University of Sydney World Scholars 2011
The University of Sydney World Scholars awards provide opportunities for academically gifted PhD candidates who have developed innovative research projects to undertake a PhD degree at the University of Sydney with financial support. This prestigious award will attract high-quality research candidates from a broad range of countries and disciplines. Candidates will engage in progressive research whilst facilitating the development of strong bilateral research linkages between Australia and the rest of the world.
General Guidelines
World Scholars awards support the full cost of academic tuition fees for up to three (3) years on the terms set out in these Guidelines. The scholarship will also fund a travel contribution towards the cost of a return international airfare (as set out in the „Air Travel‟ section of the Scholarship Conditions, below).
Applications are invited from international students who are citizens of the following countries ("Participating Countries"):
- Asia:
Cambodia, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam
- Europe:
France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
- Americas:
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, United States
- Africa:
Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda
Candidates will be required to take up the scholarship in the semester for which it is offered. Deferral of the scholarship will not be permitted.
Selection for World Scholars is highly competitive. Applicants will be chosen on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated research capability. It is important that applicants clearly address these selection criteria in their PhD application documentation.
The University is actively negotiating with governments and agencies in Participating Countries to identify possibilities for further support for World Scholars. Details of any agreements reached, together with the level of additional support available and any conditions associated therewith, will be posted on the University 8223;s website:
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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
University of Sydney World Scholars 2011
MA programme in Cultural Policy and Management (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans), University of Arts Belgrade
MA programme in Cultural Policy and Management (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans), University of Arts Belgrade
University of Arts in Belgrade in cooperation with the University Lyon 2 is organizing joint MA programme in Cultural Policy and Management (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans). Accredited by the University Lyon 2 and supported by other partner universities, professional organizations and guest experts from all over Europe, it attracts not only students from the Balkan region, but also those coming from Europe and worldwide who are drawn to challenges and who seek a new, stimulating and different study environment. Entire course is taught in English and French and it has gained an international reputation.
For its excellence in promotion of intercultural cooperation and mediating capacities of culture, the MA in Cultural Policy and Management has been named UNESCO Chair in 2004.
Application deadlines for the 2010/11 school year are:
- June inscription period 1st July 2010
- September inscription period 27th September 2010.
For more information please visit:
or contact program coordinator directly at:
Tel. +381 11 2626 994
Postdoctoral Science Po / Political Science
Postdoctoral Science Po / Political Science
Laboratoire SPIRIT de l’IEP de Bordeaux (UMR CNRS 5116)
Ecole Doctorale de science politique de Bordeaux
Ce CDD à pourvoir à l’automne (au plus tard le 30/11/2010) est financé par le PRES de Bordeaux.
Thème de recherche : Construction sociale et politique de l’expertise scientifique dans les négociations environnementales internationales
Orientation scientifique : Peu avant le sommet de Copenhague de décembre 2009, et dans les semaines qui ont suivi, les travaux du GIEC et la "science du climat" sur laquelle est censée s’appuyer la coopération internationale dans la lutte contre l'effet de serre, ont été violemment attaqués. Au même moment, certains gouvernements poussent à la création d'un équivalent du GIEC pour la biodiversité en 2010, proclamée « année de la biodiversité ».
De fait, la science joue toujours un rôle essentiel mais très controversé dans les négociations internationales sur l’environnement et le développement durable. Invoqué pour légitimer, accélérer ou retarder les décisions cruciales, le savoir ainsi mobilisé est un construit social et politique, davantage que la simple diffusion des recherches académiques menées dans les disciplines concernées. Les décideurs comme les activistes des ONG mobilisent l’expertise en fonction de leurs stratégies politiques. De plus, la science « utile » est un discours contesté dans et en dehors de la communauté scientifique. Retracer les processus de construction du savoir légitime dans un champ de négociation donné ; repérer les intérêts socio-économiques qui sous-tendent les controverses scientifiques ; évaluer la dimension performative du discours scientifique dans ces négociations ; ou encore analyser les enjeux politiques d’une légitimation de la décision par cette science pourtant incertaine…
Tels sont quelques unes des questions de recherche pertinentes pour un tel travail. L’analyse de la controverse publique entourant l’activité du GIEC et la nébuleuse climato-sceptique constituent un point de départ utile mais non-exclusif pour cette étude.
Profil recherché : le/la candidate (e) doit être titulaire d’un doctorat dans une discipline des sciences sociales, soutenu avant l’été 2010. Une préférence sera donnée aux docteur(e)s en science politique et à des candidat(e)s ayant déjà travaillés sur l’expertise ou le rôle de la science dans la décision ou les négociations internationales.
Une culture scientifique de base permettant de mieux comprendre les débats scientifiques autour du climat, ou encore une formation initiale en sciences de la vie et de la terre, seraient des atouts très appréciés.
Conditions : le/la chercheur(e) post-doctorant(e) travaillera dans le cadre du laboratoire SPIRIT et de son équipe de Relations Internationales, sous la supervision du professeur Daniel Compagnon en collaboration avec des climatologues de l’université Bordeaux I.
Il/elle participera aux activités d’un projet encours d’élaboration dans le cadre de l’ANR (appel CEP & S). Le/la candidat(e) retenu(e) devra rédiger un working paper, un article sous son nom propre, et un article co-rédigé pour soumission à des revues à comité de lecture.
E La rémunération est fixée à 2200 euros de salaire mensuel brut (charges habituelles à déduire).
Demande de renseignements complémentaires à adresser au Pr. Daniel Compagnon :
Le dossier de candidature comprendra : a) une lettre de motivation précisant comment le/la candidat(e) entend développer l’axe de recherche proposé en s’appuyant sur ses compétences acquises ; b) un cv détaillé comprenant la liste des travaux et publications ; c) copie de deux publications jugées significatives par le candidat par rapport au thème du contrat post-doctoral.
Les dossiers de candidature doivent parvenir, par voie électronique, au plus tard le 30 mai 2010, à minuit, à :
Veuillez identifier votre courriel avec Post-doc PRES en objet.
Laboratoire SPIRIT de Sciences Po Bordeaux (UMR CNRS 5116)
Ecole Doctorale de science politique de l’Université de Bordeaux
This contract is due to begin before November 30th 2010, and is funded by the joint research and teaching task force (PRES) of Bordeaux universities.
Research theme: Science and politics in the international environmental negotiations, controversies and influence
Rationale: Weeks before the December 2009 Copenhagen Summit and in the subsequent months, the IPCC’s work and the climate science that is meant to provide the scientific basis for efficient international cooperation tackling climate change have been under violent attack. Yet at the same time some governments advocate the creation of the equivalent to the IPCC for the biodiversity regime, as 2010 is labelled the “Biodiversity Year».
Indeed science always plays a role but a contested one in international environmental and sustainable development negotiations. Mobilised to legitimise, accelerate or delay crucial decisions scientific knowledge deemed politically useful is a social construct, the product of policyâ€oriented strategies rather than the direct outcome of purely academic research activities.
Decisionâ€makers, NGO activists and lobbyist are keen to support the science that is strengthening their conflicting viewpoints. Therefore “useful†science is a contested discourse both within and outside the scientific community.
To analyse the process of construction of authoritative knowledge in an issue area; identify the economic and social lobbies behind some of the current controversies, assess the effective impact of scientific discourse in regime negotiations; or analyse the use of a contested and uncertain science as a legitimising device are some of the potential research questions to be develop by the applicant (others of his own choice can discussed too).
A good starting point although not the only option is the analysis of the controversy surrounding the IPCC and the attacks launched by climate sceptics.
Applicant’s profile: The applicant must hold a PhD or equivalent in one discipline of the socials
sciences. The PhD should be defended before the Summer 2010. A priority will be given to PhDs
in political science or international relations, especially students with a prior experience on the politics of science and scientific expertise in international negotiations.
A basic understanding of science, especially climate science or some undergraduate training in hard sciences will be additional assets.
Speaking and writing French is not a prerequisite although it would be helpful to do some of the interviews.
Conditions: The postâ€doc will work within the research centre SPIRIT and its International
Relations team under the supervision of professor Daniel Compagnon and in collaboration with climate scientists from University of Bordeaux I.
The postâ€doc will participate to the activities of a research project currently processed through the ANR (appel CEP & S). In the course of the 12 month period the postâ€doc will write one working paper to be posted on the SPIRIT website, two articles for peerâ€reviewed journals, including one coâ€authored.
ï… The pay is 2200 Euros per month (gross salary: social security and pension fees deducted according to French law).
Further information can be obtained by writing to Pr. Daniel Compagnon:
The application must include: a) a letter from the applicant stating his/her interest and
explaining how he/she intends to deal with the research theme on the basis of his/her existing
experience and competences; b) a detailed CV with the list of publications and unpublished
works; c) a copy of two of his/her publications that the applicant sees as the most relevant for this research.
Applications must be sent in an electronic format no later than May 30th, midnight, to:
Please identify your application as (Postâ€Doc PRES).
East-West Center is accepting applications for the Fall 2010 Jefferson Fellowships for Journalists
East-West Center is accepting applications for the Fall 2010 Jefferson Fellowships for Journalists
Jefferson Fellowships
The Jefferson Fellowships program was launched in 1967 to enhance public understanding through the news media of cultures, issues and trends in the Asia Pacific region, broadly defined as Asia, the Pacific Islands and the United States. The Fellowships provide U.S. and Asia Pacific journalists with an opportunity to broaden their understanding of Asia Pacific issues and build a professional network through one week of dialogue with professional colleagues and experts at the East-West Center, followed by a two-week study tour to cities in Asia or the U.S. .
Fall 2010 Jefferson Fellowships
Theme: The Road to Energy Security: Paved with Efficiencies, Renewable Technologies and Investment
Energy security is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, especially in light of its inextricable link to economic well-being and the environment. However, the uneven distribution of energy supplies among countries has led to significant vulnerabilities. Threats to energy security include the political instability of several energy producing countries, the manipulation of energy supplies, the competition over energy sources, attacks on supply infrastructure, as well as accidents and natural disasters. For these reasons, governments in nearly all the large consuming nations are now considering various domestic and foreign policy measures to increase energy efficiencies develop renewable technologies to scale and create a positive investment climate for industry.
Against this backdrop, the Fall 2010 Jefferson Fellowships program will look specifically at two of the largest users of energy, the U.S. and China, and their efforts in addressing energy security. The program will take special care to look at the challenges and opportunities involved in improving energy efficiency and in developing renewable technologies. In addition, the Fall 2010 program will examine the two countries’ efforts to facilitate joint research and development. Finally, the program will examine how each country seeks to promote public and private investment in the supplies of today’s fossil fuel sources as well as the clean technologies that will transform the energy system for the future.
Program Dates: October 23 – November 13, 2010
Study Tour Destinations: Palo Alto, CA; Sacramento, CA; Beijing, China; Shenyang, China
Who Can Apply: Working print, broadcast and online journalists in the United States, the Pacific Islands and Asia with a minimum of five years of professional experience. Applicants must have the ability to communicate in English in a professional, multi-cultural environment.
Application Deadline: Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Funding: The Jefferson Fellowships are supported by a grant from The Freeman Foundation. The grant funds economy class, roundtrip airfare to and from Honolulu, Hawaii as well as all program-related air transportation, lodging, ground transportation and meals for participating journalists. A modest per diem is also provided. Participants are responsible for all applicable visa fees and any additional visa-related expenses.
News organizations are also asked to assist their employees participate by cost-sharing whenever possible. An “Employer’s Statement of Support†is a required part of the application. While financial assistance from the employer is not required, employers are encouraged to provide support to their Jefferson Fellows as a demonstration of their commitment to the program.
Application deadline is Wednesday, June 16, 2010. Incomplete or late applicants will not be considered.
How To Apply
Applicants must submit the two-page Jefferson Fellowships application form and ALL of the following:
· A cover letter outlining your issues of interest, a brief description of your news organization, and what you expect to accomplish if an award is granted. Please suggest topics you propose to address in your paper and presentation at the East-West Center. (3 page maximum)
· A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from your supervisor describing your suitability for the Fellowship and the benefit the organization hopes to derive from your participation in the program.
· Names, address, phone/fax numbers and e-mail of three people who may be contacted by the Center as references. Two of these references should be individuals outside of your news organization.
· The “Employer’s Statement of Support†form completed by your employer.
Information and applications: For more information about the program and how to apply, please visit:
Applications may be sent by post, fax or email as follows:
Email: OR
Fax: 1-808-944-7600 (ATTN: Jefferson Fellowships)
East-West Seminars
ATTN: Jefferson Fellowships
East-West Center
1601 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96848 USA
PhD Positions at BioInterfaces International Graduate School, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
The BioInterfaces International Graduate School (BIF-IGS) provides the recruitment and training platform for the BioInterfaces Research Progamme at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.
The BioInterfaces Programme brings together biologists, chemists, physicists, IT specialists, engineers, and material scientists with the common goal of controlling living systems, and bridges the gap between fundamental research and development of application-oriented technologies and products. The programme is tightly linked with the Universities of Karlsruhe and Heidelberg. In addition to offering the right of graduation, both Universities contribute scientifically to the BioInterfaces research school. While the University of Karlsruhe is more technically oriented, the University of Heidelberg has an emphasis on biomedical research and basic physics of surface interactions and microscopy.
Thus BIF-IGS offers outstanding graduate students education and training in trans- and multi-disciplinary research areas that allow students to prepare for future careers in professional fields such as health sciences, biotechnology, physics, chemistry and environmental science. Students will gain experience by working in a stimulating environment using state-of-the-art technology in an interdisciplinary context that promotes the ability of cross-frontier thinking. Laboratory work is supplemented by seminars, summer schools, training in soft skills and participation in international conferences.
Online registration/application is possible until June 30, 2010.
For more information please consult the following link:
Web Link
The University of Luxembourg PhD Studentship in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience
Using cell and molecular biology approaches, the objective of the team is to gain further insight into the pathophysiological events taking place during the onset and chronification of inflammatory reactions in the CNS during neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. In the injured CNS, astrocytes appear as a key component of reactive gliosis, which is a major impediment for regeneration. The reactive gliosis seems to reexpress some of the processes observed during the development. The Notch signalling pathway is a mechanism implicated in many of these developmental processes, one of them is the control of the astrocytes differentiation. The aim of this project is to understand the implication of the Notch pathway in the adult CNS, especially during diseases with inflammatory and neurodegenerative components.
Deadline : 30 June 2010
Prepare a PhD in Life Sciences
Contribute to the teaching activities of the Faculty
Master (300 ECTS credit points) (Bac+5 or equivalent) in Life Sciences (Biology)
Strong background in molecular biology and neuroscience.
Fluency in English is mandatory, French and/or German
a well-equipped laboratory with up to date techniques
a competitive remuneration
For further information, please contact:
Associate Professor Eleonora Morga
Email: eleonora.morga
Junior assistant (PhD student) in Life Sciences (assistant-position)
2-year contract, renewable once (starting October 2010)
Student AND employee contract
Reference: F1-040003
Office: Campus Limpertsberg, BS 3.16
Tel: +352 46 66 44 6375
Fax: +352.46 66 44 6371
Interested candidates are asked to send their full application (letter of motivation, detailed CV, copies of diploma, photo) until June 30th, 2010.
University of Luxembourg, FSTC/LSRU/LNB
162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
L-1511 Luxembourg
International Hotel and Resort Management Scholarships 2011 at BMIHM, Sydney Australia
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School offers a grant of AUD10,000 to contribute to the successful applicants Year 2 (Only) Tuition Fees for the following program at its institution:
Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management)
Please note: Payment of the above funds will be awarded to the successful student by direct payment off the total fees for Year 2 tuition Invoice only. Students will be required to enrol in the minimum 2 year Associate Degree and must be able to fund the total Year 1 Fees independently. No year 2 direct entry applications will be considered for either of the above awards. The scholarship grant is administered by the nominated member institution. The scholarship money does not include any air fares international student health cover, accommodation or text books and it is the scholar’s responsibility to finance additional expenses and living costs over and above the AUD10,000.
Please do not submit an application if you do not meet the general eligibility and merit based selection criteria, or if you do not have adequate financial support to cover the expenses outlined above
General Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the scholarship applicants must:
not be a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or a permanent resident of Australia;
satisfy Australian Government Visa requirements for international student entry to Australia;
not hold a current Australian Government Scholarship;
meet or exceed the institution’s academic (qualify for the course to which you wish to apply for) requirements for the course which is to be considered for a scholarship (for more information on specific programs requirements refer to the program search available at;
be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support for a course already commenced in Australia;
be able to commence study in the Semester for which the scholarship is offered.
Merit Based Selection Criteria
Conditions of Award of Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Scholarship
Student that is successful in his/ her application and is awarded the scholarship will be required to enrol at The Blue
To complete your application you will need to submit the following documents:
1 copies of the completed THE-ICE International Scholarship Application Form
1 certified copies of your Birth Certificate OR Passport
1 certified copies of your IELTS results (minimum obtained in 2008 or 2009), or proof (a letter from the Principal or Registrar of the Institution at which you studied, confirming that you studied full-time, and that the medium of instruction was English) of completion of at least 5 years secondary and/or tertiary education with English as the language of instruction
1 certified copies of all academic results in English; if not in English please include certified official English translation in addition to certified original language copy. For High School studies certified copies of high school certificates and results are required; for tertiary studies certified copies of award certificates and full academic transcripts (with key/guide to grading system) must be included
Explanation of the grading system and academic criteria at the institution of study of all academic results, which can generally be found at the back of your academic record
Arrange for two letters of reference from university/ school personnel to be completed using the attached forms;
Applications received without the required documentation will not be considered. Completed application and supporting documentation should be mailed to the following address and received by the closing date:
Closing Date : 24 September 2010
Download application form
Postal Address:
THE-ICE Scholarship Applications
International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education
P0 Box 1272 Tweed Heads NSW 2485 AUSTRALIA
Street Address (for courier):
THE-ICE Scholarship Applications
International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education
Comarco House
Suite B, Level 1, 145 Wharf Street
Tweed Heads, NSW 2485 AUSTRALIA
Contact person: Ms Julie Glass
T: 61- (07) 5536 6755
Further Scholarship Information
[USA] International Scholarships from Lake Forest College
[USA] International Scholarships from Lake Forest College
Lake Forest College give every well-qualified international student a Global Enrichment Scholarship award of $15,000 per year ($60,000 over four years). International students may also apply for need-based financial aid and receive consideration for up to $8,000 (in addition to the Global Enrichment Scholarship). If your family is unable to pay the full cost of a college education, please submit the Lake Forest International Student Application for Financial Aid. The maximum grant/scholarship total for the 2010-2011 academic year is expected to be $23,000.
Applying for Financial Aid
To apply for a Forester Scholarship you must complete the appropriate scholarship application. You may apply for one Forester Scholarship. You must complete the application for admission before applying for any scholarship. The priority application deadline is February 15.
To apply for a grant or work-study, you must complete the Lake Forest International Student Application for Financial Aid or the College Board's International Student Financial Aid Application. Please complete one of the two by March 15.
More Information about the Application Process
If we have received your application(s) for financial aid and/or scholarship by the time you are admitted to the College, you will receive a Financial Aid Announcement along with or shortly after your letter of admission. The Announcement will identify the funds you qualify to receive from the College. If you complete a scholarship application after being offered a grant from the College, the scholarship will replace the grant.
If you accept the College's offer of admission, you must also complete a "Confirmation of Financial Support" form (PDF), which is provided by the Office of Admissions at the time of your admission.
If "work-study" appears on your Financial Aid Announcement, a work-study application is to be completed by noon on June 19.
[USA] Ford Motor Company International Fellowship Of The 92Nd Street Y
[USA] Ford Motor Company International Fellowship Of The 92Nd Street Y
Deadline: June 30, 2010
The 2011 Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of the 92nd Street Y is now accepting applications from community leaders who are citizens and residents of Brazil, India, Indonesia, Israel, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venezuela. Applications must be postmarked, faxed, or emailed by June 30, 2010 to be considered.
This annual fellowship is funded by the Ford Motor Company and organized by the 92nd Street Y to provide education and support to community leaders engaged in the nonprofit sector. To date, 210 individuals from 57 countries have received the Ford Fellowship, which is now in its eleventh year.
A successful applicant must demonstrate that he or she:
is a community leader engaged in the nonprofit sector, either professionally or as a volunteer;
is successfully addressing issues that affect the community’s well-being; and
would benefit from an intensive three-week nonprofit management training course in New York .
The residency takes place June 2-June 22, 2011 in New York City. Airfare, accommodation, food, transportation, instruction, and other program-related expenses are included in the fellowship, and participants receive a small stipend upon arrival.
During the intensive three-week residency, Ford Fellows take classes in areas including nonprofit management strategy and leadership at Columbia University ’s Picker Center for Executive Education. The academic curriculum is complemented by visits to model nonprofits in New York City and meetings with academic, business, and government leaders. The experience is enhanced by Fellows’ residency at the 92nd Street Y, a Jewish community and cultural center founded in 1874 that annually serves over 300,000 people of all national, ethnic, religious, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds.
The Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of the 92nd Street Y provides a tremendous opportunity to international community leaders, and I would greatly appreciate your help in distributing this information and the link to our application to people and organizations that could benefit from this fellowship. Once again, if you go to our website ford, you can download the application and brochure by clicking '2011 Application and Brochure,' and following the links on the next page. Applications for the 2011 Fellowship must be postmarked, faxed, or emailed no later than June 30, 2010.
More Information
Please contact me at 212.415.5473 or or Amanda Raz at 212.415.5561 or if you have any question or wish to receive brochures and applications by post mail.
Visit our website at
MBA Scholarships
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juin 01
- University of Sydney World Scholars 2011
- MA programme in Cultural Policy and Management (In...
- Postdoctoral Science Po / Political Science
- East-West Center is accepting applications for the...
- PhD Positions at BioInterfaces International Gradu...
- The University of Luxembourg PhD Studentship in Mo...
- International Hotel and Resort Management Scholars...
- [USA] International Scholarships from Lake Forest ...
- [USA] Ford Motor Company International Fellowship ...
juin 01