

[New Zealand]Doctoral Scholarship at Victoria University

The role of effective workplace communication skills for achieving transactional objectives can be considered fundamental to workplace success for most organisations.

While important in all aspects of workplace interaction, these skills are crucial in the negotiation of complex and potentially conflictual agreements which potentially carry far-reaching consequences (Norisada 2007, Prego-Vazquez 2007, Pavlenko and Blackledge 2004, Locher 2004). The negotiation process is a communicative endeavour with discourse as the tool by which participants achieve (or fail to achieve) their intended outcomes. A detailed analysis of discourse in social interaction can thus throw valuable light on the range of strategies which may contribute to resolving disputes and disagreements in problematic and challenging negotiations.

The research objective is to identify the discursive characteristics of effective negotiators and negotiations in potentially conflictual situations in professional workplaces. The specific workplace(s) to be the focus of the research, including industry/sector, will be negotiated with potential applicants.

The deadline for applications is 15 May, 2009.

Application forms are available from here

Further information is available from the contacts below.

Application contact:
Philippa Hay
Scholarships Manager
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600 Wellington
New Zealand
Telephone: +64 4 463 7493

Research contact details:
Professor Janet Holmes
School of Linguistics and Applied
Language Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600 Wellington
New Zealand
Telephone: +64 4 463 5614
Vice Chan cellor's Strategic Research Doctoral Scholarship
School of Linguistics and Applied Lan guage Studies

Visit this site for futher information

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