

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES), University of Bologna

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES), University of Bologna

This programme, which might be of interest for your students, was launched some years ago by the University of Bologna, Italy together with the Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas, Corvinus University of Budapest and St Petersburg State University, who awards a joint diploma. The University of Ljubljana is an associate partner that offers additional mobility for students.

The programme is taught entirely in English (120 ECTS) and MIREES students will spend the first year in Forlì (one of the five campuses of the University of Bologna), while in the second year a minimum of 5 months will be spent at Partner Universities (including Ljubljana) and, in particular cases, at other MIREES Associated Universities in the Balkans. A mobility grant is offered to all enrolled students.

More detailed information on the teaching plan and the Faculty, together with the application form, can be found at our web site: .

The programme is especially recommended for prospective PhD students. Our best alumni are currently attending doctorate programmes at the Universities of Oxford, Kent, the New School in New York and other prestigious international academic institutions. Moreover, the programme is designed to forge analysts, area experts, consultants and mediators, to meet the needs of research institutes, the European Commission,

international agencies, voluntary organizations and NGO's, public administration, managers, corporations and banks located in East-Central Europe and the Balkans or promoting investments in these regions. Most of our alumni have found employment precisely in these fields.

The MIREES programme offers specialized, in-depth knowledge of the post-socialist countries in transition, the new EU member states, and the new East-European neighbour countries to students with a BA in Economics, Politics, International Relations, History, Languages (and Slavic languages in particular), agricultural studies and cultural studies generally.

The programme aims at developing language skills. MIREES offers courses in Bosnian-Croatian- Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, and Slovak (Hungarianand Lithuanian are also available in the 2nd year), as well as Italian for foreigners as an additional option. The curriculum stresses on interdisciplinary studies in the economics of transition; politics and international relations; history and cultural studies focused on Central, Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The international dimension of

the programme is enhanced through student mobility, by an international faculty composed of prominent scholars of international repute, and a genuinely international student body. (In the previous cycles we enrolled students from 21 countries including the US, Mexico, Russia, Georgia, Estonia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Germany, United Kingdom, Turkey, Albania, Poland, Armenia, Norway, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Slovak Republic, Finland and, of course, Italy.)

Therefore, we would be extremely grateful if you could encourage your BA students to consider applying to this two year programme and, at the same time, if you could forward this message to your colleagues interested in this part of the world. With this in mind we are sending you as an attachment our promotional flyer in a pdf file. It briefly covers all the general aspects of the programme, as well as the mission
and the profile of our Master of Arts.

Should you need further information, please feel free to contact the Tutor of the course at facscpol-fo. tutormirees@ unibo.itor the Faculty Student Office (info.spfo@unibo. it, phone +39.0543.374100) .

Thank you very much for your kind attention and cooperation.

Best regards,

Prof. Stefano Bianchini

Director, Master of Arts MIREES

University of Bologna

School of Political Science, Forlì Campus

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships