

FCT Scholarships in Technology for Doctoral and Post Doctoral Studies 2010, Portugal

In accordance with the Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources, and taking into account the Research Grant Holder Statute, published by Law no. 40/2004 of August 18, the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) opens a call for funding of individual grants of the following types:

Post Doctoral Grants (BPD)

These grants are intended for individuals who have already completed a doctoral degree, preferably within the last five years, for the purpose of carrying out advanced research in Portuguese or foreign scientific institutes of recognized merit.

Doctoral Grants (BD)

These grants target holders of a university degree who are accepted as doctoral students in a Portuguese or foreign university.

The FCT calls particular attention to the recent changes in Articles 17, 19 and 20 of the Regulations, concerning the eligibility of foreign citizens’ applications.


The grants are funded by Programa Operacional Potencial Humano of QREN Portugal 2007-2013 and by the national budget through MCTES.
Period of the Call

The call will be open from May 3rd to September 6th and will include two evaluation cycles.

The first cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before 5pm on June 17th, 2010. The second cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before on September 6th, 2010.

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