

3 PhD positions in Medicine, Tallinn Univ of Technology, Estonia

The Institute of Clinical Medicine in Tallinn University of Technology is looking for two Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships and three Doctoral Students.

The Institute of Clinical Medicine (ICM) was established as part of the Technomedicum of Tallinn University of Technology in 2007. The Institute operates as a science-, study- and development establishment in the medicine sphere. Clinical medicine is an area that builds a competence bridge between biomedicine and the clinical manifestation of diseases. Our institute adds the missing expertise to the development of the preferential areas in TUT (such as chemistry- and biotechnology, biomedicine), filling an important link in the "Program for scientific-and developmental actions in chemistry, biotechnology and biomedicine for the period of 2005-2015" (TUT, 2005).

ICM is looking to fill the following research positions:

Post-doctoral (1) Experimental Human Pathology.

Research subject: Pathogenesis of chronic obstructive lung disorders.

Post-doctoral (2) Biomarker Discovery.

Research subject: Proteomic characterization of biomarkers in chronic obstructive lung disorders.

PhD Student (1) Experimental Human Pathology.

Research subject: Pathogenesis of chronic obstructive lung disorders.

PhD Student (2) Biomarker Discovery.

Research subject: Proteomic characterization of biomarkers in chronic obstructive lung disorders.

PhD Student (3) eHealth.

Research subject: eHealth applications in Estonian health care system.

The ICM supervisors of the positions include:

Experimental Human Pathology

Professor Ruth Sepper, MD Tallinn University of Technology

Docent Kaiu Prikk, MD Tallinn University of Technology

Professor Thomas Fehniger, Tallinn University of Technology

Professor György Marko-Varga, Lund University


Associate Professor Hanna Pohjonen, Aalto University School of Science and Technology & Tallinn University of Technology

Dr. Peeter Ross MD,

Please send your CV with Cover Letter to kmi at ttu dot eekmi at ttu dot

Additional information:

Mariliis Sepper

The Institute of Clinical Medicine


kmi at ttu dot eekmi at ttu dot

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships