

[Sweden] PhD Studentship in Mechatronics at Chalmers University of Technology

Reference number 2009/33
Application deadline 2009-04-20

At the Department of Signals and Systems, we conduct world leading research in biomedical engineering, antennas and signal processing, automatic control, automation and mechatronics, and communication systems. Our research deals to a large extent with the modeling and development of efficient systems for extracting and processing information. The systems are often affected by signals from the environment which we cannot change and signals that we produce ourselves to control the systems. Systems which our researchers focus on include hearing aids, robots, power chains, plants, and mobile phones.

Job description

There is an increasing use of mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization in modern product development. In our research, which is in close connection with industrial partners, we use modern tools on new problems, and develop the tools further so that better products can be developed faster and more reliable. To do this we use tools from the signal and system toolbox, such as control theory, signal processing, system identification, optimization, and modeling techniques of various kinds. In this project you will develop techniques and tools for optimizing mechatronic products which involves joint decisions of mechanical design issues as well as decisions on the control parameters. Such tools make it possible to speed up the product development cycle at the same time as quality and environmental aspects are being optimized.

You will be part of an international research environment for up to five years while you expand your knowledge of the field and write your doctoral thesis. This gives opportunities for many inspiring conversations, a lot of interesting work and some travel.

The position is limited to at most five years. Usually, a PhD student will spend about 80 percent of his or her time on graduate studies, and about 20 percent on teaching.


The successful applicant should have a strong background in mathematical modeling of mechanical systems, signal processing and control theory. Experience of optimization and programming is appreciated. The applicant should be interested in pursuing innovative results in developing engineering tools for optimization and system identification of models of mechatronic systems. Teamwork and presentation skills, as well as fluent English, are necessary requisites.

Application procedure

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2009/33) must be written on the first page of the application.


Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information

Associate Professor Jonas Fredriksson, telephone +46 31 772 1359

Professor Claes Breitholtz: telephone +46 31 772 3718

Union representatives

  • SACO: Jan Lindér
  • T: Marie Wenander
  • SEKO: Ralf Berndtsson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

Application form:

Official announcement available at:

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships