

PhD: INRIA Grenoble -Rhone-Alpes (France)

PhD: INRIA Grenoble -Rhone-Alpes (France)
A PhD position in the field of Distributed estimation is opened at INRIA
Grenoble -Rhone-Alpes (France). The thesis focuses on space-time distributed
estimation/filtering using wireless sensor networks with application to the
problem of parameter estimation of the characteristic curves used for representing
the flow/density in a road traffic and to detection of capacity changes due to
roadworks or accidents in a given road section.

The derived algorithms will be validated using real-time data, provided by the Grenoble Traffic Lab (GTL), from measurements performed by a new wireless sensor network for traffic monitoring and control implemented in the Grenoble roccade sud. The research activity will be conducted within the NeCS team ( The project is well suited to candidates with a master degree having good skills in system/control theory, estimation/filtering and optimization.

Additional information can be found at (Thesis offer no 212).

Interested candidates should contact:
Alain Kibangou:
Carlos Canudas de Wit :

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