

Germany : 18 PhD positins in trans-and multidisciplinary research areas

Germany : 18 PhD positins in trans-and multidisciplinary research areas

The BioInterfaces International Graduate School (BIF-IGS) provides the recruitment and training platform for the BioInterfaces Research Progamme at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.
The BioInterfaces Programme brings together biologists, chemists, physicists, IT specialists, engineers, and material scientists with the common goal of controlling living systems, and bridges the gap between fundamental research and development of application-oriented technologies and products. The programme is tightly linked with the Universities of Karlsruhe and Heidelberg. In addition to offering the right of graduation, both Universities contribute scientifically to the BioInterfaces research school. While the University of Karlsruhe is more technically oriented, the University of Heidelberg has an emphasis on biomedical research and basic physics of surface interactions and microscopy.

Thus BIF-IGS offers outstanding graduate students education and training in trans- and multi-disciplinary research areas that allow students to prepare for future careers in professional fields such as health sciences, biotechnology, physics, chemistry and environmental science. Students will gain experience by working in a stimulating environment using state-of-the-art technology in an interdisciplinary context that promotes the ability of cross-frontier thinking. Laboratory work is supplemented by seminars, summer schools, training in soft skills and participation in international conferences.

Online registration/application is possible until June 30, 2010.

For more information please consult the following link:

Germany : PhD position treeline seedling ecophysiology (Oldenburg (Oldb), Niedersachsen

Germany : PhD position treeline seedling ecophysiology (Oldenburg (Oldb), Niedersachsen

We invite applications for a 3-year PhD position (E13, 65%) in a DFG-funded project addressing ecophysiological limitations for germination and seedling performance of a range of tree species at the alpine treeline. The goal of the project is to understand the processes that determine treeline dynamics in different tree species, distinguishing generalised and species-specific responses. Approaches used include field and laboratory germination experiments, field experiments with small seedlings, and various ecophysiological measurements (growth, chemistry, chlorophyll fluorescence). The position is based in Oldenburg, northern Germany, and involves extensive fieldwork in the French Alps.

The successful applicant will hold an MSc-degree or equivalent in Biology or a related discipline and have an interest and, preferably, experience in plant ecophysiology and ecology and/or seed and seedling biology. Further requirements include an analytical and critical mindset, the ability to work independently in potentially harsh field conditions, good English oral and writing skills and a willingness to learn French.

Closing date for applications: July 9, 2010.
Starting date: autumn/winter 2010, or a.s.a.p.

For further information: maaike.bader[at]
Please send your application, including CV and the contact details of three references, to the email address above or to: Dr. Maaike Bader, Functional Ecology of Plants, Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Oldenburg, P.O. Box 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany.

The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. In order to increase the percentage of female faculty members, female candidates with equal qualification will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification.
Tentative Application Deadline : 9 July 2010

UK : MSc in International Accounting and Finance Scholarships - Divisional Scholarships

UK : MSc in International Accounting and Finance Scholarships - Divisional Scholarships

These Scholarships are funded by the Accounting and Finance Division and meet course fees up to the home/EU rate. This means that the successful candidates will pay no course fees in September 2010 if they are home/EU fee category students. Overseas fee paying students are also encouraged to apply and would pay the difference between home and overseas fees.
Who can apply?
Applicants may be of any nationality and must hold or expect to obtain an offer of a place on the full time MSc in International Accounting and Finance for entry in September 2010. Applications may be submitted for the Scholarship along with the course application, but only those obtaining a place on the course will be entered into the Scholarship competition.
How to apply
Complete the MSc in International Accounting and Finance Scholarship Application Form ensuring that all sections are answered legibly.
Pay particular attention to the section which requires a handwritten statement of approximately 500 words on why a Scholarship would help you, and what your career or educational aims are for the five year period after you graduate from the International Accounting and Finance course.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 June 2010.
Please note that the Scholarships will be allocated in July and therefore if you are applying both for the Scholarships and the International Accounting and Finance course close to the 30 June deadline, you should ensure that your course application is complete.
Tentative Application Deadline : 30 June 2010

Sweden : PhD-student-position in Environmental Chemistry

Sweden : PhD-student-position in Environmental Chemistry

A large share of industrial chemicals lack information on environmental properties and health effects. In silico based models have the potential to reduce data gaps and number of animal tests. The European chemicals legislation, REACH, has introduced in silico tools, such as quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models and read-across approaches, as priority setting tools. This research project is entitled "QSARs and other non-testing instruments to reduce animal tests: From science to regulatory decisions" and is a collaboration with regulatory toxicologists at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. The aim of the project is to reach in-depth understanding of in silico instruments in a regulatory context and their use to predict fate, and environmental and human health related effects. Your part of the project aims to develop QSAR and read-across tools for risk assessment procedures of industrial chemicals. In particular, you will develop and evaluate new models using multivariate statistics and computational chemistry tools.
The application should include a letter of intent, certified curriculum vitae that includes information on previous education, copies of master´s or bachelor´s thesis if available, publications and other documents supporting your competence and suitability for the position. We also want e-mail address and phone number to two reference persons. The application may be written in English or Swedish.
Prerequisites include either i) 240 ECTS credits of higher education studies of which 60 should be on an advanced level (Master level), or ii) 120 Swedish (old) credits (corresponding to 180 ECTS credits) of higher education studies if they were taken before July 1, 2007 or equivalent competence. Advanced course(s) in Environmental Chemistry is required and advanced course(s) in Mathematics, Computational Chemistry, Chemometrics and Toxicology is qualifying.
The successful applicant should have good ability to write and speak in English, creativity, power of initiative, independence and ability to collaborate. Evaluations will be based on results on University courses, quality of master´s or bachelor´s thesis, references, interviews and the letter of intent. A PhD education is 4 years (48 months) and the PhD-student will get a formal position at the start of the project (Sw: "doktorandanställning"). Up to 10 % as teaching assistant may be included in the position (then the position will be extended accordingly).
Questions about the position will be answered by Associate Prof. Patrik Andersson, phone +46 (0)90 786 56 22, e-mail:

More information on:
Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.
Applications will be discarded or, if the applicant so wishes, returned two years after the position has been filled. Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format. If you are applying to several positions with different reference numbers, you must submit a separate application for each position.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-510-10, should be sent to (state the reference number as subject) or to the registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive June 10, 2010 at the latest.
Tentative Application Deadline : 10 June 2010
Contact Adress:
Contact Email:



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Quantum information theory is a rapidly developing branch of physics. There are, for example, safe communication protocols which exclude eavesdropping. Security of communication does not depend on the ingenuity od ciphering, it is due to the laws of nature -- principles of quantum mechanics, the rules of which are quite different from intuitively obvious laws of classical physics. Results of the current research allow us to hope that it will be possible to construct quantum computers with computational speeds considerably exceeding those of the contemporary computers.

The project has definitely scientific character. We plan to conduct fundamental and highly specialized research on the techniques of information manipulation by the methods stemming from principles of quantum mechanics.

Quantum entanglement plays essential role both in the theory and in experiment. The phenomenon of entanglement is known since Schroedinger times. Only recently it was realized that it is a fundamental resource of quantum information theory. Large part of the planned research will be devoted to further studies of entanglement both experimentally and theoretically. New methods to produce and detect the entangled states will be sought. This requires a close cooperation between theoreticians and experimentalists. This will be accomplished by wide collaboration with foreign laboratories which possess the "state of the art" most advanced equipment.

Another important goal is to investigate the properties of the entangled states which ensure the safe communication and information exchange. This is connected with the study of various correlations, frequently yet unknown and never existing in the realm of classical physics. Study of such correlations has practical implications in secure information transfer. They also have fundamental importance - in quantum probabilistic theory.

In must be remembered that every physical system interacts with its environment. Such interactions result in the decay of correlations. Since the latter are so essential the analysis of such decays needs to be investigated. Moreover, the ways to circumvent the losses due to the surrounding. It seems reasonable to say, that the number of questions
concerning quantum entanglement is indeed large.
Therefore the project addresses a multitude of problems. It is also possible that new developments will open completely new and unexpected vistas which will lead to fascinating new ideas and discoveries.

Last, but not least, the project has a distinctive experimental aspect. New materials are essential in new technologies and applications of quantum information theory. Production and detection of the entangled states is not easy. New, effective materials, hopefully with precisely tailored properties, will be synthesized and investigated. The purchase of new devices is planned to enhance the experimental capabilities
of Gdańsk University.
For application and other information :
Tentative Application Deadline : 14 June 2010
Contact Adress: Gdańsk University, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrphysics, ul. Wita Stwosza 57, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
Contact Email:

PhD Positions in Islamic Studies at Inter-University School for Islamic Studies (ISIS), Netherlands

ISIS ( Inter-university School for Islamic Studies) is a national research institute for the study of Islam and Muslim societies, in which eight Dutch universities participate. Leiden University is administratively responsible for ISIS.

5 PhD positions in the profile area Islam and Muslim societies
vacancy number: 10-113

In the coming six years (2010-2015) ISIS has made available special funds to build an integrated interdisciplinary thematic profile area which focuses on lslam and Muslim societies. One of the main aims is to integrate and mobilize the knowledge and expertise in the field.
The Ph.D. candidates will be appointed at the participating university with which the supervisor is affiliated.

Conditions of employment

The positions are 1,0 fte for 4 years (or 0,8 for 5 years).
The Ph.D. candidates will be appointed initially for eighteen months at the in ISIS participating university with which the promotor is affiliated. At satisfactory performance during that period, the appointment will be renewed for another two and a half years. Remuneration will be
€ 2,042 gross per calendar month in the first year, increasing to a maximum of
€ 2,612 gross per calendar month in the fourth year is in accordance with current pay scales as indicated in the ‘CAO voor Nederlandse Universiteiten’.
You will also receive a end-of-year bonus of 8.3% of your yearly income.

Candidates should hold a MA degree or equivalent. Preference will be given to candidates with a MA in the Humanities, Social sciences or Theology with a specialisation in the field of Islam and Muslim societies.
Outstanding research qualities manifest in a high-quality MA thesis or equivalent.
Excellent command of English

Applicants, with an MA degree in a relevant field and proficiency in English, are asked to submit a concrete interdisciplinary research plan.

The applications procedure will consist of two rounds. In the first round a selection will be made based on a short research proposal of maximum 1000 words. Those who are selected will be asked to write a full research proposal of maximum 5000 words. The full proposal has be accompanied by two reference letters. An interview may be part of the selection procedure.


First round reactions before 14 June 2010:

Letter of applications
Fact sheet
Short Research Proposal (maximum 1000 words)
Second round reactions before 15 August 2010 (only for those invited):

Two reference letters
Full research Proposal (maximum 5000 words)
Letters of application can be sent by post or email (preference) to the address below, and should reach our office no later than 14 June 2010. Please quote the vacancy number in your application. Adress:

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Afdeling Personeel en Organisatie
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden


For further information please contact Dr. P. de Bruijn or 0031 071 5272592


LExS Scholarships 2011 for Masters in Business and Laws

Leiden University offers scholarships to outstanding all nationalities students pursuing a master’s degree programme at Leiden University. The scholarship programme is intended for candidates showing the highest achievements and promise for a master’s degree study starting in September 2010 or February 2011. The maximum study period is 12 months (1-year programme) or 24 months (2-year programme).
For whom?
Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a Leiden University master’s degree programme starting September 2010 or February 2011 ( All MA, MSc and LL.M programmes as mentioned on the website Master’s programmes in Leiden).
All nationalities enrolling in the following programmes starting September 2010 or February 2011:
Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law
Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law
Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Tax Law
Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Public International Law
MA in International Relations and Diplomacy
Additional requirements:
In his or her prior academic education abroad, the applicant must have achieved excellent study results which are relevant for the programme for which the student wishes to enroll. As an indication, the student will be among the top 10% for the relevant programme followed abroad
The applicant will hold a non-EU/EEA passport and will not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (“Studiefinanciering”; more information)
Scholarships will not be awarded to applicants who have already obtained a Leiden University master’s degree
Students who are granted a Leiden Excellence Scholarship must comply with and confirm in writing their agreement with the terms and conditions (pdf) attached to the scholarship prior to the granting of the scholarship.
Scholarship Amount:
The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme has 5 awards:
Platinum: Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee* and an allowance of €10,000 for living costs
Gold: Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee*
Silver: Covers 75% of the tuition fee
Bronze: Covers 50% of the tuition fee
Ivory: Covers 25 % of the tuition fee
* The tuition fee will be reduced to the amount of the home fee. Students who have been awarded a Platinum or Gold award still have to pay the home fee themselves.
Application procedure for September 2010 / February 2011 intake:
1A Fill in your online application for admission to Leiden University 1 April 2010 for programmes starting in September 2010.
1 October 2010 for programmes starting in February 2011 (the sooner the better)
B Upload all necessary documents
C Indicate clearly that you would like to apply for the LExS scholarship on the scholarship page
D Upload your letter of motivation for the LExS scholarship on the scholarship page
E Submit your online application
F Pay the application fee
2A All LExS applicants will be informed by the scholarship department of the International Office. The end of April 2010 for September 2010 intake.
Mid November 2010 for the February 2011 intake.
Letter of motivation
To apply for the scholarship, you should write a letter of motivation (in Word) of a maximum of 500 words, in which you indicate why you believe you should be considered for this scholarship. The Word document should then be attached on the scholarship page in your online application for the master’s programmes for which you are applying.
It is possible to submit applications for more scholarship programmes simultaneously. However, it is not possible to obtain more than 1 scholarship from Leiden University for the same study programme.
If you have already submitted your online application for admission to Leiden University, but would still like to apply for the LExS scholarship, we kindly request you to submit the LExS motivation letter to the Scholarships department email at:
Selection process:
A Faculty selection committee will review the applications. Students are selected on the basis of academic merit.
The student is responsible for submitting a complete application, according to the steps described under 1A-F by the aforementioned deadline. Leiden University cannot be held responsible for late and/or incomplete applications.
Please note
Students should be aware that the LExS is not a full scholarship. It is necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance their study and stay completely.
One of the requirements for being granted a residence permit in the Netherlands is that students must submit proof that they have sufficient financial means to finance their study period in the Netherlands. Leiden University advises a budget, not including the tuition fee, of approx. €10,000 to €14,000 per year to cover the costs for rent, insurance, living expenses, course books and local transportation. How much money students actually spend will of course depend on their life style and spending habits.

MASTER IN INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT XII Edition (January 2011 ? December 2011) Scholarship Competition MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy

XII Edition (January 2011 – December 2011)
Scholarship Competition
MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for applicants to the XI edition of the Master in Insurance and Risk Management.
The Scholarships will go toward tuition fees to attend the XII edition of the Master in Insurance and Risk Management (January 2011 – December 2011).
The Scholarships will cover up to 100% of the tuition fees (equivalent to 20.000,00 EUR 20% V.A.T. included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exclusion for any reason, no amount of the scholarship will be paid or reimbursed.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Academic degree (or equivalent qualification).
- Good working knowledge of English (TOEFL certificate is recommended).
MIB School of Management will award scholarships to the best candidates on the basis of educational qualifications, professional skills and motivation shown during the entrance interview.
To be considered for a scholarship, the application form for the programme must be completed on-line at
In order to finalize the application, the following documents must be received:
- Degree certificate
- Two letters of recommendation
- If available a certificate which demonstrates an adequate knowledge of English such as TOEFL (alternatively, verification will be made directly by the School);
- If available a deductive reasoning test score such as GMAT (alternatively, verification will be made directly by the School).
The documentation must be received by November 16, 2010 at the following address:
Ms. Barbara Sepic
Admissions Officer
MIB School of Management
Largo Caduti di Nasiriya 1
34142 Trieste – Italy
fax: +39 040 9188122

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