

[Germany] Research Associate and Doctoral Student- Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management

Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, School of Business and Economics, Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management, Germany

Job description: scientific services in the research project „Innovation and coordination“, financed by the Volkswagen Foundation, and in cooperation with Columbia University and DIW Berlin. Main focus: statistical, especially panel econometric analyses of experimental data; conduction of laboratory experiments; work on a dissertation.

Job requirements: university degree, preferably in business and economics or in statistics ; other degrees possible; very good command of English (German helpful but not required), excellent skills in statistics, especially in the application of panel econometric methods. Willingness to familiarize yourself with experimental economics and game theory.

Please send your application and the usual documents to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, School of Business and Economics, Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management, Professor Dr. Christian Schade, Spandauer Straße 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany or to schade at

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