications is 15 August 2010.
The successful candidates will be expected to commence their studies in October 2010.

Full-Time PhD Scholarships in Accountancy, Finance, and Economics at Heriot-Watt University

The School of Management and Languages at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh is now inviting applications for full-time PhD scholarships in the areas of Accountancy, Finance and Economics. We welcome applications from all areas of study.
Business Management: Whilst we welcome applications from all fields of study, we are particularly interested in receiving proposals in the following areas: Creativity and Enterprise, Work and Wellbeing (Organization Studies/HRM), Sustainability and Consumer Behaviour.
Languages and Intercultural Studies: Whilst we welcome applications from all relevant fields of study, we are particularly interested in receiving proposals in the following areas: Public Service Interpreting and Translating, Translation Technologies and Popular Media.
We have several PhD scholarships available across these subject areas. The scholarships include fees and a minimum stipend of £12,000 per annum for a period of three or four years. Holders of scholarships are expected to make some contribution to teaching within the school. Qualification or awaiting qualification to Maters level, from a research-led institution, in a relevant subject is necessary for a three year scholarship.
For those applicants who do not have an appropriate Masters qualification, it is possible to apply for a four year scholarship which includes an MRes degree (
How to Apply
Please complete an application form, available on-line. You must also submit a research proposal of 2000 words and covering email to Caroline Murray, by the closing date. When you submit your research proposal please state where you saw the advert for the scholarship. The closing date for applications is 28th May 2010.
Interviews will be held the week beginning 21st June 2010.
Further scholarship and application details:

CIMB Regional Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies 2010

In line with our vision to become Southeast Asia’s most valued universal banking group, CIMB Group is committed towards building the region’s intellectual properties and capabilities. With this in mind, CIMB Group has established the CIMB Regional Scholarship, which aims to provide outstanding individuals from all Southeast Asian countries a chance to pursue full-time postgraduate degree programmes at top graduate schools throughout the world.

Each year, a maximum of 5 scholarships shall be awarded to deserving individuals. For this purpose, CIMB Group seeks highly talented individuals who have attained an impressive track record of academic and personal achievements and can see themselves playing a significant role in the development of Southeast Asia.


To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Be a citizen of any South East Asia country
Have gained acceptance at a top graduate school to pursue a postgraduate degree programme in any of the following fields of study at the time when the CIMB Regional Scholarship is awarded:
- Renewable Energy – Environmental Studies – Astronomy – Sports Science – Nutrition – Genetics – Marine Biology – Maritime Studies – Southeast Asian Studies – Creative Arts (Design, Fashion, etc) – Fine Arts (Primarily Music, Dance & Theatre)
Possess a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum CGPA 3.00/4.00 or equivalent (for Master Degree applicants), or a Master’s Degree with good examiner’s report or equivalent (for Doctoral Degree applicants) that is relevant to the course or field applied for
Work experience that is relevant to the course or field applied is an added advantage (If applicable)
Do not hold any other scholarships, awards or grants that come with any contractual obligation between the recipient and the providerNote: Relevant work experience, where applicable, is an added advantage.
How to Apply

Application must be submitted online via

Apply the Scholarship
Complete Your Draft Application
Information provided will only be used for the purpose of evaluating your application for the CIMB Regional Scholarship. Submission of copies of certificates, commendation letters or any other document is not required at this moment. Only applicants who are short-listed for the next round of assessment will be required to produce the original copies of relevant documents.

Application closing date is 31 May 2010.


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