

Switzerland:POSTDOC position in Computational Systems Biology-ETH Zurich

With 9/2010 the Automatic Control Lab at ETH Zurich will establish a new group on computational systems biology, headed by Heinz Koeppl who will join the lab as an assistant professor. Focus will be put on the development of advanced algorithms for the analysis and design of biomolecular circuits. This includes, but is not limited to, application of interval and robust control methods, reachability analysis of uncertain nonlinear systems, Bayesian inference for ODE models and Markov process models and the application of formal methods (model checking, static analysis) for the analysis of hybrid, process calculi, and graph rewriting representations of biomolecular circuits. For this new group we are seeking Post-Doc candidates.

Successful candidates will have a strong computational and mathematical background, an interest in systems biology and the drive to proactively interact with research groups from other fields, such as biochemistry. Candidates may hold a Ph.D. degree in applied math, computer science, bioinformatics, biochemistry, physics, engineering or in a related field. Any wetlab experience is highly appreciated. The application including list of publications and CV with contact details of at least three references, should be sent (in a single pdf file) to Heinz Koeppl ( until July 2.
Application Deadline : 2 July 2010

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