The programme is dedicated to academic improvement, aiming undergraduate and graduate students (MA and PhD) who prepare their final papers (dissertations, theses). The selection is performed by an independent committee of professionals, based on an application file that must contain, among other papers, a reference letter from the supervisor of the BA or MA dissertation or doctoral thesis.
Deadline for submitting the applications: May 15th 2010
The documentation and research period have to be ended until December 31st, 2010.
Grant’s value: 3 495 euros/person
The field for which the evaluation and selection is performed: collecting reference materials and research
ICR awards 5 grants on a yearly basis.
Length of the grant: 3 months
Required application papers:
- application form;
- resume;
- project’s description;
- 2 reference letters (one from the supervisor and the second one from another professor, preferably an academic specialized on the proposed topic);
- Copies of one the studies published in the last two years in a scientific review;
- The period for which the grant application is made
Institutul Cultural Român, Aleea Alexandru nr. 38, sector 1, Bucureşti.
Ruxandra Sighinaş
031 7100 675
Scholarship source:
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