Master and PhD Scholarships in Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Graduate Scholarships, Economics Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain As a result of the University’s strong commitment to research, in a recent comparison of economics departments, sponsored by the European Economic Association, it has been recognized as number 51 in the world, number 10 in Europe, and number 1 in Spain. There is a large, international faculty, highly commited with quality in teaching and research. Furthermore, the quality of our PhD Program in Economics has been confirmed by a recent study (Amir and Knauff, Ranking Economics Departments Worldwide on the Basis of PhD Placement, available at, which ranks our PhD Program among the best in Europe. Our Graduate Program is member of the European Network for Training in Economic Research (ENTER),, an initiative by eight of the leading economics departments in Western Europe: Barcelona (Universitat Autonoma), Brussels (Free University), Mannheim, Stockholm (joint graduate programme), Tilburg, Toulouse, UCL and Universidad Carlos III. The network organises extended exchanges of research students between the participating departments. All academic activities of the Graduate Program are conducted in English, and therefore an adequate level of written and spoken English is required to all the applicants. In addition, graduate students are Applications are welcome from those students with outstanding grade in Bachelor degree or equivalent and a strong quantitative background as well as interest to conduct independent research. Admissions criteria are based on the level of academic excellence demonstrated by the candidate, and on appropriate candidate background for the rigorous study of economics. Notice that applications must be done to the Master in Economic Analysis. You can find more information, as well as the application form, at this page. Exceptionally, students with a Master degree in economics or a closely related field, passed with distinction, can be considered directly for application to the PhD in Economics. Nevertheless, they should apply to the Master in Economic Analysis indicating their desire to be admitted directly to the PhD. For any further query, please contact doctorado2[ at ]
Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
Graduate Program in Economics
The Department of Economics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid offers a distinguished Graduate Programin Economics to outstanding young graduates in a full time basis. The program is composed by a two-year Master in Economic Analysis aimed at training students in advanced economics, followed by two or three additional years of research towards the completion of a PhD dissertation.
All entering students can benefit from scholarships covering living expenses and fees financed by the Department of Economics (conditional on satisfactory academic performance and collaboration in academic tasks).
expected to achieve an appropriate level of written and spoken Spanish at the end of their first year in order to accomplish their duties within the department.
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Spain: Master and PhD Scholarships in Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
Germany: PhD Student Positions in Molecular Modelling of Enzymes at a Water-Substrate Interface, University Stuttgart
Water-Substrate Interface, University Stuttgart, Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology, Germany Universität Stuttgart with its 20,000 students and 7,000 employees is one of the leading European Research Universities with a main focus on engineering and natural sciences. Universität Stuttgart is committed to excellent basic and applied research and interdisciplinary academic education. The excellence initiative of the German state and federal governments has approved the funding of the Cluster of Excellence EXC 310 Simulation Technology (SimTech) at Universität Stuttgart ( In this context, the newly established Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology (SRC SimTech) is asking for applications for a PhD student for the project Molecular Modelling of Enzymes at a Water-Substrate Interface Lipases und PHA depolymerases are interesting enzymes for many biotechnological applications. While they are water soluble, they convert water-insoluble substrates by binding to the water-substrate interface. Our goal is to understand the molecular basis of the different substrate specificities of lipases and PHA depolymerases which convert triglycerides and polyesters, respectively. In this project, the molecular mechanism of binding will be studied by molecular dynamics simulations of large, realistic protein systems to understand the effect of the interface to structure and dynamics of the enzyme, and to design enzyme variants with improved biochemical properties in collaboration with our experimental project partners. Candidates with a degree preferably in biology or chemistry and interested in an interdisciplinary and application oriented project at the interface between life science and engineering are invited to send their application to Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pleiss (Juergen.Pleiss[ at ], Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Allmandring 31, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany. Postdoc and PhDs are expected to participate actively in the SimTech Teaching Programmes and Industry Transfer Concepts. Applications with the usual documents (CV, degree certificates, references, publication list, letter of motivation) should be sent directly to the Professors/Junior Professors to arrive not later than April 30, 2009. Universität Stuttgart wishes to increase the proportion of female academic staff and, for this reason, especially welcomes applications from women. Severely challenged persons will be given preference in case of equal qualifications. For further positions and information please see: Closing date: April 30, 2009
to pursue research in future-orientated research fields.
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
USA: Postoctoral Fellow in Developmental Neurobiology, Yale University
Postoctoral Fellow in Developmental Neurobiology, Yale University, USA Two Postdoctoral Postdoctoral Associate positions are available in the Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology at the Yale University School of Medicine. The first position is to investigate the molecular mechanisms of neuronal regeneration and recovery in a mouse model of perinatal hypoxia, focusing on a cellular and molecular analysis of neural stem and progenitor cells and their transcriptome. Our approaches also involve genetic fate mapping and the use of inducible gene knockouts to study the role of growth factor signaling in astroglia and neural stem cells during the regeneration/recovery period. The newly-renovated lab is at the Child Study Center, in the main Medical School campus. The candidate will be involved in multidisciplinary research at the interface of human and mouse development, and will have the opportunity to develop mouse models related to human brain disorders. Requirements The candidate must have an excellent command of written and spoken English language, and will be expected to work relatively independently and write papers and grant proposals. We seek individuals that will eventually mature to be independent principal investigators within the program. Application
The second position is to investigate the cellular and molecular aspects of developmental disorders, such as Tourette syndrome and autism spectrum disorders using human specimens. At a basic level, we will generate induced pluripotent cells for these disorders and study their genome and transcriptome as they differentiate into neurons in vitro. At the system level, we use postmortem human tissue to perform a systematic analysis of excitatory and inhibitory neuron subtypes in the basal ganglia and cerebral cortical regions using stereological techniques.
The candidates must have a Ph. D. or M.D. and will have expertise in one or more of the following areas, depending on which one of the two positions is selected: molecular genetics, developmental neurobiology, human and mouse stem cell techniques, or primate/human brain anatomy. Candidates with expertise in transgenic and BAC technologies and whole genome/transcriptome analyses are encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a statement of research interests and the names of two references to flora.vaccarino[ at ]
Libellés : fellowship, Postdoctoral
Denmark: PhD Scholarship in International Communication and Culture, Copenhagen Business School
The Department of International Communication and Culture Studies (ICC) at the CBS invites applications for a vacant PhD scholarship within the following specific research themes: Please visit the department’s profile ( In awarding the scholarship, the department will give priority to applicants who demonstrate general research competencies as well as knowledge relevant to the specific research theme proposed in the research application submitted. An educational background in the social sciences or humanities is necessary. Closing date: 2nd June 2009 at 12.00 noon. Further information can be obtained from Anette Villemoes, please phone +45 3815 3240, e-mail av.ikk[ at ] Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Department well in advance of the closing date in order to develop a project proposal. General information: In addition to the research proposal, the application must include a completed compulsory form, copies of a Master’s degree certificate or other certificates of a corresponding level, brief curriculum vitae (CV), a list of papers and publications, and one copy of a selected written work (e.g. Master’s thesis). All parts of the application must be submitted in four copies, except the selected written work, which may be submitted in only one copy. Electronic submissions are not accepted. A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years, and includes teaching obligations equivalent of ½ year’s work (840 work hours). The salary level and appointment is determined by the Ministry of Finance’s collective agreement with the Central Academic Organisation. A committee of experts in the field in question will assess the applications. The assessment of the applicants will be based on the quality and relevance of the project, including an evaluation of the applicant’s ability to accomplish it. Following this assessment, the management of the department together with the doctoral school will select the winner of the scholarship. Please find compulsory application form, guidelines, and further information on scholarships and the Doctoral Programme ( The application must be submitted to: Copenhagen Business School Marked “PhD – 33-3522” Applications received by e-mail or discs will not be taken into consideration. All interested researchers irrespective of age, sex, race, religion, or nationality are invited to apply for the position. CBS focuses on innovation, partnership with the business community and internationalisation. As a Learning University CBS demands high quality in teaching, research and staff. CBS has around 15.000 students distributed among a wide range of degrees in social science and humanities including a very dynamic environment for executive programmes. CBS has around 400 full-time researchers and around 500 administrative employees. CLOSING DATE: 2009-06-02 For further scholarship information and application, please visit this page.
The research profile of ICC is as follows:
With the purpose of reducing the complexity of globalization for individuals, companies and organizations, ICC conducts interdisciplinary research into social, linguistic, and communicative problems as reflected in international collaboration. Based on business humanities and the social sciences, ICC applies these theories to problems related to economic, legal, social and cultural issues. ICC focuses on the synergy between research and teaching and produces reflective and independent candidates through a cross-disciplinary and practice related approach.
To be awarded the scholarship, one must be enrolled as a PhD student. To be considered for enrolment, the candidate should have a basic training at the Masters level, and must be fluent in Danish and/or English. Enrolment in the PhD programme furthermore depends on the acceptance of the application, which must include a short project description, usually prepared in co-operation with the Department. This research proposal should contain a presentation of the intended research question, including the theory and methodology expected to be used.
Institutadministrationen IADH
Att.: Vivi Rønne
Dalgas Have 15
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
Denmark: PhD Scholarships in Advanced Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging, Technical University of Denmark
PhD Scholarships in Advanced Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging Three 3-year PhD scholarships are available at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark from May 2009. The projects are sponsored by the Advanced Technology Foundation project: “Implementation of synthetic aperture ultrasound methods” made in collaboration between the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging at DTU, the ultrasound manufacturer BK Medical and Rigshospitalet. The project seeks to develop methods for synthetic aperture (SA) ultrasound imaging and its commercial implementation. SA imaging is a radical departure from conventional ultrasound and can give many advantages in terms of better contrast, resolution, and frame rate. CFU has been a pioneer in developing SA imaging and has been the first to demonstrate blood velocity imaging using the SA concept. This has been done using the experimental scanner RASMUS. A new scanner SARUS has now been developed and forms the basis for this project. The new scanner can acquire data in 1024 channels and is the first scanner which makes it possible to acquire real time three-dimensional SA data. Two stage beamforming for flow estimation SA compound imaging 3D vector velocity imaging All three projects can start either in May or June 2009. You should indicate which projects you are interested in. You should have a background in signal and image processing. Knowledge of medical imaging and acoustics will also be beneficial. Qualifications Approval and Enrolment Salary and appointment terms Further information Application All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
The three projects are:
An efficient method for implementing SA anatomic imaging is to use a two stage beamformer consisting of a simple first stage beamformer and a more complicated second stage dynamic beamformer. This approach should be expanded to be useful for SA blood velocity estimation. Existing techniques for vector velocity estimation should be further refined and implemented on the SARUS scanner for flow rig and in-vivo studies.
The project seeks to suppress the speckle artifacts in ultrasound images by combining images acquired from different directions. This is possible using SA images and the project includes developing methods for data acquisition, processing, combination, and presentation. The techniques will be implemented on the SARUS scanner for phantom studies and pre-clinical trials in collaboration with Rigshospitalet. The final result should be a real time implementation.
The project seeks to develop methods for estimating the velocity of flowing blood in all directions using two-dimensional ultrasound transducers and the experimental ultrasound scanner SARUS. One or more of the four two-dimensional vector velocity methods developed at CFU should be extended to three dimensions and implemented on the SARUS scanner for validation and pre-clinical trials. Presentation of the seven-dimensional data sets is also part of the project.
Candidates should have a master’s degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering.
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programs of DTU For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.
Further information is available at and or from Professor Jørgen Arendt Jensen, e-mail: jaj[ at ]
We should have your online application by 6 May 2009. Apply online at Please open the link “apply for this job online” and fill in the application form and attach your application and CV. The application must include curriculum vitae and documentation of a completed master’s diploma including grades
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
Estonia: PhD Scholarships in Data Mining and Software Engineering, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu
- Social Network Analysis: Developing and evaluating techniques for efficient analysis of very large and rapidly evolving social networks in order to discover patterns of individual or collective user behaviour - Adaptive User Interfaces: Applying data mining and machine learning techniques in order to discover user intentions at runtime and to adapt the delivery of online content accordingly - Service Monitoring: Monitoring networks of software services on a continuous basis in order to identify anomalies, misuses and re-design opportunities. - Software Development Monitoring: Applying data mining and machine learning techniques in order to analyse networks of software developers and code contributions in software development projects. The scholarships are for a period of four years, at a rate of EUR 800 per month (after taxes). In addition, travel expenses will be reimbursed to successful applicants relocating from abroad. The scholarship package will also provide funds to participate in conferences, workshops, and/or summer schools during the PhD studies. The successful applicants will have: - A Master’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering or a related field, awarded no later than June 2009. Please send a curriculum vitae, a statement of interest in one of the proposed research topics and a copy of academic transcripts, to Prof. Marlon Dumas (marlon.dumas[ at ] Applications will be accepted until 15 May 2009. Successful applicants are expected to start in September 2009. For further information, see:
Successful candidates will evolve in either the Software Engineering Group or the Bioinformatics and Data Mining Group at University of Tartu’s Institute of Computer Science. The Institute participates in the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Computer Science which provides an environment for the development of PhD students and young researchers.
- Strong software development skills
- Excellent communication skills and proficiency in English
- Preferably: demonstrated knowledge and skills in at least one of the above topic areas
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
POST-DOCTORAL POSITION IN VISUAL NEUROSCIENCE The laboratory of Eyal Seidemann at the Center for Perceptual Systems in the University of Texas at Austin is seeking applications for an NIH-funded postdoctoral fellowship. Our laboratory studies mechanisms of population coding in the visual cortex using a powerful combination of optical imaging with voltage-sensitive dyes and electrophysiology. Neurophysiological and psychophysical experiments are combined with computational and modeling techniques. The successful applicant would have an opportunity to work closely with our collaborators, Bill
Center for Perceptual Systems, University of Texas at Austin
Geisler, Randolph Blake and David Heeger. The Center for Perceptual Systems ( and the Institute for Neuroscience at UT Austin ( offer excellent facilities, an outstanding interdisciplinary scientific environment and a very collegial atmosphere. Austin is an affordable city and is widely
considered one of the most beautiful and livable cities in the US.
Computational background, programming experience (C/C++/Matlab), and experience with neurophysiology or psychophysics are desirable. Please send CV, statement of research interests and the names of three references to Eyal Seidemann (eyal [ à ]
Libellés : fellowship, Postdoctoral
UK; PhD Studentship in Bionanotechnology
PhD Studentship in Bionanotechnology: Due to funding restrictions this PhD studentship is only open to UK nationals, or EU nationals currently resident within the UK. The position is available to start any time before October 2009. This is a tax-free stipend covering tuition fees and living expenses at the standard EPSRCrate (commencing at ~£13,000 per year). Whilst transmembrane molecular transporters have essential roles in biology, such a device has never been constructed by man. This PhD studentship seeks to build upon our established approach and will result in the construction of the first-ever man-made transmembrane molecular transportation devices built from DNA and protein components. The interdisciplinary nature of this project will provide training in a broad range of methods spanning the fields of chemistry, molecular biology and biophysics: Applications: Further information: 1. “A Single-Molecule Nanopore Device Detects DNA Polymerase Activity with Single-Nucleotide Resolution” S. L. Cockroft, J. Chu, M. Amorin, M. R. Ghadiri. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 818–820. Featured in Nature: “Supramolecular Chemistry: Embrace the Base” Nature Nanotechnology: “Nanopores: Detecting DNA” ACS Chemical Biology: “Sensing Single Base Incorporation with Nanopore Micromanipulation” Informal enquiries should be directed to Tel: 0131 650 4758
Man-made Transmembrane Molecular Transporters Built from Biological Components.
Interfacing biological components in non-natural ways provides opportunities for the creation of molecular devices with applications in bionanotechnology. We have developed a supramolecular device for resolving sub-nanometre displacements of a single DNA molecule threaded through a transmembrane pore protein. This approach has allowed the extension of a single DNA molecule by DNA polymerase to be resolved with single-base resolution for the first time.1 (research highlighted in ‘Nature’, ‘Nature Biotechnology’ and ‘ACS Chemical Biology’).
• single-molecule detection using patch-clamp electrophysiology
• theoretical background in single-molecule biophysical techniques
• handling biomolecules (proteins/DNA)
Applications must be recieved before 30th April ‘09 (or as soon after this date as possible).
Applicants should possess a steady hand and express a keen interest in molecular machines. Previous research experience in molecular biology is desirable, but not essential. Due to funding restrictions, applicants MUSTbe UK nationals, or EU nationals currently resident within the UK. Applicants should be in possession of (or expecting to obtain) a first class or upper-second class degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry or other cognate discipline before the 1st Oct ‘09. To apply, email a copy of your CV to Please include a brief description of previous research experience, and the contact details of two referees.
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
USA; Postdoctoral Fellow - Liver Diseases
A postdoctoral position is available, effective immediately, in the Section of Digestive Diseases at Yale University School of Medicine. Projects include studies of the mechanisms of vascular abnormalities observed in the late stage of liver diseases. Preference will be given to a highly motivated individual with a background in basic biochemistry, molecular biology and/or vascular biology, and who is at the early stage of postdoctoral training.
This position is supported by an NIH training grant, and the applicant must be either U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
For further information and to apply, send a CV, a brief statement of research interests, and the names and contacts of 3 references
Libellés : fellowship, Postdoctoral
[UK] Houtan Foundation PhD Scholarship for the Anthropology of Iran
The University of St Andrews is offering one PhD fees-waiver scholarship in the Anthropology of Iran (Social Anthropology). Applicants should be engaged in research in either the humanities or social sciences, on a topic of relevance to contemporary Iran. Any successful candidate would be expected to conduct fieldwork appropriate to an anthropological doctoral program and to work closely with one of the senior members of the Department. Applications are welcome from any part of the world, but the scholarship will only cover the cost of home [UK] fees.
To apply or request further particulars, please contact the office for the Department of Social Anthropology, North Street, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AL [Ph: 01334 462977 /].
To request further information on the work of the Department of Social Anthropology and to discuss proposed doctoral projects, please contact the Post graduate Convener: Dr Mark Harris
To request further information on the Houtan Foundation Ph.D. Scholarship and to discuss proposed doctoral topics, please contact: Dr. P. Khosronejad:
Information on the activities of the Department of Social Anthropology can be found at:
Information on the activities of the School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies can be found here.
Also, for further information on the Institute for Iranian Studies at the University of St Andrews can be found here
Closing date for applications: 30 April 2009.
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
Australia : Call for Outstanding Scientists- VESKI Innovation Fellowships
Call for Outstanding Scientists to undertake Research in Melbourne... Applications are NOW OPEN for VESKI Innovation Fellowships 2009/10 The VESKI Innovation Fellowships are open to individuals in the fields of science, technology and design specifically relating to innovative technology, biotechnology, design, advanced manufacturing, environmental technologies, or the enabling sciences and technologies. The VESKI Innovation Fellowships (Australian) are awarded annually to outstanding Australian expatriates in the fields of science, technology or design. The VESKI Innovation Fellowships (non-Australian) are awarded annually to outstanding researchers who are not Australian citizens, but who may wish to undertake research in Victoria. Successful individuals can receive up to AUD$50,000 per annum for a maximum of up to five years. These funds must be matched with financial funding and in-kind contributions from a host organisation such as an academic/research institution. VESKI Innovation Fellowships are provided to support the return of the successful applicant to Victoria to undertake their specified research project. The funds made available and the duration of the proposed fellowship are determined by the VESKI Board. Please follow the links below to Download an Application Form and review the VESKI Innovation Fellowships Selection Criteria: If you are an Outstanding Australian Expatriate Researcher, please click HERE. If you are an Outstanding Non-Australian Researcher, please click HERE. Please feel free to pass this information on to any relevant or interested parties
In addition to the above named fields; the 2009/10 Call for Applications encourages submissions in the areas of:
Clinical Research focusing on Health Outcomes;
Renewable Energy Generation & Demand Management.
Libellés : fellowship, Postdoctoral, Postgraduate
China : Scholarships for International Graduate Degree Program
Following english language programs are available in NationalTaipei University of Technology for Masters and Phd Program International Graduate Degree Program For Brochures and Details, Click here For Scholarships Application, click here Send your application to April 30,2009 - Application Deadline
International Student Office Office of Academic Affairs
No. 1, Sec. 3, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd. Taipei 106, Taiwan
Republic of China
National Taipei University of Technology
Libellés : Master, Phd, Postgraduate
Netherlands : PhD-students-Rotterdam Business and the Ruhr Industry
This summer a new research project will start at the faculty of History and Arts, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and entitled: For the following three subprojects the faculty is searching for three PhD-Students: a) Coal, Iron Ore and Steel
Outport and Hinterland: Rotterdam Business and the Ruhr Industry, 1870-2000
This research project aims to explore the development of the economic links between Rotterdam, Rotterdam business and the Rhine mouth ports on the one hand, and the Ruhr district and Ruhr industry on the other in the course of the 1870-2000 period. The central research questions are: how and why economic interdependencies between Rotterdam and its hinterland evolved over these 130 years, in which way the main actors shaped the cross-border region, and what role networks or clusters played in this process.
Rotterdam Business and the German ‘Montan’ Industry, 1870-1940
b) Opting for Oil.
Rotterdam’s Oil Harbour and the Move from Coal to Petrochemical
Feedstock of the Rhine Industry, 1945-1970
c) The Box and Rotterdam’s New Hinterland.
The Rise of Container Transport and Globalisation,1970-2000
The project focuses on two main actors in the Lower Rhine economy, i.e. firms and governments. The guiding theory is based on ideas of
agglomeration or clustering as used in economic geography.
The project will start in July, 2009 and will be concluded in the summer of 2013.
Hein A.M. Klemann
PO BOX 1738 (L 3-015), NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Die Niederlande
+31 10 408 2449
Libellés : Phd, Postgraduate
Belgium : Vacancies for MOTIVATED RESEACHERS at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Ghent University,Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has vacancies for MOTIVATED RESEACHERS (M/F) In the field of Operations Research To start between 01/03/09 and 01/10/09 Research field The Research Group Operations Research and Scheduling conducts research in the following fields: This research field is well known under several names, such as Operations Research, Combinatorial Optimisation, Computer Science,… and is discussed in detail on the following internet sites: Job description Profile Offer Interested? Feel free to contact Prof. Mario Vanhoucke, promotor of these research projects, by e-mail or send your CV to Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Secretariat Department EB08, To the attention of Prof. Mario Vanhoucke, Tweekerkenstraat 2, B-9000 Ghent Belgium
Libellés : fellowship, Postgraduate
Spain: Zaragoza Logistics Center / FUNED Joint Scholarships
Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) has signed in March 2009 a joint agreement with FUNED (Fundación Mexicana para la Educación, la Tecnología y la Ciencia, A. C.), with the objective of awarding in collaboration one scholarship for a qualified applicant from Mexico to undertake the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program in the academic year 2009-2010.
FUNED is a private non profit organization created with the sole purpose of contributing to improve the level of higher education in Mexico. The foundation fulfills its mission by offering complementary financing to Mexican students to help them obtain a masters degree from a reputable University. Through this education they can obtain added knowledge and multicultural vision which they can eventually user to help Mexican organizations to keep pace with the accelerated advance in management, productivity, science and technology of the global economy.
The MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management program attracts top students from around the world to study and perform research in Zaragoza, Spain. The ZLOG program builds on the successful curriculum at MIT, which has consistently been ranked first by US News & World Report in logistics and supply chain management. As part of the program, ZLOG students travel to the U.S. to attend seminars at MIT and visit companies. ZLOG requires nine months of full time study in English. In addition to core and elective coursework, the curriculum includes a thesis project that typically involves one or more companies. The program develops the analytical and leadership skills that companies seek in an increasingly technological and international marketplace.
ZLC provides a 30% tuition scholarship for the ZLOG Program, equivalent to €6,450. Furthermore, FUNED grants a “credit-scholarship” covering up to 40% of the total cost of the ZLOG Program, not to exceed $20,000 USD. The amount provided to the scholarship holder will be based on the results of FUNED’s financial needs evaluation of the student, his or her repayment capability, and a personal interview.
Eligibility & Requirements
The scholarship can only de awarded only to a student who has been admitted to ZLOG Program through the regular admissions procedure and has been approved by FUNED for a “credit-scholarship”.
To be approved for a “credit-scholarship” every candidate must submit evidence of:
- Solid academic credentials
- Acceptance by the university of his choice
- Repayment capability and a guarantor
- Commitment to help Mexico’s development Willingness to collaborate in enhancing the penetration of FUNED
Finally, eligible candidates must comply with the following criteria:
- Be a Mexican citizen and reside in Mexico in the moment of applying.
- Be fluent in English (minimum TOEFL score of 105 points in the Internet based test).
- Demonstrate a competitive GMAT or GRE score. Exceptions may be granted to individuals who have demonstrated strong academic achievement in completing a college degree - including some quantitative training - and evidence of advanced verbal and written proficiency in the English language.
- Demonstrate professional excellence in Logistics/Supply Chain Management or exceptional academic achievement (minimum GPA of 3.5 on the scale of 4.0 or equivalent).
- Completion of a four year undergraduate program equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree, with an average grade of minimum 8.
Application Process and Documents
A. The applicants must have been admitted to the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program through the Foundation’s regular admissions procedure.
For further information about the ZLOG admissions process and requirements please contact the ZLC admissions office by e-mail:, phone: (+34) 976 077 605 or skype: zlc_admissions_office.
B. Applicants should send to FUNED one copy of the below mentioned documents in a green folder, holed in the left side, as according to the following enumeration and with dividers with flaps that indicate a simplified title on each. The address is:
Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma No 115, piso 7 módulo 704
Edificio NRM, a un lado de la Galería el Triunfo
Col. Paseo de las Lomas (Santa Fe) C.P. 01330. Frente a la Universidad Iberoamericana
Phone: 5292-2565 (Fax: extention 112)
E-mail: dudas[ at ] or funedmx[ at ]
Application Material
1. Application. This document should be sent online and also printed and attached to the application material that should be sent to FUNED.
2. Identification. Copy of birth certificate and ID card or passport.
3. One page resume.
4. Transcripts. Copy of transcripts from the graduate program in which student has participated, including information about each course and grade.
5. A brief essay (maximum one page) describing the professional and personal motives for undertaking the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program.
6. Certificates:
- Copies of the GMAT or GRE test scores (in the exceptional cases where the student has been waived through the ZLOG admissions procedure these documents will not be required).
- Copy of the TOEFL score.
7. Copy of admissions letter to the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program.
8. Funding:
The applicant will hand in:
- Copy of a supporting document that can account for the income statement in the application.
- In case the student has received or will receive scholarships, fellowships or grants from other sources the applicant will indicate details concerning the quantities, deadlines and obligations involved.
- In case the applicant has a bank loan he/she will indicate in one sheet the amounts and payment procedure of the same.
The applicant should be careful in filling out clearly the data of sections 8 and 10 of the application.
9. The guarantee will hand in:
- Letter of commitment as according to the format established.
- Copy of the birth certificate and ID card. In case the guarantee is married he/she should hand in a copy of the marriage certificate.
- o Copy of the title deed of the property.
- o Supporting document that accounts for the payment of the property taxes (predial).
- Valuation of the property (only in case the former document does not indicate the property value).
- Copy of a supporting document that accounts for the income statement in the application.
- Co-guarantee letter as according to the format established.
10. Recommendation letters on headed notepaper: 3 in total; (each of one page with details of the academic or working performance) one from the authorities or professor of university; one from a former work employer and one from a company or person (it can not be a relative of the candidate).
11. If the applicant is married: copy of the marriage certificate and, in case of children, copies of birth certificates.
12. Verification in the Credit Bureau: The applicant must process his/her report and the one of the guarantee(s) on the following website: The results should be attached to the application.
FUNED will verify the applications and in case they are approved the candidates will be selected for interviews with FUNED during which the application can be denied or, in case
of approval, a proposal for a credit-scholarship will be prepared as according to FUNED’s evaluation of the repayment credibility of the candidate.
Once the candidates have been accepted by FUNED their applications will be reviewed by ZLC where after the final candidate will be selected.
Deadline for Application
The deadline for application is May 13th 2009. Early application is however encouraged.
Contact information
For further details on how to apply and what qualifications are required for this scholarship please contact:
Zaragoza Logistics Center
Financial Aid Office
Avenida Gómez Laguna 25, 1ª Planta ? E-50009 Zaragoza (SPAIN)
Phone: +34 (976) 077 603 ? Fax: +34 (976) 077 601
Skype: zlc_financial_aid_office ? Email: financialaid[ at ]
For further information on FUNED’s “credit-scholarship Program” please visit the following website: or contact them by phone or e-mail:
FUNED - Fundación Mexicana para la Educación, la Tecnología y la Ciencia, A. C.
Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 115-704 (Santa Fé) - 01330 México, D.F.
Tel/fax: (55) 5292-2565 - E-mail: funedmx[ at ]
Libellés : Master, Postgraduate
MBA Scholarships
Donate To Scholarship position
avr. 22
- Spain: Master and PhD Scholarships in Economics, U...
- Germany: PhD Student Positions in Molecular Modell...
- USA: Postoctoral Fellow in Developmental Neurobiol...
- Denmark: PhD Scholarship in International Communic...
- Denmark: PhD Scholarships in Advanced Synthetic Ap...
- Estonia: PhD Scholarships in Data Mining and Softw...
- UK; PhD Studentship in Bionanotechnology
- USA; Postdoctoral Fellow - Liver Diseases
- [UK] Houtan Foundation PhD Scholarship for the Ant...
- Australia : Call for Outstanding Scientists- VESKI...
- China : Scholarships for International Graduate De...
- Netherlands : PhD-students-Rotterdam Business and ...
- Belgium : Vacancies for MOTIVATED RESEACHERS at Fa...
- Spain: Zaragoza Logistics Center / FUNED Joint Sch...
avr. 22