Women in Science International Fellowships 2010 - UNESCO-L’ORÉAL
Application for the 2010 cycle of the UNESCO-L’ORÉAL For Women in Science International Fellowships is now open.
The Fellowships are jointly offered by UNESCO and L’ORÉAL, as part of the For Women In Science Programme, to support and promote women in scientific research all over the world.
The international Fellowships are awarded to promising young women scientists, at the doctoral or postdoctoral level, to undertake a research project in the life sciences which has been accepted by a reputable institution outside their home country.
15 international Fellowships are awarded each year. Each Fellowship is worth a maximum of US$40,000 to cover a research period of up to 24 months.
The international Fellowships aspire to support the scientific vocations of young women, to give them the opportunity to build international networks in the scientific community, and to gain crucial experience that they can bring back and share with others in their home countries.
The Fellowship beneficiaries are geographically spread, three Fellows being selected from each of the following regions: Africa; Arab States; Asia & the Pacific; Europe & North America; and Latin America & the Caribbean.
Candidates must be female and no more than 35 years old (born after 1 January 1975).
Preference will be given to candidates already possessing a PhD degree (or equivalent) in the field of life sciences at the time of application. However, applications from doctoral students will be considered.
Candidates must be proficient in reading and writing the language of instruction in the proposed country of study.
Candidates must already be engaged in and undertake research in one or allied fields of life sciences, including biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and physiology. Projects involving animal models (i.e. experimentation using vertebrate laboratory animals) will not be accepted; and preference is given to non cosmetic researches.
Applications must be submitted through and endorsed by the UNESCO National Commission of the Candidate’s home country.
Procedure and Deadlines
The deadline for submission to UNESCO headquarters is 30th June 2009. Applications from UK citizens must be submitted through the UK National Commission for UNESCO and received by 1st June 2009. The UK National Commission will consider and evaluate the applications and submit selected applications to UNESCO headquarters with its endorsement. Each National Commission can select and submit a maximum of four candidates.
After submission to UNESCO, the applications will be considered by a special Selection Committee, comprising representatives of UNESCO, L’ORÉAL and Life Sciences research communities & institutions.
Completed applications, together with supporting documentation, should be submitted by post to (UK citizens only): UK National Commission for UNESCO, c/o UNA, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL.
Non-UK citizen applications should be submitted to the UNESCO National Commission of the Candidate’s home country. For a list of the 195 National Commissions around the world, visit UNESCO’s website at: www.unesco.org
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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