

Master/PhD Gates Cambridge Scholarships 2011 For Outside UK Students

Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students from outside the UK to study at the University of Cambridge. The programme aims to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others.

Applications for 2011 are now open!

Application material for Gates Cambridge Scholarships and graduate admission to the University of Cambridge for 2011-12 entry is now available from the University’s Graduate Studies Prospectus.

Most applicants will apply simultaneously for graduate admission to the University of Cambridge and for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship using one application form (GRADSAF). As well as the GRADSAF form, applicants must also submit supporting documentation (e.g. three references, transcripts and any other material required by the University). Full details are available from the Graduate Studies Prospectus.

Applicants for the MBA and MFin programmes run by the Judge Business School should see these websites for information about how to apply for admission and a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

Before submitting an application all applicants are strongly encouraged to read through the entire ‘apply’ section of this website.

Please note:

* The Trust no longer offers scholarships for a second undergraduate degree.
* The Trust does not admit or place scholars.

Who is Eligible

Candidates for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship:

may be citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.
may apply to study any subject available at the University of Cambridge.
may apply to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study:
PhD (three year research-only degree)
One year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
MSc or MLitt (two year research-only degree)
MBBChir Clinical Studies (four year postgraduate degree)
must be admitted to one of the degrees above at Cambridge through the University’s normal admission procedures. The Trust does not admit students.
must be well prepared for the Cambridge course for which they are applying and must meet all of the conditions for admission specified by the University (e.g. academic, English language proficiency, if required, and any other conditions set).
must be able to show evidence of high academic achievement, leadership potential, social commitment and a good fit with Cambridge.
who are already studying at Cambridge are only eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if they are applying for a new course of study (e.g. a one year ‘MPhil only’ student may apply for funding to continue on to the PhD). Candidates already studying at Cambridge who are not applying for a new course of study (e.g. have already started their PhD) are not eligible to be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
The Ideal Candidate

There is no one template for a Gates Scholar: each scholar is different and brings something unique to the programme.

However, when selecting Gates Scholars, the Trust looks for students with enthusiasm, robustness of intellect, a willingness to engage and an appropriate humility that comes from an awareness that nothing is ever really simple.

In particular, Gates Scholars will be driven by the values of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which include a commitment to reducing inequities and improving lives around the world. The Foundation’s mission is to increase opportunity and equity for those most in need, particularly in the areas of health and education, often through the use of science and technology.

The Trust expects a good match to be made between the applicant’s qualifications and aspirations and what Cambridge has to offer. Successful applicants will have the ability to make a significant contribution to their discipline while in Cambridge, with a strong aptitude for research, analysis and a creative approach to defining and solving problems.


A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge, namely:

the University Composition Fee and College fees at the appropriate rate*
a maintenance allowance for a single student (£12, 500 for 12 months at the 2009-10 rate; pro rata for courses shorter then 12 months)
one economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course
A discretionary contribution towards the costs of supporting dependants at Cambridge (upon application).
Once in residence, Gates Scholars may apply for financial help with the costs of attending conferences, undertaking fieldwork and other activities.

*The University Composition Fee varies for different types of students and applicants should see the Graduate Studies Prospectus for full details about precise amounts. Where a student from the European Union has been successful in gaining a fees award from public authorities, the Trust will not pay these fees.

Application Timetable

There are two application cycles: one for US citizens and one for non-US citizens.

What stage? USA Non USA
Application deadline 15 October 2010 1 December 2010
Departmental ranking November February
Trust shortlisting Mid-December Early March
Shortlisted candidates invited to interview Mid-December Early March
Interviews Early February Late March
Scholarships offered Early February Late March
NB: US citizens who are already at studying at the University of Cambridge may apply the later deadline of 1 December.

For further details and application go to:

PhD Studentships in Economics at University of Otago, New Zealand

The Department of Economics of the University of Otago in New Zealand is expanding its PhD programme and invites applications for Ph.D. Studentships (Scholarships). Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit. Please note that in order to be considered for a scholarship, the absolute minimum required is an “A-” grade average, aside from other academic achievements. The University of Otago is New Zealand’s leading research university. In the most recent national research evaluation exercise (PBRF) – equivalent to the British RAE and the Australian ERA – Otago was ranked first in Economics and first overall.

Applications are considered throughout the year.

Each Scholarship will pay university tuition fees and in addition a living allowance of NZ $20,000 per annum for up to three years, for a total of NZ $60.000. Additional income from research assistance and/or tutoring may be available.

Information on the relative cost of living in New Zealand is available at

The normal period of study is three years. Applicants should have completed at least four years of university study in Economics, and hold an Honours or Masters degree, with excellent grades, which includes a research component. The PhD programme at Otago is by research only, that is, it does not include any course work. We expect that you will have taken courses equivalent to our own honours programme, which includes advanced courses in micro- and macroeconomic theory and in econometrics. The fact that the Otago PhD does not include course work means that you need to have obtained the skills (either theoretical, empirical or both) required for your proposed research before coming to Otago. In addition, it is assumed that you have good written English skills.

If you would like feedback on whether you may qualify for a scholarship, please email a CV, copies of your academic transcripts, showing the courses you have taken and the grades you obtained, plus a 2 to 3 page research proposal, that clearly sets out the hypothesis you wish to test, the methodology you will use to test the hypothesis, and how your research will extend the existing literature to:

Professor Alfred A. Haug
Director of Postgraduate Studies
Department of Economics
University of Otago

For more information on the PhD programme, please consult the Department’s website at

University of Surrey PhD Studentship in Economics

The Department of Economics, a dynamic and academically successful unit, is now looking to recruit two highly motivated PhD students (UK/EU applicants only) for a three year period (subject to satisfactory annual performance) from October 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Vacancy Ref: 7806
Vacancy Title: PhD Studentship – Competition 2010
Department: Department of Economics
Job Family: Research and Teaching

The Department is one of the UK’s leading academic centres for Economics, with an international reputation for both research and teaching at all levels. The successful applicant will registrar for a PhD and be required to teach up to a maximum of 180 hours a year. The fees for the PhD will be paid by the department and the student will also receive a bursary of £10,800 per annum (includes teaching support element of up to 180 hours) along with receive research support of £200 per annum.

The successful candidate will have a good first degree in economics and have (or be expected to attain) a good (merit or above) Masters Degree in economics. Candidates will also have strong research potential and be willing to pursue research in an area consistent with the current research interests and expertise of the department. In addition, the individual will have the skills necessary to undertake undergraduate tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions across the whole spectrum of economics.

Applications must be made in the form of an application form (available at You should also supply a CV along with a two page research proposal together with the names and addresses of two academic referees.

Application Deadline: 27th September 2010

Further scholarship information and Application:

PhD Positions in Statistics at Padova University, Italy

Seven PhD positions are available for candidates interested in the area of Statistical Sciences. The seven positions for the PhD School in Statistics are covered by scholarships of euros 13.638,47 per year for a total of 3 years. In detail, 6 positions are supported by scholarship from the University of Padova;

1 position is supported by scholarship from Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo on the subject “Innovation diffusion processes: diachronic competition, interpersonal communication, and networks” (supervisor Prof. Renato Guseo);
Two more positions are available without scholarship, for students who would like to attend the School and have funding from other sources.
Admission to the PhD School in Statistics will be decided on the basis of qualifications only and does not require an entry examination.

Announcement for admission to PhD Schools of Padova University has been published at the University website

on September 3rd, 2010, with deadline on October 4th, 2010. Please note that documentation has to be received by the University within the deadline.

For further information, please see or contact

SUFONAMA Master Scholarships 2011 in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management

The MSc programme in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA) is a two-year world-class integrated programme aimed at qualifying graduates to deal with the enormous challenge in sustainable management of natural resources, namely the challenge of management of forests and nature areas in an integrated landscape context. Through a top-level, research-based education, graduates will gain the required competencies for working with sustainable forest and nature management issues: a significant theoretical foundation, practical and international experience, and a cross-disciplinary approach.

The SUFONAMA programme is offered by a consortium of five European universities:

University of Copenhagen,
Bangor University,
University of Göttingen,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and
University of Padova.
SUFONAMA offers a truly integrated study programme with a resulting double degree which is fully recognised in all the participating countries. The language of instruction is English.
The programme consists of a first study year at one of three institutions (Bangor, Copenhagen, Göttingen) followed by a second study year at one of the four other institutions. The aim of the first study year is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to sustainable forestry and nature management. The first year ends with a compulsory Joint Summer Module, run as a two-week excursion to a Consortium country. The first year allows students to choose freely among the five specialisation options in the second year. Each specialisation is based on the partner universities’ research strengths. The specialisation includes a masters thesis based on research and fieldwork in Europe. Specialisation options in the second year are (i) Conservation and land management (Bangor), (ii) Economic management of forests and nature (Copenhagen), (iii) Timber and non-timber forest product use and processing (Göttingen), (vi) Scandinavian and East European forestry (Alnarp, Sweden) and (v) Mountain forestry and watershed management (Padova).

Every year about 20 scholarships are expected to be available for Non-EU and EU students. Category A scholarships for non-EU applicants amount to € 24,000 per year for two years and Category B scholarships for EU applicants amount to €10,000 per year for two years. Grant holders are selected on the basis of academic potential and in observance of geographical criteria determined by the European Commission.


How to apply

Non-EU and EU Students

The EM Masters course, SUFONAMA, is open to non-EU and EU students. Every year approx. 17-20 EU scholarships are available.

Category A Scholarships for Third-country nationals: Total 48.000 EUR

Category A scholarships can be awarded to masters students from all countries other than the 27 EU menber states and EEA/EFTA states: Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. Furthermore, you must comply with the 12 months rule: You must not be a resident nor have carried out main activity (studies, work etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.

Category B Scholarships for European nationals: Total 20.000 EUR

Category B scholarships can be awarded to any masters students who do not fullfil the criteria A defined above, i.e nationality requirement and 12 months rule.

For both categories please note:

You must study in two of the consortium partner countries.
The two countries must be different from the country in which you have obtained your last university degree.
If you hold an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, these two countries must be different from the country in which you obtained your last university degree.

It is possible to be admitted to the Course, even though you are not awarded a scholarship. You will then have to cover EM SUFONAMA participatory costs. If you finance your study yourself, you are allowed to study in the country of your last university degree.

Deadline for category A and B students is 1 December 2010

Application form for category A and B students
Admission criteria

A good BSc degree in Forestry, Biology or related fields such as Environmental Science or Geography, alternatively in Economics, Management or Political Science
Good English language proficiency
Experience from relevant practice may be an advantage
Personal statement of motivation
Recommendations from two referees
As of the academic year 2011/12 the number of applications by third country students must be limited to maximum three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses.
In the eventual case that a student applies to more than three EM Courses he/she will be excluded from the selection for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.


Scholars are established researchers and teachers. The Erasmus Mundus programme supports visiting NON-EU scholars staying at EM SUFONAMA universities for a period of typically three months.The weekly living allowance including travel costs is 1.200 EUR

For further information, please see the application form for guest lecturers

IT University of Copenhagen PhD Scholarships 2011

The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites applications for a number of PhD scholarships starting in February 2011. We are interested in applications that focus on one or more of the research areas below.

Efficient solutions to computationally hard problems, algorithms for searching and analyzing of large amounts of data, databases and data mining, sensor networks and data management, algorithm engineering, experimental performance studies.

Automated reasoning, categorical logic, type theory, coordination languages, electronic voting, logical frameworks, models for concurrency, distributed and mobile computation, programming languages semantics, modular program verification, programming languages, static analysis of programming and modelling languages, workflow languages.
Tools, methods and processes for software development, including programming and modelling languages, requirements, architecture, empirical studies, and software for user interface design, pervasive computing and decision support.

Game aesthetics, game ontology, games and narratives, game culture, game play, player communities, games and human computer interfaces/game testing, game artificial intelligence, player (cognitive and affective) modeling, computational intelligence and games.

Computer supported cooperative work, science and technology studies, health care IT, organizations and IT, globalization and technology, mutual shaping of culture, organizations, people, and technologies, through practices of design and use.

Advanced and innovative communication trends, design and development of interactive technologies for senior citizens, methods of pragmatic inclusive design, user modeling, design and evaluation of assistive technology-user interface history, emerging body-centric and perception-centric techniques for human-computer interaction based on mobile tracking of eye-gaze, body posture, hand gestures, and everyday object manipulation and society.

Study of digital culture, digital media, mediated interpersonal communication and the way we use a variety of digital media in our everyday lives for social, practical and expressive purposes.

The study of mobile communication and online media’s social consequences, in both national and international contexts, addressing the interplay of local and global phenomena.

More information about the individual research groups, their research interests and specific PhD projects within their areas.

You are also welcome to contact individual members of the faculty directly for more information about the respective research areas.

Applicants accepted will be employed and enrolled at the IT University for a period of 3 or 4 years.

Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).

For example, the basic salary of a 3 year PhD student amounts to
DKK 25.014,58 per month.

General information:
A successful applicant will be an excellent student capable of conducting research under supervision from the IT University’s faculty members at the highest international level.

The PhD scholarships run for a period of 3- or 4-years depending on the university degree level of the applicant.

The following qualifications are required. If you apply to be enrolled you have 2 options:

• 3 year programme, you must be able to present a Master’s degree i.e. 5 full time years of University Studies, divided into 3 full time years of bachelor level exams plus 2 full time years of Master level exams of 180 + 120 ECTS points

• 4 year programme: A Bachelor degree i.e. 4 full time years of University Studies, divided into 3 full time years of bachelor level exams plus 1 full time year of Master level exams 180 + 60 ECTS points.
The one year of 60 MA-level ECTS points must be possible to fit into one of the Master programs at the IT University.

One year of full time studies consists of 1680 hours and equals 60 ECTS points.

Recommended enclosures
A statement of purpose must be authored by yourself and must include both a research question and main goals, for your potential PhD project.
As an applicant you should specifically explain if you have needed disciplinary and /or methodological training to conduct scientific work.
The statement of purpose will be used to determine your abilities of critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and scientific writing.

Interdisciplinary approaches:
For PhD-applicants working with interdisciplinary approaches, including social sciences and humanities perspectives, the statement of purpose should also include a motivated choice of theory and method, and a suggestion of empirical basis of the research.

Application deadline: 6 October 2010

Application procedure:
You can only apply for this position through our e-Recruitment system. Apply for this position by pushing the button “Apply for position” below.

Please go to guidelines for applicants before you fill in the application form.

Questions regarding this call may be directed to the relevant research department, or the ITU PhD School, phone: +45 7218 5065 / 7218 5063

After the deadline, a time schedule of the evaluation-, interviewing-, and hiring process can be followed via approximate dates on our homepage.

The IT University wishes to reflect an international environment and regards multiplicity as resources. We encourage everybody irrespective of personal background to apply for the vacant position.


International PhD Program 2010/2011, Stazione Zoologica ?Anton Dohrn? Naples, Italy

9 Ph.D. fellowships are available to carry out interdisciplinary training in Biological Sciences at the Stazione Zoologica ‘Anton Dohrn’ Naples Italy. Applications are invited from suitably qualified postgraduate candidates (see details).

Role of Variable Chitin Binding Proteins in Ciona Intestinalis in inflammation and development
Long Non-coding RNAs in Chordates and Beyond
Evolutionary origin and diversification of pancreatic cell types: the xLOX and BRN regulatory fingerprint in sea urchin larvae
Gsx ParaHox gene in Ciona: a search for conserved and/or new roles in central nervous system patterning and evolution
Impacts of ocean acidification on plant-animal interactions in Posidonia oceanica ecosystem
Effect of diatom oxylipins on gen expression during development and growth in Ciona intestinalis and Calanus helgolandicus
Lipoxygenase gene expression in diatom cells
Investigating the impact of life strategies on phytoplankton species richness and abundance: a modelling approach
Functioning and variability of a coastal plankton system: An integrated approach to LTER-MC (1984-2010)
The closing date for applications is 20 September 2010.

1. Role of Variable Chitin Binding Proteins in Ciona Intestinalis in inflammation and development
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Rosaria De Santis
Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Evolution

2. Long Non-coding RNAs in Chordates and Beyond
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Remo Sanges
Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Evolution

3. Evolutionary origin and diversification of pancreatic cell types: the xLOX and BRN regulatory fingerprint in sea urchin larvae
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Maria I. Arnone
Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology

4. Gsx ParaHox gene in Ciona: a search for conserved and/or new roles in central nervous system patterning and evolution
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Antonietta Spagnuolo
Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology

5. Impacts of ocean acidification on plant-animal interactions in Posidonia oceanica ecosystem
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Maria Cristina Buia
Laboratory of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology

6. Effect of diatom oxylipins on gene expression during development and growth in Ciona intestinalis and Calanus helgolandicus
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Adrianna Ianora
Laboratory of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology

7. Lipoxygenase gene expression in diatom cells
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Giovanna Romano
Laboratory of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology

8. Investigating the impact of life strategies on phytoplankton species richness and abundance: a modelling approach
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Daniele Iudicone
Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plankton

9. Functioning and variability of a coastal plankton system: An integrated approach to LTER-MC (1984-2010)
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Maria Grazia Mazzocchi
Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plankton

Contact :Gabriella Grossi
Email :


Master Scholarships in Compter Simulations for Science and Engineering (COSSE) 2011

The Erasmus Mundus programme “Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering” (COSSE) is a joint initiative of four European universities:

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen- Nürnberg, Germany
The field of computer simulations is of great importance for high-tech industry and scientific/engineering research, e.g. virtual processing, climate studies, fluid dynamics, advanced materials, etc. Often the field is referred to as the third pillar of science complementing theory and experiments.

COSSE is a two-year master’s programme offering a double degree from two universities. The students enter one of the universities and continue the second year at one of the other institutions in another country. COSSE offers education of the highest international standard as well as a unique experience of meeting different European cultures, languages, climate and nature.

Required documents for COSSE

A signed cover sheet (generated from the web-based application at – Application code: COSSE)
A correctly certified copy of your bachelor’s degree in original language and translated into English.
A correctly certified copy of your transcript of records in original language and translated into English. All courses taken must be included. Please also provide the university course descriptions from your university study guide or the university website.
Proof of your English proficiency.
GRE test-scores, if available. (GRE General Test as well as GRE Subject Tests in Computer Science and Mathematics).
A Curriculum vitae including details on your academic career.
A letter of motivation including an indication of which specialization you wish to take and why, an indication of your preferred mobility track, a brief summary of your thesis work, stating the credits and grade.
A copy of your passport or some other kind of identification in English.
Two letters of recommendation from professors of the most recently attended higher institution.
The category A (Non EU student) scholarship includes:

Travel and installation costs: € 8000 for a 2 year programme
Participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 4000/semester
Monthly allowance: € 1000/month
The category B (EU student) scholarship includes:

Travel and installation costs – only if the EM master’s programme includes a mobility period to a Third-Country partner: € 3000
Participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 2000/semester
Monthly allowance: € 500/month
Application periods

Category A (non EU)
15 September – 15 November, 2010

Category B (EU)
15 January – 31 March, 2011

Contact detail:


JCR 2011 International Scholarship, Japan

Scholarship for International Students in Tokyo funded by the Japan College of Rheumatology
JCR will provide a grant to attend the 55th Annual General Assembly and Scientific Meeting of the Japan College of Rheumatology (JCR2011) and the 20th international Rheumatology Symposium in Tokyo on April 24-27 2011. The purpose of the JCR2011 international scholarship is to encourage young scientists and medical doctors under 40 years old other than Japanese to refine their knowledge of rheumatology and send their original scientific message to the world through the JCR annual meeting.

The offer is valid only for:

Scientists or medical doctors under 40 years old at the last day of the Congress (27th of April 2011)
Those who do not reside in Japan (except Japanese citizenship)
* Those who have ever received the JCR scholarship award are also eligible to apply, as long as requirements above are satisfied.

II. Scholarship grant

Maximum ¥150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand Japanese yen) / person + complimentary registration and hotel accommodation during the meeting

From an Asian country: ¥100,000 (one hundred thousand Japanese yen)
From non Asian country: ¥150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand Japanese yen) Maximum 15 grants are prepared
III. Guidelines for making a Submission

Abstracts relating rheumatology should be submitted by e-mail following instructions listed below.

Abstract should be submitted according to the form which JCR offer. Please refer to “Abstract Submission Sheet of JCR2011 International Scholarship”
CV (certainly included full name (first name, middle name and family name) and date of birth) should be submitted along with an abstract.
Information about your affiliation, TEL & FAX number and e-mail address should be disclosed.
Abstracts must contain new, previously unpublished results.
Abstracts should be submitted in English. It should be no longer than 2,250 letters in length (for the body of the abstract), and no more than 2,400 letters in total when the title, coauthor names (including affiliations) are included.
Abstracts should not include diagrams, charts and reference citations.
Choose the session your abstract will be presented.
* Final decision will be made by JCR Committee on International Affairs.

i. Basic session (B)
ii. Clinical session (C)
IV. Deadline
November 15, 2010, 9:00 a.m.

V. Evaluation and Announcement
Your paper will be reviewed by JCR Committee on international affairs and final decision will be made by JCR2011 Scientific Committee and notified to all awardees by December 31, 2010.

VI. Presentation
Those who receive a scholarship, oral presentation at JCR2011 Congress will be required. Presentation details will be announced by the scientific program committee of JCR2011.

JCR Committee on International Affairs

Japan College of Rheumatology (JCR)
1-1-24 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan


Colt Foundation Fellowships in Occupational/Environmental Health 2011, UK

Fellowship for those international students whose research projects are in the field of medicine or in a science, UK

The Colt Foundation is particularly interested in high quality research projects in the field of occupational and environmental health, particularly those aimed at discovering the causeof illneises arising from conditions at the place of work. The Foundation also makes grants each year to PhD students whose subject is relevant to this field of medicine. The grant is normally for three years, and the stipend rate for the first year is f’12,000 (t 1 3 ,000 inside London), rising with inflation for the following two years. Fees will be paid as incurred. Further details can be obtained from Jackie Douglas at the address shown. The grant does not attract tax. In recent years grants have been made in respect of:

The role of microRNAs in occupational allergic contact dermatitis
Human health, climate change and the bio-energy industry
Analyses on the association of asthma with occupational exposure using data from the ‘ British 1958 Rirth Cohort
The effects of intermittent or prolonged exposure to environmentally relevant UV radiation in mammalian cells
Geographical information systems and statistics in environmental health: Asthma prescribing and air pollution in space and time
Development and validation of a diagnostic tool for occupational asthma based on serial lung function measurements
An investigation into the potential toxicologtcalhazard of nanotubes on the lungs
The positive work environment and its effect on employee health
A molecular approach to understanding the mechanism(s) of silica-induced lung carcinogenesis
Air pollution and children’s health
Applications are now invited from prospective students who are qualified in science or
medicine and should include an outiine of the proposed research, a CV, a strong letter of
support from the proposed supervisor, and the contact details of two referees’ The
application must te iubmitted by the student personally.

Application deadline: 18th October 2010


Ruhr University Research School PhD Grants, Germany

12 PhD Grants
RUB-Grants 2010 awarded within the framework of the Grant-Programme of the Ruhr University
Research School

Scope of the programme
Promotion of early stage researchers by awarding grants to highly qualified doctoral candidates realising an ambitious and innovative research project in one of the research areas of Ruhr-University Bochum. We also encourage all doctoral candidates to apply for a grant with an interdisciplinary research project. The call is open for candidates from every scientific discipline and nationality intending to realise their research project at the Ruhr-University Bochum (you have to submit your doctoral thesis
at Ruhr-Universität Bochum).

The application must be completed by the confirmation of a first supervisor at RUB – please build up contacts to one of the scientists at RUB and ask for supervision. You know best about your scientific main focus and in which special research field you want to obtain your doctorate. So please act independently: identify and contact a potential supervisor for your research project at an early stage of your application on your own.

Target Group
Graduates of all disciplines with a university degree qualifying for doctoral studies.


we expect your research project to make an important contribution to the corresponding research field (please outline this in a research exposé of 5 pages)
clearly above average university degree
uninterrupted studies (in case your total study period took more than 13 semester/ 6,5 years please explain in the application form)
the start of your doctoral research project should not extend a period of time of 12 months with reference to the application deadline; we concede reasonable exceptions – please explain in the application form
the university degree qualifying for doctoral studies has to be submitted at the latest until before the applications will be given to the faculties for further survey and expertise (Bachelor degree in case of fast track procedure plus information about grades already obtained in the master studies)
candidates who have to fulfil additional requirements are also allowed to apply for a grant (first supervisor is responsible for compatibility between fulfilment of requirements and successful doctorate)
candidates with a Bachelor degree involved in the fast track procedure are also allowed to apply for a grant; the official admission to doctoral studies from the faculty has to be submitted before the funding will start
if you are already accepted as doctoral candidate by one of the faculties of Ruhr-University Bochum please enclose the official letter of acceptance from the faculty to your application
if you are not accepted as doctoral candidate in one of the faculties of Ruhr-University Bochum we need a confirmation of the faculty that you will be accepted for doctoral studies in case of funding (from the faculty you will realise your research project) when you are invited to the second stage of the admission process
The application form “Grant-Programme” of the Research School has to be used for application. The application form and the corresponding notes for guidance will help you through the application process. The notes for guidance also list all documents you have to submit together with the application form.

Admission process and decision (2 stage process)

a signed hardcopy of the application form with 2 letters of reference and all necessary documents have to be sent to the Central Coordination Office until October 31, 2010
on the basis of the application the faculties and rapporteurs will suggest a preliminary ranking of the candidates
on the basis of this preliminary ranking the Executive Board will invite the best candidates (January 2011) for a research colloquium
research colloquium and the ensuing choice and recommendation by the rapporteurs will take place on February 7, 2011
the final decision of the Executive Board will be made on February 9, 2011
Deadline for admission: October 31, 2010

More information

PhD position in Applied Bioinformatics at Wageningen University & Research Centre (WUR), Netherlands

PhD position “Whole genome sequence analysis in tomato: Mechanisms of introgression breeding”.

Background: Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR) is worldwide renowned for its research and education in the fields of life sciences, plant improvement and sustainability. Through these activities it aims to make essential contributions to the quality of life. A focus of pioneering research towards increased yields and improved quality is the genome biology of economically valuable crops such as tomato and potato.

The Plant Sciences Group of WUR has an important position in international efforts to elucidate and use the genome sequence of these crops. The Applied Bioinformatics group of the PSG participates in these efforts through next generation sequencing, genome assembly, annotation and extracting biologically relevant knowledge from such genome sequences.

WUR is also a partner in the Centre for BioSystems Genomics (CBSG2012). The CBSG and the National Institute for Plant Genome Research in Delhi, India, have received a grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to start a joint research project on development and application of next generation sequencing technologies to one of CBSG’s crop targets, tomato, which is also an important crop in India.

Job description: the job concerns a PhD position in the Applied Bioinformatics group of the Plant Sciences Group of WUR. In this project, we will analyze the genomes of three tomato genotypes: two parents of the well-studied introgression line population, S. lycopersicum cv. Allround and S. pennellii LA716, and the genome of one F5 offspring line. Sequencing of these genomes will be performed in an associated project and will involve a combination of next generation sequencing technologies.

Comparative bioinformatic analyses of the parent and offspring genomes will be geared towards obtaining novel insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic introgression in plants. The PhD student will assemble, annotate and compare the three genome sequences with the aim to study the pattern of genome reorganization from chromosome- down to nucleotide-level detail. We will test and employ a variety of bioinformatics tools for genome assembly, annotation and whole-genome comparison, and perform SNP mining for breeding purposes.

The collaboration within this project with the National Institute for Plant Genome Research in New Delhi, India, will imply that the PhD student will spend a maximum of 2 years of the 4-year PhD study at the sister institute in India. In addition, the PhD student will actively cooperate with an Indian counterpart (PhD student) based in Delhi and working on the breeding aspects of the project. This PhD student in return will spend a maximum of 2 years in Wageningen.

Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

What do we look for?
We are looking for an enthusiast team player with:

an excellent academic record (MSc) in bioinformatics
interest in genome informatics and bioinformatics for breeding
demonstrable skills in programming (perl or python, java, R) and databases (MySQL)
good oral and written communication skills in English
willingness to spend several periods amounting to 2 years of the PhD period in New Delhi, India
people skills in connection with biologists, breeders and bioinformaticians
What do we offer?
You will be part of a young, dynamic and focused applied bioinformatics group of ~15 people consisting of computational biologists and biology-oriented informaticians that focus on bioinformatics challenges in genomics. We offer a state-of-the art computational infrastructure and have close collaboration with plant biologists and breeding companies with considerable expert knowledge of the biological issues and wishes concerning the data. The position is available for 4 years, full time (38 hrs/wk), 2 years of which will be housed in New Delhi, India. The student will be part of the graduate school of Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS). The research should result in the successful defence of a PhD after 4 years. In line with the quality protocol of EPS, after 12 months and assuming progress and performance of the PhD student meets requirements the position will be continued for the full period.

Preferred starting date: as soon as possible.

Estimated maximum salary: € 2042/month in the first year, rising to € 2612/month in the fourth year (Dutch university PhD)

Need to know more?
Additional information about this project can be obtained from dr. Roeland van Ham, +31-317-481053,

You can apply for this job before October 1st, 2010 at

Reference number: PSG-BIOS-0001

CUD Master Scholarships in International and Development Economics, Belgium

The objective of the programme is to train students in international and development economics and help them become qualified actors in the field of economic development and poverty reduction in the context of an integrated world economy.
Graduates are taught to apply sound economic analysis that is well adapted to the social and political context of a specific developing country. At the end of their one-year stay, graduates will be able to analyze, design and implement realistic and innovative solutions in a developing country setting.

The courses are structured around two main themes :
* Macroeconomic policies
* Economic development (including its institutional aspects)
In addition to formal lectures, the program offers two seminars ans asks students to write a personal study project. These activities provide student with opportunities to develop their creativity as well as their written and oral presentation skills.
Conditions for admission
A four year university degree in economics.
A strong interest in development;
A professional experience of at least 2 years in direct relation with one of the programme themes.
Scholarships available: 11
Duration of the course: 1 academic year (starting date for the course: Septembre 14, 2011)
Language of instruction : English
Organising universities
The programme is organised by the “Economics School of Louvain” whose partners are the Departments of Economics of the University of Namur (Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix) and of the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).
Most activities take place in Namur.
Coordinator: Madame Catherine GUIRKINGER
For more information:
Application Form
Download application form (.pdf format)
Download application form (.doc format)
(for more information about course)
Mrs Pierrette NOEL
Rempart de la Vierge, 8
5000 Namur – Belgique
Tél : +32 81 72 48 23
Fax : +32 81 72 48 40

Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) 2011 for Master, PhD, Short Courses and Refresher Courses

The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) are fellowship programmes designed to promote capacity building within organizations in 60 developing countries by providing training and education to their mid-career staff members.

New application round opens
This application round is for courses with a fellowship application deadline of 1 October 2010 and 1 December 2010 and programmes with a fellowship application deadline of 1 October 2010
Fellowships for master’s degree programmes
The NFP master’s degree programmes is one of the sub-programmes of the NFP. The duration of the programmes varies between 9 and 24 months.

NFP fellowships can be obtained for a selected number of master’s degree programmes. The Dutch higher education institutions offer many international master’s degree programmes, covering almost every field of study. Candidates can receive a postgraduate education and earn one of the following Dutch degrees: Master of Arts, Master of Science or a Professional Master’s degree.

A Master of Arts or a Master of Science degree is an academic degree, usually awarded by traditional (research-oriented) universities on completion of a postgraduate research-oriented course of one to two years in duration. Professional master’s degrees are awarded by different types of higher education institutions that offer more professionally-oriented programmes. Professional master’s degrees are usually of a shorter duration than a research-oriented master’s degree programme.

The fellowship

An NFP fellowship is intended to supplement the salary that the fellowship holder should continue to receive (at least partially) during the study period. The allowance is considered to be a contribution towards the cost of living for one person, whether in the Netherlands or in another country. It should be noted that NFP allowances are not sufficient to support family members, either in the home country or in the Netherlands.

An NFP fellowship, which is granted for the duration of the programme, is intended to provide a contribution towards the costs of living and to cover the costs of tuition fees, visas, travel, insurance, thesis research, , as specified in the NFP booklet ‘Rules and Regulations for fellowship holders’.

More information

Download the NFP Rules and Regulations for fellowship holders 2010 (1.5 MB)
Download an overview of courses and programmes with a fellowship application deadline of 1 October and/or 1 December 2010 (51 kB)