Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award
Multi-objective design of industrial turbochargers for reduced aeroacoustic noise and increased efficiency
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Value of Award:
Maintenance Stipend for a maximum period of 3 years (£12,940 for Session 2008/09), full overseas rate fees and a Research Training Support Grant
Minimum Academic Requirements: A very good first degree (equivalent to a UK first class honours degree) from a prestigious institution in a relevant discipline such as Engineering, Mathematics or Physics (a lower rated BSc with a Masters will not normally be accepted as the equivalent of a UK first class honours degree). Candidates must also meet the University’s English language requirements.
Additional Information: The Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards are a national initiative to bring outstanding students from India, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Russia, South Africa and the developing world to the UK to study for PhD degrees in top-rated research environments. The eligible countries are those listed in Part 1 on the OECD website:
http://www.oecd. org/dataoecd/35/9/2488552. pdf
This award is provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Council ( uk) and Napier Turbochargers Ltd and is available for a research project in the area of:
Multi-objective design of industrial turbochargers for reduced aeroacoustic noise and increased efficiency
Marine engine room noise is becoming the subject of ever-stricter regulation by certification bodies. Diesel engine technology is currently concerned with reducing NOx emissions and increasing fuel efficiency and power density. The consequence of the noise limits on current turbochargers is to limit the allowable pressure ratio of the turbocharger and consequently limit the reduction in NOx and limit the increase in fuel efficiency and power density.
In order to mitigate the noise, filter silencers can be fitted to compressor intakes. But these reduce the turbocharger efficiency. An alternative approach is to design the turbocharger compressors for reduced noise. However, compressor designs that reduce aero-acoustic noise in many cases result in a reduction in compressor efficiency. In this project an aero-acoustic model will be developed and will be used together with a Multi-objective/ multi-point optimization strategy based on 3D inverse design method in order to reduce noise while improving the compressor efficiency. The final design will be manufactured by Napier’s Turbochargers and will be evaluated experimentally at the Napier’s test facility.
For further information regarding the project, please contact Prof. M. Zangeneh (
Applications forms are available at
Please also send a copy of your application by email to or by post to Prof. M. Zangeneh, UCL Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE, UK.
Further information on the background to the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards Scheme can be found at
UCL Taking Action for Equality
The closing date for applications is Friday, 30th May 2009.