

[UK] PhD Research Studentship 2009 on The relationship between international outsourcing and innovation

Closing date: 15 April 2009
In today’s increasingly competitive and globalised corporate landscape, outsourcing and innovation are seen as the tools that give organisations the ability to develop sustainable competitive positions. Although, taken individually, these thematic areas (outsourcing and innovation) have already been subjected to considerable academic scrutiny, the relationship between the two is still relatively under-researched. PhD proposals are invited to examine the linkages between international outsourcing and innovation at both a theoretical and empirical level. More specifically, the focus of the research would be to investigate whether international outsourcing may increase or hinder innovative activity at plant, industry, sector and/or country level.

Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:

Professor Glauco De Vita
tel: +44 (0)1865 485798


Dr Surja Datta
tel: +44 (0)1865-485842


Dr Sandy Kyaw
tel: +44 (0)1865-485952.

Applicants must have a good 2.1 honours degree in economics or business economics and a good masters degree in economics or closely related discipline. Some experience of econometric estimation (regression analysis) and familiarity with standard econometric packages (such as Stata or EViews) would be an advantage. The successful candidate will also require a high degree of computer literacy. (At undergraduate level a good 2.1 is taken to mean an average mark in the upper half of the 2.1 band and a good masters degree is taken to mean an average grade of at least 65% with no mark below 60%, and at least 65% at the dissertation stage).

Applicants will produce a research proposal of not more than 2,000 words that outlines and justifies the proposed research question, identifies any additional data requirements and details the proposed work programme.

The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. The bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.

For details regarding how to apply please download the application form, reference form and additional information.

Completed applications forms should be sent directly to: Business School HR Team, Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, OX33 1HX or email

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