

[Denmark] PhD Scholarships in Economics or Business Administration at Syddansk Universitet

Applications are invited for a number of PhD scholarships at the Department of Business and Economics, to be filled as soon as possible. The place of work will be in Odense.
The department carries out research in the following areas:
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Econometrics
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Management Science
As part of the PhD programme, an individual education programme within the field of Economics or Business Administration has to be completed. You will be expected to complete a six-month stay at a research institution abroad and, over the period of the programme, to acquire experience of teaching or other types of presentation. You are also expected to participate in the various activities in the department and – apart from your stay abroad – to be routinely present at the department.
The scholarships are available to students who wish to enter the PhD programme in Economics or Business Administration, in the framework of either the 5+3 programme or the 4+4 programme. A 5+3 PhD scholarship is granted to applicants who have completed an MSc in Economics, Mathematics and Economics, Business Administration or similar. The scholarship runs for three years. A scholarship in the 4+4 programme is given to applicants who have passed the fourth year of their Master’s programme or the equivalent. The scholarship runs for a period of four years. For the first two years you will be enrolled in the PhD programme and the Master’s programme parallel to each other. During that period your pay will consist of a combination of SU student grants and salary for job assignments. After obtaining the Master’s Degree, you will enter into a salaried PhD scholarship. Pay and conditions of employment will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations).
Information about the PhD programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, is available from
Further information can be obtained from Head of Department, Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, tel. +45 6550 2109, e-mail:
Application, salary, etc.:
Your employment as a Salaried PhD Research Fellow is governed by the agreement of October 1, 2008 on Graduate Employees in government appendix 5 – protocol on PhD Research Fellows.
Fill in the application form available on our web page under the section Application forms for enrolment. Here you also find guidelines for preparing your project proposal. Furthermore you should submit certified copy of diploma for academic degrees including examination results, CV, project description, information on teaching experience or other forms of knowledge communication and if relevant a list of publications.
All interested persons are encouraged to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background.
Please submit 5 copies of your application marked “Position No. 351/526-095681” including curriculum vitae, project description (1-3 pages), copy of diplomas and publications if any, to the University of Southern Denmark, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark. The application must reach the University not later than December 3, 2009, at 12.00 noon.
Closing date 3 December, 2009 at 12 noon
Location: Odense
Mark application Job ID 351/526-095681 and send it to:
Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultetssekretariat
Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M
For further details please open the following link:

[Europe] The European Doctoral in Law and Economics: Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2010

The European Doctorate in Law and Economics (EDLE) is a joint international doctoral programme of three European universities with outstanding expertise in the field of Law and Economics:
  • Bologna University, Italy
  • Rotterdam University, Netherlands
  • Hamburg University, Germany
The European Doctorate in Law and Economics offers the unique opportunity to study Law and Economics on a phd-level in three different countries. Research topics of the EDLE are chosen within the general theme of ‘Tensions between efficiency and other goals of general interest’. The programme prepares both, economists and lawyers, for an academic career in a research field of growing importance.
Scholarships and Admission
Who Can Apply?
Admission to the programme is open to applicants with a diploma or a bachelor and master degree in law or economics, or a comparable university degree (second cycle qualification) required by the partner universities for admission to doctoral studies.
EDLE is a structured programme in the economic analysis of law on a doctoral level. Therefore, a thorough previous knowledge in the field of law and economics is required, as well as basic knowledge of microeconomics and calculus. If you lack specific knowledge on the economic analysis of law, you should consider applying for the EMLE programme, where this knowledge can be acquired
For the academic year 2010-2011, 16 scholarships are available:
  • 10 scholarships are provided by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus scheme (6 for Category A and 4 for Category B),
  • 6 by the partner universities (University of Bologna, Hamburg Institute of Law and Economics, Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics).
Mundus Category A scholarships are reserved to applicants who: i) do not come from an “EU-area” country (EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Switzerland); and ii) are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for a period equal or longer than a total of 12 months over the last five years in “EU-area” countries. This rule does not apply to non “EU-area” candidates who have previously received an Erasmus Mundus scholarship in order to follow an Erasmus Mundus Master Programme.
Mundus Category B scholarships are reserved to applicants who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.
Mundus scholarships provide a gross income of Euro 33,600 per year, for 3 years. This roughly amounts to a net income of Euro 1600 per month.
On top of the monthly salary, Mundus scholars benefit from a fixed contribution to the travel, installation and any other types of costs for a maximum of Euro 7500 (Cat. A) or Euro 3000 (Cat B.).
Beneficiaries of Mundus scholarships will enter a full-time employment contract with the University of Bologna. Individuals who have already benefited from an Mundus doctoral scholarship are not eligible for a second grant. Mundus scholars cannot benefit from other Community grants while carrying out their doctoral activities.
The scholarships offered by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam provide a gross income of approx. €25,000 per year, for 4 years (net income of about Euro 1400 per month); those offered by the University of Bologna approx. € 13.638,47 (gross) per year for 3 years (net income of about € 1038,61), with an additional 50% increase for the periods of research spent abroad (up to 18 months total). The scholarships offered by the University of Hamburg amounts to approx. €13,200 per year for 3 years (net monthly amount € 930 after insurance deduction).
Scholarships of the different types will be awarded according to merit.
Tuition Fees
For the Academic Year 2010/2011 tuition fees amount to Euro 3,600 per year. The scholarships listed above also cover the tuition fees.
Applications are submitted online and must include the following documents:
1) CV with information on academic, professional and other education (Europass model),
2) official transcripts of previous degrees (in English),
3) two reference letters,
4) a letter of motivation with a prospective research proposal and,
5) a certificate of English proficiency (FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, British Chamber of Commerce, Trinity College, TOEFL, IELTS) in case the applicant’s native language is not English. Applicants who have attended, for a period of at least 6 months, to university courses held in English do not need to submit the certificate,
6) academic work, if available (at most two papers),
7) copy of valid ID.
The deadline for applications is:
  • 31 December 2009 for Mundus Category A Scholarships
  • 30 April 2010 for all other applicants.
Applications can only be submitted online from 2 November, 2009 to 31 December 2009 (Mundus Category A), and from 1st March 2010 to 30 April 2010 (all others).
Applicants will be selected on the basis of their academic merit and their capability of carrying out high-level scientific research activity in the field of the economic analysis of law, and in compliance with Mundus regulations. Good knowledge of English is a prerequisite.
In order to acquire additional information, the Selection Commission may interview short-listed applicants. The consortium follows a non-discrimination admission policy.
Mundus Category A applicants who fail to obtain the Mundus scholarships will be considered for the other scholarships offered by the consortium. Thus, Non EU-Area citizens do not need to submit their application twice.
For furthr details please open the following link:

[Belgium] CUD Master Scholarship 2010 in Microfinance

The European Master in Microfinance is directed at students who want to obtain a specialisation in microfinance and acquire expertise by working in a developing country.
It provides students with a multidisciplinary approach to the challenges facing the microfinance sector today.
It offers the combined expertise of academics and experts working in the field. Academics from three leading universities and practitioners from non-governmental organisations have collaborated to launch this joint programme.
Deadline: February 15, 2010
The programme lasts one year (60 ects) and each of three partner universities will deliver 3 to 4 lectures.
The programme unfolds in 3 periods :
  • September to January : Introduction to financial management, microfinance from conception to management, monetary policy and microfinance, contracting and microfinance products, public policy in microfinance, microfinance and societies, introduction to rural development.
  • February to April : 2 specialisation options :
    • Financing and management of microfinance : Topics in microfinance, case studies in microfinance, assessment of microfinance, development and ethics
    • Rural microfinance (for Erasmus students,Wageningen Universiteit) :
      Rural institutions and economic development, microfinance and marketing in developing
      countries; 1 optional course
  • May to September : Students will complete a 2 to 4 months field internship preferably at microfinance institutions in developing countries
The course (all in English) take place 4 times a week from 6 pm to 9 pm. Sometimes, courses will take place on Saturday from 9.00 am to 12:00 am. and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Conditions of admission
  • Applicants must already possess a master degree (BAC+5) in one of the following disciplines : development cooperation, economics, agronomy, management and finance. Exceptionnally, other qualifications may be accepted.
  • Applicants must possess considerable field experience in developing countries.
Scholarships available: 12
Duration of the course : one year (starting : mid – September 2010)
Language of the course: English
Organising universities
L’Université de Mons- Faculté Warocqué d’Economie et de Gestion
Lecturer in charge : Mr. Marc LABIE
L’Université Libre de Bruxelles -Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM)
Lecturers in charge : Mrs. Ariane SZAFARZ and Mr. Marek HUDON
In Collaboration with :
L’Université Paris-Dauphine (France)
Wageningen Universiteit (The Netherlands)
and SOS Faim, CERISE, ADA, PlaNet Finance Belgique
(for additionnal information)
M. Thibaut LEJEUNE
Centre Emile Bernheim – Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM)
ULB CP 145/01
Avenue F-D. Roosevelt, 50 – 1050 Bruxelles – Belgique
Tél : +32 2 650 48 69
Fax : +32 2 650 41 88
website :
For further details please open the following link:

[Europe] Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarship 2010 in Transnational Trade Law and Finance

The European Master’s in Transnational Trade Law and Finance (EMTTLF) has been selected by the European Commission among the Erasmus Mundus masters courses for five years. This implies that the European Commission will grant scholarships to highly qualified third-country graduate students to follow the EMTTLF Masters Course.
Participation in the European Master in Transnational Trade Law and Finance is open to graduate students of Law, Business Administration and related fields and lawyers of all nationalities. Enrolment numbers are limited and admission is based on merit.
Requirements and selection criteria
Admission may be granted to applicants who meet the following criteria:
  • Candidates must be have completed at least a good level first cycle degree in a discipline related to Law and Business Administration (ILF accepts only Law, Economics or Business Administration graduates).
  • The Course seeks those who demonstrate a proven interest in issues of Transnational law and finance and/or have related international work experience.
  • Candidates are required to have a recognized qualification in the languages of instruction of the university that they plan to attend. Applicants will have to enclose the documentation attesting their level of English (TOEFL test results 580* or IELTS 6.5) or French (DELF, DALF or other diploma), if they apply for the Strasbourg Track. Check the “TOEFL Internet Based Test score comparison”.
  • Study mobility periods abroad and practical experience in European and/or international organizations and institutions is valued.
  • Selection criteria include motivation, academic qualifications, languages skills, research experience, and professional experience.
N.B. If you are applying for a Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, please, note that as of the academic year 2009/2010, the number of applications is limited to three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses maximum, i.e., if you apply to more than three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses, you will be automatically excluded from the selection process of all of them.
* The ILF requires TOEFL test results 600.
  1. Check the Application form on-line to see how you have to proceed in order to upload the files (.doc, .jpg, .pdf) with all the necessary documentation.
  2. Make electronic copies in .doc, .jpg or .pdf format (preferably in .pdf – note that .docx files are not accepted) of the requested documentation and make sure that none of the files exceed 1Mb (1Mb = 1024 Kb is the maximum sized allowed per file, if you try to upload a heavier file the system will not be able to process your application and you will have to re-start typing all the requested information). If you use shareware, beta or trial versions software, please try to minimize any watermarks.
  3. Complete the Application form on-line. Please, take your time and review all the information that you provide us before clicking on “Save”). You will receive an email of confirmation. Keep it.
  4. Pre-selected candidates will be contacted to send via ordinary mail the original hard copies of the certificates and the documentation uploaded in their application forms on-line to the following postal address:
EMTTLF Secretariat
School of Law, University of Deusto
Avda. de las Universidades 24
E-48007 Bilbao (SPAIN)
It is strongly recommended that you send your application by means that provide you with proof of dispatch (registered post, express courier, etc.).
Applicants MUST include in their on-line applications the following documents:
  • Copy of the applicant’s passport.
  • Academic credentials, with a copy of diploma (if this document is not in English then it must be officially translated) and, if available, diploma supplement.
  • Certified copies of academic transcripts.
  • Academic and/or professional CV.
  • Letter of motivation (type your motivation letter in the “Personal Statement Section” within the Application form on-line).
  • Original English proficiency test: TOEFL test results 580 or IELTS 6.5 (the ILF requires TOEFL test results 600). Please, note that a certain time is needed to pass TOELF or ILTS exams. Note that nationals of countries which official language is English (including the USA) are exempted of this requirement. Besides, university degrees (only Bachelor or equivalent undergraduate studies of at least 180 ECTS) obtained in a country where English is the official language by applicants for whom English is not the first language may be accepted instead of the approved IELTS/TOEFL score. Check the FAQ.
  • Copy of any other language Diploma (e.g. the French DELF or DALF Diploma).
  • 2 reference letters.
Pre-selected candidates MUST send by ordinary post, besides the original hard copies of the previous documents:
  • 1 copy of your on-line Application Form (remember to print a second copy for your own records).
  • 2 passport-sized photos (one glued to the application form in the appropriate place, the other with the applicant’s name and application No. in the back side).
  • Any other documentation uploaded in your application form on-line.
Pre-selected candidates will be contacted to send via ordinary mail the original documents of the requested information.
  • Candidates applying for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship MUST complete the application on-line no later than JANUARY 31st 2010 (0:00 GMT).
  • Other candidates: MAY 31st 2010 (0:00 GMT).
Foreseeable dates for decisions on applications
  • Candidates applying for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship MARCH 2010.
  • Other candidates: JUNE 2010.
The European Master’s in Transnational Trade Law and Finance (EMTTLF) has been selected by the European Commission among the Erasmus Mundus masters courses for five years. This implies that the European Commission will grant scholarships to highly qualified third-country graduate students to follow the EMTTLF Masters Course.
Number of Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
As for the third edition of this Master (2010-2012), the EMTTLF Consortium will award around 17 Erasmus Mundus Scholarships to highly qualified third-country graduate students.
Third-country graduate student means:
  • a national of a third country other than those from EEA-EFTA States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and candidate countries for accession to the European Union (presently Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey);
  • who has already obtained a first higher education degree;
  • who is not a resident of any of the Member States or the participating countries (EEA-EFTA States and EU candidate countries for accession);
  • who has not carried out his or her main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the Member States or the participating countries.
Important notice
Please note that as of the current academic year the number of applications by third country students must be limited to three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses maximum, i.e., if you apply to more than three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses, you will be automatically excluded from the selection process for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.
In addition, only individuals who have not previously benefitted from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship are eligible to apply. Applicants are asked to sign a declaration confirming that they have not previously received an Erasmus Mundus scholarship in the Scholarship Application Form.
Western Balkans and Turkey Window
In addition to the scholarships financed under the Erasmus Mundus programme, it is expected a limited number of additional student scholarships will be available for the 2010/11 academic year via a specific regional window for students from the Western Balkans and Turkey.
The total number of additional scholarships for students coming from the Western Balkans and Turkey will be up to 140 (for all the Erasmus Mundus Programmes included in the Old Action 2).
The following countries will be covered by the “Western Balkans and Turkey Window”: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, as well as the three candidate countries, namely Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey.
Each grantee will receive 1,600 € each month for living costs during the months of duration of the program (1 academic year = 10 months) plus a fixed amount of 10,000 € to be paid in two installments of 5,000 € each per year. In order to facilitate the management of the transfer of the lump sum and the registration fee and to reduce costs for money transfer students can authorize the EMTTLF Consortium to deduct the registration fee from the lump sum.
For more information about the grants, please consult the official website of Erasmus Mundus (and the Frequently Asked Questions –FAQ- section)
Nota Bene: please note that the information herein is subject to the formal adoption of the second phase of the Erasmus Mundus Programme and of its specific 2010 work Programme (both scheduled for January 2010).

Asian Graduate Student Fellowships 2010, Singapore

The Asia Research Institute of NUS invites applications from citizens of Asian countries enrolled for a fulltime advanced degree at a university in an Asian country (except Singapore) for consideration for the award of Asian Graduate Student Fellowships. These fellowships are offered to current graduate students doing their Master’s or PhD degrees and working in the Humanities and Social Sciences on Southeast Asian topics, and will allow the recipients to be based at NUS for an ‘in residence fellowship’ for a period of three months. The aim of the fellowship is to enable scholars to make full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Scholars will be expected to commence on 3 May 2010, and to make a presentation on their work at the Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies at the end of July 2010.

Successful candidates can expect the following benefits:

1) A monthly allowance of SGD1,000.
2) A monthly housing allowance of SGD250.
3) A settling-in allowance of SGD150.
4) A sum of $100 on a reimbursement basis for miscellaneous expenses
5) A one-time round trip travel subsidy by the most economical and direct route on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for the fellowship.
6) Access to library and computer resources on campus.

Applicants are invited to e-mail/facsimile/mail their application forms (CLICK HERE), a 2-page outline of their research proposal in English (this may be accompanied by a longer statement in a Southeast Asian language) to the address below by 15 November 2009. Arrangements should also be made by which at least two letters of reference, one of which is from your principal supervisor, are sent confidentially to the same address by the same deadline.

The 2-page research proposal must include the following details:

1) Whether the data collection or fieldwork stage of the research has already been completed;
2) how the fellowship will contribute to the research;
3) the types of sources to be consulted in Singapore;
4) proposed work plan during the fellowship.

You can look forward to excellent library and internet computer facilities at NUS’ main library (, the library at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) ( and the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library at the National Library ( to facilitate your research for the dissertation. NUS’ main library has 2 million volumes covering all topics while ISEAS’ library has 200,000 on Southeast Asian topics, half of which are in Southeast Asian languages.

Asia Research Institute
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
469A Tower Block #10-01
Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770
E-mail :
Fax: 65 67791428

MSc and MPhil/PhD Economics Scholarships 2010-11

This year, as in recent years, Staffordshire University together with the Open Society Institute and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (UK Government) are offering a number of scholarships for qualified graduates from selected South East European countries. There will be 10 scholarships for candidates from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro to study on the MSc in Economics for Business Analysis programme. There will also be 5 scholarships for graduates from Albania,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro for the PhD in Economics programme (distance learning mode).

Details of the scholarships can be found on the Business School’s website at:

Thank you for your assistance.

Kind Regards
Jenny Herbert
International Links Administrator
Business School
Staffordshire University
Leek Road

Tel: 00 44 (0)1782 294065
Fax: 00 44 (0)1782 294340
E-mail J.Herbert@staffs.

PhD Position in Applied Mathematics, Vienna University of Technology

Ph.D. student and postdoc positions

We are looking for a Ph.D. student and a postdoc for the FWF Project Cross-diffusion in chemotaxis and tumor growth models, financed for three years. The Ph.D. candidate should have a diploma or master in Mathematics with a good knowledge in the analysis and/or numerical approximation of partial differential equations. The postdoc should have a qualified Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and a good research record. Both candidates are expected to be interested in mathematical questions concerning mathematical biology. The salary is according to the standards of the Austrian Science Fund FWF, see here for the salaries (in German).

Interested candidates should send their application (CV, diploma/Ph.D. copies, references etc.) preferrably by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel, juengel(AT)anum. at, before November 10, 2009 (postdoc position) and before November 31, 2009 (Ph.D. student position). The Vienna University of Technology aims to enlarge the number of female scientists. Therefore, female graduates and female postdocs are particularly encouraged to apply.

For questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel, juengel(AT)anum. at.

website link:

6 PhD Scholarships in Finance, Vienna Graduate School of Finance

The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) invites excellent students to apply for the PhD Program in Finance starting in fall 2010. Up to six scholarships will be offered to the best applicants.

The program is open for students from all countries with all academic specializations, provided they hold a Master degree or equivalent and have sufficient level of formal training. Students who are going to graduate soon (by June 2010) may apply, too. To participate in the selection process a candidate's application must be received by January 7, 2010 (Online Application) .

The VGSF PhD program in Finance consists of two parts: rigorous coursework and work on the PhD thesis. The students attend courses covering all major topics in finance and analytical methods required for research. In particular, the courses focus on Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing and Quantitative Methods in Finance. In the past academic years students had the chance to attend courses taught by international scholars such as Tomas Björk, Christopher Hennessy, David Lando, Jacob Sagi, Rossen Valkanov, Jiang Wang and Toni Whited. After passing the required exams, students start to conduct research projects on their own. In our weekly research seminar students have the opportunity to meet internationally renowned scholars presenting their state-of-the art research.

For further information on the PhD program and the application please visit our website:

Post-doctoral Research Officer-Politicisation of Migration in Europe

Job Purpose and Management

Project Title:Support and Opposition to Migration: a Cross National Comparison of the Politicisation of Migration (in Europe)

Project Supervisor:Professo r Roger Eatwell (ESML and Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences)

This is a European Union 7th Framework Programme funded post, based in the Department of European Studies and Modern Languages. The project brings together researchers in the Universities of: Amsterdam; Bath; Brussels; Trinity College Dublin; Manchester; Neuchâtel; and Vienna. Each is responsible for studying developments in their home country, except for Manchester which covers Spain, though an important aspect of the project is to develop comparative insights/theory. Thus the person who holds the post in Bath will focus empirically mainly on developments in Britain. Overall, it is also intended that the project will develop research and ideas for dissemination to public policy makers in the UK, the European Union, and more widely.

The Post-Doctoral Research Officer appointed in Bath will help produce a variety of work packages relating to issues such as the demographics of British immigration, legal and policy issues relating to immigration, and media coverage of immigration and related issues. There will be a particular focus on analysing Political and Discursive Opportunity Structures (POS and DOS), though overall the study will test a variety of demand and supply side hypotheses.

As well as coming into contact with the broader team of researchers (including other post-docs) on this project, the person appointed will be working within the Department of European Studies and Modern Languages at Bath, which has notable expertise in fields such as extreme right parties and immigration. It should offer the opportunity for developing publications both individually, and collectively.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

1. To become familiar with the background literature on the broad issue of migration and politics in Europe, especially Britain, and to gather further information from the literature and web sites.

2. To undertake empirical work on the project as specified by the Bath PI/the work packages described in the general grant bid using a variety of standard social science methods. The main activities in this context include: the collection of statistics on immigration; collecting information on Political Opportunity Structures; collecting and helping to code newspaper content on immigration- related issues; collection of opinion poll material on relevant issues; analysing interviews with key informants.

3. To write first drafts of work package reports, and other material directly related to the project.

4. To assist the PI with project management (organising meetings, corresponding with the partners).

5. To undertake any other duties as appropriate within their competence, as required by the PI, and/or the Head of Department from time to time.

DEADLINE for applications: 16th November 2009.
More information:

MIT Visual Arts Program || Program in Art, Culture and Technology

The MIT Visual Arts Program / Program in Art, Culture and Technology seeks committed, inquisitive and creative students for the 2010-2011 academic year. This selective two-year program grants successful participants a Master of Science in Visual Studies (SMVisS) degree. The program focuses on researched-based artistic practice, advanced visual studies and experimentation, and offers opportunities for transdisciplinary relationships with other programs and labs at MIT. 

The Program

The MIT Visual Arts Program—which will be renamed the "Program in Art, Culture and Technology (ACT)" in Spring 2010—operates as a critical production- and education-based laboratory focusing on artistic research, advanced visual studies, and transdisciplinary collaboration within the context of MIT's technological community. The program explores the role of art, culture, and technology in society and considers artistic practice to be knowledge production. The emphasis is on how cultural and artistic practices critically engage science and technology and envision their transformation. The curriculum includes courses in the "Production of Space," "Interrogative Design," "Networked Cultures," and "Contemporary Curatorial Practice" among others. Collaborative and individual investigations include performance, sound and video, photography, experimental media addressing context and display, and the interplay of old and new genres that intersect with technology. The exchange and collaboration with ACT faculty and research fellows is essential to the program, and is supplemented by encounters with visiting artists and critics, conferences, workshops, and screenings. The program hosts a weekly lecture series of artists, urbanists, and scholars from a broad range of disciplines from the campus, the region and from around the world. The series is part of the vibrant exchange of ideas that is a hallmark of the program and the campus.

The Faculty Instructors are world-renowned with active, international careers and a strong interest in transdisciplinary debate, research, and modes of production. Program Director and Associate Professor Ute Meta Bauer directed SITAC VI 2008 in Mexico City and was Artistic Director of the 3rd berlin biennial for contemporary art. Professor Krzysztof Wodiczko is the Director of The Interrogative Design Group at MIT and represented his native Poland at the Venice Biennale in 2009 and currently is exhibiting at Boston's Institute of Contemporary Art. Professor Joan Jonas is a video and performance pioneer and recent recipient of the Guggenheim Lifetime Achievement Award for extraordinary contributions to contemporary art. Associate Professor Gediminas Urbonas, along with Nomeda Urbonas, was awarded Honorable Mention for the Lithuanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2007. Visiting Professor Antoni Muntadas was the recipient of the 2009 Velázquez Prize from the Spanish Culture Ministry. Le cturers Andrea Frank (Photography) , Amber Frid-Jimenez (Participatory Media), Joe Gibbons (Video), Wendy Jacob (Autism Studio), and Oliver Lutz (Multi-Media) are prominent practitioners in their fields.

Artists and cultural producers with diverse backgrounds and experience who are interested in innovative transdisciplinary artistic practice and collaborative and individual research at the intersection of art, culture, and technology are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted through the Admissions Office of the MIT Department of Architecture. The application deadline is December 15, 2009. Portfolios should be submitted on CD or DVD (consult website for details) and will be accepted until January 4, 2010.

Applicants are encouraged to seek additional resources and funding. See or contact Robbin Chapman, Manager of Diversity Recruitment, at rchapman@mit. edu.

How to apply:

About the program:

Planning your visit to MIT: 

Scholarships for Full-Time MBA, Berlin, Germany

* Special scholarships for outstanding female candidates
* Partner companies funding scholarships for applicants of exceptional merit
* 3 Corporate Fellowships with traineeships at international corporations for qualified candidates


European School of Management and Technology is offering several
additional merit-based scholarships for applicants to the Full-time MBA program beginning January 2010 in Berlin. These scholarships have been made possible by ESMT’s partner companies, who have donated to the scholarship pool. Outstanding female candidates may also apply for a limited number of full-tuition scholarships. ESMT’s partners are a group of 25 global companies, such as Allianz, BMW, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, MAN, Siemens, The Boston Consulting Group, and ThyssenKrupp.

All accepted applicants to the ESMT Full-time MBA program are screened for scholarship selection. Applications will be accepted until early December 2009.


Kristin Dolgner, Tel.: +49 (0)30 21231-1066, kristin.dolgner@
Martha Ihlbrock, Tel.: +49 (0)30 21231-1043, martha.ihlbrock@

About ESMT


European School of Management and Technology was founded in October 2002 by 25 leading global companies and institutions. The international business school offers Full-time MBA and Executive MBA programs, as well as executive education in the form of open enrollment and customized programs. The School also features in-house research-oriented consulting services in the areas of competition and regulation. ESMT is a private university based in Berlin, Germany, with an additional location in Schloss Gracht near Cologne.

Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships