

R. H. T. Bates Postgraduate Scholarship 2011 in Royal Society of New Zealand

R. H. T. Bates Postgraduate Scholarship 2011 in Royal Society of New Zealand

About Organisation:
We promote, invest in and celebrate excellence in people and ideas, for the benefit of all New Zealanders – and we make telling these stories a priority.

The scholarship, tenable at any New Zealand university for one year, is available to graduates who are registered for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Physical Sciences and Engineering. In accordance with Professor Bates’ love of interdisciplinary research a wide range of students in the physical sciences and engineering will be eligible. Preference will be given to those whose research aims to apply information/image processing to studies in medicine, the physical sciences, astronomy or engineering.

Applicants must have physical sciences or engineering as a significant part of their undergraduate degree. For the purposes of this scholarship, physical sciences shall be deemed to mean physics, chemistry and mathematical and information sciences. At the time of application students must be engaged in postgraduate studies (honours, masters or doctorate). Students in their final year of undergraduate study are ineligible to apply. To receive the scholarship, candidates must be enrolled for a doctorate course at a New Zealand University and must be engaged in the course for the greater part of the period of the Scholarship, i.e. for most, if not all, of 2011. This requirement does not limit the award to New Zealanders; however, it will require a successful candidate to transfer from a masterate or honours course to a doctoral course.

Application Procedure:
Please note – there is no formal application form to complete when applying for the R. H. T. Bates Postgraduate Scholarship.
Please submit your application in the following form:
1. Full name
2. Work address, telephone number, fax number and email
3. Home address and telephone number
4. Department and University in which you are enrolled
5. Degree for which you are currently enrolled
6. Details of higher education: dates, institution(s), subject(s), degree(s)
7. Copy of authorised student academic record from University Registry
8. Details of previous employment, research activities, etc
9. Brief paragraph describing career goals and general interests
10.List any publications relevant to the application
11.A signed statement declaring all other support awarded or applied for
12.Brief descriptive title of proposed research (not exceeding 25 words)
13.A detailed proposal for the planned research (approximately 1,000 words)
14.A reference from the university academic officially charged with your supervision, to be received at the Royal Society by 1 September 2010
15.A second reference from within the University in which you are enrolled, to be received at the Royal Society by 1 September 2010

Number of Awards and Tenure: A single award of $5,000 is offered for one year in 2011. This is in the form of a framed certificate and $5,000.

Closing Date: Applications are now being called for the 2011 R. H. T. Bates Postgraduate Scholarship. The closing date for applications is 1 September 2010.

The Administrator
R. H. T. Bates Postgraduate Scholarship
Royal Society of New Zealand
PO Box 598
Wellington 6140


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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships