

[Australia] PhD Scholarship Database Optimisation for Flash Memory

One PhD scholarship is available in the area of database optimization for flash memory. Flash memory is a superior database storage medium than the hard disk drive(HDD). Flash memory can access data up to 100 times faster than HDD and currently can store more than 640GB of data. This means in the future flash memory is likely to replace HDDs for large database servers that require high performance. In addition flash memory is particularly suitable for small portable devices since it is small, shock resistant and uses little energy. This project aims to create and evaluate algorithms that take full advantage of the desirable characteristics of flash memory while overcoming its significant hardware constraints. Applicant must have strong programming capabilities.

Applicant must have achieved at least an honours 2a or equivalent degree in computer science or similar discipline and fulfil other requirements for PhD candidature in La Trobe University (for more information see RGSO web site).

English Requirements:
International students must fulfill the university English requirements, see here for more information.

Tuition Fees:
International students with a 1st class honours or equivalent degree will be exempt from paying tuition fees. All Australian students will be exempt from paying tuition fees as usual.

Scholarship Amount:
$26, 669 per year (2009 APAI rate) for 3 years. The scholarship is funded under the ARC discovery project scheme (project number DP0985451).

La Trobe University

Contact Person:
Name: Dr Zhen He
Phone: (03) 9479 3036
Web site: home page

Web Source

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