

PhD Fellowship in Wireless Communications

PhD Fellowship in Wireless Communications
at SUPELEC/ Bell-Labs, Paris, France
Position Description: One PhD fellowship in the research group of Professor Mérouane Debbah in the area of Wireless Communications. The candidate will work at Bell-Labs France and SUPELEC, within the prestigious Alcatel-lucent Chair on Flexible Radio, see

Terms of Employment: The salaries and terms at Bell-Labs are in accordance with French state regulations. Full salary are given during illness and paid holidays.

Startup and Deadline: Applicants are encouraged to apply at their earliest convenience.

How to Apply: Applications must submit official academic records for their bachelor and masters education. It is a requirement to hold a masters or an equivalent degree for being considered for this position. At least two references (name, position, e-mail, and telephone number) should be included in the application.

Applications are encouraged to submit their applications electronically to:
Homepage of Mérouane Debbah:
Mobile phone: +33169851447
Of?ce phone: +33169851459
If it is impossible to submit the application electronically, then it can be sent by post to:

Mérouane Debbah
Plateau de Moulon
3 rue Joliot-Curie
Bureau 5-24 91192
CEDEX France

Background: The candidates must have a very solid background in Mathematics. The ability to program in Matlab or other similar programming language is also essential.

Description of SUPELEC: Supelec is a top ranked graduate school in France in the ?eld of Electrical Engineering. We value students committed to science in general and are eager to work with outstanding students committed to excellence. Courses are offered in all ?eld related to electrical engineering. For more information see:

Help for Finding a Place to Live: SUPELEC will help the chosen candidate to ?nd a place to live in Paris. If the chosen candidate is interested, then SUPELEC will help the candidate to sign up for courses for learning French.

Candidate Evaluation Criteria: To evaluate the candidates, the following criteria will be used:

University education
Grades: To be considered, the applicant should have mainly A for relevant courses and overall good grades to demonstrate the capacity to learn new material.
The time used to complete the bachelors and masters university degrees should follow the normal study time-period
English knowledge where TOEFL is preferred but also IELTS can be used if available.
GRE score if available.
Relevance of master research topics
The criteria are prioritized in the way they are numbered in the list above.

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships