

Post-Doc: Automatic Control, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

Post-Doc: Automatic Control, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
The Automatic Control Lab at KTH announces one open position for a post-doc on the topic

Identification of Complex, Structured and Networked Systems

The Automatic Control Lab at KTH conducts research in networked control systems,
control of communication systems, systems biology and system identification. Much
of the research is conducted within the Linnaeus Centre ACCESS, Sweden's largest
research effort in networked systems, and in EU-projects.

It is increasingly common that engineering systems are built from components that
are interconnected in complex networks. Examples are found in the vehicle and IT
industry, in energy and material distribution, and in industrial process control.
This project concerns development of systematic system identification techniques
for large-scale complex networks.

We are also partner in the new EU project AUTOPROFIT (Advanced Autonomous Model-
Based Operation of Industrial Process Systems) where the objective is to develop
methodologies which decrease the modeling cost and provide efficient model maintenance in process control applications. Here we will develop a system identification framework for model predictive control.

Deadline: June 15
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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships