

[Turkish] Turkish Government Scholarship 2010-11 for Indian Students

[Turkish] Turkish Government Scholarship 2010-11 for Indian Students

Deadline: April 30, 2010

Applications are invited from Indian National residing in India on plain paper in the format given at the end for the award of Turkish Government Scholarships for 2010-2011 which are as follows:

Research Scholarship (Four)

Information About The Scholarships

Research scholarship are granted for those who will do scientific research in their field of interest in Turkish Universities (Subjects: (i) Agriculture (ii) Biotechnology (iii) Environmental Engineering);

Duration of the scholarships is for two to eight months;

Scholarship will start on 1st October, 2010.

Travel expenses to and from Turkey will be met by the Scholars/Students themselves;

The Turkish Government will meet the school fees, dorm fees and medical care expenses for scholars (except for long-term illnesses, serious surgical operations, prosthesis, jaw orthopedics, orthodontics, and tooth prosthesis).

Monthly Scholarship is 220 New Turkish Lira (i.e. Rs.6590/- approx.). The rate of monthly payments for the academic year 2010-2011 will be further revised.


The candidate:

Should have completed graduate programmes lasting at least four years before 30.4.2010 minimum 60% marks in relevant subjects;

Should have fluent communication skills in at least one Language i.e. Turkish, English or French Languages;

Should be medically fit;

Age: Below 40 years as on 30.4.2010.

Research proposals/specific work to be undertaken (in separate sheet) to be furnished.

General Instructions

Applications received after last date will not be entertained.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The selected candidates will avail of scholarships in all cases. Therefore, an undertaking that he/she will not refuse the offer should be sent in duplicate along with the application.

Applications of candidates who reside abroad will not be entertained.

Candidates who have already been abroad for study/specialization/training either on scholarship or on their own for a period exceeding six months are eligible to apply if they have been in India for at least two consecutive years after their return from abroad.

The Candidates would have sufficient knowledge of the geographical situation and cultural heritage of India and Turkey.

Candidate can apply only for one subject.

The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final. However, final selection rests with the donor country.

Candidates who do not possess the requisite qualification need not apply.

No canvassing in any form will be entertained.

No application form will be provided by the Ministry.

Applications must be accompanied by attested copies of certificates regarding date of birth, diplomas, degrees, mark-sheets in respect of all the examinations passed alongwith experience certificate of Employment and one copy of recently taken passport size photograph with signature (to be pasted on the application form). Self attested certificates will not be accepted.

Last Date

Application along with supporting documents for date of birth, qualification, and research proposal must reach to

the Section Officer,

ES.4 Section,

Department of Higher Education, A-2, W-4,

Curzon Road Barracks,

Kasturba Gandhi Marg,

New Delhi-110001

latest by 30th April, 2010

(Tele No.011-23384687 and 011-23382498).

Those who are employed must sent their application through their employer. Application received thereafter will not be considered. On line applications may be accepted provided hard copy of the application alongwith enclosures (attested copies of certificates, mark sheet etc.) reach the Ministry within 5 days after the last date.

Click herefor further scholarship information and application.

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