

PhD Anniversary Studentship at Bangor University ? School of Law

As part of our recent 125th anniversary celebrations, Bangor University launched a five year programme of postgraduate expansion. As part of this expansion, the School of Law is inviting applications for one Anniversary Studentship.

This provides three years of support for full-time PhD study.

Value of this scholarship

Each holder of a PhD studentship receives an annual maintenance grant of £13,000 (for 2010/11). For the following two years (2011/12; 2012/13)the core grant will rise in line with inflation. PhD studentship holders also receive an annual research allowance of up to £1,500 (for approved expenditure). Studentship holders do not pay fees. No additional allowances are payable.

Successful studentship applicants will beexpected to supply around 100 hours per year of teaching/research assistance focused on a supervisor / research team as part of their development as an academic of the future.

The School invites applications from highly motivated suitably qualified candidates in all major areas of Law, including:

Global Law, including:

1. Intellectual Property Law & Industrial Design Law
2. WTO Law
3. International Commercial Arbitration
4. International Insurance Law
5. International Sales Law
6. Private International Law
7. Public International Law

The Global Law group is led by Dr Wei Shi (WTO and CommercialArbitration specialist), and its membership includes Sarah Nason (PublicInternational Law), Dr Zhen Jing (International Sales Law andInternational Insurance Law), Howard Johnson, the School’s Deputy Head &Director of Postgraduate Studies (specialisms Intellectual Property Law)

How to Apply

The application deadline is 30 April and we expect to inform applicantsof the outcome of their applications by 1 June.

For more information and details of how to apply, please visit:

For further postgraduate opportunities at Bangor University please visit:

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships