

CSSTDS Fellowship Programmes 2010 for Developing Country, India

CCSTDS is a Centre, functioning under the patronage of Prof.M.Vijayan, FNA,President, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi and Dr.T. Ramasami, FNA, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST). The Centre is mandated to spread the spirit of Science and Technology co-operation among developing societies. The CCSTDS Centre was established in May 2005, to promote S & T related activities for the mutual benefit of scientific community of the developing countries. The Centre was formerly functioning as a secretariat for Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries (COSTED) which played a catalytic role in International Co-operation in Science and Technology.


The Centre is housed in the premises of Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), a constituent body of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. It is headed by Dr.(Mrs) Ganga Radhakrishnan, Honorary Director and formerly a Director-grade Scientist with the Central Leather Research Institute and supported by Dr.B.Babuji, Principal Scientific Officer and twelve other technical/administrative staff. It functions under the auspices of INSA with administrative grant obtained from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India

Objectives of CSSTDS

To promote co-operation in Science & Technology between India and other developing countries for mutual benefit.
To provide a forum for sharing experience in the design and development of useful programmes in S & T including exchange of information, science communication, traditional knowledge and IPR related activities.
To organize training/workshops on topics of emerging importance including science policy.
To encourage mobility of scientists especially young scientists from Developing Countries to pursue training in Indian institutions.
To project India as an International hub for S & T Training.
To exchange co-operative endeavour in areas of mutual interests and concerns such as bio-diversity and sustainable development, waste management, technology management etc.


Indian National Science Academy, a premier scientific organization in India representing all branches of Science and Technology, has instituted the INSA-JRD TATA FELLOWSHIP administered by CCSTDS in honour of the late JRD Tata, visionary and a leading industrialist. The purpose of this Fellowship is to extend facilities of the advance scientific infrastructure and expertise of India to scientists and researchers of developing countries. The Fellowship established from an Endowment received from Sir Dorabji Tata Trust will foster advanced research training of scientists from the developing world and promote south-south co-operation.

The Fellowship is intended for researchers from developing countries except India, who have aptitude for research and would be desirous of working in an Indian research laboratory for a maximum period of 3 months. Applicants possessing post-graduate and higher degree in Science/Engineering/Medicine and allied disciplines, below 45 years of age may apply.

The fellowship covers 1) cost of return airfare from place of work in their home country to place of work in India 2) maintenance allowance and incidentals for three months, 3) accommodation to be provided by the host institute either free of cost or at nominal charges and 4) contingency grant for purchase of books and stationery

Selection is based on the recommendations of a Committee consisting of eminent scientists. The committee meets twice a year during April and October. Applications received before 31 March will be scrutinized during the first meeting and the applications received before September 30 will be scrutinized during second meeting every year.

Application form may be downloaded from this website and sent to the Honorary Director, CCSTDS.

List of Awardees of INSA JRD-TATA Fellowship

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The Fellowship is intended for researchers from developing countries (Except India), Asia/Africa/Latin America/Arab region who have aptitude for research and would be desirous of working in an Indian research laboratory for a minimum period of 3 months upto a maximum period of 12 months. Applicants possessing post-graduate and higher degree in Science/Engineering/Medicine and allied disciplines, below 40 years of age, with aptitude for research, and interested in acquiring expertise in research related tools may apply. The applicant should preferably be attached to a national research institution in his/her country.

The Fellowship programme covers economy class return airfare from place of work in their home country to place of work in India, boarding and lodging allowance and contingency allowance within which participation in one conference within India is permissible.

Selection is based on the recommendations of a Committee consisting of eminent scientists. The committee meets twice a year during April and October. Applications received before 31 March will be scrutinized during the first meeting and the applications received before September 30 will be scrutinized during second meeting every year.

Application form may be downloaded from this website and sent to the Honorary Director, CCSTDS.

List of Awardees of RTFDCS Fellowship

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This fellowship programme is jointly instituted by the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR ) Bangalore and the Centre for Co-operation in Science & Technology Among Developing Societies (CCSTDS), Chennai to encourage mobility of scientists from developing countries. The Fellowship covers short-term research, training or participatory research work in physical, chemical or biological sciences in reputed scientific institutions in India including JNCASR.

Applicant must be a scientist, teacher or a research scholar affiliated to a scientific or academic institution in a developing country in Asia (other than India), Africa, Latin America and Arab region. The duration of the fellowship is for 3 months.

The fellowship covers a) international return air fare by the shortest route by economy class from the place of work of the candidate at his/her country to the host institution in India, b) boarding, lodging (for the individual only) at the affiliated institution and other subsistence expenses in the form of an adequate allowance in Indian currency. Applicants below 45 years of age are eligible to apply .

List of Awardees of JNCASR-CCSTDS Fellowship

Download application form

Partial List of R & D Institutions in India for the above three Fellowship Programmes


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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships