

[Norway] PhD Scholarship The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) arepleased to announce the availability of a limited number of PhD Research‍Scholarships. These scholarships are available for the five specialisationsin the PhD programme at NHH: Accounting and Auditing, Economics, Finance,‍Management Science and Strategy and Management.

Each scholarship is for a period of four years and combines taking the PhDprogramme at NHH with working as a PhD scholar. PhD scholars are required to‍work as a teaching and/or research assistant for the department they areadmitted to on enrolling in the PhD programme. The work load is 25%, with‍the remaining 75% being dedicated to the successful completion of a PhD.

The annual salary for the PhD Research Scholarships is set according to theNorwegian State Salary Scale for PhD research scholars: State salary scale‍45, which is currently 353,000 NOK gross. The scholarships are subject toNorwegian taxes and benefits, including health care provision and membership‍of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

Applicants must fulfil the admission requirements of the PhD programme.Qualified applicants with research proposals that fit best with the research‍interests of the departments concerned will be prioritised. The prioritisedresearch areas within Accounting and Auditing, Economics, Finance,‍ Management Science and Strategy and Management are outlined in the programmeinformation provided for each of the five PhD specialisations. In the event‍of equivalent qualifications, female applicants will be given preference.

Further information about the PhD programme and admissions requirements canbe found at Enquiries regarding admission requirements, PhD‍Research Scholarships, application procedures, and so on, may be directed tothe PhD admission office at NHH:‍

The application for the PhD Research Scholarships is combined with the overall application to the PhD programme. All applicants to the PhD programme will be automatically considered for scholarships, unless they request otherwise. The deadline for the current round of applications is 1 March 2009.

Region: Hordaland
Job type: Contract
Working hours: Full-time
Working days: Day
Application deadline: March, 3 2009
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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships