INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute) based at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, and associate site of the United Nations University, is please to offer five bursary places for its 10th International Summer School and roundtable on ‘Evaluating
Research in Divided Societies’. The bursaries are funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The bursaries are specifically available for the Evaluation Module of the Summer School, see http://www.incore. ulst.ac.uk/ courses/ss/ and to attend the
‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ Roundtable that will follow the Summer School.
The bursaries will help widen participation in the Evaluation Summer School Module, but are also part of the ‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ project which INCORE is undertaking in partnership with the IDRC. The project considers the challenges of evaluating research in violently divided societies, and how different evaluation methodologies could be adapted and utilized to deal with the specific ethical, methodological and practical challenges that research in divided societies presents (see extended notes below).
The bursaries will cover:
1. Summer School fee
2. A return economy class flight from country of current residence to Northern Ireland
3. Accommodation costs (including the nights of 14 June 2009 through to 23 June 2009)
4. Per diem for the week
Successful applicants will be expected to participate fully in and attend:
1. The Summer School Evaluation Module (15-19 June 2009, arriving 14 June)
2. The ‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ Roundtable (22-23 June 2009)
Application Process
To apply for the bursaries applicants must:
* Complete the standard Summer School application process,
http://tinyurl. com/incoress- app
* Then send to school@incore. ulst.ac.uk:
o A covering note saying you are applying for the ‘Evaluation bursary’
o A full CV
o A statement (one page maximum) as to why they feel they are suitable for the Summer School event and Roundtable. The motivation should specifically address how the applicant will benefit from attending and what they will do with the knowledge gained. The applicant
should also state how they feel they can contribute to the roundtable. The statement should also briefly mention some of the challenges the applicant sees in ‘evaluating research in divided societies’ o The name, affiliation and contact details (phone and email) of two references.
Please note preference will be given to applicants who are nationals of developing countries, whether based in their country of origin or elsewhere. Second preference will be given to those based in or working in developing country contexts, especially those in or emerging from conflict.
No late applications will be accepted.
* Please send the application electronically to
school@incore. ulst.ac.uk, complete Summer School application online
http://tinyurl. com/incoress- app
* Please address any questions about the bursaries to
b.hamber@ulster. ac.uk
* All of the above details are also available at
http://tinyurl. com/incoress- bur
Notes: ‘Evaluating Research in Divided Societies’ Project
In spite of the increased funding for research in violently divided societies in recent decades, specific frameworks for the evaluation of this type of research do not exist. Currently, evaluation of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CPPB) interventions in violently divided societies is largely geared towards program evaluation, rather than evaluation of research. Although there are many similarities between CPPB program evaluation and evaluation of research in violently divided societies, the differences between the two, coupled with the fact that this research is often used to inform CPPB programming decisions,
highlight the need for research-specific evaluation frameworks to be developed. Moreover, given the relationship of research to CPPB programming decisions, there is a pressing need to develop research-specific evaluation frameworks if donor organizations are to continue to justify funding CPPB programs and activities. Therefore, through a literature review, commissioned “think-pieces” and a roundtable meeting of practitioners and academics whose expertise lies in the fields in evaluation and in researching violently divided
societies, the proposed project will consider the challenges of evaluating research in violently divided societies, and how different evaluation methodologies could be adapted and utilised to deal with the specific ethical, methodological and practical challenges that research in divided societies presents.
Contact Details
INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute)
University of Ulster, Magee Campus
Aberfoyle House, Northland Road, Derry/Londonderry
Northern Ireland, BT48 7JA
Tel: +44 (0)2871 375500
Fax: +44 (0)2871 375510
Applications: school@incore. ulst.ac.uk, queries to b.hamber@ulster. ac.uk
INCORE: http://www.incore. ulster.ac. uk
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Dr Brandon Hamber
Director INCORE
University of Ulster
Magee Campus
Aberfoyle House
Northland Road
Northern Ireland
BT48 7JA
Tel: +44 (0)2871 375500 Direct 375460
Mobile: +44 (0)7595087579
Fax: +44 (0)2871 375510
Email (W): b.hamber@ulster. ac.uk
Email (H) : mail@brandonhamber. com
INCORE: www.incore.ulster. ac.uk
Personal: www.brandonhamber. com