

Women?s Research & Education Institue (WREI) Congressional Fellows on Women and Public Policy, USA

WREI awards annual fellowships to a select number of graduate students with a proven commitment to equity for women. WREI Fellows gain practical policymaking experience and graduate credit as they work from January to August as Congressional legislative aides in Washington, D.C. Fellows receive stipends for tuition and living expenses.

Established in 1980, the WREI Fellowship program is designed to:

encourage more effective participation by women in the formulation of policy options
promote activities that encourage the translation of research into policy
raise awareness that national and international issues concerning women are interdependent
foster better understanding of how policies affect women and men differently
gain greater appreciation of the fact that issues often defined as “women’s issues” are really of equal importance to men.
Fellows are selected on the basis of academic competence as well as their demonstrated interest in the public policy process. They are expected to be articulate, adaptable and to have strong writing skills. Only students who are currently in, or have recently completed, a graduate or professional-degree program at an accredited institution in the United States are eligible.

Fellowship applications for 2011 are now open.
Deadline for all applications is May 21, 2010

To learn more about the program, qualifications and conditions, explore the WREI fellowship FAQ here. For reference, you may download the WREI 2011 information and application package here. The 2011 WREI Fellowship brochure is coming soon.

Or send a self-addressed, 63-cent stamped envelope to:
The Congressional Fellowship Program
Suite 801
1828 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 200036

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships