The Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBIS) of the Helmholtz Center Munich - German Research Center for Environmental Health (HZM) is seeking a Graduate Research Assistant (Ph.D. Student) in Bioinformatics for the HZM Research Network “Systems Ecology of Oligotrophic Biofilms“.
In all areas of life, biofilms are the crucial functional units of microbial communities. These typically heterogeneous systems accomplish complex processes as e.g. metabolism or production of antibiotics and toxins, but also stimulation, symbiosis and pathogenesis in the ecological and medical contexts. Due to the fundamental importance of biofilms, the HZM has established the interdisciplinary research network “Systems Ecology of Oligotrophic Biofilms” consisting of all institutes of the division “Terrestrial Environment”. The Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology will contribute to the investigation of oligotrophic biofilms by this network through handling, analysis and interpretation of genomic and transcriptomic sequences being sequenced from these biofilms. The high amount and the taxonomic heterogeneity of sequence data, which will be generated within the project by sequencing machines of the latest generation, requires the development and improvement of specific bioinformatics methods for their processing and integrative interpretation, complementing the ongoing research by the other members of the network.
We seek a candidate with a diploma or master degree in bioinformatics and strong interest in microbial sequence and genome analysis. Experience in processing data from high-throughout sequencers (e.g. Illumina/Solexa or 454) is advantageous but not a prerequisite. Payment and benefits are according to the German BAT IIa/2. The position will be for three years and will be supervised by Dr. Klaus Mayer (IBIS Plant Group) and Dr. Thomas Rattei (Chair of Genome Oriented Bioinformatics, Technische Universität München).
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