

The Stowe Prize 2011 to Recognize a United States Author in Social Justice Issue, USA

Job Description: The Stowe Prize is a $10,000 award to recognize a United States author whose written work makes a tangible impact on a social justice issue critical to contemporary society. The inaugural Prize will be awarded in 2011, and honors the 200th anniversary of Stowe’s birth.
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin changed how Americans thought about slavery, galvanizing the antislavery movement and widening the divisions that led to the Civil War. Translated into sixty languages, Uncle Tom’s Cabin remains an international classic, read for its powerful portrayal of the struggle for freedom. It is in this tradition that the winner of the Stowe Prize will be chosen. The Prize will be awarded biennially.
To propose a nominee, complete and return the nomination form. Self-nominations are accepted.
Submission must be postmarked by June 1, 2010. The Stowe Prize winner will be announced in March 2011 and awarded in June contact

For further information

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