Job Description : The Department of Digital Architecture and Planning at Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria (, invites applications for two Doctoral Positions for three years (2010-2013). The positions are supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (
The positions are in a small research group which is being established at the Department of Digital Archiecture and Plannung. Working language is English. International candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Research work will focus on the design, implementation, and validation of a space model server for ubiquitous computing and building automation applications.
The ideal candidates are self-motivated team players who are interested pursuing their doctoral studies in an emerging, inter-disciplinary research area with high application potential.
Experience in one or more of the following areas is desirable: software engineering, spatial databases, location-based services, distributed systems, building information modeling, building automation.
Candidates should submit a CV and a one page summary of their Master thesis or comparable piece of work in electronic form to:
Georg Suter, Associate Professor, PhD
georg.suter at
Applications should be received by:
May 15, 2010. Late applications are considered until the positions have been filled.
Job Homepage :
Category : PhD
Contact address : Georg Suter, Associate Professor, PhD
georg.suter at
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
2 Doctoral Positions in Ubicomp and Building Automation, Austria
Libellés : Austria, Europe Postgraduate, Phd, Postgraduate
Canada - Postgraduate Commonwealth Scholarship Program
The Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program is celebrating 50 years! Since the plan’s inception in 1959, the Government of Canada has provided scholarships of excellence to all member countries of the Commonwealth. The CCSP goal is to promote Canadian values and identity around the world and to help meet the human capital needs of developing countries.
Canada also played a leadership role in the establishment of the international Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan and is the largest contributor to this program after the United Kingdom.
- Graduate Students Exchanges (GSEP) are hosted by Canadian institutions for a period of five or six months and provide up to $10,000 to cover transportation, living and other related expenses during the students’ stay in Canada.
Student application process
Students interested in this scholarship program should contact their home institution to make their interest known, and to find out if there is an institutional collaboration or exchange agreement with a Canadian institution. The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) provides a database of international exchange agreements which, while not exhaustive, does provide a list of some existing agreements.An institutional exchange agreement is desirable, however, where no agreement yet exists, research applications by students which may result in a new collaboration between professors from a Canadian and foreign university will be considered.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Libellés : Canada, Master, Phd, Postgraduate
France International Scholarships for India, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Morocco, Russia and Saudi Arabia Students
In March 2010, the Ministry of External and European Affairs (MEEA) and AIR LIQUIDE decided to create a
programme for hosting and supporting meritorious foreign students in France.
This forms part of the “QUAI D’ORSAY – ENTERPRISES” programme of the Ministry of External and European Affairs and is based on a public-private partnership The specificity of this MEEA programme lies in the creation of optimal and personalized conditions for hosting foreign students and jointly selecting candidates with the MEEA, AIR LIQUIDE and French higher education partner institutions.
The AIR LIQUIDE-MEEA co-financed scholarship programme is aimed at students hailing from India, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Morocco, Russia and Saudi Arabia, who are currently pursuing their studies in their countries. Only candidates holding the nationality of one of these six countries are eligible for this programme; candidates holding dual citizenship, if it includes French nationality, are not eligible.
For the academic year 2010-2011, 12 scholarships will be awarded.
The AIR LIQUIDE-MEEA co-financed study scholarship will be awarded for one year of studies in France at the
Master 2 level or a Master of Science, in the following areas:
- Energy
- Industrial Engineering
- Engineering
- Economics/ Finance
Further Scholarship Information and Application (pdf)
Libellés : Bachelor, Côte d’Ivoire, Europe Postgraduate, France, Madagascar, Master, Morocco, Phd, Postgraduate, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Undergraduate
Master Scholarships in Particle Physics at Clermont-Ferrand, France
Master Scholarships for the Master in Particle Physics at Université Blaise Pascal (1), Clermont-Ferrand, France
The 2nd year of the Master of Physics at Clermont-Ferrand1 welcomes students from France and abroad, provided they have passed the Master 1 exams, or possess the background expected after 4 years of Physics. To promote mobility and excellence, a number of 5,000 euros fellowships have been opened this year to the best candidates satisfying high level academic criteria.
Teaching program:
- 200 hours of advanced lectures in particle physics include: field theory, symmetries in Physics, particle physics detectors, Quantum Electro-Dynamics, Quantum Chromo-Dynamics, Electro-Weak Standard Model. Part of the lectures are given in english; a good command of both the French and English languages is required.
- 5 months of research training in a research laboratory. The LPC (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire) of Clermont is one of the 18 laboratories of the French Institute for Particle Physics of the CNRS (IN2P3). Research is conducted in world-wide Particle Physics facilities, such as CERN (Geneva) or Fermilab (Chicago). For instance, research teams of the laboratory, which regularly host research trainings at the Master and PhD level, are involved in 3 of the four experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, both for instrumental developments of detectors and for the Physics analysis.
The Master diploma of the Blaise Pascal University allows holders to apply for any PhD fellowship in High Energy Physics in Europe and in the world (US, Japan). Typically 3 or 4 PhD fellowships are available each year at the Blaise Pascal University for the students having passed the Master of Physics.
Application procedure:
Applications should be sent by mail, before the 1st of May 2010 at the following address:
Michèle Chadelas, secrétariat du Master de Physique,
Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC), Université Blaise Pascal,
24 Avenue des Landais, 63177 Aubière Cedex.
and should contain the same documents as for Master admission:
- a filled registration form (available from the web site);
- a statement of purpose;
- a detailed CV (resume);
- a copy of the passport with the photograph;
- detailed transcripts of University grades for the last 3 years of study and the copies of the last diploma obtained (with a certified translation when necessary);
- a recommendation letter from one close professor (confidential, in a sealed envelope);
- a Campus France number (for foreign students), proving that the visa application is under way (2);
(2)Campus France is a facility which depends on french embassies or consulates, aimed at helping and centralizing the application for studying in France.
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, France, Master, Postgraduate
University of Edinburgh Business School Leadership Scholarships
Three Leadership Scholarships are awarded to students from any country in the University of Edinburgh Business School. Each scholarship has a value of £10,000.
The scholarships are open to individuals applying for admission onto the full-time MBA or MBA in International Business in September 2010 who have an excellent academic record and who can demonstrate leadership potential.
Although applications for the scholarships should be made before 31 May 2010, the scholarships will only be awarded to applicants who have accepted their offer through payment of the deposit. Applicants who hold full sponsorships are not eligible for the scholarship.
If an applicant is awarded a scholarship, but subsequently declines their offer of admission on the MBA programme, the award of the scholarship will be withdrawn and awarded to another applicant.
Those that apply for a Leadership Scholarship, but are unsuccessful will be automatically considered for a Director’s Scholarship.
Application Procedure
Applicants should submit a 1,000 word essay explaining why they feel that they should be awarded a leadership scholarship, demonstrating their leadership potential, and outlining how the scholarship will benefit them. This essay should accompany their application for the MBA programme.
The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated leadership potential. In keeping with our values-led MBA philosophy rooted in the Scottish Enlightenment, we are looking for highly motivated and principled individuals who demonstrate the potential to make significant future contributions to their chosen field and the wider community. The decision will be made by a committee consisting of Directors and key staff from Admissions.
If you have already accepted an offer and paid your deposit, you are welcome to apply separately for a scholarship. Please e-mail your application with the title ‘Leadership Scholarship’ in the subject matter to – Please ensure that your full name and contact details as stated in your programme application match those on your scholarship application.
The closing date for applications is 31 May 2010
Selection Procedure
The winners of the scholarships will be announced by the Business School on 1 July 2010. The successful applicants will be invited to attend an awards ceremony early on in the programme.
The University of Edinburgh Business SchoolAn award may be withdrawn if a student fails to meet the academic standards set by the University.
7 Bristo Square
For further details go to:
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Master, MBA, Postgraduate, UK
Tilburg University PhD Positions at the Department of Sociology, Netherlands
2 PhD-students
(m/f, full-time 4 years or part-time 5 years).
The main task of the candidates is to carry out theoretical and empirical analyses of the individual level and context level determinants of (project 1) welfare state legitimacy as a multi-dimensional phenomenon, or (project 2) the individual and social effects of income inequality in countries. In addition to their research, candidates will follow taught courses to develop their theoretical and methodological skills, and they will participate as teaching assistants in the sociology courses of the department.
Title of project 1
“Welfare state legitimacy: cross-national analyses from a multi-dimensional perspective” (Vacancy number 400.10.13). The social legitimacy of the welfare state is mostly measured by the degree to which citizens support government responsibility in regulating and/or providing social benefits and services. However, people will also have opinions and preferences regarding underlying principles of redistributive justice, implementation practices, and outcomes of welfare, which may add to their overall evaluation of the welfare state. This project aims to study welfare legitimacy from a multi-dimensional perspective.
Title of project 2
“Individual and social effects of income inequality” (Vacancy number 400.10.14) The negative relation between income inequality in countries and the general health status of their citizens is well-studied. The aim of this cross-national project is to look into other possible social and individual consequences of income inequality, using models that are capable of distinguishing between micro and macro explanations, and the possible interrelations between the two.
We look for graduated students who: – have completed a master programme in sociology, social policy, or political science, with very good results – have (EU comparative) knowledge of social inequalities and social policies – have knowledge of techniques for the analysis of large-scale survey data, especially also of multi-level analyses – are ambitious and can work independently, and have good analytical skills.
The PhD positions offer a four year full-time contract, or a five year part-time contract (0.8 fte), commencing 1 September 2010. The salary for a full-time contract ranges between € 2042,- and € 2612,- gross a month (UFO scale PhD student).
Applications and Information
Additional information about Tilburg University and the Department of Sociology can be obtained from: Specific information about the vacancies can be obtained from Wim van Oorschot, Professor of Sociology ( ), +31 13 466 2794).
We advice applicants to obtain a copy of the project descriptions from the secretary of the Department of Sociology, Ms Els Kusters ( ).
Application letters, including a cv, a letter of motivation for the most preferred project, and the abstract of the master-thesis should be send only by email, before 15 May to M. van Ieperen, Managing Director, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg, The Netherlands by the address: Please refer to the vacancy numbers 400.10.13 or 400.10.14.
Interviews with selected candidates will take place in June 2010, at Tilburg University.
Application Deadline : 15 May 2010
Web Link
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Phd, Postgraduate, the Netherlands
PhD Proposal, University of Montpellier 2 (France), Biopolymer Soft Matter
Name of the Laboratory : UMR 1208 Ingénierie des Agro-polymères et Technologies Emergentes (IATE), 2, place Pierre Viala, 34060 Montpellier cedex 1, FRANCE
PhD. director : Pr. Christian Sanchez (UM2), (PhD co-director: Paul Menut, MCF Montpellier SupAgro)
1-PH.D subject
Title: Soft matter based on biopolymers: solid-liquid transition of gluten, a viscoelastic protein material
Key-words: condensed phase, jamming, SAXS, USAXS, confocal microscopy, FRAP, proteins, solvatation, diffusion, fluorescence, rheology
1. Scientific context and objectives
The composition and structure of gluten from wheat kernel are key parameters governing its viscoelastic properties. The latter allow to process the gluten as materials, such as food and biomaterial matrices. Gluten proteins are to the origin of cohesion, viscoelastic, extensibility/fracture and permeability properties of these materials, especially their resistance to hydration. Gluten proteins can be divided in two major fractions according to their solubility in polar solvents: soluble monomeric gliadins and partly soluble polymeric glutenins. The total amount and size distribution of the polymeric protein fraction have been mainly times correlated to the mechanical properties of materials (bread, pasta, biomaterials).
The structure of supramolecular assemblies between gliadins and glutenins is a subject of discussions and controversy. Like any self-assembled macromolecular system, the thermodynamic equilibrium is based on the balance between, on the one part gliadins-glutenins interactions, on the other hand on their interactions with the solvent. On the caoutchoutic domain of gluten, the effect of hydration on its structure and functionality have never been explored. However, the water content of gluten in this domain allows to consider it like a soft condensed material, stopped or fluid (jamming transition). The determination of a phase diagram in this range of water content is then fundamental in order to control the building of matrices with controlled mechanical or nutritional properties.
The main scientific objective of this project is to establish the relationships between the structure, mechanical properties and diffusional properties of gluten. More specifically, we will determine the influence of gluten protein hydration state on their organisation from the supramolecular to the macroscopic scale, on their rheological properties and on the mobility of colloidal fluorescent probes in the matrix. The study will allow us to establish the conditions leading to the dynamical arrest of the system (protein composition, hydratation state, spatial variation of the correlation length).
2. Methodologies and program
Different protein systems (variable gliadins/glutenins ratios) will be set to thermodynamic equilibrium at different hydratation levels applying external osmotic pressures, through dialysis against synthetic polymer solutions. The structure of the different systems will be determined using spectroscopic methods such as SAXS and USAXS. The compacity of systems will be indirectly evaluated by confocal microscopy (FRAP method; measurement of diffusion rates of fluorescent probes with known hydrodynamic radius). The obtained data will be compared to direct measurements of interstitial volumes by granulo-polarimetry, which principle is based on the analysis of incoherent transport of polarized light. The functionality of systems will be determined by creep and oscillation rheological measurements.
Each stage of the program will be preceded by a specific bibliography.
- months 0-12: The Ph.D. student will determine the phase diagrams osmotic pressure-water content of different gliadins/glutenins mixtures, depending on the physico-chemical environment (ionic strength, pH). In parallel, rheological propertie of the different systems will be studied.
- months 13-15: Paper writing on the data obtained
- months 15-19: Development and validation of the confocal microscopic method in FRAP mode, including the search of fluorescent probes, with appropriate sizes, stability and quantic yield, the adjustment of microscope in terms of resolution, signal/noise ratio and gain, as well as image analysis.
- months 20-32: The previous method will be used on the same systems than those studied during the first Ph.D year. Granulo-polarimetric measurements will be carried out. In parallel, the structure of systems will be studied using SAXS and USAXS.
- months 32-36 mois: Ph.D and papers writing
Contact: Pr. C. Sanchez, tel: +33 4 99 61 20 85, mail:; UMR Ingénierie des Agro-Polymères et Technologies Emergentes (IATE), 2, place Pierre Viala, 34060 Montpellier cedex 1, France.
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, France, Phd, Postgraduate
Swiss Government scholarships for Foreign Students
Swiss Government scholarships for university, fine arts and music schools for foreign students for the academic year 2010-2011
The Swiss government awards a range of scholarships to foreign students through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS): university scholarships (Swiss universities and Federal Institutes of Technology), arts scholarships (schools of music and fine arts) and scholarships for universities of applied sciences. These scholarships provide graduates from all disciplines with the opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies or research in Switzerland at a public funded university or recognised institution.
Please use the drop-down menu below to see whether your country of origin is part of the Swiss government’s scholarship scheme. You will also find the necessary information regarding eligibility criteria and the application procedure.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Libellés : Bachelor, Europe Postgraduate, Master, Phd, Postgraduate, Switzerland, Undergraduate
Monbukagakusho Postgraduate Research Scholarships 2011
Monbukagakusho Scholarship 2011: Japanese Government Postgraduate Research Program for Indonesian
Open for registration start on April 12, 2010 and will close on May 12, 2010. The program is intended for those interested in research student programs in universities in Japan.
Interested undergoing research student at the time allowed to apply to degree programs (S-2 / S-3 / professional graduate course) or S-3 to continue the program after completing the program S-2 / professional graduate course, if passed the selection tests given by the university exam concerned.
Enthusiasts can also go straight to degree programs without follow if the research student has obtained permission from the respective universities. Scholarships are awarded without bond department, covering tuition fees and living expenses.
- Born on and after April 2, 1976.
- IPK minimum of 3.0 from last college level
- TOEFL-PBT-TOEFL minimum 550 or CBT minimum 213 or a minimum TOEFL-IBT 79 or equivalent, or the value of Japanese Language Proficiency Test level 2 minimum.
- Choose the same field of study with the previous disciplines.
- Are willing to learn Japanese language.
- Physically and spiritually healthy.
- Applicants must read and understand the attachment description carefully.
How to Apply
- The Application Form can be taken at the Education Section Japanese Embassy, Consulate General of Japan in Surabaya and Medan or can be downloaded from this page.
- The Application Form along with required documents should be brought / sent directly to the Education Section Embassy of Japan in Jakarta (not to the Consulate General of Japan).
- Registration opened on April 12, 2009 until the date of May 12, 2009.
- Prepare the document according to appendix no. 7.
- Application Form (pdf file 212kb) (doc file 139b)
- Field of Study and Study Program (pdf file 75kb) (doc file 28kb)
- Recommendation Form (pdf file 75kb) (doc file 39kb)
- Certificate of Health (pdf file 87kb)
- Embassy of Japan will do the selection of documents, and shall notify qualified applicant 1 (one) week before the written exam. (Approximately 100 applicants are selected through the selection of this document.)
- Written Japanese and English Test will be held in Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan in early July 2010. (English as a test of choice. The value of the higher will be used for selection consideration.)
- Interview will be held in Jakarta for all qualified applicants in July 2010 according to schedule set by the Embassy of Japan (transport and accommodation costs are not provided by the Embassy of Japan).
- Applicants who pass the selection at the Embassy of Japan, will be given a certificate as follows: 1 (one) file a form with documents that have been given the stamp of Embassy of Japan, a certificate for the college in Japan, and pieces of “Letter of Acceptance”. Applicants may choose a maximum of 3 (three) universities to gain acceptance as a student permit or a research student degree programs, or “Letter of Acceptance” (license revenue unofficial) as research students.
- If you are looking for information on universities in Japan, please see the following websites:
Directory Database of Research and Development or Asian Students Cultural Association. - Please send license or a Letter of Acceptance from the college of Japan as soon as possible to the Embassy of Japan.
- WEmbassy would recommend participants to MEXT.
- Applicants will be the recipient of a scholarship if you pass the selection in the MEXT.
Education Section Embassy of JapanWebsite link:
Jl. MH Thamrin No.24 Jakarta 10350
Tel. (021) 3192-4308 ext.175 or 176
Libellés : Indonesia, Japan, Master, Phd, Postgraduate
MBA Scholarships
Donate To Scholarship position
avr. 16
- 2 Doctoral Positions in Ubicomp and Building Autom...
- Canada - Postgraduate Commonwealth Scholarship Pro...
- France International Scholarships for India, Côte ...
- Master Scholarships in Particle Physics at Clermon...
- University of Edinburgh Business School Leadership...
- Tilburg University PhD Positions at the Department...
- PhD Proposal, University of Montpellier 2 (France)...
- Swiss Government scholarships for Foreign Students
- Monbukagakusho Postgraduate Research Scholarships ...
avr. 16