

22 PhD positions at the FACETS Project

FACETS-ITN Ph.D. positions: From Neuroscience to Neuro-Inspired Computing

22 Ph.D. Positions are available in the following scientific work areas: Neurobiology of Cells and Networks, Modelling of Neural Systems, Neuromorphic Hardware, Neuro-Electronic Interfaces, Computational Principles in Neural Architectures, Mechanisms of Learning and Plasticity.

This 'Marie-Curie Initial Training Network' (funded by the EU) involves 15 groups at European Research Universities, Research Centers and Industrial Partners in 6 countries.

Ph.D. students will participate in an exciting research programme and will receive a strongly interdisciplinary training in all scientific areas involved as well as in additional skills (planned training workshops). The program also includes extended stays in several partner laboratories (about 4 months in 2-3 different locations). Ph.D. degrees will be awarded by the universities of the partner groups. Each position is funded for up to 3 years.

Applicants with an excellent degree (Master of Science, Diploma, earned since September 2005) in Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics and the strong wish to actively contribute to an interdisciplinary research activity are invited to apply.

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships