

Don Sinclair Research Fellowship 2010 At Lincolan University ? New Zealand

Lincolan University Offers Don Sinclair Research Fellowship 2010 In New Zealand For PhD Degree

Detail: Awarded by the N.Z. Apple and Pear Marketing Board to encourage postgraduate study in N.Z. universities, as well as research that will contribute to the further development of the pip fruit industry. The fellowship is available to persons studying full-time for a Ph.D. degree. Preference will be given to N.Z. students but overseas students at N.Z. universities can apply

.Special Selection Criteria:
* Development of Pip Fruit Industry.

Applications close on 30 November the year before taking up the fellowship, with the Corporate Research Manager, N.Z. Apple and Pear Marketing Board,P.O. Box 3328, Wellington.

International Availability:
* Available to New Zealand/Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident Students
* Available to International Students

Ground Floor
George Forbes Building

Phone No: 64 3 325 2811

Fax: 64 3 325 3850

Last Date To Apply:30 November,2010


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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships