

International Master or PhD Research Scholarships - University of Melbourne

A world class research university is first and foremost an international university attracting high-achieving students beyond national boundaries. The University's commitment to international students at postgraduate level is demonstrated through a prestigious range of scholarships for both research degrees and postgraduate coursework programs.

If you are an outstanding international student proposing to undertake a research higher degree at the University of Melbourne, you are invited to apply for a Melbourne International Research Scholarship (MIRS) and/or International Postgraduate Research Award (IPRS).

Melbourne International Research Scholarships (living stipends) Number to be awarded and benefits Up to 80 MRS will provide a living allowance of $15,900 per year in 2000. Effective 1 July 2000 (due to GST) the stipend will increase to $16,536 p.a.

The level of stipend is reviewed annually.
Both commencing international research higher degree students and currently-enrolled international students may apply.


The duration of the scholarship is normally limited to the standard length of the Masters by Research, approved Higher Doctorate or PhD program, subject to satisfactory performance.


Recipients may begin any time in the semester in which they have an offer of a place
Students who hold an IPRS in addition to an MIRS must begin by 31 August
We are unable to permit awards to be deferred to the following year. Students who cannot take up their scholarship in the immediate academic year are invited to apply for the following year

Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship (MIFRS)

Number to be awarded and benefits

Up to 50 Melbourne International Scholarships meet the full cost of tuition fees.
These scholarships are only available to commencing international research higher degree students, and do not cover overseas student health care.
Scholarships are available in all courses although each faculty has a limit on its numbers.


The scholarship is normally limited to the standard length of the masters by research, approved higher doctorate or PhD program, subject to satisfactory performance.


Recipients may begin any time in the semester in which they have an offer of a place.
Awards may not be deferred to the following year.

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)

These are highly sought-after Australian Government scholarships which are awarded annually to commencing full-time research higher degree students who have been offered an unconditional place in Masters, approved Higher Doctorates, Masters leading to PhD and PhD programs. Students who are awarded an IPRS from the University of Melbourne will automatically be allocated a Melbourne International Research Scholarship (living allowance). Students transferring IPRS from other institutions are not guaranteed an allocation of MIRS stipend.

Number to be awarded and benefits

The University expects that up to 20 scholarships will be available on the basis of the 1999 allocation. Scholarships cover tuition fees for each year of the course and the annual Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)


Duration is normally limited to the standard length of the Masters by Research, approved Higher Doctorate, or PhD program, subject to satisfactory performance.


IPRS holders must begin by 31 August

Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships (International)

Number to be awarded and benefits

The Scholarships cover 50% of the annual tuition fee for the duration of the course.
A limited number of scholarships will be available in 2000 for high achieving international students undertaking Masters programs by Coursework in the Faculties of Arts, Economics and Commerce (excluding Master of Applied Finance and Master of International Business), Education, Law, Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences, and the Institute of Land & Food Resources or Postgraduate Diplomas in the Faculties of Education, Law, Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences and the Institute of Land and Food Resources.


* Selection is based on academic merit and demonstrated research potential;
* Minimum qualification is a first class honours degree or a first division with distinction; publications in refereed journals are also taken into consideration;
* In accordance with Commonwealth regulations, New Zealand citizens are not eligible;
* No age restrictions apply;
* English language requirements must be met and documentation submitted by the closing date for applications.

You must comply with any contractual obligations which are owed to an employer or sponsor (in particular those obligations relating to time to be spent in the home country following completion of undergraduate study).

Contact info: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Melbourne Scholarships Office
John Smyth Building, Level 3
The University of Melbourne
Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia
Telephone: 61 3 8344 8747
Facsimile: 61 3 9349 1740

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