

AUSTRALIA; Pharmacy PhD Scholarship

Pharmacy PhD Scholarship

Are you interested in studying for a PhD in pharmacy? Following a generous grant from the Tasmanian branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), the School of Pharmacy at the University of Tasmania is able to offer a graduate research scholarship for three years study leading to a PhD. The principal objective is to promote and develop postgraduate education research in pharmacy. Research in pharmacy practice is given high priority and preference will be given to this area, but applications in other areas of pharmacy research may be considered. Currently the School of Pharmacy has projects in pharmacy practice; clinical pharmacy/pharmacology; pharmaceutical science; and natural products. Please refer to PDF for more information.

Reference Number: 4235
Study Subject: Pharmacy practice research
Web Address:
Provided By: School of Pharmacy, University of Tasmania
To be undertaken at: University of Tasmania.
Level: Post Graduate (Research)

This scholarship is offered once only to one person. Open for applications until May 1, 2009.
Payment Information

The value of this scholarship is AUD20427 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years.
Research Information

This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences.

This scholarship is for study in Australia. Only citizens of Australia or permanent residents can apply.
Application Details

To apply for this scholarship you must apply directly to the university. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Main Contact
Prof Greg Peterson (Head, School of Pharmacy)
University of Tasmania

Bursaries For Incore Summer School


INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute) based at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, and associate site of the United Nations University, is please to offer five bursary places for its 10th International Summer School and roundtable on ‘Evaluating
Research in Divided Societies’. The bursaries are funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The bursaries are specifically available for the Evaluation Module of the Summer School, see http://www.incore. courses/ss/ and to attend the
‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ Roundtable that will follow the Summer School.

The bursaries will help widen participation in the Evaluation Summer School Module, but are also part of the ‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ project which INCORE is undertaking in partnership with the IDRC. The project considers the challenges of evaluating research in violently divided societies, and how different evaluation methodologies could be adapted and utilized to deal with the specific ethical, methodological and practical challenges that research in divided societies presents (see extended notes below).

The bursaries will cover:

1. Summer School fee
2. A return economy class flight from country of current residence to Northern Ireland
3. Accommodation costs (including the nights of 14 June 2009 through to 23 June 2009)
4. Per diem for the week

Successful applicants will be expected to participate fully in and attend:

1. The Summer School Evaluation Module (15-19 June 2009, arriving 14 June)
2. The ‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ Roundtable (22-23 June 2009)

Application Process

To apply for the bursaries applicants must:

* Complete the standard Summer School application process,

http://tinyurl. com/incoress- app
* Then send to school@incore.
o A covering note saying you are applying for the ‘Evaluation bursary’
o A full CV
o A statement (one page maximum) as to why they feel they are suitable for the Summer School event and Roundtable. The motivation should specifically address how the applicant will benefit from attending and what they will do with the knowledge gained. The applicant
should also state how they feel they can contribute to the roundtable. The statement should also briefly mention some of the challenges the applicant sees in ‘evaluating research in divided societies’ o The name, affiliation and contact details (phone and email) of two references.


Please note preference will be given to applicants who are nationals of developing countries, whether based in their country of origin or elsewhere. Second preference will be given to those based in or working in developing country contexts, especially those in or emerging from conflict.


No late applications will be accepted.

* Please send the application electronically to
school@incore., complete Summer School application online
http://tinyurl. com/incoress- app

* Please address any questions about the bursaries to

* All of the above details are also available at
http://tinyurl. com/incoress- bur

Notes: ‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ Project

In spite of the increased funding for research in violently divided societies in recent decades, specific frameworks for the evaluation of this type of research do not exist. Currently, evaluation of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CPPB) interventions in violently divided societies is largely geared towards program evaluation, rather than evaluation of research. Although there are many similarities between CPPB program evaluation and evaluation of research in violently divided societies, the differences between the two, coupled with the fact that this research is often used to inform CPPB programming decisions,
highlight the need for research-specific evaluation frameworks to be developed. Moreover, given the relationship of research to CPPB programming decisions, there is a pressing need to develop research-specific evaluation frameworks if donor organizations are to continue to justify funding CPPB programs and activities. Therefore, through a literature review, commissioned “think-pieces” and a roundtable meeting of practitioners and academics whose expertise lies in the fields in evaluation and in researching violently divided
societies, the proposed project will consider the challenges of evaluating research in violently divided societies, and how different evaluation methodologies could be adapted and utilised to deal with the specific ethical, methodological and practical challenges that research in divided societies presents.

Contact Details

INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute)
University of Ulster, Magee Campus
Aberfoyle House, Northland Road, Derry/Londonderry
Northern Ireland, BT48 7JA
Tel: +44 (0)2871 375500
Fax: +44 (0)2871 375510
Applications: school@incore., queries to b.hamber@ulster.
INCORE: http://www.incore. uk

———— ——— ——-
Dr Brandon Hamber
Director INCORE
University of Ulster
Magee Campus
Aberfoyle House
Northland Road
Northern Ireland
BT48 7JA
Tel: +44 (0)2871 375500 Direct 375460
Mobile: +44 (0)7595087579
Fax: +44 (0)2871 375510
Email (W): b.hamber@ulster.
Email (H) : mail@brandonhamber. com
INCORE: www.incore.ulster.
Personal: www.brandonhamber. com

USA; Post-doctoral Fellowship in Global Health

Yale University and the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies announce a Post-doctoral Fellowship in global health, which is a multidisciplinary program for scholars with a PhD, MD, or equivalent academic preparation.

.We seek to appoint two Postdoctoral Fellows for a renewable one-year position in the field(s) of health services research, health economics, public health and epidemiology, medicine, nursing, chronic or infectious disease, health policy, medical anthropology, medical sociology, political science, or related field.

The program focuses on individuals with previous research training who are beginning their academic careers and seek to conduct primary research and teach in global health or health systems. Scholars are expected to be in residence throughout the term of their appointment and to contribute to the intellectual life of the University. Postdoctoral Fellows will teach one undergraduate or graduate seminar per year. Salary for Post-doctoral Fellows is $55,000 per year.

Yale University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.Yale values diversity among its students, staff and faculty, and strongly encourages applications from women and underrepresented minorities. Send a cover letter (indicating qualifications and plans for research and writing), a curriculum vita, a writing sample, a syllabus of a proposed course, and three letters of reference to the Global Health Program, the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, 34 Hillhouse Avenue, P.O. Box 208206, New Haven, CT 06520-8206. Inquiries may be directed to <>. All application materials must be postmarked by May 1, 2009.

USA; TYLENOL® Scholarship Program 2009

As a company dedicated to helping people feel better, we’re proud to support the future of healthcare with our annual TYLENOL® Scholarship program. Now in its 17th year, the program helps students who are pursuing careers in the healthcare, life sciences, or related fields manage the rising costs of education.

This year, we’ll be awarding $250,000 in scholarships based on leadership qualities and academic performance, including ten $10,000 and thirty $5,000 grants.

Additional scholarship details:

  • Scholarships awarded to students pursuing healthcare-related education at an accredited institution.
  • Ten students will be awarded $10,000 scholarships.
  • Thirty students will receive $5,000 grants.
  • Applications must be received by May 15, 2009. Winners will be selected by July 15, 2009. Funds delivered by August 2009.

Detail :

USA; HRSA Nursing Scholarship Program

Submit Your Application for School Year 2009-2010 by May 14

The Nursing Scholarship Program (NSP or “Nursing Scholarship”) is a competitive Federal program which awards scholarships to individuals for attendance at schools of nursing. The scholarship consists of payment for tuition, fees, other reasonable educational costs, and a monthly support stipend. In return, the students agree to provide a minimum of 2 years of full-time clinical service (or an equivalent part-time commitment, as approved by the NSP) at a health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses.

Nursing Scholarship recipients MUST be willing and are required to fulfill their NSP service commitment at a health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses in the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Territory of Guam, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Territory of American Samoa, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or the Federated States of Micronesia.

Scholarship applicants must be citizens or nationals of the United States (U.S.) to receive Nursing Scholarship awards.

NETHERLAND; PhD scholarships in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology University of Groningen

PhD scholarships in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology at the University of Groningen (Netherlands)

The Groningen Graduate School of Science is offering 25 PhD scholarships. These scholarships provide an internationally competitive level of student support, including four years of funding (ca. 20,000 euros annually) and an individual training budget. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their motivation and academic potential, and will have considerable freedom to develop their own project. A list of suggested topics can be found on our website. Many of these topics are in the areas of evolutionary biology, ecology and behavioural biology.

Located in a lively student city in the northern Netherlands, the University of Groningen ( is renowned for its longstanding tradition of academic excellence and international approach to graduate education. The Centre of Ecological and Evolutionary Studies ( encompasses eight groups, which study ecology and evolution in a broad and integrative way. The research extends from the individual level via the population level to the ecosystem level; from terrestrial systems to oceanography; from micro-organisms to plants and animals. Research methods are also highly diverse, ranging from molecular studies in the lab (ecological and evolutionary genomics) to long-term field studies and theoretical modelling. The centre provides a stimulating research environment, an excellent course programme and modern up-to-date facilities.

Information about the programme and how to apply can be found at:

Application deadline: May 1, 2009

Franz J. Weissing
Professor of Theoretical Biology
Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 9
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
tel: +31-50-363-8669 [or: 2131]
E-mail: f.j.weissing[at]

Belgium : 2 PhD Students Logistics (2 x 2 years)

2 PhD students logistics (2 x 2 years)
(mandate BEDR/2008/014- 015-HO-2)
The Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) is one of the 9 research institutes of Hasselt University. The scientific research within IMOB is concentrated on three core fields: traffic safety, transportation and logistics. The institute organizes the research in traffic safety, within the Policy Research Centre for Mobility & Public Works, track Traffic Safety and researches transportation behaviour by using activity-based models. Besides expertise within public transport, IMOB also gathers knowledge in the research field of logistics and organization of freight transport.
Besides fundamental research, there is an applied research unit that carries out research projects for several clients (EU, federal and regional authorities, local authorities, companies, …). Themes we work on are traffic safety, transportation behaviour, public transport, bike policy, transportation management and freight transport. About 35 researchers are working for IMOB. This researcher will work within the logistics department.

Job description
This Ph. D. research will be carried out within the research programme Logistics of the Transportation Research Institute, more specifically within the domain of freight flows. Candidates will be involved in developing a freight transport model for Flanders.
Ph. D. student 1: Concepts from the sector of freight transport, such as just-in-time and lean production, will have to be integrated in the new model. An extensive data collection is necessary and will precede the actual development of the model. Imperative data are for instance data on individual transport, data on the location of terminals, distribution centers … and data on transport and logistics costs.
Ph. D. student 2: Important decisions, within the framework of this research, that need to be integrated in the model are the size and the frequency of the freight loading, the transport mode and the structure of the transport chain.
Profile and diploma
Applicants should have a Masters degree in Business Engineering, Business Engineering in Computer Science, Applied Economics, Civil Engineering, Informatics, Mathematics, Physics or an equivalent academic college degree. A strong quantitative interest and a thorough knowledge of a computer language are to ones favour.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* prof. dr. Geert Wets, +32-11-26 91 58, geert.wets@uhasselt .be
* An Caris, +32-11-26 91 52, an.caris@uhasselt. be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@ uhasselt. be
You can apply using application forms:
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, May 8th 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be

Austria: PhD Positions in Life Science, University of Vienna

The PhD program Molecular mechanisms of Cell Signaling

Click the link for admission requirements.

Our target group are excellent students from all disciplines of natural and life sciences and medicine who are motivated to pursue their scientific career in an international research environment. The candidates must hold, or be close to obtaining, an undergraduate degree equivalent to a Master, which would enable them to enter a PhD Program in their own country. In general, applicants should not be older than 30 when they apply, although career breaks will be taken into account.

The selection procedure, all training activities, communication, and interaction will be in English, and the participating students are expected to be proficient in English.

Reapplications will not be considered

Deadline for receipt of completed application is May 15, 2009.

Apply online now by clicking here.

Letters of recommendation:
Letters of recommendation are an essential part of your application. These letters should be written by two scientists who are familiar with your academic work and can judge your potential as a PhD student. Please forward this template to your referees and ask them to send a .pdf file of their recommendation, printed on official paper and signed, to registration[ at ]

The name of the candidate should be indicated in the “Subject” line. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the referees write to us before May 15, 2009. Applications lacking letters of recommendation will not be processed.

Selection procedure and admission:
Complete applications will be reviewed by the Program Faculty and other group leaders of the Vienna Biocenter. Short-listed candidates will be invited to visit the Vienna Biocenter for a five-day period of interviews and information exchange, which will take place in June 2009. The successful candidates will be offered admission at the end of the interview period. Travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Source: official announcement

Australia: PhD Positions in Analytical Chemistry Related to Rock Lobster Aquaculture, University of Tasmania

PhD Positions in Analytical Chemistry Related to Rock Lobster Aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Australia


The Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) is a collaborative research centre involving some 50 researchers at the University of Tasmania in Hobart and RMIT University in Melbourne. ACROSS undertakes research over a broad range of topics related to separation science. A description of ACROSS and a copy of the 2007 Annual Report can be accessed at Http://

There currently exists a position to work with this exciting and dynamic research centre on a project with direct relevance to hatchery production of rock lobster seedstock for aquaculture and enhancement with emphasis on ozonation of culture water to reduce disease. ACROSS holds an ARC Linkage grant in collaboration with the Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) on the farming of the rock lobster employing ozonolysis as a method of disinfection of the sea-water. For this grant the role of the APA-I candidate will focus on the ozonation chemistry procedures currently used at TAFI Marine Research Laboratories. Experiments will be conducted to ozonate sea-water under different conditions and new analytical methods based on ion chromatography (IC) will be developed to measure the levels of ozonation by-products (OBPs) at each condition. The instrumentation will be adapted for routine on-line analyses. The larger objective of this study is to develop a theory of ozonation in which component parts can be individually manipulated. Due to the multidimensional nature of the ozonolysis conditions, soft-modelling applications, such as the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN’s) will be employed to derive the optimum ozonolysis conditions producing the minimum levels of harmful OBPs. The successful candidate would be awarded a tax-free APA indexed scholarship of A$20,427 per annum for up to 3.5 years. A relocation assistance allowance may also be available to the successful candidate.

Persons interested in applying for this PhD scholarship should send an expression of interest and a CV directly to Professor Paul Haddad, Director of ACROSS, Private Bag 75, Hobart, TAS, 7001 or by email (paul.haddad[ at ] Further information can also be requested by email or by calling Prof Paul Haddad on (0061)36226-2179.

Norway: PhD Studentship on Using MERIS Full Resolution Data for Improved Monitoring of the Coastal Zone

PhD Studentship on Using MERIS Full Resolution Data for Improved Monitoring of the Coastal Zone, Norway

The Department of Systems Ecology
announces a PhD studentship in Marine Ecology
(Reference number: Dnr 12/2009)

Project description:
This PhD project is aimed at developing remote sensing techniques in optically complex waters using MERIS full resolution data (300 m resolution). The areas in focus are the northwestern Baltic Sea and Lake Vänern.

The main scientific question to answer is whether it is possible to use MERIS full resolution data to evaluate the effect of the nitrogen experiment in Himmerfjärden during 2007-2010, and to evaluate the performance of MERIS full resolution data in Lake Vänern. The PhD project will be conducted within the framework of an externally financed project (Algorithm development and validation of MERIS data over optically complex waters, funded by the Swedish National Space Board and co-funded by ESA) under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Susanne Kratzer.

The student will have the possibility to participate in the PhD training program organized by the Nordic Network for Aquatic Remote Sensing (NordAquaRemS). There will also be an opportunity to collaborate within the ESA MERIS validation team.

The successful candidate should have a first degree in geomatics, physical geography or physical oceanography with emphasis on marine remote sensing. Experience with GIS and working on board a research vessel are clear merits, and the student will be expected to join campaigns onboard ship. A driving licence would be useful for the field work. A clear interest in Baltic Sea ecology and optical theory are absolutely necessary. The successful candidate must have a good command of English (both spoken and written), and good knowledge of Swedish is also of advantage because we also work in collaboration with end-users.

Evaluation criteria for a successful application are:
- A first degree (BSc, Swedish kandidatexamen or equivalent) in a relevant field
- Practical experience related to the research task.
- A solid background in scientific theory, method and analysis of data.
- Your analytical skills should be documented by your thesis (BSc thesis or examensarbete) and can be complemented with an essay or a scientific report.
- The C.V. of the applicant and personal references.
- Gender equality aspects will also be considered.

Nature of employment
After acceptance of the PhD project plan prepared by the student, the student will be awarded a stipend. This stipend will be covered by the externally funded research project. After 2 years, the student is expected to defend his/her licentiate thesis (PhD up-grading). After successful defence of the licentiate, the student will be employed within a PhD position supported by the Department of Systems Ecology (doktorandtjänst). More details about the project can be requested from Dr. Susanne Kratzer
susanne.kratzer[ at ]

Information about postgraduate studies at Stockholm University can be found at:

Information about the PhD training program may be requested from Prof. Sture Hansson,
Sture.Hansson[ at ] . Please contact Barbara Pol, 08-16 42 58 /
barbara[ at ] regarding the rules about PhD stipends (utbildningsbidrag).

Union representatives are Bo Ekengren, SACO, Lars-Åke Säll/ST-ATF and Gunnar Stenberg/SEKO tel 08-162000 (switch board).

Your application for acceptance to the PhD training program (forskarutbildning) should include a letter of intent, curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates and transcripts of academic records (all attested), a list of two persons who may act as referees (with phone numbers and email addresses), and one copy of your undergraduate thesis and articles, if any.

The full application should be labelled ‘PhD-studentship Dnr 12/2009’ and sent to:

Stockholm University
Department of Systems Ecology
Personnel matters/B. Pol
106 91 Stockholm

The application should be postmarked no later than 2 May 2009.

Further information on the web:
Stockholms University:
Stockholm University:

The Department of Systems Ecology:

The handbook for postgraduate students:

Norway: NORAD Master Studies Scholarship 2010 - 2014

Norad’s Programme for Master Studies (NOMA) Scholarship 2010 - 2014, Norway

Call for applications to Norad’s Programme for Master Studies (NOMA) 2010 - 2014

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) invites applications for grants to Master programmes to be conducted in English in the South. The call for applications is presented with reference to the NOMA Agreement between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and SIU, signed on 27 April 2006, extended with an addendum to 2014 and the NOMA Programme Document.

The overall aim of the NOMA is to contribute to the education of staff in all sectors in the following eligible countries: Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Nicaragua, Bolivia and other selected countries through strengthening capacity at the Master level in higher education institutions in the South.

Based on current Norwegian development priorities and identified needs of the cooperating countries in the South, following are the eligible academic fields for the NOMA programme:
- Education
- Environment, economic development and trade
- Gender
- Good governance, democratic development, human rights and migration
- Health
- Oil and Energy
- Peace and Conflict resolution

A Master degree programme eligible for support under the NOMA Programme is defined as full-time workload over two academic year’s equivalent to 120 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

For the period 2010 – 2014, applications for Master programmes are limited to the following categories:

a) Bilateral Master programmes for a period of either two years (one student cohort) or four years (two student cohorts). NOMA funding is limited to maximum NOK 2,25 million for one student cohort and maximum NOK 4,5 million for two student cohorts and includes all relevant supportive activities.

Bilateral Master programmes should be based on cooperation between two partner institutions, one in the South and one in Norway. One academic staff member at each partner institution called project coordinator has the responsibility for planning, implementation and reporting. Bilateral programmes may have apart from the above mentioned, informal or formal cooperation with other institutions, without specific NOMA funding for such cooperation activities.

b) Multilateral Master programmes
for a period of either two years (one student cohort) or four years (two student cohorts).

NOMA funding is limited to maximum NOK 3 million for one student cohort and maximum NOK 6 million for two student cohorts and includes all relevant supportive activities.

Multilateral Master programmes should have two main partner institutions, one in the South and one in Norway but may consist of additional partner institutions both in the South (it is a requirement for multilateral NOMA programmes to have minimum two South partners; one main partner and one additional partner). It may also have additional partner(s) in Norway. The role of additional partners should be clearly stated in the application. Each partner institution must have an academic partner contact person, and must endorse the application before submission.

NB! All programme activities must be finalised within 31.12.2014

Application procedures
A joint application should be submitted online to SIU , no later than 30 June 2009, GMT 1500 hrs.

Applying institutions in the South and Norway must submit a confirmation of their application(s), signed by the Head of their institution, Vice Chancellor/Rector/University Director. The signatures guarantee institutional commitment to support the additional student intake with additional core resources (basic infrastructure, academic staff, administrative services etc.) in order to secure the implementation.

When submitting the application, separate Cover pages will be available for printing by the project coordinators (at UiS and UiN). This document should be printed and duly signed by the project coordinators and heads of the respective departments and the Vice Chancellor/ Rector/University Director or similar. The signed Cover page should be submitted to the NOMA Institutional contact person/NOMA coordinating unit at the institution within 6 July 2009. The institutional contact person/NOMA coordinating unit should submit the signed cover pages to SIU together with the signed prioritised list of applications within 28 August 2009.

Please note that an application is not eligible without the Confirmation Page.

Selection procedures
The NOMA Programme Board will make the final selection of the projects to be supported in October 2009. The selection will be based on the following inputs from different actors;

  • External evaluation by two evaluators – one from the South and one from the North
  • Assessment and ranking made by the applying institutions

Source: official announcement

Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships