JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Long Term) FY2010 (2010-2011)
The JSPS Invitation Fellowship for Research in Japan (Long Term) is offered to promote international scientific cooperation and exchange. It allows researchers employed at designated Japanese research institutions to invite fellow researchers from other countries to Japan to participate in cooperative activities at
their research institutions.
Applications for this program must be submitted to JSPS by a host researcher in Japan through the head of his/her university or institution.
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are included under this program.
The applicant (host researcher) must be a researcher who is employed full-time or classified as being employed full-time at a university or research institution of the types listed in Table I. Fellows must conduct their research at the host’s affiliated institution.
- * Full-time employment classification is determined by the regulations of the host institution.
** If a host researcher’s institution is not listed in the Table, please consult him/her. Other institutions can be eligible for the program if they take the necessary registration procedures and are regarded as eligible by JSPS.
The candidate must be a researcher with a research background equivalent to that of a professor, assistant professor or research associate in a Japanese university. As a rule, s/he should be employed full time in an overseas research institution in a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. (JSPS treats Taiwanese and Palestinian researchers in this manner.) Other researchers may be eligible if they have held a doctorate degree for a period of more than six years prior to April 1, 2010. If the candidate is of Japanese nationality, s/he must have lived abroad and been activity engaged in research for a period of over 10 years.
Approximately 70 fellowships will be granted.
- Fellowships are awarded for a period of 2 months (61 days) to 10 months.
- Successful candidates must start the Fellowship in Japan during the following period:
April 1, 2010 – March 31, 2011
The terms of the Awards indicated below are subject to change.
?For fellows:
- A round-trip air ticket
- A monthly maintenance allowance of ¥369,000
- Domestic research travel allowance of ¥100,000
- Research expenses of ¥40,000
- Overseas travel accident and sickness insurance coverage
For hosts:
Host’s cooperation allowance of ¥50,000
Applicants (host researchers) are required to use JSPS’s electronic application system to apply for fellowships.
Applications for this program must be submitted to JSPS by a host researcher in Japan through the head of his/her university or institution. Foreign researchers wishing to participate in this program are advised to establish contact with a Japanese or foreign-resident researcher in their field and to ask him/her to submit an application. They should make this contact well in advance of the host institution’s application deadline indicated below.
Application process is as follows:
- Contact made between candidate and applicant (host researcher)
- Applicant (host researcher) submits application to institution’s head office
- Office submits application to JSPS
- JSPS does not find or introduce host researchers.
- JSPS does not accept applications submitted directly by foreign researchers or through diplomatic channels.
- There is another application channel: JSPS also receives applications for the program through its overseas nominating authorities (Table II). Regarding this procedure, please contact the nominating authority in your country.
Materials to be submitted
- Materials to be prepared by the host researcher
- Application form to be filled in by the host researcher (Form 1)
- Application form to be filled in by the foreign candidate (Form 2)
- Materials to be prepared by the administrative office of the host institution
- Form A (indicating the number of applications)
- Form B (list of applications)
Application deadline (for host institution): September 4, 2009
Note: This deadline is for the head of the host institution to submit the application to JSPS; the time frame for applicants (host researchers) to submit their applications is normally earlier.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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