

[UK] Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award in Turbochargers Design at University College London

Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award
Multi-objective design of industrial turbochargers for reduced aeroacoustic noise and increased efficiency
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Value of Award:
Maintenance Stipend for a maximum period of 3 years (£12,940 for Session 2008/09), full overseas rate fees and a Research Training Support Grant

Minimum Academic Requirements: A very good first degree (equivalent to a UK first class honours degree) from a prestigious institution in a relevant discipline such as Engineering, Mathematics or Physics (a lower rated BSc with a Masters will not normally be accepted as the equivalent of a UK first class honours degree). Candidates must also meet the University’s English language requirements.

Additional Information: The Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards are a national initiative to bring outstanding students from India, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Russia, South Africa and the developing world to the UK to study for PhD degrees in top-rated research environments. The eligible countries are those listed in Part 1 on the OECD website:

http://www.oecd. org/dataoecd/35/9/2488552. pdf

This award is provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Council ( uk) and Napier Turbochargers Ltd and is available for a research project in the area of:

Multi-objective design of industrial turbochargers for reduced aeroacoustic noise and increased efficiency

Marine engine room noise is becoming the subject of ever-stricter regulation by certification bodies. Diesel engine technology is currently concerned with reducing NOx emissions and increasing fuel efficiency and power density. The consequence of the noise limits on current turbochargers is to limit the allowable pressure ratio of the turbocharger and consequently limit the reduction in NOx and limit the increase in fuel efficiency and power density.

In order to mitigate the noise, filter silencers can be fitted to compressor intakes. But these reduce the turbocharger efficiency. An alternative approach is to design the turbocharger compressors for reduced noise. However, compressor designs that reduce aero-acoustic noise in many cases result in a reduction in compressor efficiency. In this project an aero-acoustic model will be developed and will be used together with a Multi-objective/ multi-point optimization strategy based on 3D inverse design method in order to reduce noise while improving the compressor efficiency. The final design will be manufactured by Napier’s Turbochargers and will be evaluated experimentally at the Napier’s test facility.

For further information regarding the project, please contact Prof. M. Zangeneh (

Applications forms are available at

Please also send a copy of your application by email to or by post to Prof. M. Zangeneh, UCL Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE, UK.

Further information on the background to the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards Scheme can be found at

UCL Taking Action for Equality

The closing date for applications is Friday, 30th May 2009.

[UK] PhD Studentship on Employment Relations Implications of Public Sector Reform at Oxford Brookes University

Closing date: 15 April 2009
The British public sector has been undergoing a profound process of reform in recent decades which has had major consequences for those employed in it. Proposals which focus on the exploration of one or more categories of such consequences are welcomed. Possible topics include the implications that reform has had for worker well-being and commitment, the regulatory role of trade unions, the types of employment patterns and managerial strategies which staff work under, and the work experiences of those employed in private and not-for-profit organisations engaged in the delivery of public services in terms of service quality, job security and terms and conditions of work.

Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:

Professor Phil James

Applicants should have a good Honours degree with 2:1 and normally a masters degree within a relevant discipline.

The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.

For details regarding how to apply please download the application form, reference form and additional information.

Completed applications forms should be sent directly to: Business School HR Team, Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, OX33 1HX or email

[UK] PhD Research Studentship on Micro-analysis of Coaching as a Process at The School of Business, Oxford Brookes University

Closing date: 15 April 2009
Coaching is becoming an important element in the development of individuals in organisations. Various studies show that coaching is delivering the results that are valuable for individuals and organisations. However, the very central question of what coaching actually is and what coaches do in principle and in comparison to other types of practices and interventions remains unexplored. Systematic analysis of this issue could create a significant shift in what is perceived as best practices in coaching. PhD candidates are invited to examine the elements of the coaching process that occur during a coaching session that could be identified as unique and consistent for coaching approaches in various contexts and genres, from performance coaching to developmental coaching. An interest in the analysis of coaching conversations with a focus on behavioural, attitudinal and relational aspects would be expected.

Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:

Dr. Tatiana Bachkirova


Dr. Elaine Cox

Applicants should have a good Honours degree with 2:1 and normally a masters degree within a relevant discipline.

The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.

For details regarding how to apply please download the application form, reference form and additional information.

Completed applications forms should be sent directly to:

Business School HR Team,
Oxford Brookes University,
Business School,
Wheatley Campus,
Wheatley, OX33 1HX

[UK] PhD Research Studentship on The Impact of Enterprise Performance Management on Management Control

Closing date: 15 April 2009
Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), also known as Business Performance Management (BPM), integrates ideas from Performance Management with Business Intelligence and Information Management. An important aspect of EPM is the – real-time – monitoring of actual performance against targets, based on data from the business processes and their outcomes. When organisations apply EPM, ubiquitous availability of real-time (and accurate) performance data would, in principle, allow for more ‘democratic’ or empowering control approaches to be employed. This would not just free up management time and make organisations more responsive, it would also respond to long-standing calls to curtail the use of formal, centralised management control approaches. Do EPM Systems in practice really change management control towards more democratic methods?

Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:

Dr Diana Limburg


Professor Laura Spira

Applicants should have a good Honours degree with 2:1 and normally a masters degree within a relevant discipline.

The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.

For details regarding how to apply please download the application form, reference form and additional information.

Completed applications forms should be sent directly to:

Business School HR Team,
Oxford Brookes University,
Business School,
Wheatley Campus,
Wheatley, OX33 1HX

[UK] PhD Research Studentship 2009 on The relationship between international outsourcing and innovation

Closing date: 15 April 2009
In today’s increasingly competitive and globalised corporate landscape, outsourcing and innovation are seen as the tools that give organisations the ability to develop sustainable competitive positions. Although, taken individually, these thematic areas (outsourcing and innovation) have already been subjected to considerable academic scrutiny, the relationship between the two is still relatively under-researched. PhD proposals are invited to examine the linkages between international outsourcing and innovation at both a theoretical and empirical level. More specifically, the focus of the research would be to investigate whether international outsourcing may increase or hinder innovative activity at plant, industry, sector and/or country level.

Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:

Professor Glauco De Vita
tel: +44 (0)1865 485798


Dr Surja Datta
tel: +44 (0)1865-485842


Dr Sandy Kyaw
tel: +44 (0)1865-485952.

Applicants must have a good 2.1 honours degree in economics or business economics and a good masters degree in economics or closely related discipline. Some experience of econometric estimation (regression analysis) and familiarity with standard econometric packages (such as Stata or EViews) would be an advantage. The successful candidate will also require a high degree of computer literacy. (At undergraduate level a good 2.1 is taken to mean an average mark in the upper half of the 2.1 band and a good masters degree is taken to mean an average grade of at least 65% with no mark below 60%, and at least 65% at the dissertation stage).

Applicants will produce a research proposal of not more than 2,000 words that outlines and justifies the proposed research question, identifies any additional data requirements and details the proposed work programme.

The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.

For details regarding how to apply please download the application form, reference form and additional information.

Completed applications forms should be sent directly to: Business School HR Team, Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, OX33 1HX or email

[UK] PhD Research Studentship on Impact of the Current Financial Crisis: Regulation Changes and Market Participants Reactions

Closing date: 15 April 2009
The current financial crisis has resulted in a major restructuring of the financial system. Many parties, particularly investment banks, credit rating agencies and regulators, have been blamed for contributing to the financial crisis. Regulators around the world are now proposing measures to stabilise the financial system and introducing new regulations to prevent events from recurring. A range of actions are being considered including stricter capital requirements for banks and regulation of the credit ratings industry. The proposed PhD research could take a number of directions including but not limited to: How effective are the proposed regulatory measures? How do market participants (e.g. investment banks, other financial institutions and credit rating agencies, etc.) perceive these measures? Has the financial crisis influenced the behaviour of market participants, e.g. institutional investors’ use of credit ratings or internal investment guidelines?

Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:

Dr Sandra Einig


Professor Laura Spira

Applicants should have a good Honours degree with 2:1 and normally a masters degree within a relevant discipline.

The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.

For details regarding how to apply please download the application form, reference form and additional information.

Completed applications forms should be sent directly to:

Business School HR Team,
Oxford Brookes University,
Business School,
Wheatley Campus,
Wheatley, OX33 1HX

[Italy] 115 PhD Scholarships in Architecture, Design, Engineering, and Science at Politecnico di Milano

The Politecnico di Milano has initiated the competition for admission into the 25th cycle of the Doctoral Courses listed below. The number of positions as well as the number of available scholarships, the number of scholarships for special initiatives and the number of surplus positions available for non-EU citizens are specified for each Doctorate Course.

Additional positions and scholarships may become available before the completion of the competition, given all deadlines for application on the part of applicants for the competition for admission and the delivery of the relative documentation required by Article 3 below. For the purposes of effectively activating a Doctoral Course, the minimum number of applicants registered for the doctorate may not be less than three.

The call for applications is open to Italian and non-EU citizens. Displaced individuals are considered non-EU citizens not resident in an EU member state (non-EU citizen).
Admission to the Doctoral Courses will be determined on the basis of an assessment of the educational CV, the cover letters and the proposal for doctoral research project which the applicants must send at the time of their registration to the competition.

With the exception of that provided for by Article 7, the Doctoral Course requires a three-year commitment.

Applications for admission to the competition – one for each Doctoral Course – and the relative attached documentation must be drafted and sent in electronic format by April 30th, 2009 by logging on to the ON-LINE system, available as of March 17th at the website,

The specified deadline should be considered final and the applicant is responsible for verifying the correct completion of the procedure.

After having filled out the ON-LINE application and attached any relative documentation, the following must be sent in printed format by May 29th, 2009:
1) the duly undersigned application for admission to the competition (printed from the online application system)
2) a photocopy of the receipt of payment of € 25.82
3) a duly undersigned photocopy of the applicant's identification document; a photocopy of the passport is required for non-EU citizens

website link:

[UK] PhD Studentship on The diffusion of corporate governance mechanisms from the private to both the public and the NFP sector

Closing date: 15 April 2009
In recent years corporate governance mechanisms developed within UK public companies have been widely adopted in both public sector and not-for-profit organisations. Such mechanisms may relate to structure (for example, the establishment of audit committees in universities, NHS Trusts and charities) or process (for example, the adoption of the Turnbull guidance on reporting on internal control and risk management). But how do such mechanisms operate within the different accountability framework of the public and NFP sectors? Is there anything that the private sector could usefully learn from the adaptations that have taken place?

Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:

Professor Laura Spira

Applicants should have a good Honours degree with 2:1 and normally a masters degree within a relevant discipline.

The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.

For details regarding how to apply please download the application form, reference form and additional information.

Completed applications forms should be sent directly to: Business School HR Team, Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, OX33 1HX or email

[Denmark] PhD Fellowship in Natural Products Chemistry at the University of Southern Denmark

“Production and use of Artemisia annua against parasites and bacterial diseases in poultry stocks” is a four years project supported by The Programme Commission on Health, Food, and Welfare under The Danish Council for Strategic Research. An important goal of the project is to test, document and develop prototype products based on bioactive compounds from the medicinal plant Artemisia annua (Sweet wormwood) for the treatment of parasitic and bacterial diseases in poultry. The purpose is further to develop a cost efficient cultivation of genetically optimized A. annua as a new Danish pharm-crop, including development of bioassays for the determination of bioactivity, and develop methods for the quantification of bioactive compounds in extracts, biofluids, and tissue.

The project involves close interaction between several research groups with expertise spanning from plant cultivation and isolation of bioactive compounds to testing in different cellular and animal models. Several Ph.D. students and post-docs are associated with the project. We now invite applications for a Ph.D. fellowship within the topic “Characterisation of bioactive compounds in Artemisia annua and development of standardised prototypes to be used against parasite and bacterial infections in poultry”

The work programme on the Ph.D. fellowship will be focused on the following areas:

  • (i) Isolation and characterisation of anti-parasitic and anti-microbial compounds in A. annua by bioassay-guided fractionation and advanced spectroscopic techniques, respectively.
  • (ii) Development of analytical methods for the analysis of bioactive compounds in plant extracts, biofluids and tissue.
  • (iii) Investigation of the effect of genotype cultivation, and seasonal variation on the content of bioactive compounds in A. annua.

The candidate should have qualifications required for working on natural products chemistry, and should have experience with isolation of organic compounds using column chromatography and HPLC as well as experience with identification of organic compounds by spectroscopic methods such as NMR and mass spectrometry. It is important that candidates have not already obtained a Ph.D. degree. In addition, emphasis will be on good skills to communicate and collaborate as well as to function in a research team across institutions and research disciplines.

Application, salary, etc

Engagement as a Ph.D. Research Fellow is for three years. Employment stops automatically at the end of the period. The holder of the Fellowship is not allowed to have other paid employment during the three-year period.

Contact person: Head of Department, Professor Lars Porskjær Christensen, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, University of Southern Denmark, telephone: +45 6550 7361, e-mail

Employment is governed by the Protocol on PhD Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) on October 1, 2008, enclosure 5.

The University encourages all interested persons to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation, or ethnic background.

The application is to be made by using the faculty application form:

Please send 3 copies of the application and enclosures marked with the job ID to the address below. Enclosures must include a short description of research experience and motivation for application (max three pages) as well as a CV with list of publications, copies of diploma etc. and copies of max three publications (if available) marked in publication list. Additional information may be requested, and the application process may include an interview before the final decision is made. Please note that applications send by e-mail will not be taken into consideration.

Employment starts: 1 July, 2009
Closing date 1 May, 2009 at 12 noon
Location: Odense

Mark application Job ID 094053 and send it to:

Det Tekniske Fakultetssekretariat
Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M

[Sweden] PhD Studentship in Computer Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology

Reference number 2009/28
Application deadline 2009-04-17

The High-Performance Computer Architecture Group is conducting research on design principles for the next generations of mainstream as well as embedded high-performance computers. To ease the programming task and yet achieve a high computational performance at as high energy efficiency as possible are important objectives in the knowledge generation process that the group contributes to. To this end, the group has a solid track record in contributing to design principles of parallel computers and a current focus is on multi-core computers.

The group participates in the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence as a partner and in two European projects that focus on multi-core architectures. A driving theme regards the definition and implementation of new hardware/software interfaces to ease the task of designing software for exploiting the computational performance of multi-core computers.

Aim of work

The PhD student shall participate in a project that concerns novel execution models for multicore computers. Known execution models lead to significant efforts in rewriting existing software. The project aims at exploring ways to extract parallelism dynamically so that the parallelism offered by multicore computers can be exploited.

Job description

As a Ph.D. student you are employed by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your time will be devoted to other duties at the department, mainly teaching. The remaining time will be devoted to your own courses and research within the project and you are expected to obtain a Ph.D. within a maximum of 5 years.

In order to improve gender balance, Chalmers welcomes in particular applications from female candidates.


Applicants shall have a Master’s Degree or corresponding (sw. civilingenjörsexamen) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering or in a related discipline. As for all PhD studies, a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter and excellent analytical and communication skills, orally as well as literally, are needed. Further, since the research work normally involves developing simulation models of detailed computer architectures, good programming skills are important. A successful candidate must have a profound interest in computer architecture and a foundation in design principles of processors and memory systems.

Application procedure

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2009/28) must be written on the first page of the application.


Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information

Research level: Professor Per Stenström (
Tel. 031-772 1761, e-post: or

Departmental level:, Associate Professor Lars Svensson,
Tel. 031-772 1704, e-post:

More information is available at the departmental homepage

Union representatives

  • SACO: Jan Lindér
  • ST: Marie Wenander
  • SEKO: Ralf Berndtsson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

Application form:

Official announcement available at:

[Sweden] PhD Studentship in Mechatronics at Chalmers University of Technology

Reference number 2009/33
Application deadline 2009-04-20

At the Department of Signals and Systems, we conduct world leading research in biomedical engineering, antennas and signal processing, automatic control, automation and mechatronics, and communication systems. Our research deals to a large extent with the modeling and development of efficient systems for extracting and processing information. The systems are often affected by signals from the environment which we cannot change and signals that we produce ourselves to control the systems. Systems which our researchers focus on include hearing aids, robots, power chains, plants, and mobile phones.

Job description

There is an increasing use of mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization in modern product development. In our research, which is in close connection with industrial partners, we use modern tools on new problems, and develop the tools further so that better products can be developed faster and more reliable. To do this we use tools from the signal and system toolbox, such as control theory, signal processing, system identification, optimization, and modeling techniques of various kinds. In this project you will develop techniques and tools for optimizing mechatronic products which involves joint decisions of mechanical design issues as well as decisions on the control parameters. Such tools make it possible to speed up the product development cycle at the same time as quality and environmental aspects are being optimized.

You will be part of an international research environment for up to five years while you expand your knowledge of the field and write your doctoral thesis. This gives opportunities for many inspiring conversations, a lot of interesting work and some travel.

The position is limited to at most five years. Usually, a PhD student will spend about 80 percent of his or her time on graduate studies, and about 20 percent on teaching.


The successful applicant should have a strong background in mathematical modeling of mechanical systems, signal processing and control theory. Experience of optimization and programming is appreciated. The applicant should be interested in pursuing innovative results in developing engineering tools for optimization and system identification of models of mechatronic systems. Teamwork and presentation skills, as well as fluent English, are necessary requisites.

Application procedure

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2009/33) must be written on the first page of the application.


Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information

Associate Professor Jonas Fredriksson, telephone +46 31 772 1359

Professor Claes Breitholtz: telephone +46 31 772 3718

Union representatives

  • SACO: Jan Lindér
  • T: Marie Wenander
  • SEKO: Ralf Berndtsson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

Application form:

Official announcement available at:

Phd Positions in Hydrogen Storage Research at Delft University

Hydrogen storage is a major bottleneck in the development of a future energy economy based on hydrogen as an energy carrier. Key to competitive hydrogen storage is the development of lightweight, cheap and safe materials that can be reversibly loaded under temperature and pressure conditions suitable for applications. Surface adsorption of hydrogen in porous, crystalline materials such as metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs) provide materials with record specific surface areas per gram material, and are therefore proposed as potential hydrogen storage materials.

Our research focuses on the design of new materials using first principles modelling, chemical synthesis and the fundamental characterisation of the hydrogen sorption. Characterisation of the adsorption using macroscopic methods as well as in situ neutron diffraction will be performed to determine which are the most favourable positions of hydrogen in the crystals with the optimum adsorption interaction strength. With this knowledge new materials will be designed, aiming at improved characteristics and higher capacity. For this research we have openings for two highly motivated PhD students who will work on the project in close collaboration; one with a synthetic chemistry background and one with a physics background.

For more information, please visit:


- University Graduate
- The PhD student in synthetic chemistry must have a strong synthetic chemistry background and additional experience with physical chemistry experimental characterisation methods.
- The PhD student in physics or physical chemistry will have a strong physics or physical chemistry background and affinity with first principles modelling and/or experimental techniques operating at the microscopic/ atomic scale.??


- Delft University of Technology Department Radiation, Radionuclides & Reactors of the Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a multifaceted institution offering education and carrying out research in the technical sciences at an internationally recognized level. Education, research and design are strongly oriented towards applicability. TU Delft develops technologies for future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety and economic vitality. At TU Delft you will work in an environment where technical sciences and society converge. TU Delft comprises eight faculties, unique laboratories, research institutes and schools.

The Faculty of Applied Science is a large, research-oriented faculty providing excellent, challenging education and conducting pioneering, fundamental, and socially relevant research in the natural sciences. We provide a world-class training ground for future leaders in scientific professional practice and research. With more than 60 different nationalities represented, the faculty is culturally diverse.

This research is being conducted by the Delft Institute for Sustainable Energy at Delft University of Technology. The research is performed at the faculties of Applied Sciences and the faculty of Aerospace Engineering, using in-house facilities for chemical synthesis, characterisation and computation. Performing experiments abroad at international large-scale neutron scattering and synchrotron facilities will also be an integral part of the work. The project receives funding from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO/ACTS).

Conditions of employment

Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000

Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2612
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: These positions have a temporary employment basis of four years (48 months).
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:

The successful candidate will be employed by the TU Delft for a fixed period of 4 years within which he or she is expected to write a dissertation leading to a doctoral degree (PhD thesis). Benefits and other employment conditions are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.

For more information about this position, please contact F. M. Mulder, phone: +31 (0)15-2784870, e-mail: f.m.mulder@tudelft. nl. To apply, please send a detailed CV along with a letter of application before 30-04-2009 to Nicole Banga, e-mail: n.d.banga@tudelft. nl. Applications will be accepted until the position has been filled.

When applying for this position, make sure to mention vacancy number TNWRRR07-069.

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

F. M. Mulder
Telephone number: +31 (0)15-2784870
E-mail address: f.m.mulder@tudelft. nl

Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.

* About the organization
* Technische Universiteit Delft

You can apply for this job before 30-04-2009 by sending your application to:

Nicole Banga

E-mail address: n.d.banga@tudelft. nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number TNWRRR07-069.

PhD Research Positions in Automotive and Aeronautics

Closing Date for Applications: Friday, 1st May 2009.
There are currently research students working in all areas of Aeronautical and Automotive research disciplines These being in: Acoustics and Vibration, Aerodynamics, Combustion and Energy Conversion, Dynamics and Control, Materials and Structures and Risk and Reliability.

There are a number of fully funded PhD positions available, the majority to start at the beginning of each academic year; however others are available throughout the year. For specific studentships currently available (and likely to be available) within the research disciplines then have a look at the Available Projects below

Available Projects (PhD)

Projects currently available, with funding, are identified in the table below with an F. Projects potentially available, subject to funding acquired, are identified with an A.

To find out more about each of the individual projects click on the project title. To discover more about the research carried out within the department please visit the individual research group web links.

If you are interested in taking part in the leading-edge research then please contact the staff member highlighted for further information. For funded projects, if you want to apply then please contact

Jackie Green
Research Administrator
AAE Department
Stewart Miller Building
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leicestershire
LE11 3TU

PhD01: Industrially Supported PhD Studentship in the Application of Multi-Axis Reinforced Polymer Composites for Advanced Aerospace Structures

Industrial Partner: M. Wright and Sons

Applications are invited for an industrially supported doctoral studentship in the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough University , leading to the award of a PhD degree. The research will be concerned with the application of 3D woven textile composites for advanced aerospace structures, with an emphasis on the structural integrity and performance of aerospace structures manufactured using this type of advanced fibre architecture. The work will investigate how crimp in the fibres and resin pockets within the matrix affect the mechanical performance (including post-impact performance) , and will consist of both experimental and numerical modelling aspects.

The project is supported by M. Wright and Sons, who are specialist manufacturers of woven narrow fabrics and technical textiles. M. Wright and Sons will support the research through the use of their unique multi-dimensional weaving machine.

Studentships will be paid a tax-free stipend of £12,940 per annum, plus £2,500 per annum supporting company contribution, plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate for 3 years. These awards are tax free, and the research student will be eligible for additional income from supervision of undergraduate tutorials and laboratories.

Applicants should have a minimum of a 2:1 honours degree or equivalent in Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or related disciplines. Experience in composites fabrication and the use of standard FEA codes such as Nastran or Abaqus would be an advantage.

Additional Information:
Applicants should complete the standard research degree application form available from:

Further information about the studentship can be obtained by contacting:- Jackie Green, Research Administrator, Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University, E-mail: J.A.Green@lboro.

For informal enquiries contact Dr Paul Cunningham (E-mail: P.Cunningham@ uk )
Closing Date for Applications: Friday, 1st May 2009.

EPSRC Industrial CASE Studentship
in collaboration with Rolls Royce

Numerical Simulation of Aeroengine
Installation Aerodynamics

Dept. of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University

Applications are invited for a research studentship at Loughborough University, leading to the award of a PhD degree. We are able to offer an opportunity to work in a challenging field that will combine industrial application with substantial research challenge. The project will be conducted within the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in the Dept. of Aero & Auto. Engineering. The aim of the project is to develop, validate, and apply a range of CFD methods for the analysis of the exhaust ducts, nozzles and near-field plume flowfields relevant to novel aeroengine architectures currently being developed by Rolls-Royce. Initial work will focus on RANS CFD for prediction of the flow within aggressively curved and strongly 3D exhaust ducts. Subsequent work will investigate alternative closure methods, including Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Both RANS and LES CFD will be carried out primarily using the Rolls-Royce Hydra code. The work will involve
collaboration with a team of Loughborough researchers as well as Rolls-Royce engineers. Experimental data is being gathered within the team and will be available for validation purposes. There will also be placements at Rolls-Royce, totalling three months, with travel and subsistence costs paid.

Candidates should hold, or expect to receive, a first or upper second degree in a relevant engineering subject. Experience of CFD for aerospace applications would be an advantage.

Funding includes a maintenance award provided at the standard EPSRC level (currently £12,940 per annum in 2008/09) plus a sponsoring company contribution of £2,500 per annum, plus payment of UK/EU fees for 3.5 years. These awards are tax free, and the research student will be eligible for additional income from supervision of undergraduate tutorials and laboratories.

The studentship is subject to the EPSRC rules for eligibility, see:

It is intended that the studentship should commence no later than July 2009..

Additional Information:
Applicants should complete and submit the PhD application form:

And return to: Jackie Green, Research Administrator, Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University , J.A.Green@lboro.
For informal enquiries contact Dr Gary Page ( G.J.Page@lboro. ) 01509 227205.

PhD03: Automation of a system reliability model

Research Group: Risk and Reliability

Project Description:

Over the years various mathematical models have been developed that assess the reliability of a system. For example, Fault Tree Analysis, Cause-Consequence Analysis, Markov methods and Monte Carlo Simulation. Such models relate the performance of a given system design to the performance of the components of which the system is comprised and can be used to determine the failure probability or failure frequency of the system in question. Ideally such models would be used at the system design stage in order to assess the effect upon reliability of different design proposals and maintenance strategies. In this way design modifications can be accommodated cost effectively. . However, this ideal is not usually achieved in that reliability assessment does not efficiently influence the design. One way of improving this situation is to automate the reliability analysis process. This would make the analysis less complex enabling it to be performed by the design
team. Automation also reduces the time of an analysis and can help prevent errors.

The aim of the proposed studentship is to develop a methodology, implemented as a piece of software, that will accept as input the description of an engineering system, in the form of a schematic diagram, and use the information to generate a model to assess the system reliability. It is intended that the Cause Consequence method is initially considered.

If interested please contact Sarah Dunnett for further information at:

Fault Diagnostic Methodologies for Complex Systems (3 Projects)

John Andrews


Fault diagnostic systems monitor the performance of the primary system to determine when it is not functioning correctly and identify the potential component failures that can have caused the symptoms observed. The symptoms are provided by sensors installed on the primary system to track the status of system variables during its operation. Faults on a system can be of concern for two reasons. Firstly they may cause or contribute to the down-time of the system with the associated financial implications. Secondly if the system is safety critical a degraded level of functionality may cause or increase the likelihood of fatalities.

With modern complex systems the diagnosis of the causes of a failed or degraded system state can be a difficult and time consuming task. Tools to support this activity have obvious benefits. The fault diagnosis process to identify the failed components can take a substantial proportion of the time it takes to rectify failures.

Fault diagnostic methods are numerous and diverse. However despite considerable research on this topic and the wide variety of methodologies available it remains a relatively immature science with many problems still to be overcome to enable its confident, widespread application to complex systems in many industries.

The majority of techniques developed for fault diagnosis work successfully when the symptoms observed are assumed to result from a lone failed component. When multiple failures have occurred the problem becomes very much more complex with the combined effects of the failures at times being very different from the symptoms observed for each individual failure. Three combinatorial techniques conventionally used for system reliability prediction, fault tree analysis, digraphs, and Bayesian belief networks have been investigated to determine their suitability to form the foundation of a fault diagnostic process capable of overcoming these deficiencies.

All three methods successfully accounted for multiple faults. Bayesian belief networks are better able to handle the introduction of evidence from the sensors if their structure can be established. Difficulties in their construction was overcome by direct development from the fault trees. This provided a successful means of fault diagnosis when the system operates under steady state conditions and the conditions were assumed to exist upon the system start-up.

Research Projects

PhD04 - Project 1:

Real-time application of a fault diagnostic method

This research project would address the following issues:

1. Dynamics need to be taken into account as symptoms, from the same failure conditions will change over time. For example consider a tank with a flow outlet at its base which develops a leak. Initially the symptoms will be a decreasing level and a continued flow from the outlet. When the tank is empty the flow out will then cease.
2. The time duration between the occurrence of multiple faults . On the first fault occurrence all symptoms will be consistent with this fault alone. The occurrence of other failures may then change or mask these symptoms. The time duration between the occurrence of the multiple failure events will affect the symptoms observed. Successful diagnosis of the causes will require the consideration of the inter-arrival time of the faults.

PhD05 - Project 2:

Optimal Sensors for Fault Diagnosis

This research project would address the following issues:

It will be impractical to feature the number of sensors required to exactly isolate the precise component failures causing each system fault condition.. As such a list of potential failures will be deduced. The number of sensors installed in the system will be a trade-off between the cost of the sensors (plus their maintenance) and the value of the information they produce to the fault diagnostics process. The sensors used should optimise the value of the information provided with constraints placed on the resources available.

PhD06 - Project 3:

Large Scale System Fault Diagnostics

This research project would address the following issues:
The success of a general fault diagnostic methodology will depend on its ability to scale up to ever increasing system complexities. Larger systems will require more sensors to monitor its status providing the potential for information overload with the fault identification system unable to cope. As such the systems need to be modularised to generate a system structure where faults are progressively tracked down through sub-systems and then sub-sections giving, at each stage, a problem whose fidelity can be handled effectively. The modules need to be relatively independent and a method to identify these is required.

PhD (2x2 years) ”Statistical Methodology in Vaccine and Infectious Disease Research"

Hasselt University announces, within the Center for Statistics, the UHasselt entity of the Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics the following position (m/f):

PhD (2x2 years) ”Statistical Methodology in Vaccine and Infectious Disease Research”
(mandate WNI/2008/008)

Job description
PhD in statistical methodology in vaccine and infectious disease research. The research activities are part of an interuniversity collaboration between the Institute VAXINFECTIO of the University of Antwerp, and the Center for Statistics, Hasselt University. The main interdisciplinary research themes are i) to improve and/or increase the understanding of the immune system, ii) to develop strategies for the containment of antibiotic resistance and iii) to develop new methodology in modeling infectious disease spread.

* You have a strong quantitative background;
* You are intrinsically motivated, think analytically and creatively, and work in an organised and focused manner ;
* You enjoy working in an multidisciplinary environment (statistics, epidemiology, medical sciences, life sciences);
* Experience in the use of statistical/ mathematical software such as SAS, R, etc., is a plus.

Licentiate, Master, or equivalent degree in (bio)statistics, mathematics, physics or related field. Students that graduate this year can also apply.

The appointment takes effect from July 1, 2009 for a period of 2 years, extendable to a total period of 4 years.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* Prof. dr. Niel Hens, +32 11-26 82 32, niel.hens@uhasselt. be
* Prof. dr. Marc Aerts, +32 11-26 82 47, marc.aerts@uhasselt .be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be

Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Monday, June 1st 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be.

PhD in Mathematics (Dynamical Systems) (2x2 years)

PhD in Mathematics (Dynamical Systems)(2x2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/007)

Job description
The candidate is expected to prepare a PhD thesis in the context of singularly perturbed vector fields, more precisely of planar singularly perturbed Liénard systems. The Dynamical Systems group at Hasselt University has a strong background on singular perturbation problems and Liénard systems. The candidate is expected to collaborate with different members of the group.

Master in Mathematics or equivalent diploma in mathematics. Students who will complete their study this year can also apply. There is no need for the candidate to speak Dutch, however a sufficient knowledge of English is required.

The scholarship is available for a period of 4 years. It consists of a first appointment of 2 years, which can be followed by a prolongation of 2 years after an evaluation of the progress of the scholarship.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* prof. dr. P. De Maesschalck, (+32)11-26 82 23, peter.demaesschalck @uhasselt. be
* prof. dr. F. Dumortier, (+32)11-26 82 39, freddy.dumortier@ uhasselt. be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, May 8th 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be.

PhD student (2x2 years) in charge transfer in semiconducting

PhD student (2x2 years) in charge transfer in semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond heterostructures
(mandate WNI/2009/002)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the BOF-project “Formation and charge transfer mechanism in semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond heterostructures – POLYDIAM”. In collaboration between different research groups of the Institute for Materials Research (IMO), various small molecules and conducting oligomers/polymers will be combined with CVD diamond films to form heterostructures. The candidate will focus on chemical bonding procedures, developing photo and electrochemical coupling procedures of short chain molecules to diamond surfaces. He/she will perform morphological and structural characterisation of the formed heterostructures, followed by a thorough electronic and optoelectronic characterisation using highly sensitive techniques studying the charge transfer mechanism present in said structures. The nature of the project is highly cross-disciplinary and requires a candidate with good communication skills and a keen interest in team work.

Master degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, engineering or materials science. A background in any of the fields mentioned in the job description will be considered a plus. Students who will obtain their diploma at the end of this academic year, are also invited to apply.

The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years).

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* Prof. dr. Miloš Nesládek, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 33, milos.nesladek@ uhasselt. be
* Prof. dr. Ken Haenen, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 75, ken.haenen@uhasselt .be
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32 – 11 – 26 88 15, marc.dolieslaeger@ uhasselt. be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, July 15th 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be.

PhD student (2x2 years) in label-free DNA-sensors with real-time, electronic detection principles

PhD student (2x2 years) in label-free DNA-sensors with real-time, electronic detection principles
(mandate WNI/2009/001)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the FWO-project “Synthetic diamond films as platform materials for novel DNA-sensors with electronic detection principles”. This project is a joint initiative of the Institute for Materials Research IMO and the Biomedical Research Institute BIOMED at Hasselt University in cooperation with the Institute for Nano- and Biotechnologies at Aachen University of Applied Sciences. The candidate will focus on i) the covalent bonding of DNA onto diamond-based sensor electrodes and the morphological study of molecular DNA brushes, ii) the integration into label-free biosensors with electronic, impedance-based read-out techniques, and iii) the upgrading towards sensor arrays with a benchmarking with respect to point-mutations in patients’ genetic materials. This project combines cutting-edge applied- and fundamental research topics in an interdisciplinary environment. Interest in team work, excellent communication skills, and broad interests in natural-, medical-, and engineering sciences are a benefit.

Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in physics, biomedical sciences, materials science, nanotechnology, electronic engineering, or physical chemistry. A background in any of the fields mentioned in the job description will be considered a plus.

The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years). Students who will obtain their diploma at the end of this academic year, are also invited to apply.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* Dr. Sylvia Wenmackers, +32 – (0)11 - 26 88 78, Sylvia.Wenmackers@ uhasselt. be
* Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, +32 – (0)11 - 26 88 95, Patrick.Wagner@ uhasselt. be
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32 – (0)11 – 26 88 15, marc.dolieslaeger@ uhasselt. be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, July 15th 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be.

6 PhD-students Biostatistics / Bioinformatics

Hasselt University announces, within the Center for Statistics, the UHasselt entity of the Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics has the following positions (m/f) available:

6 PhD-students Biostatistics/ Bioinformatics

Job description
PhD in statistical and bioinformatics methodology in life sciences studies:
* BOF Project: “A Powerful Modeling Framework for Efficient Design and Analysis of Life Sciences Studies”.
(mandates WNI/2009/009- 010-011)
* BOF Project: “Statistical Analysis of Isotope labeled MALDI TOF Mass Spectra”.
(mandate WNI/2009/012)
* FWO Project: “A Flexible Method for Modeling Non-normal Hierarchical Data Structures”.
(mandate WNI/2009/013)
* IWT Project: “Cell Line Based Compound Prioritization and Response Prediction”.
(mandate WNI/2009/014)

* You have a strong quantitative background;
* you are intrinsically motivated, think analytically and creatively, and work in an organised and focused manner ;
* you enjoy working in an multidisciplinary environment (statistics, bioinformatics, medical sciences, life sciences);
* experience in the use of statistical/ mathematical software such as SAS, R, etc., is a plus.

Licentiate, Master, or equivalent degree in (bio)statistics, bioinformatics, mathematics, physics, bioengineering or related field. Students that graduate this year can also apply.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* Prof. Dr. Geert Molenberghs, +32 11-26 8238, geert.molenbergsh@ uhasselt. be
* Prof. Dr. Tomasz Burzykowski, +32 11-26 8243, tomasz.burzykowski@ uhasselt. be
* Prof. Dr. Ziv Shkedy, +32 11-26 8240, ziv.shkedy@uhasselt .be
* Prof. Dr. Christel Faes, +32 11-26 8285, christel.faes@ uhasselt. be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be

Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, May 6th 2009.

Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be.

PhD Sensor technology

PhD Sensor technology (2x2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/016- HO2)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct scientific research within the framework of development of sensor platforms for electronic characterisation of DNA mutations and related problems. More specifically, sensor arrays will be developed based on impedimetric and isocap-based sensor concepts. An important issue is the analysis of electric field and band structure effects at the interface between aqueous phases, molecular layers and semiconductor surfaces. Furthermore, attention will be focussed on the optimisation of the performance of the sensor arrays.

Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, applied sciences, electronics, physical chemistry, nano- and microtechnology or materials science. Students who graduate this year can also apply.

The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years).

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* Prof. dr. Ward De Ceuninck, tel. +32-11-26 88 72, ward.deceuninck@ uhasselt. be
* Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, tel. +32–11-26 88 95, patrick.wagner. @uhasselt. be
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger (IMO), +32–11–26 88 15, marc.dolieslaeger@ uhasselt. be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be

Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.

The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, July 15th 2009.

Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be

PhD student (2x2 years) in formation of semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond heterostructures

PhD student (2x2 years) in formation of semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond heterostructures
(mandate WNI/2009/003)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the BOF-project “Formation and charge transfer mechanism in semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond heterostructures – POLYDIAM”. In collaboration between different research groups of the Institute for Materials Research (IMO), various small molecules and conducting oligomers/polymers will be combined with CVD diamond films to form heterostructures. The candidate will perform all nano and microcrystalline CVD diamond growth, and diamond surface structuring requested in the project. He/she will also study deposition methods leading to physical bonding between polymers and the diamond surface, such as spin-coating and UHV thermal evaporation, followed by an investigation of the growth mode with advanced morphological and structural characterisation. The nature of the project is highly cross-disciplinary and requires a candidate with good communication skills and a keen interest in team work.

Master degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, engineering or materials science. A background in any of the fields mentioned in the job description will be considered a plus. Students who will obtain their diploma at the end of this academic year, are also invited to apply.

The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years).

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* Prof. dr. Miloš Nesládek, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 33, milos.nesladek@ uhasselt. be
* Prof. dr. Ken Haenen, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 75, ken.haenen@uhasselt .be
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32 – 11 – 26 88 15, marc.dolieslaeger@ uhasselt. be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, July 15th 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be.

14 PhD positions in Mobile Comms, TU Ilmenau, Germany


The International Graduate School on Mobile Communications of the Ilmenau University of Technology offers open positions starting from July 1, 2009

14 full-time research positions for doctoral students
1 full-time postdoc position
4 qualification stipends to prepare for doctoral studies.

The research positions are evaluated annually and have a duration of three years. The postdoc position is for two years and subject to an extension. The salary of all full-time positions corresponds to 13 TV-L (approx. 35,000 40,000 EUR per year).

The research focus of the Graduate School is on the interdisciplinary exploration of selforganizing mobile communication systems with respect to services, protocols, networks, and radio aspects. Self-organization describes the capability of complex systems to adapt rapidly and dynamically to varying constraints. Based on this approach, the Graduate School aims at the development of future flexible mobile communication networks, for instance, for the recovery and maintenance of communications and application- oriented services in disaster scenarios. The interdisciplinary research areas addressed by the Graduate School cover aspects of Computer Science (self-organisation, management, planning, simulation as well as security of mobile communication networks, cognitive systems and distributed data management) as well as of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (radio technology, information theory, modulation, coding, circuit technology, antennas and propagation) .

The Graduate School provides a creative and inspiring environment. It supports students to complete their Doctoral degree within a three years period. Further details can be found at

For the research positions for doctoral students, we request applications from graduates with an excellent Diploma or Master degree, preferably in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science, an excellent knowledge of the English language a high motivation to work in an international scientific team, and the commitment to complete the doctoral program within three years.

Qualification stipends with a duration of up to one year support students in their preparation for the doctoral program.

For the postdoc position, an excellent doctoral degree in the research areas of the Graduate School is expected.

The Ilmenau University of Technology aims at establishing gender equality and hence encourages women to apply. Handicapped people with identical qualification, suitability, and competency will be considered with priority.

Applications in PDF format including the complete set of documents (see www.tu-ilmenau. de/gsmobicom) are invited by April 20, 2009 by email to gs-apply@tu- mentioning the vacancy number 5/2009.

Further information can be obtained from the Head of the Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, phone +49-3677-692819, email gs-mobicom@tu-
On behalf sgd. Dr. Harry Dreffke uniintern/5-2009_-_englisch_Verl._II_TU_Ilmenau.pdf

[Japan] Scholarships for Lithuanian studies for Japanies Students

Scholarships for Lithuanian studies for Japanies Students

for academic year 2009-2010

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation takes pleasure to offer scholarships for Lithuanian (Baltic) studies (3-10 months) for the overall period of 20 months to students and scientists of Japan at Lithuanian higher education and research institutions.


The scholarships are designed for advanced students, postgraduates, scientists and teachers of higher education and research institutions to enable them to study or carry out research at a Lithuanian institution of higher education and research.

The scholarships are not intended for a full course of study. Normally, an academic degree or diploma cannot be obtained during the tenure of the scholarship.

Method of application
Applications should be prepared on special application forms (forms are available from the website and contain documents (in Lithuanian or English or with certified translations into one of these languages) listed below in the order given:

  • Application form.
  • Official letter of acceptance from the host institution confirming the period and the proposed 2 date of stay.
  • Certified copy of a diploma and/or transcripts of academic records (for students), a copy of a diploma of a research degree (for researchers).
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Precise and detailed study or research program.
  • Two reference letters from professors of applicant’s home institution.
  • Evidence of enrolment or employment at a higher education and research institution of the home country.
  • Certificate attesting the knowledge of the Lithuanian or another language acceptable for the host institution.
  • List of publications (for postgraduate students and researchers).
  • Copy of the valid travel document.

Filled in application forms with the supporting documents have to be submitted through the official home country’s authorities to:
Education Exchanges Support Foundation
Higher Education Programmes Unit
Geležinio Vilko str. 12
LT-01112 Vilnius, Lithuania
by 30 April 2009.

Documents should be submitted in two identical sets (original and a copy). Incomplete applications will not be considered!

Further Scholarship Information and Application

[Denmark] CALPIU PhD Scholarship 2009 in Linguistics at Roskilde University

The Department of Culture and Identity at Roskilde University, Denmark, is offering a Ph.D. scholarship granted under the auspices of the Centre for Cultural and Linguistic Practices in the International University (CALPIU) by the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication.

The centre invites applicants to propose projects dealing with student-student or student-administration (e.g. supervision) communicative interaction within international study programmes.

The successful applicant should have a background in Ethnomethodology/Conversation Analysis, Interactive Sociolinguistics or Discourse Analysis, preferably in combination with studies in Anthropology, Linguistics, Sociology or similar fields. The successful applicant should be proficient in both Danish and English. It would be an advantage, but not a requirement, to have some competence in one other language of relevance to CALPIU, such as Polish or Mandarin.

The Ph.D. scholarship will be available from the 1st of August, 2009.

The scholarship will last for a period of three years. The successful applicant will be asked to contribute 840 hours of work to the Department (teaching on one of the Department’s Master’s programmes and disseminating research to a broad audience etc.). Danish candidates should also expect, preferably, to carry out research abroad for at least six months. The Department’s research programme cooperates with GradEast (”Forskerskole Øst”), and the Ph.D. candidate will be expected to enrol in GradEast.

The salary and other terms of employment are based on the general agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). All qualified candidates are urged to apply regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background.

The application must be in Danish or English and include a CV, documentation (copies) of examinations passed, and a project description of a maximum of 5 pages. The description should include an outline of the problem area to be studied, the research questions raised, the theoretical approach taken as well as methodological considerations and a work and time plan. The project description and other material should be forwarded in three copies.

For further information about the application, the Ph.D. program

me and the research activities, please contact: Prof Bent Preisler (see contact information below), or Ph.D. secretary Marianne Sloth Hansen (; telephone +45 4674-2518).

More information concerning CALPIU can be found at:

Please send the application, the project description and other material - in three hard copies, and contained in an envelope marked “CALPIU PhD Scholarship” - to the address provided below.

Deadline for applications is the 2nd of June, 2009, at 12.00 noon. Material received after this time will not be taken into account.

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Ms Marianne Sloth Hansen
Roskilde University, Dept of Culture and Identity
Building 3.2.4, Universitetsvej 1, P.O. Box 260
Roskilde DK4000

Contact Information:
Prof. Bent Preisler
Phone:+45 4674 2374

Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships