[Turkish] Turkish Government Scholarship 2010-11 for Indian Students
Deadline: April 30, 2010
Applications are invited from Indian National residing in India on plain paper in the format given at the end for the award of Turkish Government Scholarships for 2010-2011 which are as follows:
Research Scholarship (Four)
Information About The Scholarships
Research scholarship are granted for those who will do scientific research in their field of interest in Turkish Universities (Subjects: (i) Agriculture (ii) Biotechnology (iii) Environmental Engineering);
Duration of the scholarships is for two to eight months;
Scholarship will start on 1st October, 2010.
Travel expenses to and from Turkey will be met by the Scholars/Students themselves;
The Turkish Government will meet the school fees, dorm fees and medical care expenses for scholars (except for long-term illnesses, serious surgical operations, prosthesis, jaw orthopedics, orthodontics, and tooth prosthesis).
Monthly Scholarship is 220 New Turkish Lira (i.e. Rs.6590/- approx.). The rate of monthly payments for the academic year 2010-2011 will be further revised.
The candidate:
Should have completed graduate programmes lasting at least four years before 30.4.2010 minimum 60% marks in relevant subjects;
Should have fluent communication skills in at least one Language i.e. Turkish, English or French Languages;
Should be medically fit;
Age: Below 40 years as on 30.4.2010.
Research proposals/specific work to be undertaken (in separate sheet) to be furnished.
General Instructions
Applications received after last date will not be entertained.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
The selected candidates will avail of scholarships in all cases. Therefore, an undertaking that he/she will not refuse the offer should be sent in duplicate along with the application.
Applications of candidates who reside abroad will not be entertained.
Candidates who have already been abroad for study/specialization/training either on scholarship or on their own for a period exceeding six months are eligible to apply if they have been in India for at least two consecutive years after their return from abroad.
The Candidates would have sufficient knowledge of the geographical situation and cultural heritage of India and Turkey.
Candidate can apply only for one subject.
The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final. However, final selection rests with the donor country.
Candidates who do not possess the requisite qualification need not apply.
No canvassing in any form will be entertained.
No application form will be provided by the Ministry.
Applications must be accompanied by attested copies of certificates regarding date of birth, diplomas, degrees, mark-sheets in respect of all the examinations passed alongwith experience certificate of Employment and one copy of recently taken passport size photograph with signature (to be pasted on the application form). Self attested certificates will not be accepted.
Last Date
Application along with supporting documents for date of birth, qualification, and research proposal must reach to
the Section Officer,
ES.4 Section,
Department of Higher Education, A-2, W-4,
Curzon Road Barracks,
Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110001
latest by 30th April, 2010
(Tele No.011-23384687 and 011-23382498).
Those who are employed must sent their application through their employer. Application received thereafter will not be considered. On line applications may be accepted provided hard copy of the application alongwith enclosures (attested copies of certificates, mark sheet etc.) reach the Ministry within 5 days after the last date.
Click herefor further scholarship information and application.
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
[Turkish] Turkish Government Scholarship 2010-11 for Indian Students
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, India, Master, Phd, Postgraduate, Turkey
[Egypt] Al Azhar University Scholarship for undergraduate level
Muslim. Resident in Bangladesh. Scholarships should not be to an equivalent local educational institution. Nominees should be healthy.
Important Dates:
Form Collection Last Date: 10 June 2010
Form Submission Last Date: 10 June 2010
Apply Procedure:
Applicant’s will have to send written application in English along with all relevant papers within 10th June, 2010 at the embassy of Egypt, Dhaka directly.
Special Note:
The following documents have to submit with application.
HSC/Alim certificate(or equivalent certificate) and a statement containing the subjects studied in HSC/Alim (or equivalent degree), attested from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Birth certificate.
Recent personal photos (6).
Valid Passport (with at least 6 month validity)
Good conduct/behavior Certificate, from the nominating authority.
Health certificate; certificate from Ministry of Health, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, that a nominee does not have any infectious diseases, mental disorders or handicapped. Medium of instruction of education will be Arabic Language.
For More Info:
Md. Abdullah Al Mamun,
Deputy Secretary, Education Ministry
Phone: 7165032
Libellés : Bachelor, Bangladesh, Egypt, Undergraduate
[France] Master And PhD Program In Systems And Synthetic Biology
The University of Evry-Val-d’Essonne, near Paris, proposes a Master in Systems and Synthetic Biology (mSSB) in partnership with AgroParis Tech, Ecole Centrale Paris and Telecom SudParis.
The vigorous development of Systems and Synthetic Biology is a grandchallenge that must be met both from the research and educationperspectives. The aim of mSSB is to provide students from the LifeSciences, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry orPhysical Sciences a mean to fruitfully engage in collaborative workacross disciplinary boundaries, with applications in Systems andSynthetic Biology. The mSSB will benefit from an exceptional localresearch environment in these fields, with the leading french BioparkGenopole®. Following this M2 Master, several PhD programs are possibleon site.
Applicants may come from Universities or from Engineering schoolsafter a first year of master (M1), or an equivalent qualification.Bi-disciplinary educational background including Biology is favored,but highly-achieving and motivated students in any of the citeddisciplines can apply.
Deadline : May 22, 2010
Several Master scholarships are proposed to foreignstudents who want to study in France. Interested students must contactas soon as possible Dominique Zeliszewski ( dominique.zeliszewski@epigenomique.genopole.fr This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, France, Master, Phd, Postgraduate
PhD positions in networking, University of Coimbra, Portugal
PhD positions in networking, University of Coimbra, Portugal
PhD positions in networking are available at the Laboratory of Communications and Telematics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal integrated in the Doctoral Program in Information Science and Technology, starting in September 2010.
Please refer to the website (http://phd.dei.uc.pt) for all info on how to apply.
For more information contact:
Prof Edmundo Monteiro
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, Phd, Portugal, Postgraduate
PhD position in Regulation of Ion Channels In Carginogenesis, Nice, France
PhD position in Regulation of Ion Channels In Carginogenesis, Nice, France
PhD position (CNRS/PACA funding) available from September 2010 in the Institute of
Developmental Biology and Cancer (UNSA CNRS UMR 6543), in the group of Dr Franck
Borgese at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis / CNRS, Nice, France.
Thesis supervisor: Dr Olivier Soriani
Our project will focus on the regulation of ion channels involved in cancer cell behaviour (apoptosis resistance, extra cellular matrix adhesion and degradation,
motility, proliferation). Recently, we have demonstrated that a unique tumour biomarker, the sigma-1 receptor (Sig1R), was functionally associated to Cl- and K+ channels in lung cancer and leukaemia cells. We have shown that the over-expression of Sig1R in cancer cells enhances cell apoptotic resistance through a decrease of volume-regulated Cl- channels activation kinetics (Renaudo et al., 2007; Le Guennec et al., 2008). Moreover, exogenous sigma ligands inhibit cell cycle through a K+ channel / p27kip1-dependent pathway (Renaudo et al. 2004).
The project will deal on the molecular mechanisms associating the Sig1R to ion channels aberrantly expressed in leukaemia and breast cancer cells, in relation to their aggressiveness state. Finally, in vivo significance of the described mechanisms will be explored in a mouse metastatic model.
Main technical approaches: Molecular cell biology, genetics, microscopy imagery and
electrophysiology (patch-clamp).
We are seeking highly talented and self-motivated candidates. A background in the field of electrophysiology and cell physiology will be appreciated. The position
will be available on September 2010.
Candidates are invited to obtain application forms from soriani@unice.fr or borgese@unice.fr
Application deadline: Friday 30th April. Provisional date for auditions of short listed candidates: Monday 17th May
· Martial,S., Giorgelli,J. L., Renaudo,A., Derijard,B., and Soriani,O. (2008). SP600125 inhibits Kv channels through a JNK-independent pathway in cancer cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
Commun. 366, 944-950
· Renaudo,A., L'Hoste,S., Guizouarn,H. , Borgese,F., and Soriani,O. (2007). Cancer cell cycle modulated by a functional coupling between sigma receptors and Cl- channels. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 2259-2267.
· Le Guennec,J.Y. , Ouadid-Ahidouch, H., Soriani,O., Besson,P., Ahidouch,A., and Vandier,C. (2007). Voltage-gated ion channels, new targets in anti-cancer research. Recent Patents Anticancer Drug Discov. 2, 189-202.
· Renaudo,A., Watry,V., Chassot,A.A. , Ponzio,G., Ehrenfeld,J. , and Soriani,O. (2004). Inhibition of tumor cell proliferation by sigma ligands is associated with K+ Channel inhibition and p27kip1 accumulation. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 311, 1105-1114.
Libellés : Europe Postgraduate, France, Phd, Postgraduate
8 PhD positions and 2 Post-doc positions in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany or Belgium in the field of Neuroimaging.
8 PhD positions in Neuroimaging, Europe
Neurophysics: 8 PhD positions and 2 Post-doc positions in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany or Belgium in the field of Neuroimaging.
fMRI is a fast developing technique that permits addressing core questions in cognitive neuroscience in the human brain. The future of this technique resides in pushing hardware to permit ultra-high field scanning at superior spatial resolution, developing advanced data analysis, and combining the technique with other approaches, including EEG, TMS, PET, as well as pharmacology and molecular biology. These goals are pursued by a consortium of 4 partners consisting of Maastricht University (Brain Imaging Centre), Research Centre Juelich (MR Physics), University of Liege (Cyclotron Research Centre) and Glaxo-Smith- Kline (Clinical Imaging Centre London). Funding comes from a Marie-Curie Initial Training Network grant.
To advance research goals at the consortium, we are looking for applicants who (1) show a drive to investigate a core question in cognitive neuroscience which can be theoretical (e.g., perception, attention, memory) or more clinical in nature (e.g., dementia, neurofeedback in locked-in patients); (2) are motivated to use and/or help engineer cutting-edge methods of data acquisition (physics) and data analysis; (3) enjoy the (technical) challenges of working in an integrative, multidisciplinary environment. Relevant backgrounds include engineering, physics, mathematics, advanced statistics and data analysis, molecular biology, software programming, computational modelling, and cognitive neuroscience. The ideal candidate combines skills from several of these disciplines.
We offer a unique, integrative research environment where world-leading scientists will integrate accepted applicants into their research teams. A 1.5y training programme has been set up to offer additional, high-level training in all domains relevant for the research (for an overview of all offered courses:
The Marie Curie- Initial Training Network 'Methods in Neuroimaging' graduate school offers:
- 3 PhD positions and 1 Post-doc position in biophysics and MR physics at Research Centre Juelich (Germany)
- 3 PhD positions and 1 Post-doc position in brain imaging data acquisition and analysis (combination of methods) at Brain Imaging Centre, Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
- 2 PhD positions in the field of brain imaging data acquisition and analysis (combination of methods) at Cyclotron Research Centre, Université de Liège (Belgium)
Representative project descriptions can be found here: http://www.psychology.unimaas.nl/images/pdf_files/Projectdescriptions.pdf
Although there is some flexibility in the research topics, applicants should select their preferred projects.
Research Field
Neurosciences - Other
All recruited researchers are Marie Curie fellows and will profit from all Marie Curie benefits, including travel, living, mobility and career exploratory allowances.
Comment/web site for additional job details
Application files (sent by mail) should include:
- Motivation letter (please state your fields/projects of interest)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Certified transcripts Master
- two recent reference letters send directly by the referees via mail
- all non-native English speakers have to pass the academic IELTS (minimum score: 7.5) or TOEFL internet-based (minimum score: 113)
- Application deadline: July 15th 2010
Please contact Els Merken for further information and/or application
Mailing address : Marie Curie Vacancies t.a.v. Els Merken, P.O. 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
email: els.merken@maastric htuniversity. nl
phone: +31 388 1747
Libellés : Belgium, Europe Postgraduate, Germany, Netherland, Phd, Postgraduate, United Kingdom
CEU Business School Baku MINI MBA Program
CEU Business School Baku MINI MBA Program
The CEU Business School Baku MINI MBA Program is a joint project of CEU Business School and the Azerbaijan Marketing Society (AMS).
The objective of the project is to provide a high quality management training program for managers who already have some managerial experience and are candidates for higher positions. The goal is to update and enhance their management knowledge on the most important management fields. The program also allows graduate students of the information and communication universities to continue their education and get the MINI MBA degree offered by CEU-AMS Alliance.
The CEU Business School Baku MINI MBA Program is modular and run on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. Total length is approximately 72 classroom hours. The modules are to be planned and delivered by CEU BS faculty members, cooperating with local experts when necessary and possible. Working language is English but some local contributors may use Russian as well. Each participant gets a complete course package with readings, slides, handouts etc. at the beginning of the program.
A certificate is provided at the end jointly issued by CEU BS-AMS Alliance to those who pass exams successfully and their participation measured by time spent on the program reaches 80%.
6-week program consists of 6 modules:
Module 1: Strategic Management
Module 2: Exponential Marketing
Module 3: Business Communication
Module 4: Project management
Module 5: Corporate finance and accounting
Module 6: Cost cutting and rationalization in a crisis
There is an optional 2 week study field-trip to Hungary as an extra opportunity.
For more info: www.marketing.az/mini-mba
Libellés : Azerbaijan, Europe Postgraduate, Hungary, Master, MBA, Postgraduate
Post-doctoral at HEC Management School, University of Liege
Post-doctoral at HEC Management School, University of Liege
HEC Management School - University of Liège (HEC-ULg) invites applications for a one year (possibly renewable) full time post-doctoral research position starting on October 1st, 2010.
Prerequisites for qualification are a Ph.D. in Statistics or in a related field. The candidate should demonstrate excellent research potential with significant international exposure. The School is especially interested in candidates with a background in the areas of mathematical statistics, nonparametrics, survival analysis, Bayesian or robust statistics with a special attention for practical applications. A limited teaching duty (in English or French) is possible (e.g. a short course on the candidate's area of research), and participation in various scientific activities (Graduate School in Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, local seminars…) is expected.
HEC-ULg is one of the leading Belgian business schools for graduate and postgraduate programs with 60 faculty members with international recognition and more than 2400 students as of January 2010. It results from a successful merger in Liège, at the heart of Europe, between a public university (University of Liège) and a private business school (HEC Liège). The chosen candidate will have access to a dynamic research network enabling fruitful interdisciplinary collaborations. He will be part of the recently created Centre for Quantitative Methods and Operations Management (QuantOM), gathering 20 scientists and aiming at developing innovative quantitative methods in management science. The Center for Statistics will also give him the opportunity to collaborate with statisticians of the other departments of the University (Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences, Applied Sciences, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences) through regular contacts and seminars.
HEC-ULg is located in Liège, Belgiumâ's third largest city, and the largest agglomeration of the French-speaking Walloon region. Liège is the third inland port of Europe and the eighth freight airport in Europe. Recognized for its quality of life and its rich historical patrimonium, Liège is ideally situated within the Meuse-Rhin Euregio, 40 kilometers from Maastricht (the Netherlands) and 60 kilometers from Aachen (Germany). It is less than 1.5 hours away from Köln, 2.5 hours from Paris and 4 hours from London by high-speed train (TGV) starting from the new magnificent train station designed by the renowned architect Santiago Calatrava.
Candidates should send
- a full curriculum vitae,
- a copy of their PhD diploma,
- a copy of their recent publications and
- a letter describing their research interests to:
C. Heuchenne, HEC Management School, Université de Liège, Bd du Rectorat 7 (B31), 4000 Liège, Belgium (C.Heuchenne@ ulg.ac.be). We encourage candidates to apply early. Applications received before June 1st will be given full consideration. Applications received after June 1st will be considered as they arrive, until the position is filled.
For further information, please contact C. Heuchenne (C.Heuchenne@ ulg.ac.be).
Libellés : Belgium, Europe Postgraduate, Phd, Postdoctoral, Postgraduate
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES), University of Bologna
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES), University of Bologna
This programme, which might be of interest for your students, was launched some years ago by the University of Bologna, Italy together with the Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas, Corvinus University of Budapest and St Petersburg State University, who awards a joint diploma. The University of Ljubljana is an associate partner that offers additional mobility for students.
The programme is taught entirely in English (120 ECTS) and MIREES students will spend the first year in Forlì (one of the five campuses of the University of Bologna), while in the second year a minimum of 5 months will be spent at Partner Universities (including Ljubljana) and, in particular cases, at other MIREES Associated Universities in the Balkans. A mobility grant is offered to all enrolled students.
More detailed information on the teaching plan and the Faculty, together with the application form, can be found at our web site: http://www.mirees.unibo.it/ .
The programme is especially recommended for prospective PhD students. Our best alumni are currently attending doctorate programmes at the Universities of Oxford, Kent, the New School in New York and other prestigious international academic institutions. Moreover, the programme is designed to forge analysts, area experts, consultants and mediators, to meet the needs of research institutes, the European Commission,
international agencies, voluntary organizations and NGO's, public administration, managers, corporations and banks located in East-Central Europe and the Balkans or promoting investments in these regions. Most of our alumni have found employment precisely in these fields.
The MIREES programme offers specialized, in-depth knowledge of the post-socialist countries in transition, the new EU member states, and the new East-European neighbour countries to students with a BA in Economics, Politics, International Relations, History, Languages (and Slavic languages in particular), agricultural studies and cultural studies generally.
The programme aims at developing language skills. MIREES offers courses in Bosnian-Croatian- Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, and Slovak (Hungarianand Lithuanian are also available in the 2nd year), as well as Italian for foreigners as an additional option. The curriculum stresses on interdisciplinary studies in the economics of transition; politics and international relations; history and cultural studies focused on Central, Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The international dimension of
the programme is enhanced through student mobility, by an international faculty composed of prominent scholars of international repute, and a genuinely international student body. (In the previous cycles we enrolled students from 21 countries including the US, Mexico, Russia, Georgia, Estonia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Germany, United Kingdom, Turkey, Albania, Poland, Armenia, Norway, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Slovak Republic, Finland and, of course, Italy.)
Therefore, we would be extremely grateful if you could encourage your BA students to consider applying to this two year programme and, at the same time, if you could forward this message to your colleagues interested in this part of the world. With this in mind we are sending you as an attachment our promotional flyer in a pdf file. It briefly covers all the general aspects of the programme, as well as the mission
and the profile of our Master of Arts.
Should you need further information, please feel free to contact the Tutor of the course at facscpol-fo. tutormirees@ unibo.itor the Faculty Student Office (info.spfo@unibo. it, phone +39.0543.374100) .
Thank you very much for your kind attention and cooperation.
Best regards,
Prof. Stefano Bianchini
Director, Master of Arts MIREES
University of Bologna
School of Political Science, Forlì Campus
Libellés : Europe, Europe Postgraduate, Italy, Master, Postgraduate
Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies (GEMMA) Fourth Edition (2010-2012)
Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies (GEMMA) Fourth Edition (2010-2012)
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European students (Category B)
Erasmus Mundus Grants for Third Country visiting scholars
The Research Centre for Women's Studies at the University of Granada is pleased to inform that the application period for European students and Third Country (non-EU) scholars to take part in the fourth edition (2010-2012) of its Erasmus Mundus Master Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies (GEMMA).
The deadline for application is 30th April 2010.
GEMMA is a joint European Master in Women's and Gender Studies selected by the European Commission as an Erasmus Mundus master of excellence and co-ordinated by the University of Granada (Spain).
This inter-university and interdisciplinary programme is addressed to students interested in Women's Studies, Gender Studies, and Equal Opportunities Policies. It provides a unique opportunity to acquire professional qualifications in these areas at two prestigious European universities and to obtain a double Master's Degree from these institutions according to the mobility route chosen by the student. The languages of instruction are English, Spanish and Italian.
GEMMA Partner Universities:
University of Granada (Coordinator, Spain)
University of Bologna (Italy)
Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)
University of Hull (United Kingdom)
Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
University of Lodz (Poland)
University of Oviedo (Spain)
Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
Erasmus Mundus scholarship, Category B:
Eligibility: Category B scholarships are meant for European students (nationals of EU, EEA-EFTA countries) or third country nationals who have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
The scholarship covers the tuition fees and insurance, as well as personal expenses (a monthly allowance of 500 Euros) during the two years of the master.
Application deadline: 30th April 2010
Erasmus Mundus grant for scholars:
Third Country scholars can apply for research visits at one or various GEMMA European partner institutions. These visits can last between 2 weeks and 3 months and the grant is calculated on the basis of 1.200 Euros per week.
Application deadline: 30th April 2010
The online application form for both types of scholarships can be found at the GEMMA webpage (www.ugr.es/local/gemma) together with all the necessary instructions.
For further information please check the GEMMA webpage:
Contact: gemma@ugr.es
Libellés : Erasmus Mundus, Europe, Europe Postgraduate, Hungary, Italy, Master, Netherland, Poland, Postgraduate, Slovenia, Spain, UK
Fakhrinur Huseynli Master on Peace and Conflict Transformation
Fakhrinur Huseynli Master on Peace and Conflict Transformation
MAS Master of Advanced Studies in Peace and Conflict Transformation
This Masters program is accredited by the University of Basel, which will also issue the degree. The title "Master of Advanced Studies" is internationally recognized.
The Master of Advanced Studies in Peace and Conflict Transformation is concerned with the various forms and conditions of peace as well as the obstacles to them. Peace means the absence of war, and much more. Galtung introduced the distinction between direct, structural and cultural violence. Direct violence means hurting and killing; structural violence is the slow death from hunger and preventable or curable diseases caused by extreme inequality and political oppression; and cultural violence consists of the justification of direct and structural violence in education, the media, literature and art, in the form of nationalism, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination and prejudice. Peace means the absence of those three forms of violence and includes measures both to alleviate and heal past violence as well as to prevent future violence.
This program explores all of these aspects of peace. Its objective is to enable the participants to play an active role in peaceful conflict transformation and in creating a culture of peace. In addition to conveying theoretical knowledge and practical skills for peace work, our program emphasizes also the personal development of the participants. They learn to analyze conflicts, to make prognoses, and to design and implement creative solutions. They learn to detect growing tensions early and know methods to deescalate conflicts and prevent violence. They learn how to mediate between conflict parties and how to encourage conciliation after violence. They learn how to promote peace and development through education and action, and how to facilitate intercultural understanding and cooperation.
Course Format
The educational concept combines interdisciplinary peace research with the teaching of constructive conflict transformation, the practical experience of multicultural coexistence and the development of personal competencies for peace.
The study is divided into 10 modules, addressing the following topics: (1) Introduction to the Methodology of Peace Research; (2) Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding; (3) Regional Conflicts and Field Work; (4) International Relations and International Law; (5) From National to Human Security; (6) Peace Education and Ethics; (7) Human Rights, Gender and Democratization; (8) Sustainable Development and Its Contributions to Peace; (9) Peace Culture and the Media; (10) Development of Key Competencies for Peace Workers.
During the 9 months fulltime study period, the students will learn and work together, building a multi-cultural community. Such a unique learning situation will enable the participants to train in everyday situations what needs to be realized on a global scale: mutual understanding, tolerance, cooperation and the willingness to learn from each other.
The total workload (including thesis) comprises 2100 hours, equivalent to 70 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). It includes lectures, seminars, exercises, presentations, simulations, group activities, excursions, self-study, library research and writing papers. Students write an MAS thesis on a relevant topic of their choice, under the guidance of a faculty member. After successfully completing the course, the participants are awarded the accredited degree of Master of Advanced Studies in Peace and Conflict Transformation, issued by the University of Basel.
The World Peace Academy will consider accepting students wishing to complete their MAS in a longer period of time and/or those wishing to have previously obtained graduate level credits recognized and counting towards their MAS diploma. This is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please click here for more information.
CHF 15'000 course fees, including thesis supervision.
Rooms in the Student House (500 CHF per month), meals and health-accident insurance are at the students' expenses.
Intended Audience
Students from all over the world, from any discipline interested in peace and conflict resolution, including young diplomats, government officials, NGO members, teachers, journalists, lawyers, social workers, officers, psychologists, artists, and anyone interested in solving conflicts by peaceful means.
A first university degree (bachelors or equivalent) is required, or equivalent professional experience.
Applicants should have good knowledge of English both written and oral. Expected is a level of English that is usually acquired by studying for at least one year in an English speaking country.
Scholarships will be sought to invite participants from crisis and conflict areas.
Academic Directors
Prof. Dr. Ueli Mäder, Institute for Sociology, University of Basel
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Fischer, World Peace Academy and Transcend Peace University
Catherine Brunner Dubey, MA in Peace and Conflict Studies, World Peace Academy
Teaching Staff
Professors and experts from the University of Basel, and from Institutions on every continent. We invite the best specialists in their field from around the world, including Johan Galtung, founder of the academic discipline of peace studies.
Best wishes:
Fakhrinur HUSEYNLI
Master of Advanced Studies in Peace & Conflict Transformation
World Peace Academy (WPA) - Swiss Centre for Peace Studies with Basel University
E-mail: hfaxrinuratga@yahoo.com, fakhrinur.huseynli@stud.unibas.ch
Skype:fakhrinur. huseynli
Fakhrinur Huseynli
President of Azerbaijan Tafakkur Youth Association
AZ-0100, Azerbaijan, Absheron reg.,
Khirdalan city, 28th district, 7 house
E-mail: atyadonation@ yahoo.com
Libellés : Azerbaijan, Europe Postgraduate, Master, Postgraduate, Switzerland
MBA Scholarships
Donate To Scholarship position
avr. 27
- [Turkish] Turkish Government Scholarship 2010-11 f...
- [Egypt] Al Azhar University Scholarship for underg...
- [France] Master And PhD Program In Systems And Syn...
- PhD positions in networking, University of Coimbra...
- PhD position in Regulation of Ion Channels In Carg...
- 8 PhD positions and 2 Post-doc positions in the Ne...
- CEU Business School Baku MINI MBA Program
- Post-doctoral at HEC Management School, University...
- Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and S...
- Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Women's and Gend...
- Fakhrinur Huseynli Master on Peace and Conflict Tr...
avr. 27